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  1. Desertau

    Fossilized shell

    This is howlite dyed to look like turquoise, most likely from China it has also had significant polishing removing a lot of the natural identifying features. My question based on the shape, a little of the remaining features that look like a hing area, remnants of a seam and the general shape viewed from different angles, is it possible this was a decent specimen of a fossilized shell of some type in Howlite ruined by polishing and blue dye? I did find an image of a small clam with much of the same general shape, but that is not enough for me without any expertise to draw any conclusion.
  2. Sand Dollar and Oyster Fossils found at un-named tributary of the Sespe Creek drainage sometimes called "Fossil Creek" by the locals. In the Los Padres Mountains of Southern California. Many fossils from the Miocene and maybe Eocene era wash down this creek from the cliffs above. Someone I met on the hike found a large gastropod fossil and I should have asked to take a picture but forgot to. The thick Shelled Oyster could be any one of the known species from these mountains: Ostrea titan, Ostrea wiedei, Ostrea howelli, Ostrea verpertina or a Pycnodonte species. Found what appeared to be concentrated sea urchin spines too but might be something else. At home, I tried carefully extracting the sand dollars from the hard sandstone matrix using soaking, freezing, and heating and had some luck but they all ended up shattering to some degree. Not sure if a Dremel tool would be any better even if its faster.
  3. Some examples of fossils found in the cliffs and boulders of Malibu Creek Canyon Narrows. Oyster Bed and Moon Snail and Turritella Shell Fossils. The species guess for the Oysters based on research is Ostrea (Pycnodonte) Howelli, but I am not sure. Probably Eocene period fossils. Maybe Miocene. Nice area of Malibu creek in the Santa Monica Mountains but difficult to access.

    Upper Cretaceous Blister Pearl?

    I recently recovered this Cameleolopha bellaplicata valve from the Upper Cretaceous (Middle Turonian) Prionocyclus hyatti ammonite zone of the Carlile Shale here in New Mexico. I was initially delighted with its preservation and upon further inspection, noticed a feature on the inside of the valve... ...I thought it may be a blister pearl. I reached out to Dr. Spencer Lucas (New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science) to get his thoughts. His response was: "years ago, we found a Texigryphaea near Tucumcari with a similar pearl in it." Pleased with that response I turned to the interwebs for more information. V. Friedman and A. Hunt (2004) wrote and abstract on Fossil Pearls from the Upper Cretaceous of Texas in which they are reporting Cenomanian and Turonian occurrences...I plan to reach out to Adrian Hunt to get his thoughts on this specimen as well. I also found a paywalled paper on Fossil Pearl-growths written by R. Bullen Newton (1908) in the Journal of Molluscan Studies and have requested access to that literature. Then I turned to our Forum. @LanceH found a pearl in the Kamp Ranch Limestone... ...as did @Mikrogeophagus ... ... @Bobby Rico has a blister pearl specimen from the Norfolk Coast (UK)... ...and @rocket is working on some Campanian Ostrea semiplana pearls from Hannover, Germany. There are numerous threads here on the forum where fossil pearls are discussed. These conversations, along with some modern representation from interweb imagery... ...have led me down an unfamiliar path. My understanding is that these fossils are uncommon. And with all that said, I pose this question... ...is this a fossil blister pearl? I would love to hear your thoughts. Thank you for your time.
  5. Nothosaurus

    Is this a genuine oyster fossil shell?

    This piece was advertised as an oyster Fossil I would really appreciate any input on whether or not this is a genuine fossil, and would anyone know from what region it might have come from. It is being sent from Texas. Thank you so much everyone for your help and expertise. The piece is 10 inches long. The entire piece feels like stone.
  6. One of the places I frequent used to have a sheep that lived all by itself it it’s own gully. I presume it had got down into it as a lamb and couldn’t get back up. It had a tail and lots and lots of wool. don’t worry there is a fossil in this story! I used to go visit him every time I was there until one day I discovered him lying down in his flax bush bed. Never to get up again. Who knew you could get so attached to a sheep. I went to visit the gully today and at the bottom of the gully this was sticking out the ground. It is the first complete one I have found. I just had to lever it out with my pick and rinse it. It had nicely weathered out of the host rock that can be very hard. it’s Crassostrea, which has a time range from Late Pliocene to early Pleistocene. it’s aptly named as “crass” means thick in Latin. It’s a chonk alright! Theres a little matrix still attached. I might just leave it there.
  7. Shellseeker

    Haile Quarry, March 3rd

    I added a couple of threads on Activities connected with FPS field trip to Hallie Quarries in the vicinity of Newberry, Florida. I have some photos of the Quarry to provide a sense of what it was like and some additional finds. The Quarry I visited is just one of many at this location. and the one I was in... huge. A wall in the distance, heavy movers to stay far away from, a "tiny" FPS member searching the low wall ahead. I am walking around this mountain of rock on my left , searching for fossils that may have fallen down the cliff face. I am very careful the few times I attempt to climb the cliff face reaching for a fossil just a little too far away... There can be great rewards... Gorgeous, and and there are lots of potential shell, and echinoids in this semi hard rock, I have a rock hammer and trowel. Can I possible get this out in one piece.. I have already broken others or found that they were already broken before my arrival. So I decided not, and just walked on with a photo and a memory. As I continued around the mountain, I came to this site , took a step forward, and quickly stepped back . A sinkhole about 4 feet across, and with a single glance inside I saw it was at least 25 feet deep. This one is not particularly large. The Quarry has lost a number of large earth movers in sinkholes. This is where I recall signing the waiver stating that I am totally responsible for any of the various dumb things I might do while hunting for fossils and hold the Quarry owners blameless for any/all damages to my body. Roger Portell was our guide and Advisor and we moved a couple of times to locations that might provide different fossils. The last stop was supposed to contained marine (shark teeth) and mammal fossils. As we stepped out of our vehicles, Roger showed us another sinkhole, advised us to be careful , and described recoveries of mammal bones and teeth from this area decades past. I was fortunate to find one of those teeth, described in this TFF thread. https://www.thefossilforum.com/topic/139986-love-the-surprises/#comment-1479029 It was laying on the ground 5 feet to the left of this sinkhole. Sometimes I am just blessed in the right place at the right time. Here are some other finds of the day, with what ever I currently know about them... 1) M. americanum , a Sea Biscuit, approximately 4 inches in width, encased in matrix. 2) What I refer to as Jingle shells, and a small Echinoid...On the Echinoid, I have to wash, brush , scrap off some of that concrete like matrix to figure out what it is.... 3) A couple of Oysters... there few shells free floating from the concrete like matrix like these. 4) More shells, this time in Matrix 5) Did I mention Endocasts ? All over the place.... Sometimes hard to differentiate from shells. 5a) This one reminds me of a cowrie.... but not like any modern or even fossil ones that I have seen... I had previously found exactly like this one in a bone valley creek.. Would like to Identify.. Hope you enjoyed the trip. Comments always appreciated.
  8. Found these nice fossils not on a planned hunting trip, but while working in the garden. We were filling up some flower pods whith gravel, in which i found them : 6 belemnites, 2 pieces of mineralized wood, 1 partial oyster shell, and 2 pieces of baltic jade. The highlights are definetly the pieces of wood because theyre quite rare up here and i have never found one before. Also one of them is beautifully preserved.
  9. SharkySarah

    Oyster, Pycnodonte percrassa

    From the album: Miocene, Maryland and Virginia, USA

    Calvert formation. Scale in cm. Calvert co. Maryland.
  10. Texas has SO many of these little fossils, but I love them and can't help but pick them up. Behold a plethora of Illymatogyra arietinas. (I got a new lighting set up and I am LOVING the way the photos are coming out!) Size (1/2 - 1 3/4 inches)
  11. Mosasaurhunter

    Need help identifying oyster

    Hello, my neighbor recently found this fossil oyster from digging a pond and this was found in the sediment that was dug out of the ground. I believe it is an Exogyra oyster or maybe a Gryphaea but I am unsure. It was probably found in Cretaceous sediment from the Ripley formation. Oyster is 4.5 inches in length and 3 inches wide
  12. bockryan

    Ostrea alepidota

    From the album: Fossil Collection: DC Area and Beyond

    Ostrea alepidota Henson Creek, MD Aquia Formation Paleocene
  13. Lone Hunter

    Ostrea? Gryphaea/Pycnodonte?

    Cretateous oyster from Grayson formation that I need to mark off my list. Largest oyster I've found, both valves present, weighs half a pound, but umbo and beak are obliterated so undecided. I think Ostrea when I see ruffles. And now Gryphaea are going by Pycnodonte? They stick an e on the end of fish name and it's an oyster now? Why do they want to confuse us more
  14. bockryan

    Ostrea sinuosa

    From the album: Fossil Collection: DC Area and Beyond

    Ostrea sinuosa Nanjemoy WMA (Purse), MD Aquia Formation Paleocene
  15. bockryan

    Ostrea alepidota

    From the album: Fossil Collection: DC Area and Beyond

    Ostrea alepidota Nanjemoy WMA (Purse), MD Aquia Formation Paleocene
  16. bockryan

    Exogyra cancellata

    From the album: Fossil Collection: DC Area and Beyond

    Exogyra cancellata C&D Canal, DE Mount Laurel Formation Late Cretaceous
  17. bockryan

    Ostrea falcata

    From the album: Fossil Collection: DC Area and Beyond

    Ostrea falcata C&D Canal, DE Mount Laurel Formation Late Cretaceous
  18. bockryan

    Pyncnodonte mutabilis

    From the album: Fossil Collection: DC Area and Beyond

    Pyncnodonte mutabilis C&D Canal, DE Mount Laurel Formation Late Cretaceous
  19. bockryan

    Panopea sp.

    From the album: Fossil Collection: DC Area and Beyond

    Panopea sp. Matoaka Beach Cabins, MD Choptank and St. Mary's Formations Miocene
  20. bockryan

    Exogyra costata

    From the album: Fossil Collection: DC Area and Beyond

    Exogyra costata Big Brook, NJ Mount Laurel, Navesink, and Red Bank Formations Late Cretaceous
  21. Ofap

    Maryland Fossil Oyster

    Collected this oyster? in Maryland, Prince Georges county, I believe it was in the Aquia Formation.
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