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Found 21 results

  1. ADfossils

    Worn ornithopod tooth or tiny rock?

    Hello! I found this ´thing’ in the Tithonian layers of the Boulonnais region (North West of France) a few weeks ago: I was thinking that it looked a bit like those worn iguanodon teeth from Hastings (UK). Then I did some digging, and it turns out that a few iguanodontid ornithopods worn teeth have actually been found in the Tithonian layers of the Boulonnais in the past: What do you think? Worn teeth or just a suggestively shaped pebble? Thank you!
  2. SharonW

    Ornithopod print?

    I found this possible print in Northern NJ near the Delaware River in Sussex County about 10 years ago. Just looking to ID and/confirm what it may be. There are no signs of clawmarks which is why I'm thinking Ornithopod. Any info or comments are most welcome. Thanks!
  3. Hello, This was a tricky one to photograph as it is is 3mm long and, the shape and wearing of the tooth meant it wouldn't lay flat and the ridges of the tooth are only visible from certain angles. But I hope someone can help with an id. It is very small--3mm long, and a quarter of that is the bit of root attached.
  4. World tiniest ornithopod was found in Salas de los Infantes vicinity in Spain and now the research paper is available here: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cretres.2022.105342
  5. FF7_Yuffie

    Tiny Wealden Ornithopod tooth?

    Now, this was extremely difficult to photograph because of the size and the fact it is still in Matrix so only one side is visible. But I took photos of that side and the top of the tooth. It is 2mm long. So, it was found in the Wadhurst Clay formation layer of the Wealden Group. At the Cliff End bonebed. It looks too small and different shaped to be the Iguanodontids there--Hypselospinus and Barrilium. I can't see any small ornithopods from there, so likely I guess it will be undetermined. But I thought I would post it just in case, or if someone has seen similar. Could it be a type of Hypsilophodontid? cheers
  6. RobFallen

    British Jurassic Dinosaur Footprint

    From the album: Robs Fossil Collection

    British Jurassic Dinosaur Footprint from Whitby, North Yorkshire, England Dinosaur “under-print” footprint probably from an Ornithopod dinosaur. Found:- The Saltwick Formation, Aalenian, Middle Jurassic, Whitby, North Yorkshire, England. Age:- 160 Million Years Old Footprint = 7.6 cm ( 3 Inches) by 8.9 cm (3.5 Inches) Overall Rock Size = 17.8cm long ( 7 Inches) by 15.2 cm (6 Inches) High.
  7. Nichet1122

    My first rare fossil

    This is my first rare fossil! It's Gallimimus bullatus toe fossil. It measured 8.5cm. I think it's juvenile. Discovered Area : Gobi Desert, Nemeget Formation
  8. Kikokuryu

    Levnesovia transoxiana

    Stabilized with Butvar B-76; repaired using an unspecified cyanoacrylate. Identified by Dr. Alexander Averianov as a sacral vertebrae of a juvenile Levnesovia transoxiana. The specimen is either from Dzarakuduk or an excavation near the city of Uchkuduk many years back.
  9. Two skeletons of the newly described Early Cretaceous ornithopod dinosaur Changmiania liaoningensis were found in a burrow that was buried by a volcanic eruption about 150 million years ago in China. There is a great photo from the Peerj article of gastroliths found clustered inside the skeleton. We should show this photo to all members that show us purported gastroliths as an example of the level of proof need to prove that their stone is a gastrolith. Yang Y, Wu W, Dieudonné P, Godefroit P.2020. A new basal ornithopod dinosaur from the Lower Cretaceous of China. PeerJ8:e9832 https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.9832
  10. Hello, My son found this large piece of petrified wood on a ranch here in South Texas. It is a large piece and weighs about 70 LBS. The bark is a nice blue color. We noticed an unusual print on the wood and are hoping we can get help identifying it. The imprint is deep in the wood and appears to be a set of three. The wood was found laying flat just below dirt level with the print side up. I will include photos. Thank you for your feedback!!
  11. Hey guys, I saw this listed as a ornithopod footprint. Do you guys think it’s real? Also what dinosaur could it be? Thanks!
  12. New paper with many specimens collected by GEAL - Museu da Lourinhã over the years. https://www.app.pan.pl/article/item/app006612019.html?fbclid=IwAR09IwGaqSwSJaxMS0BGbz3CVFUMxbq0yAzrC5QSwypxm-xrMeccQFQCrhk
  13. Here's another for the Ichnofossil lovers amongst you. I love having a look though the sandstone as it can be quite a challenging to get your eye in as they're not always obvious at first look. I've been told by the local experts that the bigger is most likely from a small ornithopod. There appear to be a number of other single toe marks around the block and what looks like 3 claw marks to the right of the bigger print. So there must have been quite a few different dinosaurs moving through the area at the time.
  14. LiamL

    Dinosaur footprint

    I found this possible dinosaur footprint today in the whitby sandstone. i’m told it’s from an ornithopod dinosaur? Thanks Liam
  15. https://www.9news.com.au/2019/03/11/17/46/victoria-news-new-dinosaur-found-galleonosaurus-wallaby https://www.abc.net.au/news/science/2019-03-11/wallaby-sized-dinosaur-from-victorian-coast/10878984
  16. From the album: Lance fm. Microsite Finds

    Thescelosaurus neglectus Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian~ 66 mya) Lance formation
  17. PaleoNoel

    Thescelosaurus Vertebra (pt.2)

    From the album: Lance fm. Microsite Finds

    Thescelosaurus neglectus Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian~ 66 mya) Lance formation
  18. PaleoNoel

    Thescelosaurus Premax Tooth pt.2

    From the album: Lance fm. Microsite Finds

    Thescelosaurus neglectus Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian~ 66 mya) Lance formation
  19. PaleoNoel

    Thescelosaurus Premaxillary Tooth pt.1

    From the album: Lance fm. Microsite Finds

    I found this on an anthill and initially thought it was a croc/alligator tooth but after closer inspection I believe it's a premax tooth from the ornithopod. Thescelosaurus neglectus Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian~ 66 mya) Lance formation
  20. The Amateur Paleontologist

    Hokkaido ornithopod prepwork finished!

    Preparation of 'Mukawaryu', a nearly complete ornithopod skeleton, has been completed! The specimen is originated from the marine Yezo Group of Hokkaido (Japanese island), a location/rock unit famed for numerous heteromorph (uncoiled) ammonites. http://www.geologypage.com/2018/09/japans-largest-complete-dinosaur-skeleton-comes-to-life.html Now research of this fascinating dinosaur specimen can finally begin! -Christian
  21. I found this tooth while searching my collection of Sussex Wealden, Hastings bone bed. Similar to the small size ornithopod dinosaur Hypsilophodon premaxilla teeth, but this species can be ruled out. It is more similar to the small ornithopod Echinodon, Purbeck beds, Dorset premaxilla teeth. The crown is smooth and asymmetrical. The root curls up at the end, similar to some Iguanodon teeth in original early illustrations of the Iguanodon species. I prepped the tooth out completely from the matrix. Tooth is very small being 5mm long. Can anyone help me with identification of this tooth?
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