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  1. Hey, A friend of mine dreamed to become a paleontologist during his childhood, but has chosen to become a doctor. I would like to organize a weekend to discover a European paleontology site, where should I go ? Best, Fabian.
  2. Hello! First time here. I'm beginning research and planning for a fossil hunting trip in and around Western PA to (hopefully) collect a few samples to start my own collection and use in an interpretive program as part of one of my college classes. I'm struggling to come up with a couple parts of this trip, first and foremost being what I'll need to bring along. I'm hoping to collect in a minimally invasive way, but if straight digging is the way to go I'm more than willing to give it a shot. So far I have; Osprey Hiking Pack (35 Liter) Merrell Hiking boots Plastic padded knee pads Various bug repellants & sunscreen Pocket knife (Benchmade Crooked River) Personalized First Aid Kit Various notebooks, pens, and pencils Duct & Electrical tape Two canvas satchels Tin foil Navigational equipment (GPS locater, compass, paper & electronic maps) Any recommendations for tools or other equipment I might need or want would be much appreciated!
  3. Im exactly what my rank/status says in my account. So the Newbee ZzZZzzz can use all the help he can get so plz , what is this guys ?
  4. Hello! I've always been fascinated with fossils and I would like to begin going out and collecting them more frequently. Does anyone happen to know any good spots to look near Houston, Texas? Thank you!
  5. Hello! I'm excited to join this forum, I've already learned a ton and I'd like to give a brief introduction before I get to the good part. I've recently gotten into recovering old items, I've always been a science nerd. I grew up on a farm in NEPA and moved to Philadelphia area for about a decade where I finished my degree in I.T. but worked as a animal specialist through college, originally being a saltwater reef tank specialist but branched into reptiles, cat and dog training and eventually exotic animal care like monkeys, giraffes, kinkajous and a plethora of other awesome creatures. Recently I got hired by someone who met me through one of my tech clients, he inherited properties to which he had to handle estates for family, I met him working a sensitive job for my client and we built rapport. He tasked me with helping clean out the properties, catalog all the items of value, and list them online. Well the properties were loaded with things from late 1880's to current time. Absolutely mind blowing things, I feel like I'm cleaning out king tut's tomb! This got me interested it metal detecting, rockhounding and alast really into learning about fossil hunting and then preparation. Now for the fun part... I'm constantly trying to apply all my knowledge to every situation. I see it can be quite difficult actually extracting fossils without damaging them, it really is an art all of it's own, much like there's an art to "maintaining habitats or tanks to simulate the wild" I even was a to completely automate a garage for a client doing an indoor greenhouse by crossing my knowledge of botany and my knowledge of technology taking out much of the possible human error. So finally to my main question! Has any of the hardcore paleontologists in here ever attempted to use a 3D scanner to create a rendering and measurement of an unprepared fossil and then use that data to use a C02 laser cutter to remove all of the unwanted matrix? I'm fairly confident I could make that work and would like feed back. Essentially it would be reverse 3D printing if you're familiar how it works. It would give accuracy down to the millimeter and it would take off alot of time and human error, and eliminate all potential "vibration" damage. I'd love to explore this with professionals together! Thanks to all who read this I look forward to learning more here and picking the minds of fellow science nerds!
  6. DianaGeiger54

    Newbie Grandma from Texas

    Hello from North Central Texas. My grandson from Kansas came down for a week for a visit. Looking for adventure, we started out looking for arrowheads. No such luck, but we came across a creek full of these little shell-like things. after googling I think they are called devil's toenails. The next day we went to a different creek and found a bunch of other stuff. I am having a great adventure looking for fossils now.
  7. Hi Everyone! I'm a molecular biologist, and every time I do an outreach event folks end up asking me about dinosaurs (jurassic park, de-extinction, etc). Anyway, I don't know much about ACTUAL dinosaurs, but maybe I should - eager to learn. Happy to be here and interested in any recommended books/resources. Thanks for letting me join.
  8. I am looking for crinoid sites near BG Ky. I am new here. I found my first ever crinoid in landscape gravel and am obsessed! Hope its OK to ask this?
  9. jfrmdabay

    ID help please

    Texas Gulf Coast finds. Rollover Pass, Galveston. What is the age of the specimens? What is the yellow stuff?
  10. CaryJo

    NW Illinois newbie

    Hi I hope I’m doing this right. I live on a small farm in northwest Illinois just south of Wisconsin. Half my place is a wetland with a creek running through it; it has changed very little since the first plat of the area was drawn in the mid 1800s. I find a lot of fossils and quartzy and other rocks/minerals and I’m here to learn more about what I find. Thanks!
  11. Hi everyone! I stumbled across this site while searching for "online fossil identification." I recently obtained a tub (pictured below) full of supposedly dinosaur fossils from an owner in WA state who no longer wanted them. Some are labeled, most are not or the label has fallen off. Also many of the small fossils made their way out of their labeled case over time. So in summary I have no clue what many of them are! From what I'm told, they were all collected from different areas in WA state by the owner's grandfather over the years (who's since passed away). She didn't want to spend the time trying to re-identify them nor keep storing them, so here I am now the new owner of this "prehistoric mystery tub." I would love any help from the experts on this forum to find out what they are! I'll create some posts with photos in the FossilID forum. A little about me: I'm a dinosaur nerd but not a paleontologist or fossil hunter whatsoever. I simply became enthralled by dinos as a kid when the first Jurassic Park movie came out. I'd watch that VHS religiously. Ever since then, and still now in my adult years, I'm constantly on the hunt for any dinosaur, prehistoric, and/or ancient life documentaries I can find. So I guess you could say beyond my curiosity of unraveling what fossils I actually have in this tub, I'm here to learn from the experts, check out what others have in their collection, then perhaps someday be able to contribute to this community any knowledge gained through my experience here. Looking forward to virtually meeting you all! -Tim
  12. Albo

    G'day - What have I found?

    Hi everyone- absolute Newbie to the forum here. Excited to be getting geological. From what I have seen it looks like this is probably Fossiliferous Limestone as it was found on a South Australian beach. It does however smell rather of gunpowder and is a bit darker than the limestone specimens I've seen. I do wonder what I have found here xAlex
  13. Hi Everyone, I'm a complete newbie here. I live in Northwest Arkansas. There's no shortage of rocks here, and many of the sedimentary rocks here are covered in trace fossils. This fascinates me (I'm not sure exactly why), but I've collected quite a few of those rocks. I joined this forum to learn and I have a specific fossil that I'd like to have some of you experts have a look at. I'll post that in the appropriate forum. Thanks! David
  14. Pam2636

    Newbie in NE Oklahoma

    I recently retired and moved to Pawnee, Oklahoma. With more time on my hands now, I would love to return to fossil-hunting - an activity I shared as a child with my late father. I had a wonderful Paleontology course in undergraduate school at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. During one of our field trips, I lucked upon a huge trilobite that our teaching assistant cleaned up and put in the university museum. Talk about beginner's luck! Please feel free to contact me to join your hunting excursions in NE Oklahoma - I'm a little afraid to be out walking around remote areas alone and would love to have the company.
  15. fossilbeagle

    Tybee island spoil island

    Hello. we went on a fossil trip while in Tybee definitely recommend. I found this piece and I’m stumped. Could be nothing but the curve trenches makes me feel like maybe it’s a tooth but there is no root looking areas on any of the sides (all sides in photos) so probably not a tooth. A girl can dream. let me know if you got any other thoughts .
  16. First of all, amazing forum and a great community. All my life I've had an interest in fossils but never collected any apart from the odd interesting rock I've found on the beach. Recently returned home from a trip to the Yorkshire coast and had a couple of early afternoons dedicated to fossil hunting. We found lots of random bits, plenty of bivalves and a few ammonite nodules. I've bought myself a Dremel 290 so I can try to liberate them from their long slumber. Quite a thrill knowing that you're the first living creature to see these things in millions of years. Time to trawl through all of the guides I can on here before I attempt any sort of preparation.
  17. Inexperienced, just got into fossil hunting this past summer
  18. Figured that I would share some photos of part of my collection so far. Fairly new to this game and sure that many of you have collections that are amazing! Please share some photos of some of yours, or your prized pieces. Would love to see them! The vertabrae with the doc numbers is probably my favorite piece other than what I have recently collected. It is from Bob Ernst's collection.
  19. Hi Everyone, I'm very new to fossil hunting and was considering going down to Cory's Lane in RI as it's only about 40 minutes from me. I scoped the place out on Google Maps and have some questions for anyone that's hunted there. Do you need a permit to fossil collect in RI? It looks like you can't collect in state parks, but I don't think this area is a state park. I'm actually not even sure if it's town property or private? Google wasn't much help and I'm not really sure which department it would fall under to go through state websites. Are people actually allowed to go along the water edge to collect, or is it all private property and we hope no one notices? It looks like there is a residential area and then a school further up the shore line. I don't want my first experience doing this (out of state, no less) to put me on the wrong end of the law. How's the parking situation there, the lot looks very small, like maybe 4 cars max. Are you allowed to park on the street if there's room? I didn't notice any signs when I street viewed the area. I was considering having a family member come with me and they drive an SUV compared to relatively small hatchback. Is anyone here a member of RIMH? Is the club active, is it worth joining if I can, I live in MA? Thanks for any info!
  20. JTRock

    Possible shell

    I found this on my first fossil hunting trip to the South Dakota Badlands, but it could have been anywhere in the Black Hills area. It looks like, to my untrained eye, a shell of some kind. pic is front and back. Any help? And how would I give it some luster? Thank you for your time Jeff
  21. Ballixxe

    From Central Ohio

    Greetings, New member from central Ohio. Have had "fossil on the brain" since I was about six years old. Living in Ohio has given me a good look at the Ordovician. Looking forward to viewing your collections.
  22. Kanz5075


    Hello, thank you for allowing me to join this forum. I have always had a love of rocks, fossils, artifacts, and any other hidden "gems" in our earth's crust! I would not say i am a beginner as i am in my forties and have been "collecting" my finds all my life. I am here to learn, see the amazing finds, and get my finds ID'd.
  23. Hello everyone, Another new menber in the forum!, I like very much fossils since I was a child. Currently the group I am more interested is Mosasaurs. I found the "The fossil forum" searching information about these wonderfull reptiles some time ago. Now I think it is time to be a part of this community. To end, English in not my mother language, so... Sorry if I make some mistakes. Grettings Sbn
  24. Hi, Newbie here..... anyone else from England? I got what I think is my first fossil but need to get a good photo before I post it ..
  25. Rainbasin

    Hello from Nebraska

    Hi everyone! I'm Laurel and I love hunting the river looking for old things! My collection includes mostly bones and teeth, although I've found some Native American tools as well.
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