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  1. !! Calling all Florida river bone identification geniuses !! 🕵️‍♂️👨‍💻 Pls help @jcor246 and me nail down this tricky batch of knobby bone frags in need of identification. All specimens collected on the Peace River, between Wauchula and Arcadia, FL. I’m really curious about these guys but understand they’re incomplete etc etc so any feedback is really appreciated- tentative and rudimentary IDs are good too! Happy to take follow up images requested for a specific number! Thanks TFF Team!! Jena (Bones 1-6) (Bones 7-10)
  2. Hello These are the adventures of myself and my dog Millie as we hunt for fossils and history along the Peace River. Our mode of travel is our 12’ Indian River Canoe, Balance. Im a 4th generation Polk county native, and Millie comes from a long line of Colorado ranch dogs. We do everything together. Including work, as I am a farrier for my day job, and the farm owners are more excited to see Millie than me! The goal of this journal is to document the learning along with the adventures. To go below our sieves, and learn why the river is presenting as it is. Other members have already posted pictures and info on every fossil I’m likely to find, but the river can still teach me/us why the hole I’m digging is delivering specific materials. Understanding what happened before what happened, happened. That’s what I want to know! Millie and I have been gifted this river and the ability to run it at a moments notice. That’s not the case for everyone. Even with access I still only get out for a morning or so a week. So this journal will also provide an avenue for those who can’t just jump in the boat with us. Jump in through this forum and help out along the way when you can/want. The more we learn the better the treasure!! Jp & Mille LET THE ADVENTURE BEGIN! Season opener - Oct 2023 water depth day of - 8’ and falling. Like most things I’m impatient about, starting Fossil hunting this year was rushed. Millie and I ran head on into a river that’s a solid 3’ too high for me to handle any real working conditions. There’s places to work. We just haven’t found many at these depths! Yet!! After work arrived and we got started towards the river. Late arrival and definitely some dark water running ahead but at this water height you just gotta keep the boat in the middle. Got in late but just in time for a welcome back from the Peace! We woke up ready! Well, I did. Camp and my “Field Office” ready. Now to get wet! Because of the water depth I tied leashes to all the heavy tools and tied some extra pool noodle to them. That way I could drop them and just pull up the leader. Brought the “Velvet Touch” probe. No stopping us now! “What” I was after wasn’t an option this trip. I had only two available spots in mind that would be under 4’ deep. Both those spots are in a very recent deposit that I’ve been getting lots of Pleistocene and some Pliocene mammal material from. I ended up finding the time frame expected, and possibly an extinct sand shark nursery area. The river had sifted one spot completely away during the last flood so I was left with only one place to put in effort! At 4’ it was at my cap for height. I’m 5’6’’ and I could only dig 2 feet down before I ran out of shovel. So I had to figure something out. First I tried to fill the sieve on the River bottom and lift it up. FAIL! never got it to stay put long enough to do anything productive before I’d loose it and it would pop up down stream pulling on the leash. Next I tried to lift the gravel to the sifter on the surface. There was so much water the shovel load was gone before I broke the surface! FAIL! At a max depth of 2 feet down I wasn’t going to be learning much about the geography or layers I needed to work through. So I shifted gears and decided to focus on just the top 2’ as effectively as I could. The third try ended up succeeding. I would loosen the riverbed into a loose filled hole that had collapsed on itself and then use my scoop on a pole thing to transfer the loose material up to the surface. Not the best method but I’m grateful to have been able to stand there all day. I’d work forward 3’ and over 1’ then back again. All at 2’ or less deep or I’d go under. I suppose if I feel like moving a bunch of river bed again we could come back here and go deeper! One of my questions about this area is what is it old enough to find within it? Another trip! Here’s the gratuitous highlights shot! Not a bad day! The alligator tooth got a yell but the sand tigers and mammal teeth got me really excited. Millie and I were exhausted and COLD! I learned a few things this weekend to put in the journal. Before that. Let’s eat! Steak for me and steak for Millie. Yumm. Lessons: 1. I need appropriate clothes. Like wet suit stuff. Can’t be under water like that all day again. I got chilly and had to warm up several times. 85deg out too! What I wear is fine for knee deep wading but definitely time to upgrade the wardrobe. (I did try my new dive boots and that was the only part of me that wasn’t cold) 2. Regular shovel handles are way too short. Amend as needed to your stature. I need a 12’ handle to dig a hole in this water. So I’m out! 3. Jack, (Shellseeker) is insane!! This was my first time hunting this deep and it’s right in his sweet spot. You’re an animal! He tried to assist my tool tuning but until you run out of shovel that’s a new feeling to adjust to. 4. At two feet deep this area is where I will come for younger land aged fauna and I can expect the standard peace river sharks teeth assemblage with a higher than usual volume of sand sharks teeth. This was a great day hunting and I learned a lot. Maybe not about what my intended question was or the areas I’ve been thinking of but a ton about gear and technique! KEEP THE FAITH AND TRY TO DO GOOD!! Jp & Millie Here are the finds from this trip and some info used to figure out the unknowns. sand shark and some Hemi Serra Peace River mix fun and unique things - The mammal molar ended up being a Giant Tapir. By shape and size 3rd or 4th premolar. No root. Should have given it away. Mixed bag bottom to top of left- Gator tooth gator tooth Crappy Barbra’s incisor Canine- size 22mm broken suggest coyote or smaller domestic dog. 25mm would be the target. Tiny molar - it’s broken but by the face and measurements it’s most likely a rodent. Camel type tooth frag. Upper right - various tiger shark species to identify with Florida fossil hunters PDF middle - two deer horn buttons. One I already had but these were found 5 feet apart. Same deer?!? Bottom right- Eocene snail and crab shell fragments. Those are 37.5 Mya.?? Snail identification was general to the Ocala formation results of similar snail species.
  3. diggumdave

    large bone fragment help?

    is this some kind of leg socket? i found it on the neches river, south of steinhagen. it’s a little soft like it’s not completely petrified? i’ve been collecting pet wood and bones for years and just discovered this awesome website so i’m super-stoked to finally, maybe be able to identify some of them. I’m also happy to at last have people to discuss fossils with. my wife is tired of hearing about it and thinks that i need help.
  4. Just found this at the South Platter river in Denver that has given me lots of neat fossil palm wood. The river was high due to a large rainstorm and uncovered this section of jaw. There was another larger tooth behind the teeth but it is missing. I think I have an idea what it came from but I want some other knowledgeable, experienced opinions. Thanks....allen
  5. Hello everyone and hope you're all having a wonderful day. Recently, I had the brilliant opportunity to volunteer at the Australian Museum in Sydney. It has definitely been a highlight of this year for me, and I thoroughly enjoyed it! While I was there, I spent a lot of time exploring the museum, and eventually saw and took photographs of every palaeontological item on display I am aware of, and would like to show them all to you now as an early Christmas present. I do know @Notidanodon did get to share some photographs of the museum a while ago. If you're wondering why the opalised shells Notidanodon shared are not in this topic, they are no longer on display as far as I know. I did also get to see some fossil specimens behind-the-scenes, but I did not get to take pictures of them, so these are only the fossils and replicas on public display I do have a lot of photos of other things as well, particularly the Rameses travelling exhibition, as well as labels of the palaeontology items, so if you want anything in particular, please PM me. I also have a lot of similar photographs of the Australian Fossil and Mineral Museum in Bathurst, and will probably post those next year. This will be a long topic, and I doubt I'll finish it all today, but here goes: Dinosaur Gallery Entrance Replica skeleton of Jobaria tiguidensis and Afrovenator abakensis, originally discovered by Paul Sereno. You'll see that a lot of Sereno's skeletons are on display in this gallery, as he was involved with its creation. The Jobaria mount from behind; note the upper floor of displays no longer accesible which the sauropod's head reaches up into. From talking with the other volunteers I'm pretty sure this upper floor used to be part of the 'More than Dinosaurs' gallery which the current Dinosaurs gallery replaced, but I cannot find any images of the older gallery to confirm this besides a close-up of a Stegosaurus (which is still in the museum). Mesozoic Plants Pretty nicely, there is a decent amount of space in the gallery dedicated to non-dinosaurs. While I would have preferred a simple 'Fossil Gallery' with a variety of extinct organisms on display, this is still a good compromise. Photograph showing how the plants section, labelled 'A Changing World', is presented. Each of the large windows is into a cabinet displaying the real fossil plants, and are accompanied by a reconstruction of terrestrial life at the time at a child's eyeline, so they can get a better idea of how life on land looked in each period. You can look into them through the small rectangles below the large windows. They all appear in '3D'. The orange circles cover up areas where children can smell what certain plants would have been like (the Triassic one is of a conifer, and the Cretaceous one is of a flowering plant). Australian Triassic plants. Top left is Rissikia media, bottom left is Dicroidium zuberi and right is Cladophelbis australis. Here is the reconstruction of the Triassic. Australian Jurassic Plants. Left is Agathis jurassica, right is Osmundacaulis sp. Here is the accompanying Jurassic reconstruction. Early Cretaceous Australian plants. Ginkgoites australis at left and Phullopteroides dentata at right. Fun fact; this is where I first learned that seed ferns survived into the Cretaceous, as most dinosaur books simply seem to forget about them after the Triassic period. I guess you can also see my hand here. That's one of the annoying things about all of these items being behind glass; it's difficult to take nice photos of them without getting yourself into them. Still, it's better than the alternative, as you'll see later... Here is the Early Cretaceous reconstruction. Weird how there is a stegosaur, when stegosaurs easily reached their peak diversity and abundance in the Jurassic. Only one plant is in the Late Cretaceous cabinet, and ironically it is unidentified. The final reconstruction, which is of the Late Cretaceous. Interesting how this is the only one to not have a Theropod or Sauropodomorph. Non-Dinosaur Mesozoic Animals Opposite to the plant display, there is a section dedicated to the animals the dinosaurs shared their world with. Interestingly, this section starts out with an Eoraptor lunensis cast, to highlight certain features unique to dinosaurs, such as their hollow hip sockets. You can see parts of the herbivores and carnivores sections in the background. Over my many trips, I often seem to gravitate to this specimen, as besides the Jobaria, Giganotosaurus and Archaeopteryx it is easily the one I have the most photos of on my phone (obviously more than two, don't want to clutter the page). Properly starting off our journey on non-dinosaurs is a display of terrestrial animals. All fossils are real except stated otherwise: Skull of an unidentified Dicynodont found in Zambia. Cast of Rhamphorynchus muensteri from Solnhofen in Bavaria, Germany. Parotosaurus wadei skull from Brookvale, NSW, Australia. Clarotitan andersoni from Brookvale, NSW, Australia. There is another specimen in a different gallery which I took a better picture of. Cleitholepis granulata from Somersby, NSW, Australia. Cavernericthys talbragerensis from Tralbragar, NSW, Australia. It is overlaid on a leaf. You'll notice some other fossils from Tralbragar in the Jurassic plants cabinet, as well as in another gallery. Left is a nymph of Promimara cephalota, found in Koonwarra, Victoria, Australia, and right is an unidentified cockroach from Brookvale, NSW, Australia. Aeschnogomphus sp. from Solnhofen in Bavaria, Germany. This specimen was special, but very annoying to get a photograph of. Cast of lower jaw of Teinolophis trusleri, a monotreme mammal found in Inverloch, Victoria, Australia. According to the label it is the oldest known mammal in Australia, even older than Steropodon. I'm going to start a new post now so that I don't run out of space.
  6. mefaunals

    Another piece of bone found (help)

    Hello! Last time i posted a fragment of bone that unfortunately was not telling much, but recently i found another piece of bone but again i have failed to identify what piece of bone this could have belong, outwardly looks like a footbone of a mammal but i'm not sure, again, i found this in place that may range from late pleistocene to late Miocene, Central America. Anyone that may be familiar with it? it is missing two pieces
  7. (I ask for paleoart purposes) what animals lived in the northeastern, more specifically New England, even most specifically massachusetts/cape cod. I want to make a peice with some megafauna that lived during the Younger Dryas, and mabe some early humans if my inability to draw humans becomes at least somewhat better. Thank you!
  8. Hey y'all, First post here and would definitely enjoy any input on this bone I found today. It measures 4.15" in length. Thanks!
  9. Klaus_Grizwold

    Is this an Ice age megafuana toe bone?

    I found this toe bone (3rd phalanx) in North Dakota along a beach ridge of glacial Lake Agassiz. At first I thought it was from a large bison. But after looking at several bison skeletons, including a Latifrons, I don't believe it could be any variant of Bison. It is just too big, and the shape is different. I have added for reference in the first picture, a 3rd phalanx from a known modern bison to show the difference. It appears to be fossilized and is from a location where I have found numerous fossilized bison bones, teeth, and petrified wood. Going through Ice Age megafauna, the one animal I am suspicious of is the extinct elk, Cervalces Scotti. But they are very rare and I have yet to find a good close picture of this area of the animal.
  10. How Early Humans May Have Transformed L.A.’s Landscape Forever Science Friday, NPR, August 25, 2023 Uncovering Death by Fire 13,000 years ago Micheal Price, Sciences News, August 17, 2023 La Brea Tar Pits Reveal Clues to Mysterious Mass Extinction By Shana Hutchins, Futurity, August 18, 2023 The paywalled paper is: O’Keefe, F.R., Dunn, R.E., Weitzel, E.M., Waters, M.R., Martinez, L.N., Binder, W.J., Southon, J.R., Cohen, J.E., Meachen, J.A., DeSantis, L.R. and Kirby, M.E., 2023. Pre–Younger Dryas megafaunal extirpation at Rancho La Brea linked to fire-driven state shift. Science, 381(6659), p.eabo3594. Yours, Paul H.
  11. Brandy Cole

    Mammoth Lunar?

    With all this talk about carpals lately, I decided to take a second look at this un-ID'd carpal I found a while back. Of all the larger fauna I've looked at, it seems to best resemble the mammoth lunar, but it's not nearly as robust as my other mammoth carpals or several of the examples I've seen online. Maybe juvenile? Just checking to see if there are other possibilities I may be missing. Thanks! @Meganeura @Harry Pristis @JohnJ @Shellseeker
  12. Found this today - recognized it as an astragalus pretty quickly but couldn’t pinpoint what. I’ve narrowed it down to either Probiscidean or Sloth. It’s 3.2 inches/82mm in length. @Harry Pristis @Shellseeker either of you able to discern?
  13. I was told the rib could belong to some Pleistocene horse or a young mammoth. There were also proposals that the vertebra belonged to the steppe bison or the woolly rhinoceros. They both were found in Eastern Lesser Poland. What do you think? Thanks in advance!
  14. DSMJake

    Pleistocene bone ID

    My first thought was proboscidean carpal, but wasn’t sure. Missouri creek find. Thanks!
  15. 4 looks like a part line of teeth in upper jaw., herbivore ....some structure above that yet to come out of matrix ..any ideas...will post more
  16. This rock caught my eye in a stream bed (SF East Bay area, CA, USA), so I took a couple pics and left it. Okay, my mind is blown how the curvatures of this match the femur head of various ancient beasts. Even the different sides seem to match, but it can't be right? Just a rock right? Do you think its worth going back to get some better pics? Thanks in advance. P.S. - Sorry no scale reference, it was maybe 6 inches across.
  17. Shellseeker

    1st of 4 Bones

    When hunting, I usually have numerous bones which I am unsure about identification. Depending on how much time I have , more of these bones get posted. I have 4 in the same location. I thought this might be a hoof core of a really huge animal. but the only possibilities seem to be Eremotherium and Gomphotheres. I know Mastodon does NOT have foot bones like this.... Maybe it in not a foot_bone... Here is something similar in size.... https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/huge-mammoth-mastodon-fossil-toe-ankle-bone
  18. Mammoths and other large animals survived in the north much longer than previously believed. New DNA research indicates that the climate, not humans, led to the demise of these large creatures, Norway Science, January, 2022 The open access paper is: Wang, Y., Pedersen, M.W., Alsos, I.G., De Sanctis, B., Racimo, F., Prohaska, A., Coissac, E., Owens, H.L., Merkel, M.K.F., Fernandez-Guerra, A. and Rouillard, A.,2021. Late Quaternary dynamics of Arctic biota from ancient environmental genomics. Nature, 600(7887), pp.86-92. It concludes that mammoths survived in continental northeast Siberia until 7,300 BP; North America until 8,600 BP; and the Taimyr Peninsula as late as 3,900 BP. Yours, Paul H.
  19. Lorentzo Wisniowskhe

    Pleistocene mammals from Po Valley

    Bonjour all fellow collectors, my aut gave this bone to me years ago. They are pleistocene / early holocene specimens collected in Po valley in the '70. Do you have any ideas about what they might be? Thanks to all of you.
  20. Oxytropidoceras

    South America’s Missing Megafauna

    What Happened to South America’s Missing Mega-Mammals, Trilobites, New York Times. Related papers Marshall, L.G., 1988. Land mammals and the Great American interchange. American Scientist, 76(4), pp.380-388. MacFadden, B.J., Hulbert, R.C. and Baskin, J.A., 2007. Revised age of the late Neogene terror bird (Titanis) in North America during the Great American Interchange. Geology, 35(2), pp.123-126. Dr. Richard C. Hulbert - More papers Bruce J. MacFadden - More papers Baskin, J.A. and Thomas, R.G., 2007. South Texas and the Great American interchange. Gulf Coast Association of Geological Socities. 57, pp. 37-45. Yours, Paul H.
  21. News article: https://www.miragenews.com/fossil-discoveries-reveal-cause-of-megafauna-extinction/ Open access article: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-15785-w
  22. Jwfossils

    Possible Bison bones from a sandbar

    The kids and I were recently on a sandbar in the Kansas river and came across some bones. I believe there are bison bones, though some may be more modern. the first is appears to be a vertebrae.
  23. Hello, fellow Fossil Forum members. Last summer I found this bone fragment in Crystal Beach, Bolivar Peninsula, Texas. The fossils from the upper Texas coast are from the very late Pleistocene Beaumont formation. At first, I didn’t think anything of it, other than it just being a bone fragment. But now I’m thinking it might be a very worn down claw core from some animal. But I’m not sure, it could just be a plain old bone fragment. So let me know your thoughts on this specimen. Front view- Specimen measures 30 mm (1.2 inches) long side view back view- showing different coloration on the interior another side view The bottom view- it has a black coloration. The bone fragments from this formation are often multicolored.
  24. Did megafauna extinction lead to farming and civilization? https://theconversation.com/how-the-extinction-of-ice-age-mammals-may-have-forced-us-to-invent-civilisation-128799
  25. Wm.Spillman

    Provenance needed

    A collector/dealer recently donated to our museum a small collection of Pleistocene vertebrate fossils (mostly mammalian) from Florida. Only a few items were labelled, and he could not recall any provenance for some of the material. Even though the material was poorly provenanced, it will make a welcome addition to our comparative collection of Pleistocene vertebrates. Can anyone help me with the provenance for the llama/camel (cf. Hemiauchenia) calcaneum in this phone-camera snapshot? I thought the attached oyster shells might help in narrowing down the possibilities. I was given a verbal location for this specimen (there was no label), but I am skeptical. Thank you!
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