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  1. Jeffrey P

    Nicolet River Formation Bivalve

    From the album: Ordovician

    Pholdomorpha (Whiteavesia) pholadiformis Upper Ordovician Nicolet River Formation Lorraine Group Nicolet River, Quebec A generous gift from Kane
  2. Denis Arcand

    bryozoan species Identification

    I read some information somewhere suggesting that bryozoan species can be distinguished by the shape of their pores. Is it possible to identify the following bryozoan from this cross-sectional image? Additionally, could you provide insights into the criteria used for identifying bryozoan species? I have encountered limited online documentation on this topic and would appreciate any advice you can offer.
  3. Denis Arcand

    Can you help identify this fossil

    Can you help identify the following fossil, it is from the Ordovician period
  4. Denis Arcand

    Is this coral ?

    I found a unique fossil in the Ordovician formation, but I'm unsure if it's coral or something else. Any thoughts or suggestions?
  5. Fishing for fossils might sound like a strange hobby, but I've discovered that it's the perfect combination of relaxation and excitement. Instead of reeling in fish, I'm reeling in ancient fossils from the Richelieu river. And while I might not have any fish tales to tell, I do have some great stories about my fossil-hunting adventures. It might not be the most conventional hobby, but it's certainly a fun one. And the best part? No fishing license required! The Lorraine Group is known for its abundance of fossils, which provides valuable information about the region's past environments and evolution. The fossils found in the Lorraine Group are mainly marine invertebrates, such as brachiopods, trilobites, bryozoans, crinoids, and gastropods. It is a geologic formation in the Canadian province of Quebec. It is part of the St. Lawrence Platform, which is a large region of sedimentary rocks that underlies much of eastern North America. The erosion of these formations over time creates a variety of rocks with different mineralogical characteristics, which can be found on the beaches in the area. The Lorraine Group is an important source of geological information about the history of the St. Lawrence Platform and the tectonic events that shaped it. These fossils, including crinoid and sowerbyella, offer a glimpse into the rich biodiversity of the area during the Ordovician period, and are estimated to be around 450 million years old. I had spent times meticulously photographing this sowerbyella I had found from the Richelieu river. When I finally found the perfect shot, I snapped the picture with satisfaction. But it wasn't until later, after I had added the picture to The Fossils Forum, that I noticed something small and unexpected in the upper right corner of the image. Upon closer inspection, I realized that two tiny gastropods had photobombed my perfect shot! These little intruders are a fun and quirky addition to the photo, and it gave me a great story to tell. After all, when you're fishing for fossils, you never know what unexpected surprises you might find along the way. I stumbled upon the remains of a previous campfire. As I looked closer, I noticed something white sticking out of the dark ash and debris - it was a coupe of bleached fossils! The colors and patterns of the fossils are truly beautiful, and provide a glimpse into the rich biodiversity of the area during the Ordovician period. I feel fortunate to have found these fossils and to be able to share them with you. I have a funny story to share about the day I took this picture, I was so focused on capturing the perfect shot of a crinoid fossil that I didn't notice the waves getting closer and closer. Suddenly, a wave came splashing on my running shoes, soaking my feet completely! Although it was a bit uncomfortable, I couldn't help but laugh at myself for getting so absorbed in my photography that I didn't even realize I was getting my feet wet. Despite getting my feet wet, I was determined to capture the stunning colors and patterns of these fossils, The diverse composition of the Lorraine Group's formations, with the Nicolet Formation being siliceous and the Pontgravé Formation being carbonate-rich, can explain the variety of rocks found on the beaches in the area. The erosion of these formations over time results in a mix of sediments with different mineralogical characteristics, creating a range of textures and colors in the rocks. These pictures were taken at the beginning of spring, after the winter erosion caused by ice and water waves, which creates a new harvest of fossils that are ready to be collected, with no preparation necessary. I found some really cool fossils! I was crouching down to take pictures of them when I noticed some other people walking by and giving me curious looks. I got a little self-conscious, but I decided to smile and explain to them that I was just taking pictures of the fossils. To my surprise, they seemed interested and even came over to take a closer look with me. We ended up having a nice conversation about the Lorraine Group formation and the abundance of fossils in the area. It was really cool to connect with some strangers over a shared interest, and I'm glad I didn't let my initial self-consciousness stop me from taking a closer look at those fossils! When I take pictures of fossils in bubbling water, it's a really exciting and fun experience. The water creates these amazing patterns and textures around the fossil, making the whole image really dynamic and cool to look at. But it's not always easy! Sometimes the water creates glare or reflections that can be distracting and hard to deal with. And because the water is always moving, it can be tricky to get a good, clear shot of the fossil. Despite the challenges, getting a great photo of a fossil in bubbling water is really rewarding. The water creates a sense of movement and energy around the ancient remains, which makes the photo feel really alive and vibrant. To get the perfect shot, I usually try different camera settings and angles until I find what works best. I'll use a polarizing filter to cut down on glare and improve clarity, and I'll often use a tripod and a slower shutter speed to capture the motion of the water while still keeping the fossil in sharp focus. The fossils that I've discovered are estimated to be around 450 million years old, and have been preserved in amazing detail. It's experiences like these that make me appreciate the beauty and power of nature even more. As someone who combines my passion for photography and fossil collecting, I was delighted to capture the stunning colors and patterns of these fossils. I had been carefully photographing some beautiful crinoid segments that I had found while fishing for fossils in the Richelieu river. I had finally found the perfect angle, when suddenly something appeared in my frame. It was a white feather that had drifted into the shot, obscuring part of my subject. At first, I was frustrated that my perfect shot had been ruined by this unexpected intruder. But then, I took a step back and looked at the composition as a whole. I realized that the feather actually added an interesting element to the photo, creating a sense of movement and adding a touch of whimsy. So instead of deleting the photo or trying to edit out the feather, I decided to keep it in the shot, embracing the unexpected twist that nature had thrown my way. And in the end, the photo was even more appealing and unique because of it. Despite the mishap, I managed to capture some stunning pictures of the fossils, including this sowerbyella, which I'm thrilled to share with you. The abundance of fossils in the Lorraine Group is a testament to the richness of marine life that existed in the region during the Paleozoic era. These fossils have contributed greatly to our understanding of the geological history of eastern North America and continue to be a valuable resource for scientists studying the evolution of life on Earth. To end my day, I couldn't resist capturing theses naturally formed ice sculptures in water , they can be incredibly appealing because they represent a unique and fleeting moment in time. These sculptures are created by the forces of nature, as water and ice interact in complex ways to form stunning and intricate shapes. Each sculpture is completely unique, shaped by the specific conditions of the water and the temperature at the time it was formed. This means that no two sculptures are ever exactly alike, making them a true work of art created by the natural world. Additionally, the way that light interacts with the ice can create a stunning visual effect, with the ice taking on a glittering and iridescent appearance that is truly mesmerizing to behold. Overall, naturally formed ice sculptures in water represent a beautiful and awe-inspiring aspect of the natural world, one that is both visually stunning and endlessly fascinating to explore. For more information about my hunting site, look at my previous post which took place during winter and autumn : The day I went fishing for fossils (part I) (winter) The day I went fishing for fossils (part II) (winter) The day I went fishing for fossils (part III) (autumn) The day I went fishing for fossils (part IV) (spring) Happy Fishing!
  6. Denis Arcand

    I never never see this before  ?

    What ancient creature is this? it has small bumps, no holes so i don't think it's a bryozoan? I will appreciate if anyone can identify this little fossil for me. Thanks!
  7. Fall promises to be spectacular in many ways. If you dream of colors, you will like the following. I like fossil hunting in the fall, although it's not really hunting, the fossils are underwater so it's more like fishing. Anyway, this is one of my many trips to this place, it's not very far and it allows me to go for a weekend nature walk. This is Ordovician, the site is not as beautiful or rich in fossils as the other sites we see in this forum, but it is rich in brachiopods, crinoids, bryozoans and gastropods. This time, I chose a theme to showcase my special finds of the day. It's autumn in Quebec, we see all the colors! This year the province offers an extraordinary spectacle. Due to favorable conditions, autumn 2022 is marked by an extraordinary color season. This summer the trees have not been under great stress, which is favorable for an autumn with intense colors, the next few weeks should be just as much. Indeed, the season promises to be particularly hot and sufficiently sunny. According to the expert, clear nights will follow these beautiful days, which favors the coloring of the leaves. Enjoy! For more information about my hunting site, look at my previous post which took place during winter: The day I went fishing for fossils (part I) (winter) The day I went fishing for fossils (part II) (winter) This is my little special place were I go fishing for fossils
  8. Denis Arcand

    What is this 3d puzzle ?

    I found this yesterday, it was very fragile and broken in many pieces when I handled it.
  9. Denis Arcand

    Sowerbyella, Nicolet River Formation

    Location shows huge die-off of Sowerbyella sericea and other brachiopods in smaller numbers. The specific layer could not be determined as it was discovered at ground level on the beach. Loose as float,. The following reference has been used to aid in identification Geologie des Region de Saint-Jean (parti nord) et de Beloeil (1985) Gouvernement du Quebec - Ministere de l'energie et des Ressources Direction General de l'Exploration geologique et minerale Geologie des Region de Saint-Jean (parti nord) et de Beloeil
  10. Hello All, Super Newbie here, trying to immerse myself in fossil ID and learn more about my surrounding area. I found some interesting patterns on some rocks near me and was hoping someone could shed more light on what they could be. What I've read of the area so far tells me that the Oswego sandstone I've been hunting in can have wave patterns and trace fossils, though I've found crinoids and shell imprints before. Here are my unknowns for this area. 1. Interesting Ringed Rock! 2. Would this be considered a hash plate? - Sorry for the blurry quality, some of these pictures didn't transition well from my phone to my PC. 3. I don't think this is a fossil. Any ideas? - just a hardened mineral lump in the sediment? Is that what concretions are? 4. Interesting orange crinoid imprints - is it common for fossils to be rust colored or is this the iron/pyrite I've been reading about in this area? 5. I'm just above the nautiloid-containing formation (whetstone gulf, I believe), is this a trace fossil of a nautiloid? 6. Bryozoan trace? Or nothing? Sorry about the lack of scale on this one, it was about 8cm long end-to-end. 7. Crystals and Fossils living together?? - Mass hysteria! Any information on this strange occurrence would be very interesting to me. This rock was way too heavy to carry back and too hard to split with just my trusty rock hammer. 8. A chance meeting - Whoops! Sorry fella! I'll just replace your roof and be on my way. My salamander ID is just as novice but I'm thinking Northern two-lined salamander? Not a great pic but I didn't want to stress the little one out too much trying for a glamor shot. Thanks for taking the time to read through this! Let me know if there are any formatting issues or other things I should keep in mind for future posts. Any information is greatly appreciated!
  11. Denis Arcand

    I found a brachiopod with lips

    Hi fellow fossil collector, can you identify this brachiopod for me? I recently found a very different brachiopod, where I usually collect my fossils in an Upper Ordovician formation (Click here to see the site). I can easily find hundreds of swerbyella, but this fossil is very different from what I usually find, its huge size, 3 times larger than any fossil i usually find, and its different shape puzzles me. It measures approximately 3cm x 2.5cm. It also has intriguing concentric protuberances composed of a primary and secondary shell on external shell surface. As you can see it is very fragile, there is a crack going through it which is about to break it in half. Is there a way to consolidate the crack without damaging it further? Thank you!
  12. From the album: Fossil Art

    This picture was taken as is, it was not photoshopped, everything is real in the picture. Only the contrast has been adjusted a little bit. I took this picture at a small beach where the fossils are underwater, so I literarily fish for the fossils. You can read my two articles on the subject by clicking on the following links: The day I went fishing for fossils (part I) The day I went fishing for fossils (part II)
  13. I don't know if this is the right place for this tread, as it's not really a trip, it's more like a few hours of outing. It won't call it hunting either, the fossils are underwater so it's more like fishing. Anyway, this is one of my many trips to this place, it's not very far, and it allows me to take a nature walk on weekends. Do not expect to see anything bigger than a few centimeters, this is the late Ordovician, historically the formation of rocks in the area is due to its immersion, towards the end of the Ordovician geological era, which led to the establishment of marine sediments. Then raised by tectonic forces, the whole region was subjected to a long erosion from the end of the Ordovician to the end of the Tertiary. Subsequently, after being covered with a thick layer of ice during the Quaternary, the St. Lawrence Lowlands were submerged by the Champlain Sea following the collapse of the underlying foundation, therefore , by the weight of glaciers. After dropping clays and sands, the sea has declined, following the recovery of the base, and left the area in its current state. The site is not as gorgeous or rich in fossils as other site we see in this forum, but it is rich in brachiopod, crinoid, bryozoan and gastropod. Here are some pictures to give you an idea of the site, it is a small beach where I do my fossil fishing, in fact at this time of year I tend to call it ice fishing, even if it is close to the rapids and there is no ice formation in the water. This is a good thing because the fossils are not hidden under snow or ice, and it can still be found at this time of year. There was lot's of fossils just underneath the water line, some of them I could take, most of them were large plate that I couldn't detaches, It was difficult to take picture of the fossils under water, because the wave, I had to take picture in between each wave , and when the water was calmer. A large plate full of brachiopod, couldn't get it out, it was still attached rock solid, beside the water was to cold for my pore hands. A couple of bryozoan under water crinoid rings underwater Other nice fossils that I found It was a nice day and ice was calling to be taken in picture, it was omnipresent during all of my hunt for fossils, I will post other picture in nature forum. I think this is a fossil but I really don't know what it is, I might have to post for an ID Request This is the end of my fishing day. See the Nature Photography thread for more picture of that day. LINK The End
  14. My first post was so popular that I decided to do a second. I went to the same place, and found more many rich and colorful fossils, and got enough material to write to you about it. For those who missed my first post, you will find it HERE As you will see in this article, I combine my two passions, collecting fossils and color photography. I love color, creating black and white photographs of fossils is good for scientific research, when you are a paleontologist and want to record the small details for science and posterity. But for people who are just starting to explore the world of fossils, we need something more inspiring, because to be fair, fossil photos are generally drab, and generally unappealing to the general public. Not that fossil collectors don't take great photos, I see fantastic photos all the time on TFF, but usually in a different context. I'm just trying to be a little different and take a picture of the fossils as I see them, in their natural environment. Maybe this will inspire the next generation of fossils collectors. This site is part of the Lorraine group (Chambly sub-formation). It contains the most recent sedimentary rock in the region, a series of clay and limestone schists that are redder towards the top. It's made up of clay schists, a sedimentary rocks of dynamic origin, formed by the splitting of existing rocks and calcareous schists, a sedimentary rocks formed by the accumulation of animal or plant matter in bodies of water. This region also bears the marks of the Quaternary geological era. Immediately after the last ice age, the whole St. Lawrence Valley and its waterways became a vast inland sea (the Champlain Sea) that stretched as far as today's Lake Champlain. The site is not as gorgeous or rich in fossils as the other sites we see in this forum, but it is rich in brachiopods, crinoids, bryozoans, and a few gastropods. Sorry @Kane no trilobites. Here are some photos to give you an idea of the site, it's a small beach where the fossils are underwater, so I'm literarily fishing for fossils. The formation is made up of many colorful stairs and steps leading to the water's edge. Like a time machine, each step takes you back a thousand years, where you can discover at each staircase the remains of a thriving fauna, long extinct. Don't expect to see anything bigger than a few inches, this is the Late Ordovician historically rock formation in the Richelieu River Valley in the St. Lawrence Lowlands rests on sedimentary rocks. which are some 450 million years old and formed during the Cambrian Period of the Paleozoic Era. I was able to photograph this hash plate full of sowerbyella at that special moment, when the water was receding after a previous wave. This is not a painting, just a photograph of what typical Ordovician fauna might have looked like 500 million years ago, almost as if we were there. I try to keep my hand dry and out of the freezing water, picking up the fossils between two waves, leaving the fossils out of the water. It was difficult to photograph the fossils underwater, because of the waves I took the photo at a time when the water was calmer and just before a wave came crashing on it. A lonely sowerbyella taking her beauty bath I found bi_valve playing hide and seek, with the bubbles A lot of times I hear that fossil and water aren't a good mix, but in my case it's a perfect match. The water acts as a sort of magical act, bringing these 450 million year old fossils back to life, infusing them with vibrant colors and hiding the passage of time. These normally terness fossils have a second life in this freezing water, small imperfections are hidden, making the texture smooth and lustrous, with beautiful vibrant colors. In homage of the Beatles, I call this one the Yellow Submarine Some brachiopod pile up over each other, I don't know what cause this rainbow of colors, the diffraction, the translucidities' of the fossils. Whatever the reason, it's a beautiful effect and a total surprise. A colorful brachiopod on a colorful rock I really like the contrast of theses two plate Don't need to search, no fossil here. Just a color full formation. Crinoid columnals are the most commonly recognized crinoid fossils, they are individual pieces of the column, or stalk, these resemble small washers. Olympic logos gone wild or Crinoid columnals, you choses. I particularly like the circles with a small star inside Columnals are joined together in life by elastic ligaments and skin. However, when the animal dies these soft tissues quickly decay and the stem break apart into individual ossicles, they leave behind a great many fossils. After the crashing waves, they sometimes cover themselves with air bubbles, giving this strange old world a new dimension. The hole in the center of the columnal is called the axial canal. It is most commonly round but may also be pentagonal or star-shaped, like this 1 millimeter fossil. Despite their small size some fossils can still be the star of the show. Bryozoans consist of a skeletal structure of calcium carbonate that has numerous tiny holes or openings dotting the surface. These holes once housed individual bryozoan animals called zooids, that derived their nutrients from the seawater. Atlas Of Ancient Life I found this briozoma all alone on this big boulder, strangely it comes out of the rock and comes back in right away. This is another bryozoan, it was on a smaller rock and I was able to collect it for my collection Most colonies were only a few inches in diameter but a colony of an Ordovician form found in the Cincinnati region ( Florence, Kentucky) is more than 26 inches in diameter and is one of the largest known bryozoan colonies. I really like this formation for it's richness of colors Photo taken in direct sunlight of a wet bi-valve Again, mother nature was playing with ice producing these wonderful sculptures everywhere we look. It was such a nice day, I couldn't resist taking some in picture. See other Ice sculpture Here. Crinoid columnals trapped under translucent ice. I found all theses fossils in just haft a day at that very special place. For those of you that did not see my previous post about my first fossil fishing trip, your in luck because it is still available HERE.
  15. Denis Arcand

    Rock having goosebump

    I found this while fossil hunting see my post The day I went fishing for fossils. I'm wondering what it is , it's between 4 and 6 inches I guess, didn't have an rule with me at that time .
  16. Denis Arcand

    Late Ordovician, Brachiopod and Bryozoan

    From the album: Hash Plates (Late Ordovician)

    I found this multicolor hash plate with many other in an Ordovician formation, see my post The day I went fishing for fossils. The picture was taken in full sunlight

    © Denis Arcand

  17. Denis Arcand

    Late Ordovician, Brachiopods and Bi-valves

    From the album: Hash Plates (Late Ordovician)

    I like the natural color of this red shales and sandstones formation

    © Denis Arcand

  18. Denis Arcand

    Late Ordovician, Brachiopods

    From the album: Hash Plates (Late Ordovician)

    The camera flash is giving this stunning color the the matric and fossils.

    © Denis Arcand

  19. Denis Arcand

    Very small cephalopod ?

    I found this on one of my hash plate, is it what I think it is, a very small cephalopod ?
  20. Denis Arcand


    From the album: Fossil Art

    © Denis Arcand

  21. Denis Arcand


    From the album: Fossil Art

    © Denis Arcand

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