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  1. Dragon Slayer

    "Meg Ledge" Meg or Chubutensis?

    I got this from a local "Meg Ledge" diver. It looks like a Meg posterior tooth, but I'm not sure it's not a Chubutensis posterior, given what looks like vestigial cusplets. Thoughts?
  2. Fitch

    Megalodon Tooth

    From the album: Fossils I've Purchased

  3. Hello everyone, I have gotten really into meg diving this last year to the point where I am driving down to Venice from Orlando twice a month to dive for teeth. I have started to look into getting black water diving and I am not really sure where to start. Does anyone have any rivers that are good for black water diving? I have heard talk that people do it in the Peace river and the St. Marys and I didn't know if that is where most people go or if there are other rivers people dive that hold a good amount of teeth. I don't want to sound like the guy who is asking for your super secret spots but I'm just trying to find out where I should start to get into this. If anyone does black water diving and ever needs someone to go with I would be very interested in going with you and I would certainly throw in for gas money. I also have my own boat so we cold take it out also if that is an issue you have. Thank you for any information you can give me, Parker
  4. Teeth recovered scuba diving in ocean from Venice, FL. You all were so helpful that I’m already back with more haha Stuck on a few of these. Really hoping for a hammerhead but I’m not sure… (again I’m a newbie so thanks in advance)
  5. Hello all, After a family vac in Georgia I am driving up up the East Coast by myself. Looking for any tips on places to find Megalodon teeth . I've heard some creeks in South Carolina can be good . I obviously don't expect anyone to give away their honey hole but if anyone could point me in a direction of something recently productive I would be extremely appreciative. I've done the boat ride I Tybee several times with mild success but nothing great aside from having over 300 counted misquote bites during one visit. At any rate I like to adventure and have always wanted to find a quality Meg tooth. I'll be dropping the wife and kid at the savannah airport and heading north. I'm not married to SC if someone has any suggestions I'm open. Thanks to anyone in advance. Brandon
  6. I found this in a particularly deep construction site in southwest Florida a few years back (video below). At first, I thought it was a rock, and it took some time to convince myself it was in fact a tooth. It’s so strange and worn down, and has plagued my imagination ever since. I'm not well versed in the eras, but from the look of it, it seems like it could have been fossilized twice: released into and worn away by the sea once, before yet again being put back into sediment on land. But I’m a clueless amateur, so I’m wondering if the story of this tooth is clear to any of you out there? I’ve also included a photo of another tooth I found at the site: but considering it had been dug by machines, there’s no telling if they were in the same layer. (furthermore, from that same site, I will be posting to the “ID thread,” what may be some sort of reptile skull, but may very well be a brown/orange rock 😅). IMG_0980.mov
  7. Georgemckenzie

    Highly curved megalodon tooth

    Hiya everyone, was sorting through my Meg teeth today, and noticed that my largest one has quite the curve outwards just wondering is this normal or pathological? Cheers
  8. Danielb

    Great white purchase

    Hello I recently purchased these two teeth that were in a bin of South Carolina shark teeth. The seller believed they were tiger shark but I immediately knew that was incorrect. I was just wondering if could get your opinions. They are from South Carolina and I believe that are Miocene in age. Thanks -Daniel 1 inch 0.70 inch
  9. bockryan

    Otodus megalodon

    From the album: Fossil Collection: DC Area and Beyond

    Otodus megalodon Aurora Fossil Museum, NC Pungo River and Yorktown Formations Miocene
  10. mpach033

    Help with shark tooth ID

    Here’s another one guys. Any idea what this one belongs to? It was also found in South Carolina.
  11. mpach033

    Shark Tooth ID

    Hey guys, any idea what shark this belongs to? It was found on a South Carolina beach.
  12. mpach033

    Shark Tooth ID

    Hey guys, found this tooth fragment in South Carolina. Any idea what species it could be?
  13. SawTooth

    Trip Saver!

    I went out to a site that I haven't visited in a while, and it was a bust. Until. I was just getting ready to leave, and went back to a place that I had searched right at the beginning of the day and decided to search just a little more, and then I saw it, at first I thought it was just a fragment, but it turned out to be a complete posterior meg, and my largest one to date! It is always important to search twice, this find saved the day for me, and was a perfect end to the day.
  14. Had another early morning today, first time out since the time change so getting in the water for sunrise was a little difficult. None the less I launched the kayak around 6am and watched a beautiful sunrise on the water, then got to the beach to begin searching. Not to long after getting to the beach I found a great hastalis measuring 2.02” (my second biggest) and a few steps away found a nice little cow shark tooth! It slowed down from there finding a large fish vert (my largest) with the rest of my finds being a little further apart. Talked to a fellow fossil hunter on the beach who found a beautiful megalodon around 2.5” with great color, I was a bit jealous but it’s always nice to see other peoples finds. On the walk back to the kayak I found a nice little micro meg and some dolphin teeth to wrap the trip up. Another great day on the bay, I’ll be back soon!
  15. Found in the St. John’s river Florida. Thank you!
  16. Hello I have recently purchased an UV flashlight. Under the UV light, I noticed that a couple of shark teeth are glowing fluorescent. I have two megalodon tooth and both are from Carolina; strangely only one tooth glows and the other does not. The otodus tooth fluoresce as well. Is to be noted that all three tooth are from different sellers, but have been reputable for selling genuine fossils. (However, I could very well be mistaken on the genuineness of the teeth) Suspecting a clear coat or vanish has been applied, I have proceeded to use a cotton swab soaked with acetone on both glowing tooth. But the teeth remains unchanged. Is there a reason for the fluoresence (especially on the Meg tooth - where it glows for one and not the other)? Is fluoresence on fossilized shark teeth a normal/common occurence? Is fluoresence on such a large proportion of a fossil an indication of fakery? Apologies for the many questions and, thank you and appreciate any help and advice on the matter.
  17. For my first trip out to Calvert Cliffs for the “Season”, I took my girlfriend out to kayak along the cliffs for her first ever fossil hunting trip in the area. She had gone with me to Douglas Point once before and had good luck, so she was excited to go and see the Calvert Cliffs. We launched around sunrise and did a little leisure kayaking before making our way to the beach, water was a little rough but it was a nice morning. Hunting started slow with only a few small teeth being found, but things started to pick up after I had found two really nice size Hemis the largest being 1.47” and a nice little dolphin tooth. Then while I was searching the waterline I hear her shriek behind me and turn to see her holding her first Megalodon (or chub)! It was sitting right on top of the sand not but a few inches from the base of the cliffs. It measured 2.03” and is in great condition and I couldn’t be more happy for (jealous of) her! Needless to say she is hooked. Being my first trip out since March this gets my hopes up for a great season and I’m looking forward to going out some more over the next few months!
  18. Ptychodus04

    Meg Restoration

    I was asked to do a restoration on a nice meg tooth recently collected by a client. When I received it, it smelled like catfish bait. It spent a week submerged in isopropyl alcohol and came out smelling fresh! No stinky tooth. After a few days to ensure all the alcohol had evaporated, I got to work rebuilding the missing bit of root and enamel with Apoxie sculpt. I got the rough shape and let it sit for a couple hours. Right at the end of its working time, I did the final shaping, texturing, and cut in the serrations on the “enamel”. Then it was a marathon of painting to try to mimic the mottled coloration of the tooth. I never try for an exact match for 2 reasons. 1 it’s impossible. 2 if this ever makes its way into a museum collection, the restoration should be obvious to a trained professional. I think this one toes that line pretty well.
  19. So last weekend picked this up from another collecto. About 51 pieces of partial Megalodon teeth from Antwerp & Borseek, Belgium. These are quite more rare than you see in the USA or Indonesia for example. Biggest one measures around 5 inch.
  20. Is this a real tooth with no restorations ?
  21. Hello everyone, I'm a new fossil collector and have been wanting to purchase a megalodon tooth for a while. I have come across this tooth that's fairly priced and am wondering if it's too good to be true. The seller is unable to confirm the place of origin. Any advice or help is kindly appreciated. Also, how would one identify if a Meg tooth is real or a fake/replica? Thank you and appreciate any help given.
  22. Parker Brown

    Venice Diving Trip 4/16

    Hey guys! I had a phenomenal day diving for teeth last weekend in Venice. I found around 1,500 teeth and some other awesome stuff. Here is a pile of broken/not "high" quality small teeth that i found Here is the pile of teeth that are full and/or super high quality. Here are the tigers that I found. I don't usually find a lot of tiger shark teeth so it was nice finding this many and of this size! Here are all of the Makos that I found. The one in the middle is my biggest Mako at 2.3" and I also found some super pretty smaller ones! Here are all of the Megs that I found. I found my biggest Meg at 4.75" and I couldn't be happier!!! The smaller Megs have a lot of super nice colors and I am super happy that I found them. And the find of the day would be my FIRST GREAT WHITE!! I have been looking for my first GW for over a year now and I finally found it. I think you would have been able to hear me on the surface because of how much I was freaking out when I found it. What I do not have pictured is I found my largest alligator tooth measuring in just under 1" and I also found my first Gar scale (I think thats what it is). I found four pathological teeth. Two of them were bull shark teeth that had double tips. The double tips were very small and I couldn't get a good picture of them. One was a bull shark tooth that had waves in the blade. The last one was a lemon shark that has a twisted blade. If their are any specific teeth you want better pictures of or you have any questions just let me know! This was definitely a trip for the books and I cant wait to get out there again.
  23. Quick question. How little can megalodon teeth be? I ask, because I have heard about "baby megs" previously, but don't recall seeing much discussion about them. I was looking through my tupperware container of small shark teeth and I ran across a tiny megalodon that I had not noticed previously. I probably thought it was a bull at a glance and tossed it in with the other common teeth. Now I am thinking I might need to examine my little "common" teeth more closely. Which led me to think of a couple of other considerations : 1) How small can megs get? 2) How common are "baby megs" compared to larger examples? 3) Do smaller teeth have the same serrations from the start, or do the serrations develop later when the teeth are larger? I don't have a photo handy of my little meg tooth, but will post one later this evening in this thread. Thanks in advance!
  24. SawTooth

    Creek trip 3/19/23

    I had a short trip down to a nearby creek yesterday, and though I was only there for about an hour and a half, it had to be one of my best (creek) trips this year! We retrieved our first complete meg from this creek along with two beautiful great whites.We got some very nice sand tiger teeth. We got a nice little horse tooth. And what gets me most excited is my first piece of ivory.Heres all of the days finds.
  25. Back out in the kayak today for a gorgeous day on the water and along the cliffs. I launched just before sunrise and had the pleasure of watching the sunrise over an extremely calm bay on my journey to the spot I had planned to check. After landing the trip started slow only finding two Hemis and a split Meg. Further along the beach things started to pick up, I found a small porpoise tooth and small Meg with a little root chip. Continuing on I found another heartbreaking split Chub next to a nice little mako, (I got a little discouraged at that point) but then sitting right on top of some rocks near the wash was a beautiful 2.6” Chub! Finally not broken! I finished off the trip with a couple nice Chesapecten shells and kayaked back to the ramp with a big grin.
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