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  1. Newbie_1971

    Maybe, I am not sure

    I found these after work today. I am wondering if one of them is something out of the ordinary. I am not sure what it is, but pretty sure it is not a flexi. It seems to have a spinal piece sticking off to it's side.
  2. FossilNerd

    First Trip to St. Leon

    Last weekend I finally made my way up to the famous St. Leon road cut. Also known as South Gate Hill in some literature. I made the 2.5 hour drive to Lawrenceburg Indiana after work last Friday and stayed overnight so that I could be up with the sun and on my way Saturday morning. The site itself is another 20-30 minutes from the hotel. By 6am I was out the door and on the road. After a quick gas station stop I found myself at the mile long road cut. Most people come here to hunt in the butter shale of the exposed Liberty Formation for Flexicalymene rollers. I was no exception. Trilobites are not common in my immediate area so they were top on my list of things to find here. The butter shale is easy to spot. A creamy light gray layer exposed at the top of the second tier. I made my way there and following the advice of @Nimravis (Who sadly couldn’t make the trip to hunt with me. Missed you Ralph!) I got down on my hands and knees and put my nose to the ground. Most of the trilobites found here are quite small. The ones that I found were maybe a centimeter. I was lucky enough to come away with 2 complete rollers and 1 that was complete minus a bit of damage to the cephalon. Plus other trilo-bits. Including the usual Isotelus chunks found throughout the Ordovician of the area. A pile of Isotelus fragments. After I adjusted my focus away from trilobites I was able to see that the site had plenty more on offer. Brachiopods are everywhere here. I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves. Sorry for the lack of scale. The plastic ruler in the below picture fell out of my pocket very early in the day. I never found it. I can provide estimated sizes if requested, and will certainly have scale in the photos of the specimens I took home. This block was about a meter long. I found some nice examples of horn coral here too. Orthoconic nautiloids can be found here as well. Those were all the pictures I took from the field. All the ones worth sharing anyway. I stayed till after lunch, but all the climbing around and lack of food (forgot my packed lunch at the hotel )forced me away. After a bite to eat I also hit up a road cut in Lawrenceburg that I had read about. It was only 5 minutes from the hotel so I decided to check it out. The exposure was impressive in size, but not nearly as fossiliferous as St. Leon. Mainly consisting of Strophomenid brachiopods and some chunky bryozoans. Still I came away with a few finds and was glad that I took the time to look it over. The St. Leon road cut lived up to the hype and was well worth the visit. I definitely will be back. I’ve been short on time this week and haven’t gotten my finds that I brought home cleaned up enough for their photo shoot, but I plan on adding pictures of them as soon as I can as there was much more to see than pictured here. I also had plans to drive over to the AA highway, but I ended up having to head home earlier than expected. Oh well… Maybe that will be my next trip worthy of a report.
  3. Today a spent a little time collecting at a favorite spot in the Lawrenceburg, Indiana area, tomorrow I might hit the Lawrenceburg roadcut or AA Highway in Kentucky. Here are some pics of the area and the fossils that can be found, I only kept a select few. This location has a ton of bryozoan, as you an see from the pics below. CONTINUED ON NEXT POST-
  4. After dropping my wife off in Georgia for a couple months, I decided to make a quick stop at a favorite spot of mine in Lawrenceburg, Indiana and do a little Ordovician collecting. I did not collect much on this visit, but kept a couple of the pieces that are shown below, it was just nice to be outside without a coat and to feel the 67 degree temp. Pictures of the area-
  5. Sid James

    Please Help Identify these fossils

    I have lived on this property in Lawrenceburg, Tennessee for over 35 years. I have been noticing these fossils while working in a shade garden on the property. I believe they are some form of fossilized coral. I tried to find help in the Audubon Society Field Guide and by searching on line, but did not find anything that completely matched my samples. I have selected several pieces that I hope my help identify the fossils. The pieces I have found are usually 1-1 1/2" inches in diameter, and somewhat spherical. Many of the colonies are shaped like a 5 pointed star and appear in somewhat parallel rows. I have found only one example that has geodized. Please excuse my ignorance that prevents me from entering a more specific description. I hope the photographs will help.
  6. Today I was out collecting in Lawrenceburg, Indiana for several hours, accompanying me was some rainfall. This will be a picture heavy post and I will show various fossils that I found and many pieces that I left in the field. I will start out with trilobite parts of Flexicalymene and Isotelus. I did find my first ever complete trilobite, at least I think it is my first, and also my largest piece of an Isotelus that I have ever found. Now the pieces- Next post will be Bryozoan-
  7. Today I spent a little time in Lawrenceburg, Indiana Collecting some Ordovician fossils. Today I collected some brachiopods, bryozoan and trilo-bits. I usually do not collect much bryozoan, but I did like this piece. There is always a lot of bryozoan to be had— Here are some brachiopods that I collected- Here is a bunch of Trilo-bits, mostly Isotelus.
  8. Thursday night I check the weather report for Lawrenceburg, Indiana and saw that on Friday it was going to be in the 50's. So I did what any other Fossil Collector would do, I called the Hilton Doubletree and made a reservation for Friday night (on a side note, this is a great hotel to stay at, and it is right on the Ohio river). I let work know that I was going to be off and put together my collecting gear. 4:30 am (Friday), I was on the road to Southern Indiana for a little Ordovician collecting. 5 hours and about 350 miles later, I was collecting in Lawrenceburg. The standard stuff was found, bryozoan, brachiopods, trilo-bits, multiple straight cephalopods and some cool Isotelus trilobite pieces (Genal spines, Hypostome, thorax segments and really big piece - if some one can ID that piece, it would be appreciated; I'm thinking that it is a thorax segment. Pieces of Trilobites: Isotelus Trilobite- Genal Spines / Hypostome Isotelus Trilobite- Thorax Segments Isotelus Trilobite- What Part ??????? Straight Cephalopods- Brachiopods- Bryozoan- UNKOWN-
  9. I was bored this last weekend and decided that I would take a quick 4 1/2 hour drive to Southern Indiana to collect Ordovician fossils at St. Leon and areas around Lawrenceburg. Despite some rain, it was a good couple days of collecting. I found numerous horn corals, various species of brachiopods and bryozoan, Isotelus and Flexi trilobite parts and some really nice hash plates containing all of the previous mention fossils, plus other finds. Here are some pics of some of my finds-
  10. Today I spent a few hours collecting at the Lawrenceburg, Indiana Road Cut. Here are a couple of finds- cephalopods, gastropods, brachiopods and trilo-bits.
  11. Well this is really going to be a picture heavy, ID lacking, report on various areas that I visited on the way down and back from Sanibel Island, Florida.I just don't have the time to flesh this report out, but I wanted to show some of the "smalls" that I collected. When it comes to the shells from Florida, the pics are only a representative view of some of the different species that I collected, and I collected a lot. To be honest with you, I am finding the collecting of fossil shells more fun that any other fossils that I collect. My first stop, was one that I posted earlier, but will show the pic of my finds. Hogtown Creek- Gainesville, Florida Peace River- Arcadia, Florida Shell Pit Fill- Fort Meyers, Florida Area
  12. On my way home from vacation, I wanted to swing by St. Leon to look for some small/ thin Ordovician hash plates, but due to an accident in the area, I decided to swing by the road cut in Lawrenceburg to get some. It was a very hot / sunny day, so I decided to not to spend a ton of time out there. Here are a couple pics of the area and a couple hash plates I collected and a part of a cephalopod.
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