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  1. Greetings to everyone. I am trying to decide for a nicely preserved and prepared morocops. I found these two that seem to have a lot of detail on the cephalon. The first one seems to have nicely preserved eyes and the pores (don't know if it's the correct naming for the small dots) seem much more pointy. On the other hand the second one I just like it, I don't know why but I think I prefer it esthetically more. So I want some personal opinions to decide and choose between those two. Thank you all.
  2. Hello, I am very interested in collecting trilobites and so far I nearly have one from every order (except Agnostia and a questionable Redlichiid), but though I feel I am fairly knowledgable on them overall, I am embarrassed I cannot tell the difference between species such as Phacops, Reedops, Adrisiops, Drotops, Morocops, Austerops, and Chotecops. Species like Hollarops or Morocconites are easy to tell because they have the spines or spikes though their body looks very similar. Usually when I buy trilobites they are labelled but the ones I have gotten as gifts or from rock shops are generally unlabelled. Some are easy to tell due to context (Chotecops are generally preserved in pyrite, Drotops generally being huge,) but Phacops and Reedops?! To me, they look identical, and I've heard the best way to see is counting eye facets, but several of mine have only poorly preserved or partial eyes. I also recently acquired a pair of labelled Adrisiops and I heard that they are referred to as a 'smiley Phacops' but I am not sure where that comes from. I also think the Proetid Gerastos looks quite superficially similar to all of these species, especially when poorly preserved, but I think I can tell that one apart due to it's smaller eyes and different glabella. On top of that, I am very concerned I have some fakes from the time when I was younger and did not know very much about looking for casts or composites and those can have all kinds of crazy things going on that are not in 'real' trilobites. I will try to factor out the suspicious trilobites when comparing my collection. Are there any other context clues or morphology I can look for on these similar species? Comparison photos would be nice to see the visual differences if there are any! Thank you to anyone who helps!
  3. Day Two ; Locality One (or Six if you include Day One) Black Sahara, South of Erfoud 20th February 2019 Well this is where things really get interesting, so stick with this thread as there are dozens of photos of fossils coming up. Looks at the tags if you want clues. I was up bright and early and wandered out at about 7 am to watch the sun rise over the still mighty Erg Chebbi dunes. And as night's candles were burnt out and jocund day stood tiptoe over the misty duney tops, the chaps came to join me and managed lots of photos. Here's one, if you would like to see more, I'm busy posting a kazillion of 'em under the Nature Photography thread.
  4. Marco90

    My trilobite collection

    Not just teeth and shells: my fossil collection also includes trilobites, the real protagonists of the Palaeozoic era. The first is a beautiful specimen of Morocops ovatus. Detail of the cephalon area:
  5. Marco90

    Morocops ovatus

    From the album: My collection in progress

    Morocops ovatus McKellan & Chatterton 2009 Location: Timrhanrhart Formatiom, Djebel Ouften, Morocco Age: 400 Mya (Eifelian, Middle Devonian) Measurements: 5x3 cm (trilobite), 8x7 cm (matrix) Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda Subphylum: Trilobitomorpha Class: Trilobita Order: Phacopida Suborder: Phacopina Family: Phacopidae
  6. RobFallen

    Morocops ovatus Trilobite

    From the album: Robs Fossil Collection

    Morocops ovatus Trilobite Trilobite measures: 7 cm x 3 cm
  7. Hi all! Just wanted to share my little collection of trilobites and pals now that I have a small assortment. I hope you enjoy! I’m working up to actually getting out in the field soon, so hopefully a few finds of my own might join these fellers!
  8. Hi All, I have recently started my fossil collection, I am still figuring out what I really enjoy and what fits in my budget, but atleast trilobites really got my interest. I have some experience in collecting in general and I decided to buy nice specimens, especially for the common trilobites, rather than starting off with less preserved ones and having to upgrade them in the future. I want to share my first two trilobites: If anyone has any opinions and information about them, please do not hesitate to do so! My knowledge is still small in the fossil world. This one was sold as a Morocops Granulops (Devonian), excavated in Jbel Zguilma Marocco. The second one is a Asaphus lepidurus (Middle Ordovician), excavated in the Putilovo quarry Russia.
  9. Hi everybody! Today i want to kindly ask you help for the correct ID of this trilobite. My choice is Morocops ovatus but obviously i prefer to listen the ideas of experts (@piranha @Kane @Tidgy's Dad and more). I'm thankful to everyone who want to participate at the topic Here are the info: Origin: Jbel Zguilma (Foum Zguid), near Alnif, Morocco Age: Emsian, Devonian Lenght: 5.5 cm / 2.16 inches The trilobite is not in my hands, the photos are from the seller. Thanks and have a wonderful weekend!
  10. JulianoLPD

    A bunch of Morrocan trilobites

    Hi there, guys. So, I recently bought a lot of trilobites from a Morrocan seller. I asked here in the forum for an ID and it turned out one of the trilobites came with wrong determination, so I'm adding pictures of the other specimens hoping you guys can help me get to genus at least. They were all sold as Phacops, but of course, the seller does not have knowledge enough to ID them, and neither do I (probably, even less, actually...). I'll add the pictures below for each specimen. First two pieces I believe it's Flexicalymene sp. Thanks in advance, Juliano
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