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  1. lowkee_z

    Anyone able to identify this?

    Is anyone able to inform me on these two stones? What kind of stones are they? Trianglular Stone has a cinder block type of sound to it, as well as being very lightweight. White Stone is very much like obsidian; breaks the same and feels the same. It'll also glow a yellowish color when a light is put to it. Found wandering around the Northern Nevada desert.
  2. Utemike

    ID request and apology

    Collected this in the McDermitt, Nevada caldera. Cottonwood spring area about 8 miles west of McDermitt. Probably Miocene. Lots of petrified wood in the area. apology is for slicing it in my ignorance. I first thought it was a petrified wood burl and since my purpose is lapidary I was keen to cut it and see burl patterns. after a few cuts, I pulled it from the saw and thought it looks more like a nut than a burl. It is shaped like a large avocado but I doubt an avocado would hold its shape if petrified. There is petrified palm wood (vascular dots instead of wood grain) in the area. Could this be a large nut? Since it was cut anyway, I’m including a picture of the cut side if that helps. thanks, Mike
  3. goldenorbweaver

    Middle Triassic Marine Fossils

    Hi! I found these in an exposure of the star peak group in the Humboldt Mountains (from the lithology, I think specifically the lower or middle member of the Prida Formation, so Anisian in age) and am wondering what they are. Many icthyosaur fossils have been found in this formation and the mountain range, so I’m wondering if some of these might be bone fragments. However, I would think that those would be rare, so most or all of these would be something else. Could the segmented things be parts of an orthoceratoid? Thanks!
  4. haikuhalfwit

    Equid fossil from Nevada

    I wonder if anyone could help me identify this equid fossil. Miocene of Tonopah, Nevada, I am told. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks!
  5. JG13

    Any ideas what this is?

    Western Nevada desert. Is this a rock, fossil or what? About 60 lbs, 15” x 10”x 7” thick.
  6. brandon tibbetts

    Fossil ID Please

    Hello wanting to get help with this, I’m gonna try and get good pics. It’s about two and half inches and found in quartzite Nevada. Thank you
  7. brandon tibbetts

    Fossil ID please

    Wanting an ID please it’s about inch around and found in Sparks Nevada.
  8. LeytonJFReid

    Fish from Fallon, Nevada 1

    Miocene Hazen. Average length ~40 mm
  9. LeytonJFReid

    Leaves from Fallon, Nevada

    Buffalo Canyon Formation. Lengths vary from ~15-45 mm
  10. LeytonJFReid

    Fish from Fallon, Nevada 2

    Miocene Hazen. Average size ~20mm
  11. Indy Environment: January opening announced for Southern Nevada’s Ice Age Fossils State Park The site of a massive paleontological dig in the 1960s, the park is opening nearly 70 years after the state acquired the land. By Amy Alonzo, The Nevada Independent, December 14, 2023 Yours, Paul H.
  12. This specimen is about 60 pounds and 19 x 17 x 6 inches. It has what look like tubular areas on one side, and is smooth on the other sides. Although at first glance it may look like a rock, please see other specimens from Nevada that look similar with white mineralization, etc. It is smooth on all sides except where broken. It flares up and down in opposite directions on each end. Possible Suspects: 7 Dinosaurs That Lived in Nevada (And Where to See Fossils Today) One opinion: Looks like a chunk of Morrison dinosaur pelvis..particularly ilium. The busy side is the inner surface where the sacrum fits on, big hole for femur head. Size-wise, Allosaurus, Stegosaurus" Wish the photos were in color, but one looks like the same dark stone with white mineral streaks: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Right-lateral-view-of-pubic-foot-of-Allosaurus-AMNH-813-Ventral-view-of-pubic_fig1_268274412
  13. esteff

    Possible Sauropod?

    Found in Nevada. Washoe county. It is heavy, (have yet to weigh it). Length around 250 millimeters/ 25 centimeters.
  14. rocket


    From the album: Triassic ammonites

    Frechites occidentalis (SMITH) and Atractides sp., middle triassic, Anisium, found in USA, Fossil Hill, Nevada. Size of Frechites is approx. 8 cm (3.5")
  15. Frenchman Mountain Dolostone: 500 million-year-old Grand Canyon rock layer finally gets a name. UNLV geologists name ancient rock layer after Las Vegas mountain that contains similar strata; research published in the journal Geosphere. New Study Links Geologic Features of Las Vegas’ Frenchman Mountain with Grand Canyon. Las Vegas Valley rock layer matches that of a famous interval of rocks at the Grand Canyon; findings reported in the Journal Geology. University of Nevada at Las Vegas, May 1 , 2020 The open access paper is: Rowland, S.M., Korolev, S., Hagadorn, J.W. and Ghosh, K., 2023. Frenchman Mountain Dolostone: A new formation of the Cambrian Tonto Group, Grand Canyon and Basin and Range, USA. Geosphere. Supplemental Material: Frenchman Mountain Dolostone: A new formation of the Cambrian Tonto Group, Grand Canyon and Basin and Range, USA, Geological Society of America Another paper is: Karlstrom, K.E., Mohr, M.T., Schmitz, M.D., Sundberg, F.A., Rowland, S.M., Blakey, R., Foster, J.R., Crossey, L.J., Dehler, C.M. and Hagadorn, J.W., 2020. Redefining the Tonto Group of Grand Canyon and recalibrating the Cambrian time scale. Geology, 48(5), pp.425-430. Related papers: Rowland, S.M., 2022, Geology of Frenchman Mountain and Rainbow Gardens, southern Nevada, USA, in Jiang, G.Q., and Dehler, C., eds., Field Excursions from Las Vegas, Nevada: Guides to the 2022 GSA Cordilleran and Rocky Mountain Joint Section Meeting: Geological Society of America Field Guide 63, p. 23– 43. Rowland, S.M., 1987, Paleozoic stratigraphy of Frenchman Mountain, Clark County, Nevada, in Hill, M.L., ed., Cordilleran Section of the Geological Society of America: Geological Society of America Centennial Field Guide 1, p. 53– 56. Hollingsworth, J.S., Sundberg, F.A. and Foster, J.R., 2011. Cambrian stratigraphy and paleontology of Northern Arizona and Southern Nevada. Museum of Northern Arizona Bulletin, 67, pp.1-321. PDFs of more trilobite papers. Videos Wild Speaker Series: The Amazing Geology of Frenchman Mountain and Rainbow Gardens. Friends Of Nevada Wilderness Frenchman Mountain Loop | Bordering Lake Mead National Nevada Trilobites, Frenchman Mountain Yours, Paul H.
  16. cameronsfossilcollection

    Olenellus gilberti negative

    From the album: Pioche Formation

    I split this beauty out last Spring, unfortunately the positive ended up crumbling away. The specimen is about an inch and a half long, a fully mature yet relatively puny example of this iconic species.
  17. 500-Mile-Long Power Line Hits a Roadblock: Ice Age Fossils The proposed the Greenlink West transmission line in Nevada would run through a site filled with mammoth and saber-tooth cat fossils. By Isaac Schultz, GIZMODO, March 4, 2023 Tule Springs Fossil Beds National Monument Yours, Paul
  18. Nautiloid

    Nice Nephrolenellus geniculatus

    From the album: Nautiloid’s Trilobite Collection

    This is a good sized example of this iconic Pioche Shale bug. It also sports a partial opistothorax, which is pretty sweet. Lower Cambrian Pioche Shale Nevada

    © Owen Yonkin 2023

  19. Nautiloid

    Ampyxoides? sp.

    From the album: Nautiloid’s Trilobite Collection

    This little bug is only about 0.8 cm wide, but has pretty decent preservation. The rest of the shell is in the negative, and hopefully the rostral process. Lower Ordovician Ninemile Formation Nye Co., NV
  20. cameronsfossilcollection

    Reverse of Nephrolenellus

    From the album: Pioche Formation

    Perfect! Even has small axial spine holes!
  21. cameronsfossilcollection

    Orytocephalites + unknown ptychopariid Cranidium

    From the album: Pioche Formation

    Two uncommon bugs, if only it weren’t just the cranidium! The orytocephalites cranidium is truly miniscule, it's located towards the bottom of the screen in the center - underneath the larger ptychopariid molt piece.
  22. cameronsfossilcollection

    Ventral Nephrolenellus geniculatus

    From the album: Pioche Formation

    Nice orange bug on the same plate as the chief + terminatus.
  23. cameronsfossilcollection

    Pint-sized Olenellus gilberti

    From the album: Pioche Formation

    Look at that axial spine! The relief could be better, but this bug is complete!
  24. cameronsfossilcollection

    Olenellus chiefensis

    From the album: Pioche Formation

    Beautifully prepped by Jon!
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