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Found 25 results

  1. Quite regularly, questions turn up about the authenticity of Keichosaurus fossil specimens. Until now, most, if not all, were natural, but mostly just very poorly prepped. Would you like to show off "real" fakes, casts or replicas of Keichosaurus? I would like to get a feeling for them, at least from pics. If there already exists such a topic somewhere else in the forum, please put a link in this topic. Thank you very much! Franz Bernhard
  2. Hello, i'm currently looking at acquiring a Keichousaurus Hui fossil and was wondering if anyone could review the images and give feedback on whether its real, and in what level of condition this sits at if so. i.e is this in poorer condition due to prep, etc. Thanks in advance!
  3. No shoulder blades or pelvis are visible. Just a matter of presentation/preparation, or someone sort of forgot such annoying details while carving/painting a fake?
  4. Hi, I’ve been reading as much as possible on the site and have found the following two with as little restoration done as possible… which would be preferred or avoided from all of you with a lot more experience than myself on the topic?Thanks In advance
  5. Hi everyone! One of the goals for my collection is to eventually own a keichousaurus fossil as they’ve come to really fascinate and captivate me. I’ve done some research externally and on the forum about how to identify real or fake or restored keich fossils and I wanted your guys’ input on this specimen I’ve recently come across. Admittedly, the prep work on this keich fossil, if real, is pretty bad and is definitely not something I’d go after, but I wanted to see if my bit of research has payed off. My guess is that the specimen is real, however, it seems to me like it’s had a very unpleasant acid prep done to it with some sort of restoration in the distal bones, possible in the tail too. What do you think? I’d love to hear your guy’s thoughts.
  6. I would like to ask if anyone has experience with fossil preparation with the help of heat. My question is triggered by that topic: Authenticating quartz (?) Keichousaurus? - Is It Real? How to Recognize Fossil Fabrications - The Fossil Forum My hypothesis is, that this specimen was baked (as a whole or only superficially, with a blow torch, for example, possibly several times) to promote flaking off of the matrix. Could this be correct? Another question: Some time ago, a baked crinoidal limestone was shown here on TFF (with color turned from a somewhat uniform gray to white-reddish), I can not find the topic again. Anybody else able to find it or able to point to a similar item? Thank you! Franz Bernhard
  7. Hi I came across this Keichousaurus fossil online and was wondering if it is real or as major restorations of painted parts. Thanks!
  8. Hello, everyone. I am a first time poster. I received a Keichosaurus fossil as a gift. My grandfather purchased it many years ago in Alberta, Canada at a gem show. Could you please have a look at the pictures I took and let me know if you think this fossil is real or fake. Thank you kindly!
  9. Hi, I am not an expert, so I decided to ask for help in this forum. My Dream is to buy real fossils so I found a website with some interesting fossils, a keichosaurus and three Megalodon teeth. Can you help me to recognise if they are real fossils or not? thank you very much!
  10. I really wanted to try my hand at a keichousaurus hui again. I took a lot of inspiration from marine iguanas. I work in digital. I took the feedback that I got on my last one and really tried to apply it all here. I also had the opportunity after I posted that last one to go and examine 2 actual specimens in person. I even got a rather spotty replica on that trip (Not that there wasn’t an abundance of references to find online). As before any input is welcome. I’m still very new to adding meat to bones and I want to get better.
  11. Hello, I was wondering if these chinese Keichosaurus looked real? How much reconstruction/restoration if any, and how is their condition? Both slabs are about 9 inches long. First looks ok to me, second's body looks a bit weird. Thank you! 1. 2.
  12. RobFallen


    From the album: Robs Fossil Collection

    Keichousaurus Matrix size 32cm x 22cm
  13. RobFallen

    New Hyphalosaurus

    Got my new Hyphalosaurus today, it's been seen on here previously it seems, love it however and had to show it off, the right side is broken so will need to get it fixed at some point so for now it will live in the Riker case to keep it safe Hope you guys like it
  14. Keicollector

    Is this fossil botched?

    On reddit, i was told my Keichousaurus was called an "atrocious glue up" i cant see any issue, but i want to see if you guys can diagnose any issue the little critter has, and suggest ways to resolve them. This rlly concerns me, any help is appreciated.
  15. Hi! I would like to buy this Keichosaurus, can anyone tell me if this is real? thank you!
  16. Can you suffer yet another keichousaurus-related question, and a twin one as that? These two are being offered on an auction site by different and continents-apart sellers. Both sellers are located outside China, so unless they both rely on triangulation operations it would appear that the problems related to the Chinese fossil export ban have already been solved one way or another. Item #1 is 24cm long, item #2 16 cm. Bidding on both is currently very low. Do you see reasons to regard any of these two critters (or both) as suspicious or anyway to be avoided? If noth, which one should I try and go for? Thanks in advance
  17. Hi All Just another novice here looking for some thoughts on whether a Keichosaurus is real or fake or compounded. Any thoughts welcome.
  18. Hi guys was wondering if this looks authentic? What would be a fair price to sell as? Dimensions are 25cm by 15cm. Kindest regards, Jake
  19. Hi, In 2013 I bought a keichosaurus fossil from online , and since then I haven't thought much of it, after me and my mum and dad moved to a new apartment the fossil got somewhat forgotten, but today I tried inspecting it. I read some of the treads here but even with this I can't decide if mine is a real or a fake one. From what I have gathered there aren't many outright fakes, but more so real ones that are enhanced. I will be glad to hear your opinion on the pictures (sorry for the poor quality but I had to use my phone). Any response will be very much appreciated. Best regards to everybody.
  20. Hi everyone, I’ve read a few posts by others about their dubious Keichosaurus fossils, so I understand the gist of the situation when it comes to these pieces, but still wanted more than one opinion on a Keichosaurus I may obtain. I don’t necessarily mind having a piece that is enhanced a bit, but what I do not want is a completely bogus fossil. If anyone can tell me how much authenticity they believe this fossil to have based on photos alone, I’d love any feedback. It’s being offered to me for trade by another collector in exchange for my 4.2 inch Carcharodontosaurus tooth. I got my tooth for a very fair price, and so my concern is letting go of this tooth and not being able to replace it for a similar reasonable price. It’s not a perfect Carch but it is a nice one. Bad trade? Good trade?
  21. Would like some input it looks good to me however don't feel I know enough about this type of fossil to be 100 percent confident it does have the calcium cracks, bones are not in a typical easy to fake position however there is always the chance of paint so I do appreciate the views of others that have seen with the naked eye and know what unwritten red flags to look for.
  22. I have come across a Keichosaurus from ebay... it does look quite good after trawling across the numerous threads that exist on this forum. Can someone have a second look for me? Thanks
  23. Rudrash

    Keichosaurus, Real Or Fake?

    Help! This is real fossil or FAKE? I bought it from a seller from China at auction Ebay. Thank you!
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