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  1. Heres a fun thread for those to show off their widest and fattest looking megalodon teeth fossils in thier collections. I'll set the tone with the widest fat boy in my collection, I don't have digital calipers but it measure roughly 5.4 inches wide by 6.1 inches long. When I close my hand together it looks even more monstrous. Share yours and join the wide boyclub Got the idea while thinking about what the widest megalodon tooth ever found measures, if anyone does know do share in this thread!
  2. Hello everyone, I’m a new member and although I did read the guidelines for posting, my apologies if I don’t get everything correct. I found these fossils on the Treasure Coast of Florida in excavated rock from a site approximately 15 miles inland from the coast. I cannot say the depth at which these fossils were specifically recovered but typically the quarries in this area go down to an elevation of about -5.00’ from the existing ground which is around elevation 20.00’ +/- a few feet. I don’t know if this information is helpful or just makes this a lot to read but I appreciate any input or critiques.
  3. Hello all. My first purchase. I'm pretty confident of they're authenticity. But I just want any concern settled. Slight impulse buy as they were in an auction and it almost ended. Tooth #1: Actually has sand still stuck in its crevices and still smells like the sea. This might make it an obvious real specimen but I don't know how far fakers are willing to go. The white striations are a lot more prominent in the pictures. They don't really look like that in person. Polishing compound? Reportedly Otodus Megalodon from South Carolina. Tooth #2: Very little sand can be seen. A lot cleaner. No odor. Same deal with the white lines (cracks) in enamel. Reportedly Otodus Megalodon, about the Miocene period. South Carolina. Though I thought the Otodus and Miocene period occured at different times. Can't find a definitive answer.
  4. PrehistoricWonders

    Restoring teeth

    Hey! does anyone have any advice for a beginner on how to get decent serrations while restoring megs?
  5. AV1592

    Malta Member

    Hi all i am new to this site. here is my find for this week... found in Malta in few minutes in between.. They were in Blue Clay
  6. Hello everyone, I'd like to share my extreme budget collection of exotic megs/shark teeth so far, I've have been collecting shark teeth and other for a little over a year and a half now on an extremely tight budget and have been surprised by what I was able to get a hold of so far. Condition doesn't bother me hence the budget but I have been able to find some megs from from interesting locations over the short period of time I've been collecting with a little bit of luck. Locations include Puerto Rico, Cuba, Japan, Hawaii, Morocco, Mexico, Peru, and The Phillipines. Anyone else out there with extreme budget rare finds especially shark teeth (or from generally exotic locations), feel free to share and I'd love to see! In order of pictures: 1) Two megs and a hemi from Isabella, Puerto Rico 2) meg from Hawaii (Restored) 3) great white from Japan 4) meg from Morocco 5) meg from Cuba (unfortunately stuck on a wood plate but still a lovely display piece) 6) meg from the Phillipines 7) cubutensis from Peru 8) 2 Makos from Mexico 9 & 10) Heavily and horribly restored 5.9 inch Chilean meg (funny story with this one had an even worse restoration on it with made it look no different from a replica, was suspicious and bought it and when attempting a horrible derestoration process and a few slight touch ups of my own a large chilean meg was hiding under the mess, still needs a tad bit of work but I still love I was able to snag a large one cheap in this day and age ) @WhodamanHD Here we go uploaded !
  7. Hi everyone, For a long time, I've wanted to find a Megalodon tooth. I'm from Toronto, where they don't exist. However, I have a trip to the South coming up, where I understand there are some prime locations. It's a trip primarily for business, but I'll have one full day to spend on my Megalodon hunt. I would therefore ideally want to pick a single site. I did my research and my understanding now is that some of the beaches near Charleston, SC are prime. It would be helpful to get some first-hand accounts from you guys, though. The blue area is where I'm already planning to go. Suggestions for Megalodon sites in that range are preferable. The purple area is where I can extend my trip if the sites therein are meant to be particularly fruitful. I would appreciate any suggestions on the most promising Megalodon-hunting areas in this region. The only real barrier is that I won't have access to a boat, so anything offshore isn't doable. Thank you, Bellamy
  8. Shannon Heironimus

    Need help identifying possible shark teeth

    I have just started this new venture in my life and these are what have started it. My great grandmother traveled back and forth from Indiana, Florida and Arizona. So these could have been found in those locations. She always looked for Indian artifacts on her own in her travels. I've had these in a box in storage forever and was looking through them and thought these may be shark teeth, maybe used by Indians. Opinions?
  9. Hello everyone! I have not posted in a while because I have not been on any trips recently. However, I just recently had the opportunity to go on a Fossil collecting tour in a Miocene exposure in VA. I was able to meet the helpful and friendly @SailingAlongToo (thanks to him I was able to learn about this fantastic opportunity). My mom, dad, and best friend spent Saturday, May 18 and Sunday, May 19 collecting fossils along a river. On Saturday, my mom found a killer posterior meg using a kitty litter scooper in a gravel bar after not finding anything for 1.5 hours. I found two crocodile teeth and some hastalis teeth around 1.5 inches. My best friend found some hastalis teeth, and my dad found a large “cookie” Fossil of a vertebra I believe. On Sunday mom found some nice hemis and an item that could not be readily identified. I found half of a juvenile meg and a posterior meg tooth. My dad found a larger gator tooth, and my best friend also found some hemis. Here are some pictures, thanks for reading!
  10. Hi everyone, I've had a couple people lately asking me how I restored the megalodon tooth I posted about a couple years ago here. I decided to pick out a damaged tooth on Ebay for $15, and take you through it step by step. Here we go! What You'll Need: PaleoBond Sculp Hardener and PaleoBond Sculp Resin (You can substitute with epoxy putty but dries faster and is less malleable) X-Acto Knife Wire brush or any brush with very stiff bristles Any brand of acrylic paint from Hobby Lobby or Michaels (specific colors listed further below) A small paintbrush of reasonable quality Fine sandpaper and steel wool SITUATIONAL: Clear gloss used for acrylic paint Step 1: Examine the fossil and the damage. This is the bargain tooth I purchased. It's over 5 inches, and you can see it's actually in nice condition minus the chunk missing. The broken edge is still sharp and jagged, so it appears that the damage occurred recently as opposed to millions of years ago. To fix this tooth I will need to recreate parts of the root, bourlette and enamel. Since the tooth has fairly nice detail I will definitely need my razor blade to create fine lines and serrations. Step 2: Prepare and apply the putty Pull out a small chunk of putty from both the PaleoBond Hardener and Resin containers. Knead them together with your hands until the colors mix completely. Mix thoroughly otherwise the putty will be squishy in some places and will not harden properly. Once mixed, take a very small piece from your ball of putty and mash it into the damaged area of your tooth. Step 3: Building your shape Less is more when you're working with putty. Smaller pieces are much easier to manipulate, so build gradually piece by piece. You may get to a point where you're putty structure is not stable enough to continue building on. Take a break for 2-3 hours to let the putty dry and come back. When building the root of my example tooth, I had to take two or three breaks in order to get a foundation sturdy enough for me to continue building up. Pay attention to how your repair is taking shape and keep the edges of your putty level with the natural edges of the tooth. This is one of the most difficult parts of the repair, but it makes a big difference when you get it right. Wash your hands every once in a while to keep them from getting to tacky and sticking to your putty. Step 4: Begin to work in detail As your repair begins to fill out, work in natural-looking cracks and lines with your X-Acto knife and fingernails. Mimic the natural aspects of your tooth as best as you can. When repairing my tooth's root, I created fissures and cracks that matched up with the real side of the tooth. This really helped create the illusion that the repair is natural. To mimic the heavily detailed surface of the tooth's root, I gently pushed my wire brush into the surface multiple times. Try to do this when your putty is still wet because if the putty is dry it takes much more effort. ALSO, make sure to keep the putty very smooth in areas of enamel (excluding line/crack detail). Once the putty dries, take some fine sandpaper and smooth it out further. Steel wool can then be used to make the surface even smoother. (Thanks to steelhead9 for those two tips!) Be very anal retentive about this. You will appreciate it in the next step. Step 5: Paint! This is my favorite part because it's the point in this process where the repair finally comes to life! It also happens to be the most frustrating part. Depending on your tooth's coloring you will likely need the following colors in your arsenal: Umber Black White Sienna (maybe) Red (maybe) Blue (maybe) This step is where perfectionism (making the putty super smooth in areas of enamel) really pays off. Paint highlights the imperfections of your putty, so don't be disappointed or surprised if you have to start over. I started over probably two or three times. As far as painting technique, I would love to give more instruction, but that is really an entire lesson in itself. Don't be afraid to paint a little onto the actual fossil. You will need to do this in order to properly camouflage the merged area of putty and tooth. In fact, don't be afraid to overlap your putty a millimeter or so onto the tooth as well. My biggest tip though is make sure you paint in a well lit room. Painted colors can look spot-on until you step into good lighting... Step 6: Apply a finish depending on your tooth Some teeth with top-quality enamel will need a glossy finish applied in order for the repair to look natural. My tooth did not require a high-gloss coat. Either way, you ought to apply some kind of light finish to your tooth in order to preserve the repair from scratches and humidity. I have not yet found the perfect finish to do the job, and am still experimenting with spray finish, clear acrylic gloss, clear furniture gloss, low-gloss nail polish, etc. Feel free to add your thoughts and recommendations below! Below you can see my repaired tooth. The root could use a bit more texture and the enamel and bourlette are a little rough in places. Overall, I'm happy with the result though. I hope these instructions were helpful! If anything is unclear or too general I'd be glad to elaborate further. Good luck!!!! Your Fellow Fossil-Fanatic, Lauren
  11. megateeth

    Meg teeth in NC

    Just got back from 7 days of diving in 9 days offshore in Wilmington NC. It was a 2 or 3 day trip dependng on the weather but I kept saying I will stay for one more day. If you really want to go find a lot of teeth that is the way to go. I usually go with WBDiving but they were full for most of the week so I could only go with them two days. I went with JetLag for four days and Carolina Beach SCUBA one day and I can not say a bad thing about any of them. I highly recommend it for experienced deep divers. The vis was 30 feet plus. I thought it was great but everyone else was unimpressed with the vis. You really have to watch your time at 105 feet with Meg teeth laying around because it is really easy to overstay your welcome. These are some of the teeth I found. Like everything it takes a few trips to get used to the diving but it is worth it. So much fun.
  12. Added three new teeth in recent times to my collection of exotic meg teeth, I'd like to share since there,s not to many images from these localities out there, the photos maybe in shabby quality because I pulled them directly from my Instagram page to save time. 1) This partial tip of a meg was found in the Chiba prefecture of Japan! Acquiring this, even just a fragment was a real pain in the butt as megs from Japan are extremely scare. 2) Even though its not a Meg of course but still being the closest ancestor, this 3.1inch chubutensis tooth was found at a land site in Lecce, Italy with gorgeous color! 3) This tooth measuring 4.1 inches came from new site in Bangkalan City, Java, Indonesia. A majority of the megs here were found with absolutely terrible preservation so this one is one of the best out of the bunch! A few more pics of these teeth can be found on their posts on my page at https://www.instagram.com/nyislandfossils/ if its ok to post this here.
  13. Hello everyone, I'd like to share my extreme budget collection of megs for the US as requested, I've have been collecting shark teeth and other for a little over a year and a half now on a budget and have been surprised by what I was able to get a hold of so far. Condition doesn't bother me hence the budget but I have been able to find some megs from from interesting locations over the short period of time I've been collecting with a little bit of luck. I estimate I spent no more than $1,100 in total for this small collection. Tag me if there's any teeth you'd like to take a closer look at. In order: 1) Ace Basin, Ashepoo River SC 2) Lee Creek, Aurora, NC 3) Ocean teeth likely from offshore SC 4) Georgia??? 5) 7 inch+ meg fragment likely from offshore SC 6) Virginia Red Site (repaired) 7) Georgia??? 8) Virginia 9) St. Mary's??? 10) Georgia??? (repaired) 11) Summerville 12) Ocean teeth likely from offshore SC 13) St. Mary's Last photo: 6inch+ Calvert Cliffs, Maryland (restored) I'll do bone valleys for part 3 sometime soon! @ynot @WhodamanHD @snolly50 @sixgill pete
  14. Hello all, I recently received some megalodon teeth from Puerto Rico, the other one is ok but this one was found in fragments and held together by tape. I am wondering what will be a good way to repair the fragments for now, would super glue be ok to use or is there something else I should use? Since its from a rare locality I want to stabilize it as best as I can before I decide or not to fully repair it.
  15. Dansseahawks

    Visiting Summerville SC

    I will be passing through Summerville SC next Wednesday/Thursday and wanted to see if anyone could give me any surface hunting locations I could take my wife and daughter? We have never been to Summerville but the videos and pictures we see would be a dream to find one megalodon tooth. Any information is greatly appreciated.
  16. Hi everyone! I'm fairly new to Beaufort, SC. Recently moved up from FL where I hunted Peace River a lot. I'm hoping to connect with other fossil hunters in the area and maybe gain some local knowledge. I've watched a ton of videos of nice megalodon teeth being found in Summerville/Charleston area land sites, creeks, ditches. What I'm looking for is the possibility of similar sites here in Beaufort County but I don't know enough about local formations to draw any conclusions. I'm not a diver yet so my main focus is on land at the moment. I've hunted the sands at Port Royal with minimal success (the occasional small meg) but I'm really looking for the bigger stuff. I also have a kayak if that helps! Any info is greatly appreciated! Thanks!
  17. Jenerator

    American in Paris

    Hi y'all! I'm originally from Houston, TX but have been in Paris, France for over 20 years. My 9-year old son is really into megalodons & their teeth right now so I thought I'd join to get info. I've always loved learning about dinosaurs & stuff though I'm not really a fossil collector. I do have a few ammonite pieces & a couple otudus teeth we got from the science museum in Houston but that's about it. Would love a T-rex tooth but I don't have that kind of money at the moment. ;-)
  18. reddesilets

    Megalodon tooth segment measured

    From the album: First Fossil Hunt - Summerville, SC

    Approximately two inches! Impressive... Would have been far more impressive if it were still in one piece.
  19. reddesilets

    Megalodon tooth segment

    From the album: First Fossil Hunt - Summerville, SC

    Pity we were unable to find any more pieces to this monster! This is Toby showing an approximate shape of the original tooth if it were still together.
  20. Megatooth Collector

    Largest Megalodon Teeth Group Photo

    From the album: Megalodon Collection

    I finally got inspired to take a group photo of my bigger C. megalodon teeth. For reference the smallest on the outside are in the 5.7 inch range and the largest two in the middle are 6.6 inches, with the rest being sizes in between.
  21. I have seen many great looking meg teeth from various places, sizes and colors as well as price ranges. So it makes me curious, I have seen a lot of people and dealers talking about the rarity and desirability of certain specific kind of Megtooth, like Bone Valley, Lee Creek, Chilean, etc. I guess Chilean and Aurora Mine one's high prices are due to the rarity and limited supply with no more new materials entering the market. But what about the variety of colors of Megtooth like Red, Larva, Green or I have seen some with multiple colors split on the same root. Is there some kind of general consensus among serious collectors that rank a certain kind of colors to a certain degree of rarity and desirability? Or is it pretty much, purely "If I want this color, I am willing to pay $xxx"? - i.e. just due to the whim of the buyer's desirability or do certain colors have some geological or paleontological implication that makes certain colored specimens more rare and valuable? Thx
  22. I keep trying to post more but do not seem to get to it. Near the end of my dive yesterday I found a spot that was exposed. I could tell I had been there before but a lot of new fossils had been exposed. In the last fifteen minutes I found these four Megalodon teeth. The largest is about 5-1/4". Today I went back and had a better dive than I have had in a long time. I found several Megalodon Teeth including a couple of 5" teeth. There were also a lot of Mako teeth there. The front center one is 3-1/8". I need to try to get back later in the week.
  23. This time of year I usually do just one dive since it gets cold even with a drysuit. Diving when you are cold is not too much fun and I tend to find less if I am cold so I just don't bother. Today I went to an old spot that always has thick mud that I have to dig through. It is usually not worth the time and energy it takes to dig to the fossil layer there but the current was so strong that I figured it would be a good place to go since I could anchor myself into the mud with my feet. Plus it has been awhile and you never know what you will find. Once I started moving around I found an area where the mud was mostly cleared away and I found a lot of bones near the surface. The first thing I found was the mammoth tooth. It was buried pretty deep but right away I felt was the root and I knew what it was. I only have three or four others this nice so that made my day a success in my mind. Then I started finding the Megalodon teeth. The largest tooth has a tiny chip on the tip and is almost 5.75" long. The third one down in size is nearly flawless and is over 4". The smallest one is also in top condition. I did have to dig a lot so I burned through my air pretty quickly. Near the end it was getting hard to breath and I was about to come up when I found a large vert. If you pull these out of the mud you often find bones and teeth have settled in around them. I pulled the vert out of the way and felt a small tooth. It turned out that the small tooth was a 3-1/8" flawless Mako tooth. At that point I had to come up but it was a great dive.
  24. A local Magazine did this article on my Megalodon Tooth dives. Just thought i would share it. http://www.connectsavannah.com/news/article/105350/
  25. Deep-Thinker

    Top Of The Food Chain

    At over 60 feet in length and weighing over 50 tons, C. megalodon was without a doubt one of the largest and most terrifying predators to ever exist. It was literally, The Apex Predator, The Top of the Food Chain. Megalodon sharks lived from about 25 million years ago to around 1.5 million years ago. Megalodons had enormous teeth that grew up to seven inches in length. These razor sharp teeth were used to attack and devour ancient whales. In general, all shark teeth are highly evolved, being perfectly adapted for the shark's prey. Because Megalodon preyed upon whales, their teeth were massive and sharply serrated like a steak knife - an adaption which allowed them to easily cut through the meat and bones of giant whales. A team of scientists led by Stephen Wroe conducted an experiment in 2008 to determine the bite force of the C. megalodon and concluded that very large specimens were capable of exerting a bite force of up to 40,131 pounds per square inch (over 5 times greater than that of T. Rex), arguably making the giant shark one of the most formidable and powerful predators to have ever inhabited the oceans. Megalodon teeth were also extremely robust and solid allowing them to bite into whale bone without breaking. During their lives, Megalodons had teeth that were a bright ivory white color just like our teeth. Fossil Meg teeth however come in a variety of beautiful colors. Over millions of years of fossilization, the white enamel becomes mineralized, taking on the characteristic colors of the minerals surrounding it. By far the most common color is a dark grey color typical of teeth found in South Carolina rivers and some other Southern areas of the United States. Rarer colors include Reds, Blues, Greens, Yellows, Oranges, Black and combinations of these colors. Ivory colored Megalodon teeth typically come from phospate deposits, while other colors are usually found in Rivers. The more unusually colored teeth are much rarer and command significantly higher prices than the more common colors. Also, because high quality teeth over six inches in length are both rare and in high demand, these monster teeth command much higher prices than their smaller cousins. In fact Meg teeth over 5 inches in length tend to increase exponentially in price with increasing size.
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