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Found 12 results

  1. Tidgy's Dad


    Hoooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here we are at last, into Adam's Silurian. Thanks for looking. First up is the Lower Silurian or Llandovery and I begin with a problem. I posted this one incorrectly in Adam's Ordovician as it had got it's label muddled up with an Ordovician Favosites I had that has vanished in the move here, but is being replaced by kind forum member @Herb Anyway, this, I remember now I've found the correct label, is from the greenish Browgill Formation, part of the Stockdale Group from a cutting near Skelgill (Skelghyll) in Cumbria, Northern England. It seems to be a tabulate coral, but I can't find any listed for this location, only mentions of small, rare, rugose corals. It has the star shaped corallites of a Heliolitidid, but seems to be tightly packed together like a Favositidid. A couple of species of Palaeofavosites seem to be close and are a bit star-shaped,, but anyone know any better? @TqB@piranha hmm who else? The coral bit, an external mold, is a maximum of 3.5 cm across and each corallite up to 2 mm.
  2. Tidgy's Dad

    Adam's Early / Lower Devonian

    The Devonian period is known as "The Age of Fish", but could also be known as "The Age of Brachiopods." In the Early / Lower Devonian, brachiopods reached the height of their diversity towards its end in the Emsian. We see the ancestral groups occurring, lingulids, craniids, orthids, protorthids, pentamerids, rhynchonellids and strophomenids, as well as the later successful groups we have seen before such as atrypids, athyrids and orthotetids, plus the rise of spiriferids, spiriferinids and productids and the beginning of the terebratulids. By the end of the Devonian , several of these groups are extinct or severely reduced in importance and brachiopods never quite recover. Also, the Devonian is the last time we see trilobites with such variation, large sizes and numbers and orthocerids too are much more uncommon after the rise of the goniatites. The massive tabulate coral reefs also disappear after the Devonian. Fascinating period and I hope to share some of its wonders with you. Equally, a lot of this is rather new to me, so I would be very grateful for any assistance, corrections or further information on my specimens. Thank you. The Early Devonian epoch is split into three stages, so let's start with the first of those, the Lochkovian, that began about 419 mya and finished roughly 411 mya. I have been sent a nice selection of brachiopods from the Kalkberg Formation, Helderberg Group by the Mighty @Misha, mostly. But the kind gentleperson also sent me this fascinating little bryozoan hash : It is dominated by fenestellids, which is usually the case in the Devonian, but other orders sill occur. These ones, I think, are Fenestella, but there are so many species in the formation that I wont take a guess as to species : Not sure what this one is ;
  3. Misha


    From the album: Lower Devonian fossils

    Leptaena sp. (rhomboidalis?) Strophomenid brachiopod Corriganville Mbr. Old Port Fm. Helderberg Group Lower Devonian Pennsylvania
  4. Misha


    From the album: Lower Devonian fossils

    Leptaena sp. (rhomboidalis?) Strophomenid brachiopod Corriganville Mbr. Old Port Fm. Helderberg Group Lower Devonian Pennsylvania
  5. From the album: Lower Devonian Helderberg Group in Eastern NY

    Leptaena rhomboidalis from the New Scotland formation.
  6. Hi everyone today in the creek I found this rock with a lot of brachiopods in it I think they are all called Platystrophia here is a photo
  7. Peat Burns

    Leptaena richmondensis

    From the album: Ordovician Fossils (by Peat Burns)

    Leptaena richmondensis (Brachiopoda) Late Ordovician: Waynesville Formation St. Leon, Indiana, USA

    © 2017 Peat Burns - All Rights Reserved

  8. davidcpowers


    I collected this Leptaena brachiopod from the red brown mudstone resting three feet above the top of the first out crop of breccia limestone. The location is above the rest-stop on highway 89 S before Riceville Rd. The formation is the lower part of the Kibbey. Leptaena Brachiopods dominate along with three types of bryozoa and crinoids. Also found clams and a part of a plant fossil. The setting was once a lagoon.
  9. Leptaena rhomborialis, a Lower Devonian brachiopod preserved in silica, from the Glenerie Limestone exposed in a roadcut along Route 9W north of Kingston, NY.
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