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  1. Praefectus

    REMPC M0013

    From the album: Prae's Mosasaurs

    Carinodens belgicus - The corn-kernel toothed mosasaur.
  2. I purchased these as Ingenia yanshini which I think became Ajancingenia, which then became and is currently Heyuannia. The formation provided is the Djadochta Formation, but that doesn't seem right since Ingenia/Heyuannia is not found there as far as I've checked. Unfortunately, there isn't provenance other than Mongolia attached to them to say whether they come from the Barun Goyot Formation where Heyuannia yanshini is found. While I'm not necessarily doubting the original ID, I just don't really know. I'm not expecting a positive or diagnostic ID to the genus level, but I wanted to at least know whether or not I can label this to Oviraptoridae indet., possibly Heyuanniinae indet. The original ID is a bit of an odd one, but it might have just been one of the few oviraptorids described at the time. Last I checked, there are now tons of recently described oviraptorid genera in Mongolia and China. The pair of phalanges with supposedly the semilunate carpal attached which I think is the smaller section? I know one of them did have glue in-between them when I lightly smeared it with acetone using a cotton swab. They are associated coming from the same sandstone block, apparently along with other shattered phalanges. Although I don't know if these actually came from the same animal since one looks ever so slightly larger. There is some sort of clump of sand or crystalized piece attached, as well as light beige or cream colored matrix. Not sure if that narrows down a formation, probably not, but I do see a lot of matrix from Mongolia tend to be red-ish color similar to the Kem Kem Beds. Any input is appreciated. There's probably a lesson to be learned here . . .
  3. Hi all, I visited Aust Cliff in South Gloucestershire, UK for a couple of hours last week. I wasn't expecting much as I know how heavily collected it is, but got a few bits of interest which I was happy with under the circumstances. I'd be interested in educated takes on a couple of bits of bone bed I found there at least, especially this first piece that contains what I believe to be multiple bone fragments as well as coprolite pieces and lots of small black fragments - not sure if scales, teeth or what. Here's a view showing what I imagine is one end of a reptile limb bone - could this be Pachystropheus? And on the other side are a couple of embedded chunks that have the honeycomb texture of bone but without the outer coating (not sure of the technical terms here!) No chance of identifying such things I presume, beyond 'yes it's bone'?
  4. Greetings good people of the fossil forum... I stand before you all this afternoon to let you know of an event happening at the Tate Geological Museum in Casper, Wyoming on June 4-6. Yes, it is the 26th annual Tate Conference! The theme this year is Marine Reptiles. We have speakers from all over the map (including a few virtual folks speaking form Europe), talking about mosasaurs, ichthyosaurs, plesiosaurs, sea turtles and even Tanystropheus (one of my personal favorites). Talks will be here on the Casper College campus and will be all day on Friday the 4th. As usual, we are having two days of field trips as well with the conference. Saturday we will head out to the Cretaceous Pierre Shale in eastern Wyoming for mosasaurs (and fishes) and with some luck, a plesiosaur. With a ton o f luck we turn up a sea turtles or pterosaur or bird. On Sunday we will go into the Jurassic Sundance Formation to look for ichthyosaurs (and the ever-present belemnites) and maybe an plesiosaur. Friday conference attendees get priority for spaces on the field trips. Registration and a list of speakers and talks can be found here: https://www.caspercollege.edu/tate-geological-museum/events/conference/ I would love to see a few folks form the forum show up. Casper College has done away with mask ordinances, but we will be encouraging masks and social distancing. Masks are still required for the field trips... the automotive portion.
  5. Microraptorfan

    Mesozoic Gars

    I thought I would ask here, do any of the members here have Mesozoic gar fossils in their collection, im not looking to buy them, more wanting to see the range of Mesozoic fossil gar material owned by members here
  6. Hello everyone, Some time ago I was talking about a gastropod fossil with an individual online who thought that it was an ammonite, During this conversation one thing was brought up that I have wondered about for a long time but have not actually been able to answer, and that is what exactly do we consider an ammonite? I have always thought that ammonites are the cephalopods with an external shell containing complex sutures which occur throughout the Mesozoic, but people have pointed out that certain sites talk about ammonites going back to the Devonian. I have always thought that those were ammonoids but not necessarily ammonites, I don't know how I decided that this was the case and now I realize that this might be wrong. Does anyone know if those Paleozoic ammonoids are actually considered ammonites? What exactly is an ammonite and when do they appear? I would be very interested to hear what you guys have to say, any input is appreciated. Thank you!
  7. pachy-pleuro-whatnot-odon

    Marine reptiles of Madagascar

    Hi all, I recently became aware that Madagascar appears to have a fully developed and interesting Mesozoic marine reptile record, yet am not particularly able to find any information on them. The only article I have come across is Bardet and Termier, 1990, "Première description de restes de Plésiosaure provenant de Madagascar (gisement de Berere, Campanien)". However, I've been unable to track this article down. As such, I was wondering whether anybody on TFF might have any information on them. Basically, I'm starting from scratch, so would be very interested in the clades of marine reptile that are known from the region, if not recognized genera or even species. What formations have remains been found in, to what stages in earth geological history do these date, and where geographically are these located? Ideally, there'd be some open-access articles I could refer to, yet any bit of information is welcome. Thanks in advance!
  8. IsaacTheFossilMan

    Jurassic Brachiopod

    Heya! These are a couple of brachiopods I have found in the Cotswolds, UK. They are from the Middle Jurassic, and were found encased in oolitic limestone. They are a triangular shape, and, on the first picture, you can see remnants of a hinge. The third picture shows two of these valves. I haven't done any prep on them yet, as I am unaware of their exact shape, and do not want to risk damage to the actual fossil, so there is visible amounts of matrix. If anyone could put me on the right tracks of identification, or perhaps give me a rough ID, I would be very grateful!
  9. Praefectus

    Tyrannosaur Tooth

    Premaxillary tooth EDIT: Changed from Tyrannosaurus rex to Tyrannosaurid indet.
  10. Praefectus

    Indeterminate Tyrannosaur

    Dimensions: CH = 41 mm CWB = 10 mm CBL = 16 mm MC = 18 denticles/5 mm DC = 14 denticles/5 mm DSDI = 1.29
  11. Carnos_are_Cool

    Hello from Washington state!

    Hi from Washington state! I was wanting to talk to people about paleontology and then realized that were probably many paleo forums. Guess I'm here now haha. I tend to focus on Mesozoic life but sometimes I go off the deep end and spend a few weeks obsessed with the Paleozoic or Cenozoic. I have some fossils but no vertebrate fossils yet: I have a chunk and a log of petrified wood, a snail shell, a leaf, and some shark parts. Looking forward to going on some hunts one day but WA is more for mammal fossils. I'm looking to go into paleontology at the University of Washington and I'm excited to finally be at school for my passion. Looking forward to geeking out over bones with you!
  12. I've always loved living fossils, especially the fish. They are relics of an age long lost, offering us a glimpse of an incredible prehistoric world. Some are enigmas that survived countless extinction events since the Devonian. Others are majestic predators that swam alongside the dinosaurs. Let me present my collection of living fossil fishes from the Mesozoic and before. I will begin with one of the most famous of all - the coelacanth Coelacanth Species: Whiteia woodwardi Age: 252.3 - 251.3 mya | early Triassic Formation: Diego Basin; Middle Sakamena Formation Locality: Ambilobe, Madagascar First appearance: Eoachtinistia foreyi was found 360 million years ago in Australia Paddlefish Species: Protopsephurus liui Age: 125.5 - 112.5 mya | early Cretaceous Formation: Yixian Formation Locality: Lingyuan City, Liaoning First appearance: This is the oldest known species Sturgeon Species: Peipiaosteus fengningensis Age: 125.5 - 120 mya | early Cretaceous Formation: Jehol Biota Locality: Chifeng, Nei Mongol First appearance: Multiple species e.g. Yanosteus longidorsalis found since 125 million years ago in China Pipefish Species: Hipposygnathus sp. Age: 28.1 - 13.8 mya | Oliogocene - Miocene Formation: Monterey Formation Locality: Santa Ynez Valley, California, USA First appearance: Solenostomidae species were found 55.8 million years ago in Italy Note: Although most of this collection only includes fishes that existed since the Mesozoic or later, I made an exception for the pipefish as their order, syngnathiform, existed since the late Cretaceous
  13. I was recently reorganizing my fossil collection and thought I would share some pieces I collected during Paleontology field trips in undergrad at Alabama. I'm glad I took thorough notes at the time! The demopolis chalk is a popular formation for finding Exogyra/ostrea/pycnodonte shells and shark teeth. We visited a site in Tupelo, MS many times for surface collecting. Some of the cool pieces I found were many fragments of a mosasaur jaw (top pic, top 2 slots), a Squalicorax kaupi tooth, a scyliorhinus(?) tooth, bony fish vertebrae, and bony fish teeth. I was told the dark fossils at the right of the third picture might be ray plates, but I'm not sure. Turritella in pic 1 are from a different formation.
  14. Runner64

    Majungasaurus crenatissimus

    Majungasaurus is the only abelisaurid from the cretaceous of Madagascar which has led to this identification. Appears to have been possibly added to the block of matrix.
  15. Oxytropidoceras

    Australian Ammonites

    McNamara, K., 1987-1988. Australian Ammonites. Australian Natural History. 22(7), Summer 1987-88, pp. 332-336. Index and PDF links to Australian Natural History (1962-1995) Yours, Paul H.
  16. I have a couple riker boxes of a few dinosaur teeth. Nothing super high quality; I enjoy a variety of teeth and was on a budget so I never looked for the highest quality of teeth to buy. I'm happy with a nice representative sample of the animal. I've moved away from buying many specimens now as I'd rather go out and find my own at some point, but I bought these years ago and I'm very happy with the diversity they represent. Plus as I teach geology, they are great teaching specimens for the kids to. First up is my collection of Cretaceous North American teeth from Hell Creek, Lance, and Judith River Formations. Most are dinosaurs, though there are a couple other fauna represented here to. Probably one of my favorite teeth from this box is the acid etched raptor tooth. Though I do really like the JR tyrannosaur tooth as well (I watched that one sell for more than I could hope to purchase, but it was returned as it splintered during shipping. So I bought it as a short prep project for cheap. I never filled in the cracks as I prefer most things unrestored).
  17. WyoProspector

    What is it?

    Hi all, I'm recently retired and I live in NW Wyoming and was wondering if anyone could shed some light on these specimens? Im particularly interested in the big rock/fossil? at the top of the picture. I found all of these on the surface in a sandstone, drab mudstone formation. Possibly Eocene, Paleocene time frame based on some quick geologic research. Looks like a foot to me but I suppose it could be about anything. The other items were found in the same area with the larger one. The area would have once been the near the edge or boundary of Lake Gosiute an/or the inland seaway I think. I have enjoyed reading some of the posts, seems like a good forum! Thanks, WyoProspector
  18. marumo

    Nice to meet you.

    Hello everyone! I'm currently in the London, UK area (though I repeatedly travel back and forth between Europe and Asia) and decided to join the forums because I'm hoping to start a PhD in Paleontology relatively soon. I attended the Paleontology Associations virtual meet up early this year and really enjoyed it, and after it finished really missed having less formal interactions with people who are also interested in fossils. So, I thought it would be great to be able to see so many peoples collections and specimens and so I decided to join. I'm mostly interested in macrofossils from the Paleozoic-Mesozoic time frame (though Terror birds will always hold a special place in my heart as well!). In my BSc I studied in depth Ammonites from the lower lias formation in the South of England and in my MSc I studied Sauropodomorph and Ornithischian dinosaurs. My current self-collected collection consists of several species of Ammonites (from Dorset in the lower lias), a sample of pipe rock (from Scotland) and several Gryphaea fossils (from several locations across Whales). I've also been lucky enough to purchase/be gifted several other fossils including Spinosaurus teeth, Eggshell fragments, fossiled Amber, a Hadrosaur toe bone and a Ceratopsian tooth. I look forward to chatting with you all in the future
  19. musicnfossils

    MusicnFossils’ Living Room

    Hello all, I was waiting a while to show my ever growing collection until I finally got this new shelf. I wanted to paint it to look similar to my other shelf, install these neat colour changing lights, organize things and move everything...then take photos! I had stored everything in my bedroom for a while but now everything is front & center for visitors. As has has been made obvious by my many ID posts and couple threads in the, “fossil hunting trips” section, I live in a fossil rich area have access to much land to collect from frequently, so I will use this thread for updates with future finds. I’m very proud to say that much of my collection, mostly the dinosaur stuff, has been found by me rather than been bought, though there is a lot of money invested here. If you would like more or better pictures, info or would like to help me ID anything in this collection that I’m unsure about (I’m severely lacking in physical labels at the moment) don’t hesitate to ask.
  20. pachy-pleuro-whatnot-odon

    New member from France

    Hello everyone, My name is Alexander and I'm originally from the Netherlands, although, for family reasons, I currently live close to the German border in the Alsace in France. I've studied to become an archaeologist and, as such, have some academic understanding of various fields that apply to palaeontology (e.g. geology, anatomy, taphonomy, ecology, etc.), even though I currently work as a computer programmer. However, I've had an interesting in dinosaurs and fossils ever since I was a child and fondly remember my father taking me on many a fossiling trip. After completion of my studies I rekindled this interest, which has since become focussed on marine reptiles of the Mesozoic, especially the big ones such as ichthyosaurs, plesiosaurs and mosasaurs. My collection consists both of purchases, as well as pieces found and prepped myself. With respect to the latter, our current location is ideal to visit all the great (world-reknowned) museums and collection sites in southern Germany and Switzerland. Finally, I now hope to pass on this enthusiasm to our son, who at his early age already has a great fascination with dinosaurs and some basic knowledge of comparative anatomy. I look forward to joining your discussions! Alexander.
  21. paleoflor

    Mesozoic unknown

    Dear TFF-members, Can anyone help me identify the fossils in the photographs below? I have trouble identifying the concentric patterns that are visible on these (apparently hollow?) shell-like fragments. They were found in the Pyrenees, Spain. The formation in which they were found is Mesozoic in age, most likely Jurassic. Note these are outcrop photographs, so I cannot make additional images to aid identification, unfortunately. Thanks for any feedback you may be able to provide. Kind regards, Tim
  22. Ok, I just came across articles about soft tissue remains, apparently including some form of degraded blood, in a mosasaur. That of course, brings up the T-Rex soft tissue found, to me. I seem to understand what I keep reading, but I can’t help it, again I find myself thinking...Really? C’mon, REALLY??? Am I just misinterpreting the whole thing, or is there actually real, true, gen-u-ine unfossilized/in mineralized, preserved soft tissues and blood remains in these 70ish million year old “fully” umineralized animals? ...............HOW?????????????? How, when the rest of the animal, soft AND hard tissue has dissolved away so long ago, can any soft tissue remain? How do only small areas of the tissue remain? If conditions are so, that areas of soft tissue/blood residue remain, how do just small patches remain, but the parts immediately surrounding the patches have long since dissolved away? Conditions inside an intact bone, or intact stomach cavity, should be stable, shouldnt they? Not different from one centimeter to the next, especially so different that one spot dissolved dozens of millions of years ago, and the spot touching that one is still just sitting there, relatively preserved?
  23. Hello, everyone, I’m newly retired after 39 years of teaching. Over the years, I have collected, by purchase, to use as demonstration pieces in the classroom a wide collection ranging from Archean microbial mat cross-sections through time to Holocene cave bear vertebrae. My collection is very diverse through time, if limited in depth. I have a nice collection of Silurian-Devonian trilobites, some nice Devonian-Permian plant material, and a range of Holocene mammal bones; vertebrae and mandibles. ... I taught a variety of upper level secondary courses over the years. As Science Dept. Chair in an independent school, I oversaw curriculum (shorthand for “I got to teach what I loved) For many years I taught an Natural History course to seniors looking at the evolution of the Universe. First term Cosmology-Planetary Science; Second term Evolution of Life. A dream job. Now, I’m trying to complete a more formal indexing of my collection (which includes MANY casts as well). Nice to find you folks. Probably will be an infrequent visitor. Glenn
  24. Today, instead of bemoaning the paucity of marine cretaceous rocks in my state, I reframed the situation as follows: "In the Cretaceous, most of Missouri was not ocean but land, with lots of exposed limestone that dinosaurs were likely walking around on." This led me to the following question: Do we have no fossil examples of dinosaurs that fell in sinkholes / caves / paleokarst and were preserved there, perhaps discovered during quarrying of the limestone? We definitely have such examples for fossil mammals, reptiles, etc., including Pleistocene (Ocala), Pliocene (Pipe Creek Jr.), and Miocene (Gray Fossil Site)... So why not earlier? Why not dinosaurs? Surely there were paleokarst processes in action during dinosaur times. As possibly useful information, there was definitely regional hydrothermal activity here in the Mesozoic, based on the Jurassic emplacement age of southern Illinois fluorite.
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