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  1. caggis

    Isurus tooth

    I have acquired this mako tooth, it is from the Oligocene and comes from Summerville, SC. In your opinion is the species desori of retroflexus? Thanks in advance!
  2. Hello everyone, I have gotten really into meg diving this last year to the point where I am driving down to Venice from Orlando twice a month to dive for teeth. I have started to look into getting black water diving and I am not really sure where to start. Does anyone have any rivers that are good for black water diving? I have heard talk that people do it in the Peace river and the St. Marys and I didn't know if that is where most people go or if there are other rivers people dive that hold a good amount of teeth. I don't want to sound like the guy who is asking for your super secret spots but I'm just trying to find out where I should start to get into this. If anyone does black water diving and ever needs someone to go with I would be very interested in going with you and I would certainly throw in for gas money. I also have my own boat so we cold take it out also if that is an issue you have. Thank you for any information you can give me, Parker
  3. About a month ago I used my hotel points from work and dragged a few friends down to Maryland for the weekend with the promise of beer and maybe some good shark teeth. We did one day at Flag Ponds and another at Matoaka Cabins, which is what I did last year as well. I still can't say one place is better than the other. My friends who are not fossil collectors had more luck finding teeth in general at Flag Ponds, but I think the quality of finds were slightly better overall at Matoaka. It really all comes down to luck if you are going to any of the public spots. Day one was flag ponds I tried experimenting with some hunting methods: sifting, searching the wave-line, digging up sand, and searching below the water line with a clear bin. Using the bin method, a bit more than knee deep I was able to find a nice Mako. This was the best one found at Flag Ponds by our group. A few other nice ones were found by shoveling up sand and letting the waves sort it out for us, these were not found by me. Second day was Matoaka Cabins, it was a clear and calm day. Using the same bin method, even on the clear day, I was not able to find a tooth below the water line. There were far too many grey-black shells that appeared similar. We had the most success just walking along the beach, sifting especially was a bust. Another very nice Mako was found by a friend as we were on our way out just tumbling against the cliffs in the waves. Pictured below under my thumb. These were some of the best finds from the whole group. Here are my best finds next to a ruler. A bit puzzled by the tooth at the 3 inch mark. Has the shape of a meg, but far too small.
  4. Michael1

    Shark tooth ID

    Found both these teeth near the peace river i've never found this kind of tooth shape. Im pretty sure its a type of mako but was wondering if anyone could an ID it or give any type of information.
  5. M3gal0don_M4n

    Yet another mysterious Shark tooth.

    Hello. I am here with another unknown shark tooth. This one I personally found. For a while I believed it to be from Hastalis, but I have doubts after searching it up. It is around 5-3 million years old. It was also found alongside what I believe to be a Scylirhinoid vertebrae.
  6. Pulled out this interesting tooth from possum creek. It's been identified as Isurus retroflexus and I'm wondering if anybody here has seen similar examples from Gainesville. I haven't heard of any. Next steps: find a great white, sand tiger, and cow shark tooth!
  7. shark57

    Large Lee Creek Mako/White Shark

    From the album: Fossils

    This is my largest mako (now considered an extinct white shark). It measures 3.16 inches and was found in the Lee Creek Mine Pliocene Yorktown Formation.
  8. One beach hunt and two digs yielded four cow shark and a bunch of small teeth, some of which may have been in my last photo. The cow shark, my focus, are all new but frustrating; cannot say for sure if two really have non-serrated first points. Possibly broken? Too much cold water in the creek to hunt for a few more days.
  9. Several trips. Will be digging more soon, deer hunting season's over. I miss global warming lately. Usual cow sharks, eight. Some times I think the "vein" has run out. Some little sand tiger. At the beach after the recent storm, a bunch of makos (up to just over an inch, 2.6 cm), a weathered small hemi, and a few bigger sand tiger. A broken skate denticle/ scute. The reddish makos tend to fade with time (maybe oxidation?) Another big wind storm tomorrow, hope to hit several beach spots next week.
  10. Shellseeker

    Hunting in the cold

    It was pretty cool yesterday. As a youth, I used to swim in Vermont quarries. But having been in Florida for 20+ years, I define cool differently. As I stepped out of my truck at 6:45 am, it was 57 degrees Fahrenheit and I was about to go swimming. I am not completely crazy. I had my 5mm shorty wetsuit on. Very successful day, Slow to start, moved twice and then consistent finds. A couple of Notes: There is a row or 2 of Tigers and 3-4 rows of Bull _ Dusky teeth those species dominate here. I pick up a some interesting bones to Identify later.... The Makos (55 and 41 mm) and lower Hemi (45 mm) were definitely appreciated. Tiger shark teeth are as large as I find anywhere. This might be P. contortus. Then this Osteoderm on the right, compared to Alligator... I almost tossed it away... but then I thought it could be Crocodile.... There is a cluster of 5 mostly whole or partial Horse teeth... They are the primary request for Identification or comments.. #1 #2 #3 Really beaten up Tridactyl,, Pretty.. need to stare at it to see if I can find the protocone. High Majority of Tridactyl Horses here are N peninsulatus #4 Almost all there... I think an Id is possible... #5 Lots missing... may be Equus.. lower partial All comments and suggestions appreciated... Jack @fossillarry
  11. Shellseeker


    Unusual for a Saturday, I went hunting. Took this photo about 90 minutes in ... not too bad 3 nice Makos, and a couple of larger hemis. I did not find as much variety the rest of the day. This thread is not about what I found, but what I saw. I have Kayaked rivers and streams , upstream and downstream 100s of times... I note the antics of the birds.. when I arrive one scene. Some like Vultures, Hawks, Owls see me/my kayak and head into the woods away from the river; Most little birds are oblivious... they ignore me. The Ibis, ducks and Herons are usually feeding on the shoreline. trying to catch a meal.. Mostly they continue eating until the nose of my kayak reaches their latitude and they take off initially in the direction that the kayak nose is pointing. They repeat this not more than 3-4 times and then on the 5th reoccurrence , they take off and then fly into the woods or much more likely , fly directly over my head, back to where they came from.... But Kingfishers repeat this behavior MORE than others up to 7 times in my experience.. Did I tell you, I really like Kingfishers best.. I have noted when they dive into water trying for a fish and indeed have enjoyed watching them catch fish many times... but never when they are leading me up or down stream. Today the distance I was kayaking was over 3 miles by river , maybe more.. It used to take me about 2 hours up and 15 minutes less with the current.. but I am getting older and slower... Today a belted Kingfisher joined me almost immediately as I started back to my truck. I think it was one of the bigger males I had ever seen.... they can grow to 13 inches Generally, these are solitary birds and they are territorial, constantly chasing other Kingfishers away. You will know that a Kingfisher is your area by their constant loud call, which sounds much like a machine gun! So, I was about 40 feet away, when I heard that Machine gun call, looked up to see a female (?) on a dead branch and she immediately launches heading downstream... This behavior was repeated 18 times in the next 2 hours... When I would come into view, she just sat there, when I would approach within 20-25 feet, machine gun call, launch , gone. After a couple, I felt she was waiting for me, and started yelling "King Fisher, King Fisher and doing a poor imitation of a whistle..., did not make a difference.. as I got close to 20-25 feet , she launched. I could slow down her launching by going slower....or so it seemed .. At occurrence 15 or 16, I thought I lost her... Upon launching. she took off directly into the woods...!!!! But it was a right S curve and as I navigated the curve , there she was , waiting for me... Occurrence #18... She landed on a branch of a tree directly over my morning launch site, and as I closed to 20 feet, repeated her call and launched downstream.. Please to anyone who has insight to bird behavior, please explain what was going on and why... why would she spend over 2 hours today with me.. ? I had a GREAT day.. There is nothing better than communicating with a Kingfisher....
  12. Lots of fun finds from my last trip to the river! Can anyone tell me more about this tooth? I haven’t seen a mako with a curve and cusp like that before. What am I looking at? Thanks! :)
  13. SharkToothSteve

    Shark tooth identification

    Found embedded in mud beside roots of a tree on a nature trail above chandler river SC. This was after things had dried out after a tropical storm. Tooth has been repaired as (it was found to be broken when extracted from the mud). Because of the telltale mark between root and blade leads me to believe it to be either megalodon, angustiden or chubitensis. But the very flat root shape, very triangular shape, thin blade lead me to also suspect large great white.
  14. retiredFossil

    Mako or Lesser White Shark Fossil

    Need help identifying shark tooth fossil. Search of several fossil books yields short fin mako. But internet search has it as "lesser white" and not mako.
  15. Shellseeker

    A nice mako

    I try to keep hunting year round. Sometimes it is difficult. The Zolfo Springs USGA gauge was at 8 feet today. Although I have occasionally tried, I can not breathe river water. Our temperatures were cold starting out. My car thermometer had readings as low as 53 degrees Fahrenheit. I have not been out for a week, which means muscles and joints are hurting more now. It is always nice to get rewarded. Only time for a few photos.. I generally average 6 or 7 sieves an hour and I hunted for 6 hours. Whatever I find, I am always pleased. For the 1st 5 hours, mostly small shark and ray teeth, a few ray dermals, a broken shark vert. Going into the last hour, a nice Bovid tooth, Bison or modern cow. The APL is 30 mm. I'll figure it out. The above tooth came off of clay and so I stay there trying for a Meg.. I was at the point where I should have left 2 sieves earlier in order to get home for dinner. So, I told myself that this next sieve was absolutely the LAST sieve. and... It was not a Meg A tad broke , size 55 mm. Hastalis. I'll figure out a tooth position... It always somehow feels better when the best comes last.
  16. Hello again everyone! After a quick trip out to Holden Beach with some minimal finds, I was left with some indecisiveness on the location my next fossil hunt, I was presented with the opportunity to go back to Surry County, Virginia to hunt the same locality as I did back in August. I was a bit unsure if I wanted to make the trip again, as I had a fairly rough time during the last trip with some stomach issues, and I had felt I had a decent enough haul from that time. However, after Tropical Storm Ophelia went through the area dumping a lot of rain and the forecast was predicted to be much cooler than August, I decided to make the return. I can say with certainty I am very, very glad I made this trip! I was also given the opportunity to stay on site this time as well, which was really cool, and I made a few new friends with the fellow hunters that were also staying there. This is once again very picture heavy so hang in there once again. A small note, I had previously though all of the fossils were from the Yorktown Formation, but I was corrected on this; the site is primarily Late Miocene Eastover formation, with a fair bit of Early Pliocene Yorktown Formation, with the cobbles from the Cambrian Swift Run Formation mixed in in places. Starting again with some pictures of the site, not much had changed in two months, aside from some of the cliffs collapsing partially, which unveiled some new, fragile bivalves. The sand they had put on the beach that covered some of the material had been washed out a little bit, so there were more fossils and Cambrian cobbles at the water line than previously. It was particularly rainy on Saturday morning, but as the day went on it warmed up to a comfortable temperature, and became sunny. It was very breezy this time around, so the waves were particularly rough the whole weekend, which helped expose more fossils on the beach. There was once again plenty of cool wildlife in the area as well! This unfortunate fellow was struck by a propeller and washed onto the shoreline late Saturday night. The damage was mostly on the side lying in the sand. This was the first time I've ever seen a sturgeon outside of an aquarium setting. I reported it to a researcher at VCU, who collected it the next morning. He told me it was a male, estimated to be 30 years old. It was around 1.676 meters (5.5 feet) long. I was able to hunt one particular spot in the area where the exposure was fairly close to ground level as well, here is one small look at that exposure. And as a brief glimpse into my finds, here was one such find in situ! (Courtesy of one of my fellow hunter friends I met during the trip) I don't have a particular order to show off this time around, but I'll start with my absolute favorite of my finds this trip: Ecphora! I was a little bummed out last trip that I was unable to locate one, but I lucked out big time this trip. The quality of them is all over the place, but I found a few that were especially good, including the one I had pictured in situ. The one in matrix was found accidentally when I was doing UV light hunting (Which I'll talk about in a bit). This was my favorite one! It's around 11.43 cm (4.5 inches) long, and 8.89 cm (3.5 inches) wide. A very small bit of the outer edge of the opening did break off while I was handling it after this picture was took, but fortunately I had some strong adhesive handy and was able to get most of it secured back in place. On to the UV light hunting, I spent a few hours after dark hunting for calcite and calcite-converted mollusks. I found quite a number of calcite clams, as well as some pretty good crystals as well. Two clams in particular had some fairly decent calcite crystals growing inside fractures between the two valves, which was really cool! These are two small clusters growing on some material. These were particularly luminous with the UV light, much like the crystal-covered clams. Here is a calcite-replaced Turritella on the right, and on the left is an odd-shaped chunk of calcite. It almost looks like the shape of an Ecphora shell's lower half, which makes me wonder if it could be a calcite cast of an Ecphora interior. Here are a few large coral chunks right after I has washed them off. (Septastrea marylandica?) A couple of scaphopod "tusk shells" (Dentalium attenuatum) with a lustrous, double-valve Pandora clam. Some fairly intact Turritella shells. (Turritella subvariabilis?) I found quite a few nice double-valve Chesapecten this trip. Some show up in the UV light at night, which helped me find them. However, some of the larger specimens had a lot of erosion or biological damage to them such as bore holes, so they would fall apart when I tried to clean them. I still ended up with a decent number of them, so it all worked out in the end. The leftmost specimen has a bit of calcite on the outer edge. Here is my largest Chesapecten next to my smallest once again (the large one is about 17.78 cm, or 7 inches, wide). Some large clam tubes I found. (Kuphus fistula?) A few gastropods of decent quality with a double-valve oyster and a Crucibulum limpet. (Crucibulum grande?) This Naticidae shell (Lunatia sp.?) is fairly large, probably my favorite gastropod aside from the Ecphora! Unfortunately, it's extremely fragile, so I refuse to move it until I get something set up for coating my specimens. Because of this I haven't measured it properly. There is a smaller specimen in the opening underneath. A half whale vertebra alongside some different rib fragments I found. One of the friends I made found a fairly sizeable, nice quality whale vertebra. I found this nice tympanic bulla with only a small bit of damage. Definitely better than the one I found in Green's Mill Run! I found this micro crab claw dactyl while cleaning a different specimen. Some areas had microfossils inside of larger specimens, depending on how the preservation was. I finally found shark teeth as well! The white mako is around 5.715 cm (2.25 inches) long, and if the marbled one had it's full root it would be even longer. I found the bottom four purely by accident while getting the coordinates of the deceased sturgeon early that morning. One visitor found a half Otodus megalodon or Otodus chubutensis tooth with beautiful serrations. I found a lot of Discinisca lugubris brachiopod shells this time around, particularly in the area where the calcite was common. Here is one with some calcite to the left of it. There were a lot more Skolithos to be collected this time! The first specimen was given to me by the man who put the whole hunt together, and the second one was one I found later. These particular specimens are nice because they are visible both as cross sections and from above / below, whereas usually it's just one or the other. I found a new type of scallop this trip as well, Placopecten! These are also extremely fragile, so they're currently on-hold and sitting in one spot until I can get some better preservation for them. This one I'm a little unsure on, I'm thinking a Cliona sponge but it might also be a bryozoan colony. It's on a fragment of Chesapecten with a lot of sponge bore holes. (I'll make a post with better pictures in Fossil I.D. later when I get time.) The last on my major finds, these are some intact clams, and they are a lot more durable than the last ones I found! I can handle these to a higher degree than the other ones I found without them falling apart on me. I still want to get some kind of preservation on them. Someone at the hunt recommended Krylon clear coat, I'll have to experiment with it on some other specimens. And as a bonus, these are not my finds, but one of my cabin neighbor's finds. This is an regular echinoid he found, as well as a plate he found containing a fragmented Mellita sand dollar. While I found the very small fragment attached to a Chesapecten, according to the man who set up this hunt he's never seen a sand dollar like that found in the locality, making it a first. That's all for now! Nothing new on the Triassic spots, but I'm closing in on one, and the other is looking promising for next January once hunting season has passed.
  17. Shellseeker

    Exceeding Expectations

    The Peace River is coming down, but not fast enough. I went out thinking about deep water, possible rain, and hopes to find some really nice small Shark teeth, Tigers, Lemons, Hemis, etc,,, I found all of those, but other goodies also... Here is a "group" photo.. and some of the goodies... The 65 mm Meg came out of the clay like this.. 15 minutes later, we had a color change Silver and yellow to Steal Grey and a light brown then a 53 mm tip of a Ray barb A couple of what I think are dolphin teeth,, here is a photo of the smaller one... I will be trying to ID this tooth. Is this just a juvenile version of Goniodelphis hudsoni ?? This fish vert is only 23 mm, and I do not have high hopes of Identification but sometimes TFF magic just happens... Finally , a Mako... Is this hastalis? Great day, lots of finds,,, some interesting... Comments Welcome Jack
  18. SawTooth

    Strange mako

    Found this tooth the other day, at first I just thought hastalis, but looking back now something seems off about it, what do you think?
  19. Hi everyone, I found this mako tooth awhile back and I’m looking for guidance on the best way to remove the matrix off the tooth. What would you recommend? I’ve been able to remove some with just water and my fingernail, but the rest seems to be much tougher. Any suggestions would be great!
  20. Rock36

    Private STH dig

    My daughter and I did a paid private property dig outside of Bakersfield, CA in the Shark Tooth Hills last Saturday. We very much enjoyed it! Found 8 species of shark teeth (hastalis, planus, angel, dog, hammerhead, cow, and long toothed and normal tiger) and some extinct sea lion and porpoise teeth as well as some seal lion and whale bones and vertebrae. We loved it, but both felt it was a “one and done” and preferred diving for teeth over digging. It was also hot…well over 90 by the time we stopped after 7 hours. Lots of teeth and the owner dug with us and identified teeth/fossils as well as gave us the bulk of his and his son’s finds.
  21. retiredFossil

    Is it Mako, Mackerel or other?

    Need assistance identifying shark fossil. Suspect it is Mako or Mackerel, due to curvature along lingual/labial axis. Unfortunately, the root is badly eroded. Found along Amelia Island (NE Florida). Thank you, -Steve
  22. B1978

    Isurus desori?

    I have seen a lot of isurus retroflexus, but this one looks more barrel shaped where the enamel meets the root.
  23. Is this shark tooth Benedini or Mako? I found this tooth on the beach, north Florida area. The back of the tooth has mineral/rock buildup that I haven't removed yet (and not sure how I would remove it)
  24. Shellseeker

    Some finds

    Out with friends, going to a Miocene site that always is challenging for me to go and return. It is a Miocene site because the large majority of fauna found live during that era. It did not disappoint. I started in the 1st sieve with a Meg, somewhat distressed and puncture marks from a bite during a feeding frenzy... Note the 3 bite marks on the lower edge. This is my 4th such Meg There were many finds but one certainly rarer in the Peace River than Megs is a lower Mako in good shape, with a lighting strike on the labial side.. This is my 3rd of this size in 15 years. So, what about the request for Identifications. Here is one... This Dolphin Tooth has not been identified for Florida.... and certainly not for species.. Last time I found it , we discussed Harry's GREAT picture that is the best identification out there for teeth that look like this....If someone has a good research paper on Kentriodontidae teeth that matches these two teeth I have found, please point me to it... Here is my previous version: Here was a thread that asked for an ID on a similar tooth from Maryland, but the ID was "Dolphin" tooth... So finally, something to ID.. To show how my luck was holding, I went over to a pile of discard rocks from a previous hunter of this site . Unbelievably this was sitting on top... I have never seen one like this... Th first photo seems 3/4 Stingray denticle and 1/4 trilobite. I have plenty of these that are flat on the bottom, and found 2 or 3 today. But this is unusual for me in Florida. Is this shape common in Maryland or North Carolina ? It almost looks like a druzy or silification in the center of this last photo.. Thanks for looking.
  25. Parker Brown

    Venice Diving Trip 4/16

    Hey guys! I had a phenomenal day diving for teeth last weekend in Venice. I found around 1,500 teeth and some other awesome stuff. Here is a pile of broken/not "high" quality small teeth that i found Here is the pile of teeth that are full and/or super high quality. Here are the tigers that I found. I don't usually find a lot of tiger shark teeth so it was nice finding this many and of this size! Here are all of the Makos that I found. The one in the middle is my biggest Mako at 2.3" and I also found some super pretty smaller ones! Here are all of the Megs that I found. I found my biggest Meg at 4.75" and I couldn't be happier!!! The smaller Megs have a lot of super nice colors and I am super happy that I found them. And the find of the day would be my FIRST GREAT WHITE!! I have been looking for my first GW for over a year now and I finally found it. I think you would have been able to hear me on the surface because of how much I was freaking out when I found it. What I do not have pictured is I found my largest alligator tooth measuring in just under 1" and I also found my first Gar scale (I think thats what it is). I found four pathological teeth. Two of them were bull shark teeth that had double tips. The double tips were very small and I couldn't get a good picture of them. One was a bull shark tooth that had waves in the blade. The last one was a lemon shark that has a twisted blade. If their are any specific teeth you want better pictures of or you have any questions just let me know! This was definitely a trip for the books and I cant wait to get out there again.
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