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  1. Hello dear fellow forum members. In contrast to my usual online hunting grounds and model building, I went out and collected some real fossils on the beach. From 14th to 28th of september I spent between one and four hours a day strolling the beaches near Breskens, Zeeland, Netherlands. The region is known for miocene, pliocene and pleistocene fossils and located close to the zwarte polder famous for its shark teeth. What exactly, and from what ages, I found will take some time to find out, but here are some first impressions. I did not take many pictures on the beach because sand and wind did not agree with my camera. The plan is to add short day by day accounts of the fossils to give you an overview of the variety. On some days I had the beach to myself, especially in the morning. At the weekends it was crowded. But everyday there where at least some fossils to be found...
  2. I returned home two weeks ago from a two week long fossil hunting excursion out west. Like my trip two years ago, I drove all the way from my home in southeastern New York out to northcentral Wyoming with many stops along the way. The first day was on and off rain from here to Toledo, Ohio where I stopped. Next day drove through northern Indiana and passed through Chicago, finally stopping at my cousin's in Madison, Wisconsin. Late morning, the next day, I met up with Mike (Minnbuckeye) in Fennimore, Wisconsin and he took me to two sites of the Upper Ordovician Platteville Formation where we spent the afternoon collecting. Here is a photo of one of the sites with Mike and finds that we both made. Mike was generous and gave me a number of specimens. As you can see there are a few nice hash browns, I mean hash plates, trilobite parts, brachiopods, nautiloids, including the unusual Gonioceras occidentale (the fossil and counterpart), plus the gastropod, Sinuites, and the ostracod, Eoleperditia fabulites.
  3. My question today is: What do you guys collect precisely? I've been struggling over the years what to collect exactly. As I love dinosaur fossils. And most of the budget and time goes in there. I still want collect some other things, that may look good on display for example. Premium big shark teeth or Mammalian/pleistoceen stuff. It's more fun collecting this way instead of limiting myself. What about you guys and girls? What do you collect. Do you collect a specific thing or just what is nice to look at? Bit of both?
  4. Random Poster

    Mammal Vertabra?!Meknes morroco

    Better pics will be given if needed not sure if modern but it its heavy like rock
  5. Hi all My son and I found this tooth fragment in central Florida. We think it's mammalian; however, we would like to know if it can be identified further. Any help is most appreciated! Thanks!
  6. please help me, found this jaw fossil the size around 8 cm. found in java island what animal of this? please help me thankyou FullSizeRender.MOV
  7. North Pacific Rim's Desmostylus, is a goofy toothed mammal, which belongs to a group with no close living relatives. Because it is unlike any living mammal, palaentologists have had a hard time figuring out its lifestyle. The Desmostylia are weird and mystifying creatures . Basically they are only found from deposits of the Late Oligocene and the Miocene. Desmostylus is assigned to four genera that have only been found in Japan and along the west coast of Mexico and the United States, to as far north as Washington. Fossils of Desmostylus were first described in 1888 by Othniel Marsh, from marine deposits collected in Alameda County, California. The fossils were considered to represent Sirenians, and subsequent fossils found in Japan were interpreted as possibly being primitive elephants or Sirenians (sea-cows). The bizarre Desmostylians has some unique physical features, such as the teeth that show pattern of wear in their enamel that are not observed in any modern mammal, and science is not yet certain just what these short-tusked, shovel-jawed animals ate. The most compelling evidence suggests they were herbivores. Comparisons have been made between desmostylians and the hippopotamus but i just read their lifestyle may have been more like that of the sea lions. I don't know if this means they ran on the bottom of the sea like a hippopotamus or swam like a sea lions? This creature I feel has still some understanding to be uncovered. So show us your Desmostylus martial. American Museum of Natural History NY Desmostylus reconstruction. Image: K.Matsui/Smithsonian. Institution.
  8. Kohleschwein

    Whale Illustrations

    I recently got to illustrate a bunch of cetaceans for an upcoming issue of the Steinkern Magazine, a German publication for fossil collectors. Pappocetus lugardi (Gueran, Morocco) Eocetus schweinfurthi Basilosaurus cetoides Squalodon sp. (Summerville, South Carolina) Goniodelphis hudsoni (Achan Mine, Florida) Pomatodelphis inaequalis (Noralyn Mine, Florida) Hadrodelphis sp. (Achan Mine, Florida) Eurhinodelphis cocheteuxi (Antwerp, Belgium) Delphinodon dividum (Antwerp, Belgium) Scaldicetus caretti (Antwerp, Belgium) Globicephala sp. (Lee Creek Mine, North Carolina)
  9. Groundworks

    A novice at work

    I have many different types of fossils. I am so new to fossils so I am requesting help identifying a few of these finds. All of these were found in El Paso County, Colorado.
  10. Hey everyone, just getting started collecting fossils. Hoping to learn from everyone and maybe getting advice on unknown fossils and maybe new places in the US to go look for fossils. Thanks!
  11. Necropedia


    Hello everyone. My name is John and I recently graduated with departmental honors in Paleontology from the university of Oregon. I regularly collect from the Astoria formation of the Oregon coast and produce replicas of specimens collected there. I'm currently trying to get into graduate programs. I have a few research ideas relating to paleoecology of dinosaurs and the functional morphology of various features seen in dinosaurs and extinct mammals. My main interest is dinosaurs, however my research currently undergoing peer review relates to how ecology, diet, and body mass drive reproductive strategies in extant carnivorous mammals. I currently make fossil replicas using an eco friendly plant based mold making compound that has a low melting point. This material can be melted down in the microwave and poured to produce molds. The benefit to this is that as molds degrade or get damaged they can be broken down and the material reused. I believe I'm the first to use this method of fossil replication. I've attached a section from the left dentary of an Albertosaurus that I replicated using this mold making material.
  12. bcal

    ls this a fossil?

    I found this sticking out of the ground. I walk through a semi wetland woods. Often, I find many things like this. What is it?
  13. Jeffrey P

    Western Adventure Part 6

    One week fossil collecting trip out west, my sixth time in the past six years. Flew into Denver. Rented a car and headed down to Castle Rock where I spent the night at a motel. Next day drove up to Florissant Fossil Quarry. It was Wednesday and they're normally closed during the week in September, but I made special arrangements for a few hours visit. Compared to my two previous visits there, didn't do as well. The other times, I was there for the whole day, this time was just for three hours, and they had had a considerable amount of rain recently and so the shale was more crumbly and more difficult to split. Here are some of my finds. Plants:
  14. I found this mammal material, it is from the Pleistocene in a cave in Yucatán, Mexico. Can you help me identify please?
  15. One hole in the skull rather than two, next thing you know it's fur and feathers, beaks and molars. I know evolution is quirky but that seems like slim thread to hang a lineage on.
  16. PeaceRiverHistory


    Hello all, My name is Conner and I am based in Florida with most of my collection based around the peace river. I also have an interest in microfossils and I occasionally assist with lab work at my university relating to microfossils. I’ve been collecting for around 6-7 years now and I look forward to spending more time on this forum and learning!
  17. Gelatinous squid

    Why are there no bats of prey?

    I suppose owls took that niche but bats have been around since the Eocene. It seems odd that they never developed into large=prey predators.
  18. Here is another activity going on in the Denver area.... WIPS is the Western Interior Paleontology Society, a group of amateurs and professionals based in Denver. They do a Symposium every other year and this is the first one in a few years due to covid. Mammals is the theme... It is also available on Zoom... virtual attendance... Registration is 120 bucks for the two days, and only 25 for students and educators. There will be a half dozen speakers each day, art exhibits and fossil displays... (including one by my own outfit, the Tate Geological Museum). Here is the link... https://westernpaleo.org/wp/?page_id=928 Hope to see some of you there, esp those in the area of Colorado
  19. Guest

    Mississippi Pleistocene Jaws

    These are from the Pleistocene of Mississippi
  20. Jeffrey P

    Mammal Tooth From Big Brook Trib

    I found this yesterday in one of Big Brook's upper tributaries. Big Brook is in Monmouth County, New Jersey and is famed for its Upper Cretaceous fauna. Occasionally, Pleistocene material is found there. This definitely is not Cretaceous. Probably modern though it does feel heavier than a regular tooth. Deer is a likely candidate, but I wouldn't rule out caribou in which case it would be a fossil. I have found a lot of modern bones in the brooks in Monmouth County. Any ID help or direction to resources would be appreciated. Thanks.
  21. Have I found a tiny fossilized mammal jaw? Found from the gulf of kutch(65-2 mya) late cretaceous-tertiary. It was found in a creek .
  22. Hi everyone! This thread is dedicated to our Southeast asis fossil cave adventures and finds. One of the important sites for the Stegodon - Pongo - Ailuropoda fauna of the Pleistocene. This not only just fossils but also the Paleolithic and Neolithic found. Following this and I wil explain more experiment on IDyng the cave fossils and some basic things to know the age of them. Hope you guys enjoy it! This is my first trip in North Viet Nm. Cave entrance (usually Pleistocene cave have very small entrance) Just 15 minutes and I discovered a hominid tooth. It not my first time but I really love that moments. I use to found mammals before but just normal deer fossils. Looking for fossils into these cave deposites and cave breccia is not easy
  23. In the summer of 2020 jpc and I had planned to get together in Eastern Wyoming to collect. That trip was unfortunately aborted by the coronavirus outbreak that year. This year, that conversation resumed and a new plan for a three day excursion in June emerged. I decided to make it a two week long car trip, driving all the way from New York, a longer car trip than any I've made in the past 25 years. That would afford me the opportunity to stop at some other sites on the way there and back, plus see some family. Another big reason for driving was an opportunity to visit and collect at the Big Cedar Ridge Cretaceous plant site. Having the car would afford me the opportunity to bring the necessary tools and be able to transport the fragile specimens safely. The rising price of gasoline certainly had an impact, and my plan was to cut costs as much as possible wherever I could. Part of that plan was camping 10 nights I departed the suburbs of New York City on Saturday, June 11th. That evening I arrived at Sturgis, MI, just off interstate 80. Spent the night in a motel and headed off the next day, driving through the heart of Chicago enshrouded in mist. It was my very first time driving through that city. I headed north and in the middle of the day arrived at my cousin's place in Madison, WI. He had moved there from Manhattan five years ago to teach music at the University of Wisconsin. This was my first time visiting him there, my first time in Wisconsin, actually. He took me on a lovely tour of the school and the town. I spent the night and was on my way again just before noon the next day. It rained off and on as I drove through Western Wisconsin and crossed the Mississippi into Dubuque, Iowa. From there it was a short drive to my first fossil stop- at Graf. This Upper Ordovician site in Maquoketa Formation is famous for its nautiloid death assemblage. I have found quite a few nautiloids over the course of my collecting career, but I've never encountered a site where they are thoroughly dominant. There was a layer of limestone, a few feet thick that was in many places just packed with their shells.
  24. Tidgy's Dad

    How Mammals Survived The Extinction.

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