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  1. I have this Keichousaurus in my collection. It has a weird purple spot in his chest what looks like amethist to me . If it really is , how rare are cristaliced skeletons ? ( Sorry if the photos are not the greatest , i've tried my best photographing it )
  2. Hi folks, I have a very interesting (to me) problem. I am a box maker and have been given a baby keichousaurus fossil to use as part of the lid to the box. I am attaching 3 pictures. First is a pic as taken by the seller. Second is a pic I took when received. Third is a pic just after I wiped it with a little denatured alcohol. My obvious question is what happened? I am wondering if this was faked, but maybe I'm just stupid for wiping it? Can I fix it? Thanks in advance for any advice you can offer.
  3. I bought it about a month ago. It's a very bizarre posturing I've never seen before, but I'm also scared sometimes because I think it might be a fake. If it's like being painted on genuine stuff, it doesn't matter.
  4. Hello, I recently acquired a Keichousaurus in a shale-like plate and I wasn’t sure if acid was a good way to prepare it. i have some experience preparing Keichousaurus using acid (45 second baths using 5% formic acid), but I’ve only done it on “hard” plates, never on a plate like this. If anyone knows more, please share some info, thanks!
  5. A person is selling this fossil as a faithful reproduction by framed casting (11 inches x 16 inches) purchased in Shanghai. I have the impression that it could be real, is this possible?
  6. Hello, i saw this Keichousaurus from Gouizhou, China, on auction today and think theres something wrong about it. The bones look like If they're carved from one piece, the toes look paint. But im not sure If its a complete fake. Because many of the structures seem to be real, but badly preserved. Also, i dont know how common it was in the 1980/90's to fake Keichous. Thats when it was found. So what do you think about it, is it a real and bad preserved one, a 50/50, or a complete fake ? Thanks for any advise ! (The seller didnt made that many close up pictures from different angles, sadly)
  7. There's tons of images of all kind of Keichousaurus specimens online, but I couldn't find a single image/video of where do they find them or how are they extracted. Does anybody know where this kind of material can be found? Disclaimer: It is common knowledge that most (?) Keichousaurus are found in China, the question doesn't go in that direction.
  8. My grandma says she must've gotten them somewhere around 40 years ago, and though she dpesnt remember where exactly she got it, she did say that she's travelled all over Asia,including China, througout her life (in fact, she even lived there in the 90s). Also, I was curious if there was any ways to preserve the fossil; it's kinda been kept out in the open it's whole life and I was wondering if there was any ways it could be displayed, like idk framed, in such a way that it gets protected from future damages? Thanks in advance
  9. Brevicollis

    My collection

    Hello, I wanted to show you my collection and wanted to hear your opinion about it. If you have an idea what I could do better, say so. (Sorry if the photos aren't great) In it are: -3 Keichousaurus -7 Apateon pedestris -many fish fossils -many reptile teeth: (Carcharodontosaurus, Plesiosaurus, Spinosaurus, Suchomimus, Mosasaurus, Triceratops, Abelisaurid teeth, Rebbachisaurus (8.3 cm!), Elosuchus, unknown crocodile teeth from South America) -lots of shark teeth (Megalodon, Isurus, Otodus...) -some mammal teeth (mammoth, woolly rhinoceros, gomphoteria, bison, cave bear) -12 ammonites -Some plant fossils -Some reptile bones (Spinosaurus, crocodile scale) -Belemites - Trilobites
  10. Crazyhen

    Keichousaurus hatchling?

    This hatchling was found at Fuyuan of Yunnan Province, China. It looks like Keichousaurus but it has a distinctly rounder skull, longer neck and a shorter tail. Could it be the hatchling of another species like Dianopachysaurus dingi? I also attach a typical Keichousaurus hatchling for easy comparison.
  11. Hi! I recently purchased the following Keichousaurus Hui. Although I have a modest fossil collection primarily consisting of Trilobites, this is my first Keichousaurus fossil. I had a chance to inspect the fossil first hand in the store before purchasing and while it looks quite nice to me, I would appreciate feedback from this group. IMHO, the piece is very attractive and presentable as a display piece (and it carried a correspondingly 'display piece' price!). I don't have any major concerns other than maybe the piece is too nice as it is nearly symmetrical, the detail is very fine, etc. Here is what I have observed: 1) The fossil is extremely 3D with well defined relief. Bones are thick, heavy, dark and well articulated. The fingers and toes in particular are very well defined. 2) The neck loop is very unique and the 'physical loop looks right' in that the bones go under and around each other in a believable way. 3) I did a very light acetone test on most bones, including the fingers and there was a bit of soil that came up. I did not see evidence of ink, nor did any of the bone detail wipe off. 4) The head is very detailed with needle like bones that might be teeth? 5) The matrix is soft and from the side is clearly layered. The back side of the matrix is flaking off and has a section that appears a little glossy... perhaps epoxy of some kind was used to shore up a weak back side? 6) There are thin cracks/striations that cross the specimen. These line up with the natural lines of the animal, so it does not appear that it is a composite. 7) There are no bubbles that I can see. 8) There appear to be a jumbled lump of bones in the gut... maybe the little guy's last meal? I have a ten day purchase guarantee from the seller and would love to keep this piece for display. Would appreciate the experts in this forum to help give me some confidence as to the quality of this piece, thank you! Jason
  12. This is normally not the type of thing I'd consider as it's not up the same alley of things I normally collect (dinosaur) but I came across it on a not so known site so I'm curious if it's real as I just don't have an eye for these. Color is relatively uniform which is throwing me off quite a bit as normally these are painted from what I've seen here.
  13. I'm thinking about buying this Keichsosaurus, found in China, at Taiwan since 1980. Since there are so many fakes of the Keichsosaurs out there: is it real or a colorful fake? Size: 23 x 12 cm Size Keichosaurus: about 29 cm long, male
  14. Is this specimen real? Doesn't seem like it's been grinded down too much?
  15. Curious to read opinions on this. Looks interesting, want to think it is authentic, from the underside (?) though the neck vertebrae seem twisted and the head seems off, perhaps shaped and painted.
  16. This specimen of Keichousaurus is manually prepped. Note that there are some seemingly "remains" of skin at the stomach and pelvic region. Any idea if that could really be imprint of skin remains?
  17. Hello, I'm currently looking to purchase reptile material and found this Keichousaurus fossil from the Guizhou Province of China. It is being offered on a popular auction site. It is supposedly Triassic. Is this fossil genuine? Restored? Thanks for the help.
  18. I haven't seen keichousaurus with hollows in the matrix like in this specimen (but they don't look like the bubble defects from a replica mold). I'm guessing it's real but I've never seen one without all of the prep damage that is typically present.
  19. Hello all, I'm interested in these keichousaurus brothers. The seller has reserved the matrix for me, and I would love to understand some things before I buy. Better first ask to avoid bad surprises later ;-) Hope some of the experts here can support me. My questions are Is it an original/authentic fossil and not a replica? Guess it is original ;-) The quality of preparation seems to be below average? What is this untypical light-grey cloud around the right brother? Cheap prep? It looks a bit flat to me, not really 3d-look bones, is this from erosion? Is it complete or can you see any enhancement, paint or retouch been made? Thanks a lot everyone in advance. mr.rod
  20. Hello! I am brand new to fossils but fell for the Keichousaurus. After combing through old Fossil Forum posts on different prep methods, I’ve been on the hunt for a nicely prepared specimen. I found this one from a friendly, reputable seller and the prep looks great compared to everything else I can find online. However I’m looking for a dorsal specimen ideally, and this one is not exactly cheap. How hard will it be to match this prep quality in a dorsal specimen? Are we talking years of looking for a similarly nice piece or do they pop up fairly regularly?
  21. Hello! First, does anyone know what the mineral composition of most keich fossils is? The common darkly colored ones? Or does it vary a great deal? I have some idea what to look for in the “normal” dark keich fossils, but this one appears to be composed of mostly quartz…? Or is it something else? This seems challenging to fake and the photos look convincing to me, but I have no experience in comparing these white keich specimens. Is this likely to be real?
  22. Greetings! I am completely new to fossil collecting but adore Keichousaurus and have spent a lot of time combing through old Fossil Forum posts about authenticating and preparing these fossils. Looking forward to learning more and hopefully finding some gorgeous specimens!
  23. This question should probably go on the general discussion, but I post it here on the chance that the answer might point at some form of fakety. I am intrigued by this K. being offered fo sale. How was it prepared? To my untrained eye, there seem to be no signs of tools. Judging by the areas surrounding the fossile, it would appear that some kind of acid (?) has been used, thar corroded the stone matrix away while leaving the bones intact (?!?) Is something like that possibile?
  24. Hi, I found this fossil sold online, what are your opinions about it? In general, are auction sites good websites to buy fossils or have you a website to suggest where I can buy fossils original? Thank you for your help!!
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