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  1. Misha

    DSR Gastropod

    From the album: Misha's Middle Devonian Fossils

    Mourlonia lucina? Gastropod from DSR I stumbled upon in my weathering pile. Doesn't match the usual Glyptomaria found here so it caught my eye. I'm not too sure on the ID as I couldn't find any images online of similar specimens, so had to go off figures from the field guide. Givetian Windom Shale Moscow Fm Hamilton Group Deep Springs Road Quarry Lebanon NY
  2. col

    Marine shells

    Runswick Bay - Yorkshire coast. Mollusc?
  3. Hi all. I haven’t posted on here for a while. But thought I’d share this beautiful Mauithoe insignis gastropod I found and prepped recently in New Zealand. It’s about mid Miocene age (12 million). There are only 2 sites in New Zealand where you can find this species. You usually find Mauithoe specimens around 4 cm in length, 7.5 cm is listed as the largest in the Bible on NZ fossil molluscs. Well this beast is bigger than that. As found After prep:
  4. One of the places I frequent used to have a sheep that lived all by itself it it’s own gully. I presume it had got down into it as a lamb and couldn’t get back up. It had a tail and lots and lots of wool. don’t worry there is a fossil in this story! I used to go visit him every time I was there until one day I discovered him lying down in his flax bush bed. Never to get up again. Who knew you could get so attached to a sheep. I went to visit the gully today and at the bottom of the gully this was sticking out the ground. It is the first complete one I have found. I just had to lever it out with my pick and rinse it. It had nicely weathered out of the host rock that can be very hard. it’s Crassostrea, which has a time range from Late Pliocene to early Pleistocene. it’s aptly named as “crass” means thick in Latin. It’s a chonk alright! Theres a little matrix still attached. I might just leave it there.
  5. Geo-Reinier


    Gryphaea Geology: Blue Lias Formation and Charmouth Mudsone Formation Period: Triassic and Jurassic Location: Gloucester, England
  6. I've found this mollusc fossils in the Saudi Arabia desert, one hour away from Riyadh city. It seems all this area was ocean during the the early cretaceous period. Meaning that these fossils can have around 77 million years old? They are bigger than a tennis ball! Can someone help to identify these exactly and the possible date of age? Thank you! IMG_1704.MOV IMG_1703.MOV IMG_1698.MOV
  7. Tidgy's Dad

    Adam's Early / Lower Devonian

    The Devonian period is known as "The Age of Fish", but could also be known as "The Age of Brachiopods." In the Early / Lower Devonian, brachiopods reached the height of their diversity towards its end in the Emsian. We see the ancestral groups occurring, lingulids, craniids, orthids, protorthids, pentamerids, rhynchonellids and strophomenids, as well as the later successful groups we have seen before such as atrypids, athyrids and orthotetids, plus the rise of spiriferids, spiriferinids and productids and the beginning of the terebratulids. By the end of the Devonian , several of these groups are extinct or severely reduced in importance and brachiopods never quite recover. Also, the Devonian is the last time we see trilobites with such variation, large sizes and numbers and orthocerids too are much more uncommon after the rise of the goniatites. The massive tabulate coral reefs also disappear after the Devonian. Fascinating period and I hope to share some of its wonders with you. Equally, a lot of this is rather new to me, so I would be very grateful for any assistance, corrections or further information on my specimens. Thank you. The Early Devonian epoch is split into three stages, so let's start with the first of those, the Lochkovian, that began about 419 mya and finished roughly 411 mya. I have been sent a nice selection of brachiopods from the Kalkberg Formation, Helderberg Group by the Mighty @Misha, mostly. But the kind gentleperson also sent me this fascinating little bryozoan hash : It is dominated by fenestellids, which is usually the case in the Devonian, but other orders sill occur. These ones, I think, are Fenestella, but there are so many species in the formation that I wont take a guess as to species : Not sure what this one is ;
  8. pachy-pleuro-whatnot-odon

    Preservation of colour in fossil shells

    Hi all, Some time ago I found this shell in (what I believe to be) the French Upper Muschelkalk (Triassic). Now I'm not into shells myself, but to judge from the remains of operculum on the underside of it, the specimen concerns an oyster. Most strikingly, however, the shell has a pattern of darker-coloured lines that do not correspond to any three-dimensional/elevational differences on the shell surface - which is, in fact, entirely flat. I haven't seen this on a fossil shell before. Now when doing a Google search for my response on whether it would be possible for crustacean carapaces to retain traces of their original colour, I bumped into an article that described that molluscs may incorporate melanin in the calcite of their shells to create the colour patterns we see (e.g., here). This got me wondering: could the lines I'm seeing indeed be traces of the original melanin pigmentation of this shell? And, if so, how common is this phenomenon? Does anybody else have examples of such shells? I'd also be very happy if someone could furnish me with a genus or species name to go with my specimen. But here I'd like to primarily raise the topic of ancient colour reconstruction in shells.
  9. anaksymenes

    Petrified mollusc?

    Hello! It was found in central Europe on a country road covered with little limestone and dolomite pebbles. Looks like a fossilized mollusc. Is it a scallop? How old can it be? Thank you for any suggestions.
  10. SilurianSalamander

    Agatized/silicified cephalopods?

    Are these cephalopods in chert? They appear to be agatized as well. The first two pictures are from a chunk of chert and agate that I split to find what looks like the chambers of a nautiloid cephalopod. Is this a fossil or just some way silica forms? Thanks so much!
  11. SilurianSalamander

    Foram or snail?

    Been finding a lot of these tiny spiral shells. While some are definitely gastropods this one looks similar to some forams I’ve seen. Would love to know which this one is! Thanks
  12. SilurianSalamander

    Bivalves help

    I found these Devonian bivalves (?) at the Milwaukee formation at estabrooke park in Milwaukee Wisconsin. I think the first one could be a bivalved arthropod like an ostracod and the second could be part of a brachiopod. Any help is appreciated! Thanks. Sorry for lack of scale! I just put one in my rockhounding bag.
  13. From Burches Ferry, outside of Pamplico, South Carolina. Wondering how far down it can be taxonomically ID'd. Found in association with many belemnites. Thanks!
  14. AugustPaleo

    Miami Beach Find

    I’ve been fossil hunting for years, but had a long pause in my interest. Recently however, I’ve gotten back into paleontology. I was researching the Miami Limestone and found that many fossils had been found inland in limestone quarries, but I hadn’t found any information on Miami Beach fossils. While I was walking in the water, I stepped on what turned out to be a shell of what I believe is Cittarium pica, a kind of mollusk found in other locales in the area. Pleistocene in age, very recent, and recrystalized. I’m so happy to find a fossil this trip!
  15. Hello everyone, I just came back from a short trip to Florida to visit some relatives who recently moved out there. I knew very little about fossil hunting in Florida but with the generous help of a number of forum members got to learn a lot. On one of the days while visiting, we decided to visit Venice. While there I did end up picking up some tiny shark and ray teeth, interesting modern shells but nothing particularly special, once we got off the beach, though, I noticed a pile of shell material in sandy matrix near the parking lot I initially thought it was just the same modern stuff as on the beach but closer inspection showed that these were definitely fossils, they had a different texture, coloration to the modern shells, were more chalky and fragile and we're covered in matrix inside and out. I didn't take any in situ pics as I had no phone on me but here are some photos now that I have them home. Also, I'm trying out a new photography technique using an elevated glass pane I saw here on TFF, and I think it looks quite nice, really makes the fossils pop. I don't remember the name of the topic but if anyone wants to link it below, I would appreciate it as I think people may find it quite useful. Olive shells: Next to a modern lettered olive I found, interesting to see the morphological differences side by side as although they are similar the form of the shells is different Other gastropods: Bivalves: These two were connected when found, but split apart on the way home, revealing some interesting fossils inside. Two oysters, not sure if they're the same species, they look pretty different, the smaller one is complete while the other is only one valve Some tiny gastropods and bivalves, the gastropods were found next to each other in the matrix while the bivalves came from the larger bivalve that opened up finally, this I thought was really cool, it's a tiny barnacle, also from the bivalves that opened up, it's preserved in beautiful detail, you can see some very intricate details of the shell on the top and bottom of the specimen This was my first time in Florida, and my first experience collecting such young fossils, it was very enjoyable and I hope to find more stuff on later adventures. I have pretty much no idea as to the IDs of any of these fossils, so if anyone knowledgeable has any suggestions, I'd be very interested to hear. Thanks for looking! Misha
  16. Tales From the Shale

    Preserving Invertebrate Fossils

    Hey guys I have some fossils I collected from the Coon Creek of Tennessee. The resident paleontologist, and other trip goers told me to use floor wax to seal these delicate fossils. They aren't permineralized and therefore crumble and crack very easily. Is there a better alternative to floorwax? I read both yes and nos on its usage. I don't like modifying fossils if I don't have to, but I've had multiple fall apart already.
  17. SilurianSalamander

    Tentaculites? Cephalopod?

    Found at work. Ordovician to Devonian. It tapers so it’s not a crinoid stem
  18. expatspain

    Possible gastropod

    First pic shows the modern day terrain of what 6-8 million years ago was the coastline of SE Iberia. Walking here today my Wife found what appears to be a gastropod or snail. But could easily be a nice rock.
  19. Hi there, I would like any help on identifying this potential fossil I found. It was found in West Midlands of England, UK. I don't live near the ocean however this was found amongst a pathway covered in pre-destructed rocks so it may explain the displacement. As you can see, it appears quite mollusc-like and it has tiny bristles on the right hand side, almost saw-toothed at the edge. It also can be seen with a bottom layer with appears on the left hand side of the rock. It is striped and has red speckles at the edge. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I'm quite inexperienced in this field at the moment. Thanks in advance!
  20. paleo.wales

    Jurassic Bivalve ID

    Anyone able to help me classify this bivalve. I interpret it as some sort of Infaunal bivalve but could be totally wrong. The specimen was collected at Rhoose point on the Jurassic Heritage Coast Vale of Glamorgan, South Wales from the Blue Lias formation.
  21. Hi guys! Haven't made any posts in a while but as I was going through some finds from Penn Dixie recently I have come across a few more fossils I would like to ID. The first few are what I believe to be Pelycopods but I have no further info on them. 1. Part and Counterpart 2. Part and Counterpart, found in the same piece of shale very close to number 1 3. Smaller one among some horn corals 4. A larger one, this one is thicker than the rest and is very different in texture. I have a few more pictures but I don't have space so I will include them below, Thank you guys for any help, Misha.
  22. Dimitris

    Mollusc? Found on a river outcrop

    Hello everyone! Today, on my way back from Jurassic hunting, I stopped on a small river I had seen the other time. The location is this 43.297077, 23.397995 Picture shown on google is either irrelevant to exact location or something I have not seen. Anyway, the location as per Rockd is Early Cretaceous. I cannot find a geological map for the exact location. The closest known to me is Maastrichtian, 30km SW. In the area around, there are confirmed Eocene formations as well. The site is characterised by dark shales, which are very loose and easy to split even with bare hands. The fossil is this: Imprint left from its shell on the other side of the stone. I tried to find other fossils in the area around in hope to find something distinctive to determine age. One brachipod and maybe a part of an ammonite. The place where I found the fossil is this General aspect on the other side I have not visited, due to the river. It is what is seen from the road.
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