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Found 24 results

  1. Andrew Boden

    Possible mammoth tooth my son found?

    My son found this in a deep washout in Adair county Iowa. Rock hounds have pointed in the direction of mammoth tooth but not sure.
  2. jacobwlo

    Woolly mammoth molar

    Recepty I've bought a woolly mammoth molar, but I'd like to know some more about it. Like tooth positioning (my guess maxillary M3?) and what would be the age of this mammoth? Measurements 14cmx13cmx6cm Found in Poland. Thanks for your help!
  3. I found this mammoth molar piece in North Florida submerged in the water yesterday. It is extremely brittle and flaky. How do I care for this right now, and how do I preserve it?
  4. Debbie holt

    Sponge, barnicle, tooth

  5. beckyj

    Help identify,

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  6. I am thinking this is a weird shaped rock, however the top part is throwing me off with the pattern. Hopefully I am wrong?
  7. RobFallen

    Mammoth Tooth - Mammuthus primigenius

    From the album: Robs Fossil Collection

    Mammoth Tooth - Mammuthus primigenius from the fishermen of the North sea Dredged up from the Doggerland/Brown Bank and dated between 30,000 - 40,000 Years old
  8. kerrimarie805

    Mammoth Tooth

    Ok, this piece is why I'm here. I would like to have it's identification verified and need to know if it could be a fake. It was given to me, not by the person who found it but by a mutual friend who didn't know to ask any questions about the piece when it was given to him. The original collector has since passed so there's no going back for Q&A. I do believe it was found somewhere in western Nebraska, southwest South Dakota, or eastern Wyoming as this area is where the original collector did most of his hunting. However, I do not know this for certain as it concerns this piece specifically. The person who gave it to me could only tell me that it's a juvenile mammoth tooth. I'm needing that ID verified to the best of the forum's collective abilities. As well, I've been asked if it's a fake and the thought that that is possible is always in my mind when looking at the piece. I wouldn't know how to spot a faked fossil but do know fakes are out there and the notion that "if something is too good to be true" does have standing in this situation simply because of how it came to me. I do so hope to hear it's a real fossilized juvenile mammoth tooth and a great specimen for a beginning collector! Fingers crossed, K
  9. Brandy Cole

    Partial Mammoth Tooth?

    I recently got interested in fossil hunting when my family found a couple of fossils while wading in the river near our home. Everything my husband and I have found has been on a sandbar or in shallow water. I've been told the river can be a good place to find Pleistocene fossils of big mammals and reptiles. We've found several things that I'm hoping people can help me identify in the next few days, but it may be easiest to start with one that doesn't require a lot of pictures so I can test out this whole submission process. =-) We found this and debated about what it was. It didn't look like normal petrified wood, and it resembled a mammoth tooth fragment I saw on this site. Any info would be great. I have more pictures if they would be helpful. I'm looking forward to posting a few partial bones we've found and some reptile-related things (unless I'm guessing completely wrong on those) in the next day or so. Thank you in advance. --Brandy
  10. I am hoping to get some advice on how to handle preservation prep on a recently found section of mammoth tooth. I have soaked the tooth, removed debris/algae with vinegar, rinsed thoroughly and have the tooth soaking in the toilet tank. I plan on following Harry Pristis' advise on consolidation found in previous posts. I am leaving on a 2 week trip and will not have time to dry the specimen and complete the consolidation before the trip. So the question is, should I leave the tooth soaking until I return or remove the tooth from the water and allow it to dry for the 2 weeks in a controlled manner (In a ventilated aquarium resting on sand)?
  11. Hello again TTF! This will be my second post about my finds from my first trip to the peace river! This post is dedicated to one of my favourite finds and one of my favourite animals, the mammoth! During my trip to the peace river, I found many beautiful fossils myself, but I seemed to have had the best luck searching through other people's garbage. The location where I went to collect in was already visited many times by other people. Everything unwanted that turns up in their shifters is usually thrown to the banks, creating garbage piles. One particularly productive garbage pile produced many of my favourite Dugong ribs, my only meg (more on that later) and a mammoth tooth! How someone could look at these things and throw them away is beyond me. Unfortunately, the tooth was already fragmented when I found it. I believe that all the fragments came from the same tooth, though, because some fit together perfectly! I also have a question about this tooth. Is it possible to identify the species of mammoth from the tooth, either from its features or by looking at the known species of mammoth present in Florida? Thanks!
  12. cipollinaj

    Mammoth tooth

    HI, I am new to fossil collecting and I wanted a mammoth tooth for my office. Through the internet , I contacted a fellow in Russia who claimed to have dug mammoth fossils . He sent me some photos. I'm no expert , but this looks fresh to me . I asked are you sure this is a 10,000 year old fossil and not from a modern day elephant and possibly from poaching . His reply was that the permafrost is an excellent preservative and they had found animals with skin and hair . What is your opinion.
  13. I'm not sure what this is. Any suggestions?
  14. Any ideas as to what this is? I'm a novice. Thought it might be part of a mammoth tooth but the roots-if that's what they are-look kind of distorted and not as uniform as what I've seen. Maybe some sort of trace fossil? Found in a stream bed in N. NJ. Thanks!
  15. Zalmo


    Recently received a mammoth tooth, currently soaking in water, changed daily. How best to treat after drying to preserve? We got the tooth from a family member in Alaska, not sure where he got it. Our one and only fossil at this time.
  16. Harry Pristis

    Woolly Mammoth Tooth

    From the album: TEETH & JAWS

    (This image is best viewed by clicking on the button on the upper right of this page => "other sizes" => "large".)

    © Harry Pristis 2014

  17. AJ Plai

    Mammoth Tooth On Stand

    From the album: Mammal Fossils Collection

    Mammoth molar tooth on custom display stand Mammuthus primigenius (lower jaw molar) Geological Age: Pleistocene Locality: North Sea Bed
  18. I was visiting the local museum of a small town near San Antonio and found what I think is a mammoth tooth amid their collection. The curator just thought it was an unusual rock that had been donated before he came to the museum. In the exhibit, it was on the floor next to a crumbling tombstone. I took a few pictures with my phone, but did not think to include a scale. From memory, I'd say it is around 6-8" long, 4-5" wide, and about 3" deep. What do you think? Did I get it right?
  19. painshill

    Mammoth Tooth Ridges

    In articles about mammoths, I frequently see references to: "mammoth species can be identified by counting the number of ridges on the first 4 inches of the chewing surface of the tooth". In fact everyone seems to be quoting from the same unspecified source. Does anyone know what that source is, whether the statement is actually true and if so... what the relationship might be???
  20. This time of year I usually do just one dive since it gets cold even with a drysuit. Diving when you are cold is not too much fun and I tend to find less if I am cold so I just don't bother. Today I went to an old spot that always has thick mud that I have to dig through. It is usually not worth the time and energy it takes to dig to the fossil layer there but the current was so strong that I figured it would be a good place to go since I could anchor myself into the mud with my feet. Plus it has been awhile and you never know what you will find. Once I started moving around I found an area where the mud was mostly cleared away and I found a lot of bones near the surface. The first thing I found was the mammoth tooth. It was buried pretty deep but right away I felt was the root and I knew what it was. I only have three or four others this nice so that made my day a success in my mind. Then I started finding the Megalodon teeth. The largest tooth has a tiny chip on the tip and is almost 5.75" long. The third one down in size is nearly flawless and is over 4". The smallest one is also in top condition. I did have to dig a lot so I burned through my air pretty quickly. Near the end it was getting hard to breath and I was about to come up when I found a large vert. If you pull these out of the mud you often find bones and teeth have settled in around them. I pulled the vert out of the way and felt a small tooth. It turned out that the small tooth was a 3-1/8" flawless Mako tooth. At that point I had to come up but it was a great dive.
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