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  1. Today I went solo to Maysville, KY to take a peak around. Went to a few surrounding road cuts in the area, and here are my finds. Isotelus Fragment, unknown (to me) trilobite. I don't know if his head is there or not. And lastly, I found a 'rolled' trilo, but he has seen better days. Next up are some trilobite fragments. If anyone could tell me if there is a possibility of the first 3 pictures have the possibility of being complete? I don't know what to look for, so if anyone could help me out, that would be awesome! And last but not least here are some assorted finds I found throughout the day. And could anyone tell me what this is? I believe it's a gastropod, but have no idea of an ID.
  2. Hello all, I am back with another St. Leon hunt. This took place the next day after my previous post. All started well, I took the roughly 2 hour trip to St. Leon and arrived right around noon. The sun was already beating down and I was bound and determined to find a trilobite after looking at @Newbie_1971's finds from the same day. What I didn't except though, was the battle it would take to find one. Once I arrived, I gathered my stuff and tracked up the side of the readout to reach the Liberty formation. Once I was up there, I wanted to go to the very end of the shelf and work my way down, so I had to navigate around a few trees. No sooner than I get up there, I lose my footing and take a hit to my knee. Afterwards I decided to put on my knee pads in case I tripped on air again. Attached is also a picture of the surroundings. So, it was off to a rough start. But, no sooner than I sat down, I found this fella. I sat down, looked to my left, and lo and behold, he was sitting there waiting to be found. Now, I could have SWORE me and my wife checked this exact spot yesterday. He might have just been a little shy is all. At the very end of my trip, I found a teeny one as well, affectionally named Timmy. Beyond the two trilobites I found, which were definitely the highlights of my trip, I found some other goodies as well. Plenty of Zygospira were found. There was several spots you couldn't look down and not seem them littered about. Other notable brachiopods included Plaesiomys Subquadratus and Strophomena. All specimens were in pretty good condition, although there were some that looked like they had went through it, including half of the fossil being nearly flat, and others being curled over themselves. P.S. if the names I am using are incorrect, please let me know. I am still learning! Beyond the brachiopods were plenty of various bryozoans of various sizes, some may be corals, I am really not sure of the difference between the two yet. What I do know is there were fragments of them everywhere you looked. All specimens were very well preserved on this front. Other than the brachiopods and bryozoans, were the gastropods. I am not even going to attempt to identify any of them, but if anyone wants to drop names feel free to! Although my knowledge is limited, the fossils I found were not. Some crinoid fragments were also found, but not as many as other places I have searched. A few other cool finds I am across was a brachiopod on the tip of a bryozoan and another brachiopod attached to the side of a horn coral, and a brachiopod covered in bryozoan. always enjoy finding fossils that show interactions between each other. Lastly, here are a few finds that I'm not sure what they are, if anything. Thought I would include them to look at.
  3. ChasingGhostsYT

    A Pilgrimage to Ottawa

    Howdy again! Following my trip to Kingston a few days prior to this post, I decided to scout some sites elsewhere. It just so happened the family trip took us to Ottawa today to see the Science and Tech Center, as well as the Nature museum. Being a bit opportunistic, I convinced the rest to take a detour to the southern bank of the Ottawa River to test my luck at scouting a new site. I’ve been reading posts across the form about Ottawa’s Billings Shale, and wanted to try my hand at finding some triarthrus and Pseudogygits. As I arrived I realized something was off; the dark pyritic shale I was anticipating turned out to be a rather course dolostone. I had instead found myself in the Oxford Formation, and with little time to check out sites I marked nearby, I decided to make the best of it. With the 20 minutes I had to scan the bank for suitable rocks to break down, I found a pretty cool run of Crinoid, and as I flipped the rock over I discovered a small enrolled trilobite! It looks like the pluerea continue, so I’m hopeful I’m coming home with at least one complete!! Now I turn to the form here to help me ID this bug. I had done little research on the Oxford formation, as it’s not where I intended to end up, so I know little about the bugs here. Looks to me like some form of Calymene, but I’m unsure. Trilobite in Question: Host Rock (Trilobite Side) : Host rock, Crinoid side:
  4. I recently bought a bunch of trilobites from an old collection. The seller didn't have much information on the trilobites besides them originating somewhere in the midwest. (He bought the fossils as part of a collection). I'm wondering if anyone recognized the possible formation they could have originated from and the IDs of the trilobites? Here are the photos:
  5. Hello everyone. I'm making this post to show my recent trip to Central New York and what I found. I would also really appreciate advice on better techniques and further identification. I started the trip by entering Tully, NY. I had heard there was a good site behind the hotel, right next to the exit. Unfortunately, the large exposed rock face was now marked with do not trespass signs. I decided to drive around the old quarry there and eventually found a random pile of rocks that I assumed were from the quarry to dig through. In there, I found the first two fossils. Two pieces of Crinoid stem and a nice little Brachiopod. (Photo 1). Then, after doing a bit of research, I decided to head to Madison County. In Madison, I found an old quarry on Brigs Road. The quarry was divided into two tiers, and the top seemed to have a lot more fossils. After sifting through some of the rubble, I found a Trilobite section (photo 2) and a Trilobite imprint (photo 3). At the base, I also found several Brachiopods (photos 4–6). Most interesting, though, I believe is (photo 7), which appears to be a Crinoid feather segment, which are considerably harder to find than their stems. Finally I went down a ways to the Deep Springs Road quarry. This one had three tiers but I decided to focus on the top one. I dug in two areas. one halfway up the top tier and the other at the very top. Both proved very productive in trilobite sections. From this site, I recovered (photos 8-10). Unfortunately, no complete Trilobite was found. Interestingly, photo 8 had very fine preservation of the eye and intricate detail can be made out. Overall, this was a great trip and I found some interesting stuff, especially since I had rather limited tools, using only a hammer. The main take aways are the high abundance of Trilobites in deep springs and the dense Brachiopod death layers in Brigs. I'll have to come back with better equipment to further investigate. Photo 1: Photo 2: Photo 3: Photo 4: Photo 5: Photo 6: Photo 7: Photo 8: Photo 9: Photo 10: Briggs Road:
  6. SilurianSalamander

    Agatized/silicified cephalopods?

    Are these cephalopods in chert? They appear to be agatized as well. The first two pictures are from a chunk of chert and agate that I split to find what looks like the chambers of a nautiloid cephalopod. Is this a fossil or just some way silica forms? Thanks so much!
  7. Here is the fossil Location: Yunnan
  8. SilurianSalamander


    Are these both blastoids? The larger one is about 2 cm across at its widest point and the smaller is about half a cm across. Ordovician, Dane county Madison Wisconsin. Thanks!
  9. I’ve been told these blastoids appear to be Mississippian in age. That surprises me because the rocks in Dane county Wisconsin are late Cambrian - early Ordovician and the nearest Carboniferous rocks are a long ways away. I’ve done some research into the history of the buildings on the UW Madison campus where I find these fossils and they were supposedly quarried only a few miles from where they now lie. I was also told that blastoids didn’t appear until the Carboniferous. From a quick google search I got the impression that, while they massively diversified in the Carboniferous, they first appeared during the Ordovician. I’m just confused and curious as to how old these rocks are. They’re packed full of fossils and I often find tiny fossils that have eroded out of them and fallen to the ground to collect. attatched are the 2 or 3 blastoids and some of the other fossils I’ve found in these rocks. Any help as to what the age could be would be wonderful! also any IDs on some of the other fossils more specific than “gastropod” or “cephalopod” or “crinoid” are also appreciated. Thank you so much! Y’all are great.
  10. SilurianSalamander

    Foram or snail?

    Been finding a lot of these tiny spiral shells. While some are definitely gastropods this one looks similar to some forams I’ve seen. Would love to know which this one is! Thanks
  11. SilurianSalamander


    Hi all! I found this tiny fossil today. It is a bit under half a cm long at its longest point. I can only imagine this is an echinoid but some confirmation would be great! Found in some very fossiliferous rock on the UW Madison campus in Dane County Wisconsin, known for being late Cambrian - early Ordovician. No clue where this rock was quarried. Thanks so much!
  12. Fissiletag

    Is this a Rusophycus

    Is this a Rusophycus pudicum trace fossil. It is from the ordivician of Kentucky, the kope formation.
  13. Phidippus audax

    Hello from Missouri

    Hello! Can't wait to share some of my finds. Also looking forward to input for ID's from this fantastic community!
  14. I went to St Leon Indiana, and I had a pretty good haul!!! Spent the day out there I have several fossils that are from the Ordovician time period and they’re in limestone, limestone shale. Does anyone have any good tips on washing them? Do you prefer dry? Just with a brush? What about any rusted stuff, do you use oxalic oxide? What about algae? Do you prefer water? Soap and water? Hydrogen peroxide? I’m afraid and don’t want to ruin any. Thank you! Jessica
  15. Ordivician19

    Is this an orthocone fragment?

    I found this in St. Leon, IN, Waynesville formation, and was just wondering if it was an orthocone fragment or something else. Thanks!
  16. Just sharing some plates from eastern MO. Not sure what subgroup of the Ordovician. Thanks for looking!
  17. bthemoose

    Vermont fossil... or not?

    My wife and I spotted the large rock below yesterday along the shore of Lake Champlain in Shelburne, Vermont, and were intrigued by the light colored branching patterns. The rocks here are Ordivician in age. We're not sure whether these are fossils or not, but hopefully someone here can help. The pattern is flat/flush against the surface of the rock. Thanks in advance for your input!
  18. My wife and I are up in Northern Vermont for the Thanksgiving holiday and were able to take advantage of a beautiful day yesterday by going for a walk in some woods and fields along Lake Champlain. While exploring the shoreline, we came across this rock wall and my wife spotted what looked like a fossil shell. Lo-and-behold, the wall was full of fossils--primarily gastropods I believe. We're not sure where these rocks came from, but the rocks along the lake are Ordivician in age and there's a good chance these came from a similarly-aged rock quarry in the region. Here are some of our finds, which we were able to enjoy in place: And some views of the Green Mountains and Adirondack Mountains on our way back:
  19. Hello, I have a question about the great ordivician biodiversification events (GOBE). I know this series of events happened between the late cambrian and the late ordivician but are there more specific dates for it? For example like the great dying was about 250 million years ago. I couldn't find anything more specific then late cambrian to late ordivician but if you know something more specific or you know that there isn't a more specific date please tell me, I would love to know!
  20. Dimitar

    Plant or Animal - Ordivician

    Please advise what type of animal is this: it could be a trilobite, brachiopod or plant-animal. N.2 N.3 N.4 - this is most likely a small trilobite ( 1 cm) N.5 N.6 N.7 -left side segment N.8 - here I put some oil on this segment for better visibility
  21. I found this 65 lbs. complete hemispherical Favosites colonial coral head in the Ordovician in southern Indiana. Photos are specimen top and bottom.
  22. Hello to all! Its been a very long time since I've been on here, but my recent trips around the creeks in Toronto, Canada (in the Etobicoke area) have yielded some of my largest and most defined finds of all time, here are some of the nicest Orthoconic Nautiloids I had found yet: Probably the nicest one in my collection at this moment, found almost completely by fluke when I hit a rock with my pick and this bad boy showed up Imprint made by the previous one These last couple would be way nicer, if only I could find a way to get it out of the rock matrix without completely destroying the specimen :/ ... Anyways, it good to be back and hunting this summer after a somewhat stressful finals season. I also have wayyyyyy more stuff that I found such as some unusually large and defined bivalves and tentaculites (maybe?), but I might save those for another time as they definitely weren't as cool as these ones. All were found along river rock deposits In the west side of Toronto (Etobicoke, Humber and Mimico creek) - Georgian Bay formation, excavated using rock pick and chisel.
  23. Emthegem

    Another classic trip

    Another decent haul over the last few days. Bunch of nautiloids and whatnot, a couple mussels. These were my favourites from the last 2 days in the river. This was a biiiiig nautiloid, and after cleaning it I realized there were two of them! wowowowo! (Sorry the picture didn't turn out quite that nice) This is probably one of my highest quality specimen so far, although it did break near the end when extracting it from the matrix.
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