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  1. EroHed

    Bone ID

    This bone was found in a bayou here in Adams County, MS along with an identified Bovid Metacarpal. Someone outside of the forum said it was the mandible of a huge mammal. Can someone help identifying it? Thanks in advance.
  2. Fullux

    Mammoth or Mastodon?

    Howdy all, I've had this proboscidean toe bone for years. It was labeled by the seller as mastodon and for the longest time I've accepted that. But now I'm curious, is that true?
  3. C2fossils

    fossil finds Id please

    We went to a gravel bar in east Kansas yesterday and found some fossils that I can’t seem to identify. Thank y’all for your help! maybe tortoise or armadillo toe core? unknown tooth? small metatarsal/metacarpal? thank you!
  4. I have a Mastodon rib bone that was left to me by my grandfather. It's finally time for me to clean up and preserve the bone if necessary and mount it for display. In the past I have used bronze wire mount a round vase to a stone base and a bronze rod to mount a metal bust to a rock base. My current plan is mount this over a piece of petrified wood I found out in front of our house, by forming a cradle using bronze or aluminum wire. Questions: What if anything should I do to prepare and preserve the rib bone? Which wire would be better - - - aluminum or bronze? I read somewhere that bronze wire can discolor bone over time? Since it will just be a structure to cradle the rid, what a urethane coating applied to the structure prevent this? I could also use felt at the bone to wire contact points Thanks for any help or advise before I begin. Terry
  5. EroHed

    Mastodon Bone Identification

    Hi, I know this is part of a Mastodon Bone, but I cannot seem to find out what part. It was found in a creek in Jefferson County, MS. The yellow color is oxidized blue clay.
  6. EroHed

    Mastodon Bone Identification

    I know that these belong to that of a Mastodon but I do not know which part. Can you help?
  7. Mioplosus_Lover24

    Holden Beach Diversity Of Fossils

    Recently got back from a trip on Holden Beach, and just WOW. Words can't describe the uniqueness of being able to find Mosasaur teeth next to Megalodon teeth. The recent Hurricane brought in many new fossils and I had quite good luck. Here are some photos of the trip, I will post a picture showing all of my best finds shortly, but for now enjoy! First, here are some of the Squalicorax pristodontus teeth I collected. These were relatively common.
  8. Shellseeker

    Peace River, 4/26/2024

    Out hunting today. Friend Dave, last hunt of the Season, a snowbird heading North. I was not finding much and he was, so he invited me to come dig in the hole he created. I started finding interesting fossils and , kept on thinking I am about to find a really good , rare fossil. I found some shark teeth and even a Meg. I found some pieces of Mammal teeth and a piece of fossilized wood.... A pretty little Glyptodon osteoderm A couple of Bullas, One Dolphin, maybe Stenella... The other... Whale.. Interesting .. Do whale Bullas come this small. Finally, I stopped looking for that "special" fossil.. I was hunting my favorite river, with a friend, it was warm and the sun was shining.... An unusual thing happened. Fred Mazza charters Peace River Fossil Hunting. As we were hunting a large group passed by. One women did a double take as she paddle a canoe past us and said to me " I know your face." As she passed she asked "Are you on some blog"? Answer: I am Shellseeker on TFF. Response I knew it was you!!! I think she recognized my Avatar... Black Wetsuit and baseball cap... Enjoy.
  9. Charlie Drolette

    Unsure what animal this fossil belonged to.

    I found this close to the St.Johns river bank in central Florida, mastodon thigh bone?
  10. Hello. This came out of Florida. I believe it is a mammoth or mastodon scapula. Could it be pelvis bone? Your thoughts? Thank you
  11. This fossil came out of Florida. I'm assuming mastodon or mammoth. Foot Bone? Your thoughts? Appears to have some smooth, flat surfaces as shown in the second pic. Thank you.
  12. This fossil came out of Florida. Note that it has a smooth concave "cup" in the center. Assuming mammoth or mastodon. Foot bone? Knee cap? Any thoughts? thank you.
  13. Hello folks - Please see the attached two photos. I am trying to identifying the bones in the photos and have numbered each piece and I took photos of BOTH sides of each piece. For two of the bones, I took a third picture. These all came out of Florida. I believe bone #2 is a Mastodon jaw bone and bone #3 is a scapula to either a Mammoth or Mastodon. Please note that bone #7 (3rd photo) has a concave shape / cup in the middle of it. Thanks for your input. Tom
  14. Hello Everyone, I acquired the fossils years ago through an estate sale. The original owner had poorly packed them in a cardboard box and some pieces were broken. They have been repacked very carefully since I found the damage and repacked them 20+ years ago. I am just taking the time to study them and trying to ID as many as possible. I appreciate and am thankful for any help! The original owner was an amateur archy sometime in the 1920s - 1930s. The only information available was these were found "Out West". The last member of the family was elderly and she had been suffering from Alzheimer's for years. Scant info I realize but it is all I have. First Fossil:
  15. (I ask for paleoart purposes) what animals lived in the northeastern, more specifically New England, even most specifically massachusetts/cape cod. I want to make a peice with some megafauna that lived during the Younger Dryas, and mabe some early humans if my inability to draw humans becomes at least somewhat better. Thank you!
  16. Hi all! Went to the Peace river for the 1st time on Thanksgiving break, had a blast, am going to write a trip report soon. But these 4 bones are stumping me as to what they could be. Everything found was in the lower Peace. The finds are numbered for convenience. Thanks in advance for any help and guidance! 1) in my research, this looks like a camel unciform bone, but I wanted to ask around to make sure 2) my gut tells me this could be bison something, but I have no idea what part of the bison skeleton it is, if there's some anatomy resources available let me know. 3) this bone was dense, it's probably unlikely to ID, but I wanted to rule out Mammoth or not. 4) lastly what is probably yet another horse/bison frag. This one was annoying to figure out.
  17. Proboscidean from Southern MN gravel pit on Minnesota river. Mammoth or Mastodon? The acetabulum (socket) is approximately 7" in diameter. Sorry for lack of scale
  18. Hello friends, I have just received this beautiful fossil tooth from North China and I would like to know if it belongs to a pachyderm or some other species of mammal. As always, I am expectant and grateful for your comments and insights!
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