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  1. Hello All, Been lurking and researching for a while but i inherited this specimen that my grandpa said he acquired in alaska. I'm not sure but it looks like it mightve been more whole when he first go it but has just been sitting on a shelf like in this picture for years. I wasnt sure at the time but not i know the blue powder on the outside is viviante. I've seen a lot of advice on doing a light coating of really dilute paraloid to try to stabilize the surface, then a thicker paraloid solution to puzzle it back together. Anything else i should be worried about? Worthtaking a brush with denatured alcohol to try to clean it up a bit more? *it had to be moved because they were selling their house and so i have placed it in a plastic tote until i decide what to do next.
  2. C Rountree

    Possible mammoth ear bone?

    I found this on a beach in Charleston County, South Carolina, and I am looking for a possible identification. I have found whale ear bones before, but this looks quite different so I was wondering if it was a land mammal ear bone. Any help would be appreciated.
  3. diggumdave

    mammoth tooth fragment?

    This was found in a creek north of Jasper, Texas. I think it might be a mammoth tooth fragment. What say ye?
  4. M3gal0don_M4n

    Mammoth bone

    Is this a mammoth bone?it is among mammoth fossils. I do not have much information.
  5. Amateur Fossil Hunter Stumbles Upon Seven-Foot Mammoth Tusk In A Mississippi Stream By Austin Harvey | Edited By Maggie Donahue, All That Is Intersting, August 14, 2024 Mississippi man discovers rare mammoth tusk in Madison County creek, Brian Broom Clarion-Ledger, August 13, 2024 Yours, Paul H.
  6. SawTooth

    Mammoth tooth frag?

    I found this in Summerville, South Carolina this weekend, I was thinking a piece of mammoth tooth, any thoughts?
  7. Alaskaan

    Unknown mammoth bone

  8. jacobwlo

    Woolly mammoth molar

    Recepty I've bought a woolly mammoth molar, but I'd like to know some more about it. Like tooth positioning (my guess maxillary M3?) and what would be the age of this mammoth? Measurements 14cmx13cmx6cm Found in Poland. Thanks for your help!
  9. jesslovesanomalocaris

    Tiny mammoth/elephant molar?

    Hi I am cataloguing a fossil collection and this had been labelled as 'Scarus' but I can't find any pictures online that confirm this. To me it looks exactly like a mammoth or elephant molar but tiny, it is about 15mm long, 10mm wide. Any ideas? It was collected in Yately
  10. Fitch

    Woolly Mammoth Tooth

    From the album: Fossils I've Purchased

  11. Fitch

    Woolly Mammoth Tooth

    From the album: Fossils I've Purchased

  12. C2fossils

    fossil finds Id please

    We went to a gravel bar in east Kansas yesterday and found some fossils that I can’t seem to identify. Thank y’all for your help! maybe tortoise or armadillo toe core? unknown tooth? small metatarsal/metacarpal? thank you!
  13. CharlieBuffett

    Mammoth mandibula ID

    Hi all, Id love to hear some informed opinions. According to the seller, this mammoth mandibula is from Ukraine and from Miocene epoch. Based on my research, this seems highly improbable, but Im conscious I know very little. Consequently, could you please help me understand: 1) if it is genuine 2) what period this is likely from 3) what mammoth species this is Many thanks gents!
  14. dries85

    Mammuthus primigenius molar?

    Hey, today i went hunting for shark teeth in the Antwerp area in Belgium. The spot i searched is actually a Pleistocene base gravel with reworked shark teeth and shell material from Eocene to Pleistocene. After 4 hours of wet sifting for shark teeth in some puddles i decided to give my back a rest and have a walk around the locality. At a certain spot with fossil material and recent debris mixed up i suddenly came across this one.. I couldn't believe my luck! I think it's a Mammuthus primigenius or woolly mammoth molar, but could someone tell me some more about it. Like tooth positioning, how much of it is missing (i've looked around and no other parts to be recovered), what would be the age or size of this particular animal,..? It's 18cmx14cmx9cm Thx! Dries
  15. I bought several mammoth hairs, and the second image is a microscope observation of them. (Sorry the microscope at home isn't performing very well.) These look like a possibility of mammoth hair?
  16. I applied butvar 76 dissolved in acetone to a tusk that I had dried for a year. I guess the solution was too concentrated, my application too thick, or my specimen too cold. In any case, it dried with an ugly white film on my tusk. I need to remove it and start over. I read that the butvar could be dissolved in acetone. I went after it with a both a cotton rag and scotch brite pad. While some of the ugly film was removed, it created a gooey mess that required lots of elbow grease to remove. After the acetone evaporated, there’s still traces of haziness. Several years back, I applied the same concentration of butvar 76 to another tusk. It turned out with a spectacular subdued sheen. The only difference I can think of was the tusk was warm from sitting the sun before the application, while my latest attempt was performed inside. At the rate I’m going, it will take gallons of acetone and many hours to remove my botched attempt. And yet, I can still see some residual dull butvar in the nooks and crannies. I’m seeking advice on how to best remedy my situation. Thank you.
  17. Emilhg


    Can this be a piece of mammoth tusk?
  18. Hi Just got back from the peace river near arcadia. Looking for some help in identifying the fang, claw, and larger teeth. Looks like a beaver tooth and either a mammoth or mastodon? Thanks for any help! Sifter
  19. I found this mammoth molar piece in North Florida submerged in the water yesterday. It is extremely brittle and flaky. How do I care for this right now, and how do I preserve it?
  20. Sausagechamp

    Found Fossil

    Found this south of Bismarck, North Dakota. A few miles from the hell creek formation but not in it. Found near creek. Possibly Bison?
  21. Jaybot

    Mammuthus sp. calf molar fragment

    From the album: Neutache Shoreline

    A -very- river worn/polished fragment of a baby/calf mammoth tooth. Could be a Wooly mammoth, or Mammoth columbi- It was found in between both species known range(s). #VL19 5/3/24

    © CC BY-NC

  22. C2fossils

    Mammoth tooth slide

    From the album: Vertebrates

    Mammoth tooth slide found on the kaw river
  23. Mammag

    Mammoth vertebra?

    Hi, I suspect I have a piece of vertebra of a mammoth? It was found in the North Sea. The dimensions are approximately 33 cm by 33 cm and 8 cm thick. Would love to learn more about it!
  24. johnnyvaldez7.jv

    SE Texas - A mammoth gift!

    @CDiggs This past Thursday, my mom called me and said she ran into a lady she'd know since she was little but hadn't seen her in a long time. The lady asked if her son, me, was the guy who fossil hunts. My mom said yes, and the lady said she has some bones she'd like me to have. So my mom got her contact info and I called and met up with her. When I arrive we go to her storage and in 3 boxes are all of these massive bones. It turns out years ago her ex boyfriend collected these and he passed away 12 years ago. So they've sat in storage all this time. She didn't know what to do with them nor want them. She kept 3 small pieces for her mantle. There is a massive tusk piece in here!! And a nice petrified wood piece. Here are photos. But... Most of what I have ever found has been in water at some point, so it's mineralized fully with darker colors. This, I believe, came from gravel pits locally to me in SE Texas. It's probably been in a more arid environment and dryer so some of the bones are fully mineralized and very, very heavy, while others are dry, lightweight, and crumbly like chalk. And dusty. My questions: How do I clean these? A new paint brush with soft bristles doesn't get the stuff out of the interior holes of the bones. Air? Could I wash or rinse them with water and a soft brush, or something else and let them air dry slowly but not in direct sunlight? I read if it drys too quick the bones could crack. I'd like them to be clean. I have Paraloid for after a cleaning. Some of this white powder is everywhere in this like flour and I wonder if the bone began to deteriorate. This is an incredible gift.
  25. kirkjeremiah23

    Unknown tooth

    Found this partial tooth and wanted to know your opinions. I have found many bison/bovine and horse fossils from this site in Kansas. I appreciate the help
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