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Found 4 results

  1. Found these yesterday in gray slate like clay layer crumble layer below limestone creatacious outcrop in creek in north tx stuck on clay/slate mud possible ivory was found on Trinity river main tx Also recently found what seems to be ivory petrified chunk. I polished growth rings and smelled like burnt antler or kinda like hair when I first put under grinder. any ideas ? pics 1-4 possible ivory or petrified wood? Much softer than p wood I’ve founds and think it can burn. 5-6 Dino gemie bone or coprolite/poop? 7-8 very translucent coprolite or just some sort of agatetized quartz rock etc? 9 where found rocks under limestone fossil outcrop any ideas of these stone?
  2. Pseudogygites

    Equus Tibia & Mammoth Tooth Fragment?

    Hi everyone! I'm now living just outside Saskatoon and I am working with the University of Saskatchewan's Museum of Natural Sciences. The Saskatoon area is largely undescribed in paleontological literature, so I have been visiting various sites around the city in the hope of finding some fossils. I found these specimens in sediment exposed by construction excavation. I have several other bone fragments from this site, all exhibiting mineral staining, but they are likely ribs and vertebrae which are difficult to identify to the species level. The first is clearly a mammal limb bone. I believe it to be the distal end of a tibia. It is heavily water-worn, but I believe I can still make out the impressions of the double trochlea. I know that a reliable method of identifying tibias to either Perissodactyla or Artiodactyla is to observe the impressions of the double trochlea (credit to this thread for helping me with this!): I think I can make out the impressions, though I'm not sure if they are at an angle or if they truly run fore and aft. I would greatly appreciate some more input on this and some fresh eyes! I've included a (somewhat crude) rendering to help illustrate what I think I see. If it does belong to the Perissodactyla group, I can confidently assign it to Equus indet., establishing the specimen as a fossil. The second object looks and feels like a fragment of mammoth ivory. It has the distinctive bark-like outer texture and it is almost identical in most regards to confirmed fragments of mammoth tooth I have. I don't know what the dark substance is on the underside. I have no idea how something that looks so biological could be produced by a construction site, so I strongly suspect it is at least something organic. I don't know how helpful photos are in identifying mammoth tooth fragments, but if an identification is possible I would really appreciate it! If I can identify either one or both of these specimens as Pleistocene fossils, I can designate the site as a fossiliferous location and continue my work in the area with more confidence. Thank you all!
  3. My name is Dominic. I have a hobby of restoring old straight razors and I make scales. I have worked once with mammoth ivory and found it to be a challenge but enjoy the work. The pieces I need can be 1/8 or less in thickness, an inch wide but 1.5 to 2 is better and 5.5 to 6 inches in length. I can make scales with broken pieces that some may not consider to have much value Best Regards, Dominic I have attached an example of one of my works. Gabon ebony with mammoth ivory spacer
  4. sjaak

    What Caused These Marks

    Hello, I found this one some time ago. It's a piece of woolly mammoth tusk from the northsea, Netherlands, late pleistocene Only recently I noticed these marks: running along the fractured edge to the inside of the ivory. There is sediment on the edge, so the fracture seems ancient. There appears to be some sediment in the marks, so I think the marks are ancient too. (not completely sure though). I wonder if anyone has an idea what or who made these. Sometimes modern birds pick on bones or ivory on the beach for calcium. I do not think these are bird marks, but maybe I am wrong. Also, I wonder if it makes sense that a predator like hyena gnaws on a piece of tusk... Regards, Niels
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