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  1. Andúril Flame of the West

    Chronicles in the Maastrichtian: Part II

    With the surprisingly warm weather early last week, I could not resist heading out for what is likely to be the last hunt of the season. Although I did not have the greatest luck on my last trip, I decided to hit the new Severn spot once again - and I couldn't be happier that I did! Upon arriving I was greeted by the open expanse of weathered marl, reminiscent of the western badlands despite the bustling city only a few miles away. Chunks of orange ironstone stood out against the dark Severn matrix and abundant Exogyra costata oysters littered the ground. The Exogyra often occur in small clusters, presumably what would have been oyster beds at the bottom of the shallow Cretaceous sea. A couple of poorly preserved Exogyra weathering out of the marl. Although I had collected a nice handful of Exogyra on my adventure at the site, I could not resist slipping another into the rucksack . The single Exogyra costata specimen collected on this trip. Although it is only a partial specimen, the bottom valve had a particularly interesting appearance. I wandered across the weathered slopes, keeping my eye out for my vertebrate quarry. Due to the poorly preserved nature of the fossils found at this site, I had an exceptionally difficult time differentiating fossils from suggestively shaped rocks. After the first hour, I had only collected about one piece that I felt was a fossil. Although the vertebrate remains remained elusive, I chanced upon an unexpected fossil - a nice chunk of lignite. The marl was rather rich in lignite, with carbonized remains of ancient plants appearing rather frequently. However, these tended to be highly fragmentary and would disintegrate at the slightest disturbance. A nice chunk of lignite that popped right out of the matrix. The lignite, indicative of a nearshore environment, hints at the exciting possibility of finding the remains of certain terrestrial Mesozoic reptiles in the Severn marls... After finding the chunk of lignite, the finds slowed once again. The misshapen ironstone concretions were certainly making their best bone impressions! . While investigating a cluster of Exogyra, I happened upon my first vertebrate fossil of the trip. A nice-sized shark tooth of a similar size to that recovered on my last trip. Based on responses to my last post, I am unsure if it would be appropriate to label this tooth as Scapanorhynchus sp. Any insight would be appreciated . Following the discovery of the first shark tooth, my eyes quickly began gravitating to the suddenly abundant fossils that littered the ground. It was not long before I had gathered a small sampling of surface-collected Severn shark teeth. A few more shark teeth found shortly after I happened upon the first. Unfortunately, the teeth are very poorly preserved and some smaller, brittle teeth disintegrated under the slightest pressure. A few of the smaller shark teeth. The poor preservation combined with the weathered condition of these teeth renders them almost unrecognizable. The shark tooth haul of the day. Along with the shark teeth, numerous white bone fragments littered the matrix. Although these initial seemed quite similar to the concretions and pebbles that lay alongside them, I gradually began to develop an eye for bone. Like the shark teeth, the bones were coated in a white, crusty covering and many were extremely fragile from constant weathering. A handful of fish vertebrae and some miscellaneous bone fragments. Some chunkosaurus, possibly from marine turtles or mosasaurs. The largest bone fragment of the day. This is likely too fragmentary to be identified, though I would be curious to see if any members have suggestions. A view from the end of the bone. What I have tentatively identified as a fish jaw section, possibly from a fish similar to Enchodus. Another intriguing bone fragment. After having spent several hours at the site, I was far more successful than I had been on the last trip. With my eyes attuned to the preservation of the fossils, I decided to give the place I had started at another try. I happened upon several bone fragments before my eyes landed on the last thing I expected to see weathering out of the steep slope... ...a large mosasaur vertebra! The processes were missing and it was badly weathered, but it was a season-maker. In my excitement, I forgot to take in-situ pictures, though it seemed to be little more than another concretion before I picked it up. The vertebra is quite busted up from being exposed to the elements, though some consolidation should help preserve it. Owing to its poor preservation, I do not know if an identification would be possible. In case there is a chance of ID, my understanding is that the three main species of mosasaur recognized from the Severn are Halisaurus platyspondylus, Mosasaurus condon, and Mosasaurus maximus. The vertebra seems to bear a resemblance to that of M. maximus, though the condition makes it very difficult to tell. Overcoming the initial excitement of the discovery, I had to wonder how many times I had walked over the vertebra... and what else I may have overlooked. Thanks for stopping by and happy hunting!
  2. Hi everyone, I found this two fossils in Berriasian marl, in the Chartreuse mountains in France. I'm a bit struggling to identify them, I would be happy if somebody in here could help me. Thanks a lot for your help ! Arthur.
  3. Lone Hunter

    Septarian Creek Bottom

    In my favorite creek with water levels so low there is a facinating little stretch exposed that is unlike any other part of the creek I've seen. There's about 100 ft of this grey marl in lower bank going into water, it's gritty, some still soft some like cement, loaded with gastropods, bivalves, and coalified wood. Running through it are the biggest calcite veins I've ever seen, some 10-15 ft long and almost pink, have no idea how far down they go. I was barely able to break a section off, this is part of one the smaller veins. Wondering if anyone has seen something similar. The other odd part is above that, there is a layer about 3ft deep of what I call cobblestone clay, it's hues of yellow and orange layered and rounded easily falls apart. Found shark teeth in it but I've never seen anything like it in Eagle Ford. Is there an association between the layers or do they even belong together?
  4. ThePhysicist

    Austin chalk

    From the album: Austin Chalk

    The Austin chalk as its name suggests is primarily composed of chalk beds with interspersed marls. Here you can see the transition from chalk to marl (light towards the top, grey towards the bottom). I at first hoped this was the Eagle Ford contact horizon (which is a shale with cool shark teeth), but alas not.
  5. From the album: Fossil Amber and Copal: Worldwide Localities

    "Ajkaite" Ajka-Csingervölgy, Ajka District, Hungary Ajka Coal Fm./Csehbánya Fm. (~86.8-83.4 Ma) Chemical Composition: C: 80%, H: 10%, O: 9%, S: 1-2% Refractive Index: 1.541 Specific Gravity: 1.0 Weight of Specimen: 2.4g Dimensions: 18x14x13mm Lighting: Longwave UV (Convoy S2) Ajkaite is a fossil resin with chemical composition markedly different from succinite (i.e., Baltic amber); it also contains low levels of sulfur. Ajkaite is found within layers of fossiliferous marl (numerous fossil shells can be seen in the matrix in the images): the marl is also accompanied by layers of coal, sand, sandstone, and siltstone. Ajkaite is found in both the Ajka Coal Fm. and the Csehbánya Fm., which two Formations are roughly the same age, and laterally transition into each other. The coal mines roughly 4km southeast of Ajka first began production in 1872, and continued until the last mine was closed on September 3, 2004. Now, Ajkaite specimens can only be found in spoil-banks or refuse piles (Jókai coal refuse) near the city. Various arthropods have been found trapped within Ajkaite, e.g., Araneae (spiders), Diptera (flies), Coleoptera (beetles), and Hymenoptera (ants, wasps). Since much of this amber is typically cloudy, X-ray tomography (CT scan) is often used to visually document the inclusions. Sources: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0195667121003451?fbclid=IwAR2in5-wXBSojVWPQKkSwSuEPuZ5Wd77Z5I0iYfRPWHbc5PAHI7gegfmr3o https://pubs.usgs.gov/bul/1627/report.pdf?fbclid=IwAR142uewIjbJxH2oQDfnoX3j4C0K-cH33lTKfDd7AePr-rfIUQCkPylTmXg https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-03573-5.pdf?origin=ppub&fbclid=IwAR2- https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-03573-5.pdf?origin=ppub&fbclid=IwAR2-JvTOC8CPgd4eft49V5vrItPEtiXd1iWmKkjzd8Vdw75ZXmjGGOIz5jU https://pubs.usgs.gov/bul/1627/report.pdf?fbclid=IwAR142uewIjbJxH2oQDfnoX3j4C0K-cH33lTKfDd7AePr-rfIUQCkPylTmXg

    © Kaegen Lau

  6. From the album: Fossil Amber and Copal: Worldwide Localities

    "Ajkaite" Ajka-Csingervölgy, Ajka District, Hungary Ajka Coal Fm./Csehbánya Fm. (~86.8-83.4 Ma) Chemical Composition: C: 80%, H: 10%, O: 9%, S: 1-2% Refractive Index: 1.541 Specific Gravity: 1.0 Weight of Specimen: 2.4g Dimensions: 18x14x13mm Lighting: Longwave UV (Convoy S2) Ajkaite is a fossil resin with chemical composition markedly different from succinite (i.e., Baltic amber); it also contains low levels of sulfur. Ajkaite is found within layers of fossiliferous marl (numerous fossil shells can be seen in the matrix in the images): the marl is also accompanied by layers of coal, sand, sandstone, and siltstone. Ajkaite is found in both the Ajka Coal Fm. and the Csehbánya Fm., which two Formations are roughly the same age, and laterally transition into each other. The coal mines roughly 4km southeast of Ajka first began production in 1872, and continued until the last mine was closed on September 3, 2004. Now, Ajkaite specimens can only be found in spoil-banks or refuse piles (Jókai coal refuse) near the city. Various arthropods have been found trapped within Ajkaite, e.g., Araneae (spiders), Diptera (flies), Coleoptera (beetles), and Hymenoptera (ants, wasps). Since much of this amber is typically cloudy, X-ray tomography (CT scan) is often used to visually document the inclusions. Sources: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0195667121003451?fbclid=IwAR2in5-wXBSojVWPQKkSwSuEPuZ5Wd77Z5I0iYfRPWHbc5PAHI7gegfmr3o https://pubs.usgs.gov/bul/1627/report.pdf?fbclid=IwAR142uewIjbJxH2oQDfnoX3j4C0K-cH33lTKfDd7AePr-rfIUQCkPylTmXg https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-03573-5.pdf?origin=ppub&fbclid=IwAR2- https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-03573-5.pdf?origin=ppub&fbclid=IwAR2-JvTOC8CPgd4eft49V5vrItPEtiXd1iWmKkjzd8Vdw75ZXmjGGOIz5jU https://pubs.usgs.gov/bul/1627/report.pdf?fbclid=IwAR142uewIjbJxH2oQDfnoX3j4C0K-cH33lTKfDd7AePr-rfIUQCkPylTmXg

    © Kaegen Lau

  7. From the album: Fossil Amber and Copal: Worldwide Localities

    "Ajkaite" Ajka-Csingervölgy, Ajka District, Hungary Ajka Coal Fm./Csehbánya Fm. (~86.8-83.4 Ma) Chemical Composition: C: 80%, H: 10%, O: 9%, S: 1-2% Refractive Index: 1.541 Specific Gravity: 1.0 Weight of Specimen: 2.4g Dimensions: 18x14x13mm Ajkaite is a fossil resin with chemical composition markedly different from succinite (i.e., Baltic amber); it also contains low levels of sulfur. Ajkaite is found within layers of fossiliferous marl (numerous fossil shells can be seen in the matrix in the images): the marl is also accompanied by layers of coal, sand, sandstone, and siltstone. Ajkaite is found in both the Ajka Coal Fm. and the Csehbánya Fm., which two Formations are roughly the same age, and laterally transition into each other. The coal mines roughly 4km southeast of Ajka first began production in 1872, and continued until the last mine was closed on September 3, 2004. Now, Ajkaite specimens can only be found in spoil-banks or refuse piles (Jókai coal refuse) near the city. Various arthropods have been found trapped within Ajkaite, e.g., Araneae (spiders), Diptera (flies), Coleoptera (beetles), and Hymenoptera (ants, wasps). Since much of this amber is typically cloudy, X-ray tomography (CT scan) is often used to visually document the inclusions. Sources: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0195667121003451?fbclid=IwAR2in5-wXBSojVWPQKkSwSuEPuZ5Wd77Z5I0iYfRPWHbc5PAHI7gegfmr3o https://pubs.usgs.gov/bul/1627/report.pdf?fbclid=IwAR142uewIjbJxH2oQDfnoX3j4C0K-cH33lTKfDd7AePr-rfIUQCkPylTmXg https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-03573-5.pdf?origin=ppub&fbclid=IwAR2- https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-03573-5.pdf?origin=ppub&fbclid=IwAR2-JvTOC8CPgd4eft49V5vrItPEtiXd1iWmKkjzd8Vdw75ZXmjGGOIz5jU https://pubs.usgs.gov/bul/1627/report.pdf?fbclid=IwAR142uewIjbJxH2oQDfnoX3j4C0K-cH33lTKfDd7AePr-rfIUQCkPylTmXg

    © Kaegen Lau

  8. From the album: Fossil Amber and Copal: Worldwide Localities

    "Ajkaite" Ajka-Csingervölgy, Ajka District, Hungary Ajka Coal Fm./Csehbánya Fm. (~86.8-83.4 Ma) Chemical Composition: C: 80%, H: 10%, O: 9%, S: 1-2% Refractive Index: 1.541 Specific Gravity: 1.0 Weight of Specimen: 2.4g Dimensions: 18x14x13mm Ajkaite is a fossil resin with chemical composition markedly different from succinite (i.e., Baltic amber); it also contains low levels of sulfur. Ajkaite is found within layers of fossiliferous marl (numerous fossil shells can be seen in the matrix in the images): the marl is also accompanied by layers of coal, sand, sandstone, and siltstone. Ajkaite is found in both the Ajka Coal Fm. and the Csehbánya Fm., which two Formations are roughly the same age, and laterally transition into each other. The coal mines roughly 4km southeast of Ajka first began production in 1872, and continued until the last mine was closed on September 3, 2004. Now, Ajkaite specimens can only be found in spoil-banks or refuse piles (Jókai coal refuse) near the city. Various arthropods have been found trapped within Ajkaite, e.g., Araneae (spiders), Diptera (flies), Coleoptera (beetles), and Hymenoptera (ants, wasps). Since much of this amber is typically cloudy, X-ray tomography (CT scan) is often used to visually document the inclusions. Sources: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0195667121003451?fbclid=IwAR2in5-wXBSojVWPQKkSwSuEPuZ5Wd77Z5I0iYfRPWHbc5PAHI7gegfmr3o https://pubs.usgs.gov/bul/1627/report.pdf?fbclid=IwAR142uewIjbJxH2oQDfnoX3j4C0K-cH33lTKfDd7AePr-rfIUQCkPylTmXg https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-03573-5.pdf?origin=ppub&fbclid=IwAR2- https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-03573-5.pdf?origin=ppub&fbclid=IwAR2-JvTOC8CPgd4eft49V5vrItPEtiXd1iWmKkjzd8Vdw75ZXmjGGOIz5jU https://pubs.usgs.gov/bul/1627/report.pdf?fbclid=IwAR142uewIjbJxH2oQDfnoX3j4C0K-cH33lTKfDd7AePr-rfIUQCkPylTmXg

    © Kaegen Lau

  9. Hi ! So I went on a walk in some marls in Lozère, France. Usually, I find some amonites and belemnites but this time I decided to change from my usual spot and searched around. I found an isolated marl which is a couple of kilometers away from the main marls which are known to be from the Toarcian. In the whole region (région des grands causses), marls can be either from Toarcian or Pliensbachian according to french wikipedia (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marne_(géologie) ). Anyway in this new marl, I didn't find the same fossils as usual, at all. I found mainly gastropods, very small bivalves as well as some rare cases of amonites (which are abundant on the contrary on the other spot). So I was wondering what they were. I believe there are at least two different species in my findings : those on the upper lines look like some pictures of Amphitrochus pictures I found on this forum and on the net. On the second line are what I believe is a second species I didn't really manage to find similar thing on this forum. Under it I put the best looking very small bivalve I found in the very same marl. Do you know what could those be ? I hope it interests you ! Alice
  10. jerseygurl

    Fossil IDs NJ Cretaceous Unknowns

    Hello Fossil Folks.. Wondering if there is enough here to make an identification. All items were found in NJ along the bays of the beautiful locale of Monmouth County. Most everything I pick up is very sea worn, however, a lot have similar form and are the of the same texture. Many remind me of little tree trunks, some are flat like the ends of a paddle with a little curve, and few are round like fingers. Other finds I can easily id, like fossil clams and coprolite, but these I’m curious to know what they might consist of, or what they may have originated from. Maybe they aren’t even fossils. What I do know is that they are unique in that I have never found anything like them in the cretaceous brooks. So here goes, I did my best with the pics. Another thing that makes it hard to id stuff is that most everything is the same black or brown marl color. Thank you!
  11. Anita Raffen

    Weird fossils/stones at ENCI-quarry

    Hi folks, Let me introduce myself. My name is anita and I'm from the Netherlands. Two weeks ago I went for a walk with my little son (he is facinated by fossils) at the ENCI-quarry in Maastricht, Netherlands. He has found a total of two "wierd" stones or fossils and we would like to know what they are. Fossil number 1) This stone had a wierd shape. We thought there might be a fossil in here. When I smashed it open at home there was a petrified ball in this stone? We found this stone along a marl/limestone quarry. Fossil number 2) It looks like there is an imprint of a fossil in this stone. Could this be a print of a piece of branch/wood or a belemnite? We found this stone on the footpath. One problem: of both fossils I do not know the geological era. We are very curious to hear your opinion Kind regards. PS, here is the link to a website about the ENCI area in English. Maybe this helps.
  12. Found close to Paderborn, Germany (Erwitte-Formation) alongside with some echinoids (most likely Micraster cortestudinarium),an ammonite and countless Inoceramidae clams. Marly Limestone Formation of the lower Coniacium or upper Turonium. I was wondering if it could be some kind of petrified drift wood, palm or root?
  13. LeesKeys

    age of Marl?

    I went on a very pleasant hike last weekend on the Island Creek Trail in the Croatan National Forest near Pollocksville, NC. In one spot along the creek the embankment is layered with about 15 feet of fossil shells. Trying to get an idea of the age of these deposits. Pleistocene? Miocene?
  14. fifbrindacier

    faecal ? By who ?

    Hi everybody. I stumbled upon those photos on another forum and i wondered about what are they, and about how and "who" made those alignaments of aptychi. They've been found in Valanginian marls, Saynoceras verrucosum zone. Concerning what and how, the authors of that article Double alignments of ammonoid aptychi from the Lower Cretaceous of Southeast France proposed several hypothesis : a possible bottom current ; regurgitalites of an ammonoid eater ; stomachal residues ; cololites. But their best hypothesis is cylindrical coprolites that separated in two parts just after the animal defecated or being close to the sea bottom or in relation to the anatomy of the anus or the cloaca. As to who, the candidates could be teleost fishes, plesiosaurs, ichthyosaurs, marine turtles, crocodiles. I'm very curious about those alignments of aptychi and wondered if one of you has seen something similar to this or could have an idea about the animal that produced them ? Thank you for your participation. Cheers, Sophie.
  15. NWARockhound

    Two Texas DFW Cretaceous Nautilus

    When I was visiting my parents for Christmas, there was a surprise for me in my favorite local creek bed, and it wasn't just how cold the water was! I've found plenty of ammos there, but these are my first two nautilus. I tried to find out what they are, but I pretty much got redirected to ammo IDs. I was also wondering if it's worth buying the HGMS ID books. I'm curious, but don't really want to spend the money. These were found in a marl layer, but I'm not really sure which one. Grayson Marl I believe. Found in Tarrant County. Are they cymatoceras? Cracked one is about 2" diameter, other about 1.5".
  16. VStergios

    Planorbis freshwater gastropods?

    Found this mortality plate in the thin compact layer between neogene conglomerates and marl, above the flysch, at Milia beach in Alonissos island, Greece. According to a paper regarding the neogene in Alonissos [ http://sciencepress.mnhn.fr/sites/default/files/articles/pdf/g2019v41a3.pdf ] findings from marl deposits in an abandoned lignite quarry near Votsi village include Planorbis freshwater gastropods. Have I also found planorbis gastropods? Am I looking at Miocene or Pliocene fossils? As always any suggestions are much appreciated!
  17. PeterMichael

    ID this ?dino?

    ·Big Brook, NJ, USA ·Panned fr brook bottom w marl+ ·Miocene form. overlaps Late Cretaceous? .Attach: images of 2 fossils .(found pre-2020) I assume these (3+1) fossils may be from the "same" species, two diff. animals? No outstanding horizontal/diagonal "veins" from the prominent central ridges. Rookie request to ID b4 summer trip to c Dr. Parris, NJ St. Museum, Trenton. Thx
  18. Okay, for all my friends who asked how I breakdown the matrix and look at it, this is how I breakdown the Martin Marietta Cretaceous marl type matrix. The Matrix I work, is from Martin Marietta Cement Quarry 5-8 inch thick phosphate pebble layer. 1. It starts with placing about 20 pounds or fill 1/2 of a 5 gallon bucket with the raw matrix. 2. Then I add about 4 bottles of Hydrogen Peroxide, to cover the matrix completely. Let this set for at least 24 hours. Then, it will be broken apart enough to sift. 3. I Sift it 5 different sizes. 1/2", 1/4", 1/8", 1/16", and 1mm. What falls thru the 1mm sifter, I usually use a gold panning technique to remove the remaining dirt, as the phosphate (everything black fossilized) is heavier than the marl type matrix. 4. Once sifted, I allow it to dry in the sun. This seams to setup or harden the fossils somewhat. 5. After a complete drying, I place them in individual ziploc bags and write the location and what it is on the bag. These are stored for rainy days when I can't get to the field to hunt. 6. Now it's just looking thru it under magnification to find the fossils. I use a 2-180X AMScope inspection microscope with wide field of view.. I made my own tweezers to fit my hand.Took a pair of curved tweezers and filed down the tip to allow picking up finer materials, roughed up the grabbing side of the tip with a file, and added a shaped wooden handle to fit my hands. I find about 5 aprox. 1/2" fossils per 20 pounds of matrix. I find several hundred small to micro fossils as well.
  19. Tazcat

    Isle of Sheppey finds

    Hi fellow fossil hunters! I'm pretty new at this identifying finds even though I've been collecting since I was learning to walk. My recent trip to Isle of Sheppey produced some great finds but I have no idea what most of them are - help! And added the sponges in for good measure!
  20. jerseygurl

    Hi from NJ

    Hi from NJ. I've been fascinated by fossils since I was young. In the early 80s my grandparents moved from Brooklyn to a house in PA that was located within walking distance of an old mining operation. If we were lucky, we would get to walk through the abandoned landscape and pick up fossils. I still remember the orange of my first fern! Fast forward many years and here I am... Right now I comb beach areas and have plans to visit some of the more well known collecting sites in my area with my children. I find it amazing that sometimes, all you have to do is be present and have your eyes on to find a treasure. Happy hunting to all.
  21. E Alexander

    Star-shaped microfossil

    Hi, having a bit of trouble identifying this microfossil. It was found in a marl formation of late Bartonian in age in the southern Spanish Pyrenees (the Oliana Anticline). The marl is rich in nummlitoid formainifera, however, this does not appear like the others. It could possibly be the cross section through an echinoderm spine?? Any suggests are much appreciated! (photo taken with x10 magnification)
  22. hello guys, I found these stones which look to be some sort of indian axe head possibly and some sort of tool that looks to have used for scraping hides possibly. Also i found these shark teeth and what look to be be some sort of tooth from a dolphin, or reptile. I am not sure and new to collecting. I also found this really cool piece of coal 3 feet beneath a sand bed which has a fossil in the lower right hand corner. I would love any help indentifying these items. Thank you
  23. any help indentifying any of these items would be much appreciated! thank you in advance
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