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  1. Brevicollis

    My first piece of paleoart !

    I just finished my first piece of paleoart ! I named it : "the "last" last non avian dinosaur". It shows a Chenanisaurus babaricus watching a second sun, the meteor impact, suddenly arising. How do you like it ? Im really happy with how it turned out ! (please ignore the white stripe at the bottom, I had to screenshot this piece on an Ipad from the program where I've drawn it, as otherwise I wouldnt be able to show it, as it was saved in a different picture format wich this Forum couldnt convert into the actual picture)
  2. Hi y'all, about a year ago I started digital sculpting on my tablet and began with some Devonian "shark" teeth, inspired by ones in my collection (see topic here). Several months later after becoming more familiar with the process, I decided to try my hand at dinosaur skulls. In particular, I wanted to render the juvenile Tyrannosaurid, "Jane" (BMRP 2002.4.1) since regardless of your stance on the species, it's an important and cool fossil. Here I present my amateur first pass. My end goal is to have a 1:1 scale 3D print. And for you Tyranno-nerds, yes it accurately has incisiform premaxillary teeth with a lingual apicobasal ridge. To get the shape of all the teeth right, I referenced a couple in my collection. They were duplicated and squashed around to match the variation in morphology of the dentition. I also uploaded the model for you to interact with; honest critiques are welcome as it's not a final version I feel is ready for full scale printing. Certain aspects of the anatomy, especially the hard-to-see interior portions are probably where most errors lie. In December, I however did print a smaller scale to see how it looked: The nice thing about digital sculpting is that I can copy the entire skull and very readily reshape it into a similar one. The natural choice is to do a young juvenile / baby T. rex. This is as much a hypothesis as it is art. I based it off of the Witmer Lab's more rigorous reconstruction of "Chomper", and a similarly-sized young Tarbosaurus (which was a close cousin of T. rex). I again uploaded the model for your enjoyment / inspection: Next, I decided to wander much farther from Tyrannosaurs and shape it into a Troodontid, Pectinodon bakkeri. Of course Pectinodon is only known from its teeth, so I at least got the shape of those right (again, based off of a fossil in my collection). The rest was inspired by the reconstructions of others, presumably informed by more completely-known Troodontids. And finally, a sneak peak of what I'll be working on, Acheroraptor temertyorum. This time it's from scratch since there are some things I want to do differently. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed!
  3. ATC

    Paleoart 3D

    The goal of this project was born by and for people who love dinosaurs and paleoart in general. My purpose is to give people a representation as realistic as possible of what these great extinct creatures were, regardless of the time or work involved. With the funds raised I will publish my first 3d models, a Trex and an Edmontosaurus as an example. of what can be created later.As a photo is worth a thousand words, here you can see the level of detail used to. greetings to all.
  4. MegaceropsAreCool

    Displays I made for my fossils

    I Drew edmontosaurus, megacerops, and Mesohippus and added information labels on them
  5. Recently, while exploring the upper unit of the lower eagle ford formation (late cenomanian), I found a sandstone slab riddled with impressions of the charismatic Allocrioceras, potentially A. hazzardi or A. annulatum (I'm trending to the latter). Despite their usefulness as index fossils (A. hazzardi in west Texas indicates the lower Boquillas fm), sought after status, and amazing specimens like a Cenomanian A. annulatum found with gut contents, no life reconstructions exist of this genus online. So, I thought I'd give it an effort and reconstruct it myself. This is my first time attempting paleoart since elementary school so despite the many errors I notice now, I'm actually pretty pleased with it. I have several finds that no paleoart exists for that I'm keen to try reconstructions on now too. Next in queue is probably the enigmatic fish Hadrodus, and I'd love to do a cretaceous sea floor scene with Stereocidaris in it, particularly the Austin Chalk specimens I found - matching the background ammonite, fish, and reptile fauna. I'd also love to reconstruct the new mosasaur my brother and I found, but for the description paper an actual artist will be called in.
  6. (I ask for paleoart purposes) what animals lived in the northeastern, more specifically New England, even most specifically massachusetts/cape cod. I want to make a peice with some megafauna that lived during the Younger Dryas, and mabe some early humans if my inability to draw humans becomes at least somewhat better. Thank you!
  7. PaleoBri

    New Emoticons!

    Hey guys, I just joined the site recently. I’m an artist and I’m gonna be working on some new emoticons for TFF! If anyone has suggestions for what they’d like to see, please let me know in the comments here and I will take them into consideration. Here are some examples of a few I have already made for fun: Thanks for your input!
  8. BirdsAreDinosaurs

    Kem Kem dinosaur project

    I finally made a start with a project I was planning for a while now: drawing the Kem Kem dinosaur fauna! First I will draw each dinosaur individually and then I will combine them all in one big landscape. As you can probably tell, I am not aiming for 100% scientific accurary. I do however try to take into account what I know about these animals and what is known about their skeletons. This is the first one and probably the most iconic of them all: Spinosaurus. I will give regular updates here about this fun project, so stay tuned!
  9. BirdsAreDinosaurs

    Illustration of Deltadromeus agilis

    Hi all. This is my take on Deltadromeus agilis, the "agile delta runner". Here it is chasing a nice fat beetle.
  10. BirdsAreDinosaurs

    Illustration of a Rebbachisaurus

    Hi all! In this illustration, I combine two of my favorites: dinosaurs and Jeroen Bosch. Does it make sense to combine the two? Not really, but I did it anyway The dinosaur is my take on a Rebbachisaurus (as featured on my Kem Kem poster): The background of the picture is bases on a painting by Bosch: "(The damned in) Hell".
  11. TyrannosaurusRex

    Welding a Diplocaulus

    Howdy folks! I’m working on a project in class and I thought it might be enjoyable to others to see the progress. As a university student I have assigned projects that I can put my own spin on, and in this case, I went with a representational piece. It called for abstract, but the professor doesn’t seem too bothered At first, I toyed with doing a Dimetrodon. I’m required to fill in some spaces with different materials, most students choose things such as cloth. I ended up settling on this design of a Diplocaulus. It will be mounted on either a piece of wood, or a stone from a Permian red bed site.
  12. dolevfab

    Cephalopod Shell Color!

    Hello all! Recently I have been obsessed with cephalopods and realized there is a real lack of reconstructions of the color patterns on extinct nautiloids and ammonites! This led me to compile a list of known fossil color patterns on cephalopods. After a year of on and off research, I found about 90 species of cephalopods retaining official or undescribed, original patterning on their shells. These are the first 15 species on my list. The color markings are based both on descriptions and photographs of the fossil material. The shades of the markings are based on the fossils, but also inferred. I Hope you will appreciate my work!
  13. I've been working on an apparently novel concept with planted terrariums incorporating diorama features to recreate ancient environments. This setup in a 65-gallon glass enclosure is the best developed so far. It combines plants more or less representative of a Late Cretaceous Sequoia Redwood forest with a proposed Hesperonychus elizabethae replica nest with eggs. This dromaeosaurid is known from a few fossils in the Dinosaur Park Formation of Southern Alberta and is apparently the smallest known non-avian dinosaur from North America.
  14. I really wanted to try my hand at a keichousaurus hui again. I took a lot of inspiration from marine iguanas. I work in digital. I took the feedback that I got on my last one and really tried to apply it all here. I also had the opportunity after I posted that last one to go and examine 2 actual specimens in person. I even got a rather spotty replica on that trip (Not that there wasn’t an abundance of references to find online). As before any input is welcome. I’m still very new to adding meat to bones and I want to get better.
  15. Muffinsaurus

    Paleoart of Keichousaurus

    I've never seriously done paleoart before. I have been wanting to try my hand at it for years but passed on it for one reason or another. Recently I fell in love with looking at fossils of keichousaurus. I also love lizards. So I decided yesterday to just do it. So here are my results. If I messed up on the anatomy in any way, please don't hesitate to let me know.
  16. ReptileTooth

    Your Favorite Paleoart

    Which are your favorite pieces of Paleoart? Something that captured your imagination when you were younger? Something that accompanies your fossil collection? My personal top three is all ''water themed'', in no particular order: From The book of Great Sea-Dragons , this art by John Martin even if totally inaccurate striked me for the grim and dark atmosphere and apocalytical view. Another inaccurate one but these brachiosaurus appeared in a booklet I had when I was a kid and alwas hit my imagination and now I can appreciate Burian's artistic skills. Eventually something more modern, Globidens by Dan Varner ( which passed away too soon) I like how he captured the feeling of marine life and water, his creatures weren't merely floating in a blue background.
  17. Koss1959

    Cave art dinos and more

    I've been playing with a cave art style, it's been a lot of fun to approach paleoart in such a different manner.
  18. Ossicle

    Rutland Icthyosaur street art

    I wasn't sure where to put this, but it's in the news so I went for here. Beautiful street art of the Rutland Icthyosaur. https://www-bbc-co-uk.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leicestershire-61436489.amp?amp_js_v=a6&amp_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQIKAGwASCAAgM%3D#aoh=16528085406238&csi=0&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&amp_tf=From %1%24s
  19. TyrannosaurusRex

    Joseph Leidy and His Discoveries

    Another day, another art project for school I’m working on. This time it’s supposed to be inspired by google doodles, so I chose to do the 19th century paleontologist Joseph Leidy. He’s lesser known than his student, Cope, but his finds contributed hugely to North American paleontology. My first concept was to simply have him standing with a Troodon to the left, but that was quickly scrapped. I then went with some light thumbnail sketches, and found one I liked before starting to do an inked version of it. This ended up being the more finalized thumbnail sketch of the piece. He is seen brushing away the dirt on a Troodon bone, with a Troodon watching, and a herd of Edmontosaurus watching the oncoming rain clouds in the far background. I then cut a piece of matboard to size to fit the assignment and started drawing the composition. I’m using an opaque watercolor for this piece. A quick photo to check value issues. The Edmontosaurus in the foreground is simply blocked in here, I have not started actual work on it, which it why it remains so dark and blocky. Pretty quickly I could see the mountains were much too dark, and the rain is much too light. The grass in the foreground is much too light as well. I had 20 minutes to fix things before class ended, so I went with repainting the sky, as well as the mountains. I’ll have to touch this up. I’ll also have to repaint the Edmontosaurus in the background. size on this piece is I think 12 x 30”. I am also doing another Troodon in ceramic clay, which will be fired at a later date in a kiln. Pretty sure my classmates are confused why I’m doing dinosaurs in a pottery class.
  20. Hello everybody, This is my first post and first piece of artwork I would like to share and, hopefully, receive some feedback. I do 3D animation and rendering for living, but paleontology is my life long interest and passion. Here is my 3D reconstruction of Cambrian trilobite Olenoides serratus that was a common member of the famous Burgess Shale biota. I actually live just 250 km apart from the famous Burgess Shale quarry (and 100 km from Albertan Red Deer badlands rich with dinosaur fosslis).
  21. Bringing Fossils to Life

    Life reconstruction of the Ammonoid Koenenites

    Here's the reconstruction of Koenenites I promised. Koenenites was a Devonian ammonoid with a very compressed shell and sharp keel. It was designed for fast swimming and thanks to the shape of its suture, it could accelerate very quickly compared to the ammonoids around it without its cameral fluid sloshing around and shifting its center of gravity. Because of its evolute shell, it likely had a large hyponome, which goes with the shape of its shell. After looking at some pictures of Koenenites fossils from Michigan that may have preserved the Supercephalic Attachment Area, I arrived at the proto-hood size in the picture. The eye size was inspired by the "ammonite preserved out of its shell", which preserved what is likely the ammonite's eye-cups, though eye size varies greatly. I based the hooks off of those of the much later ammonites, so Koenenites may have had ones different form those shown here. These preserved hooks were in positions similar to those on today's squid's tentacles, so ammonoids likely had elongated tentacles. The 8 thin, retractable arms were inspired by fossils of Baculites ammonites, though Koenenites was an active pursuit predator and Baculites a planktivore. Koenenites could afford smaller arms, though, because it likely had two muscular tentacles. I reconstructed this ammonoid's shell with a monochromatic color pattern, because nektobenthic ammonites have been found with this. Shell orientation based on preserved Supercephalic Attachment Areas. The second picture shows how Koenenites' (3A, 3B) suture shape helped it accelerate faster without its cameral fluid sloshing than other ammonoids like Agoniatites (1A, 1B) and Tornoceras (2A, 2B). bottom shows what would happen when the ammonoids started cruising at a slow to moderate pace, top shows what would happen when they tried to accelerate quickly. The lobe of the next suture would break the wave of cameral fluid so that its entire weight would not all hit the venter, but only a little bit. This shows that while Koenenites and Tornoceras were comfortable accelerating quickly, Agoniatites was more stable at cruising at an even speed. Any suggestions would be helpful! If there are any papers about ammonoid (or more specifically ammonite) soft tissue, that would be helpful too.
  22. Bringing Fossils to Life

    Hi Everyone!

    Hi everyone! I'm new here and want to introduce myself. I started fossil hunting about a year ago, but have been interested in fossils and prehistoric life for over three years now. I am primarily a paleoartist and researcher, and specialize on Paleozoic cephalopods (especially Devonian ones). I have trouble with Greenops-like trilobites and fossil fish ID, but would love to help with Mahantango ammonoids and nautiloids. I only have access to free online papers, so if there is another way to read the Treatice on Invertebrate Paleontology, I would love to know. I have a website, at http://bringingfossilstolife.infinityfreeapp.com/, that I post my paleoart and recaps of some of my recent fossil hunts on.
  23. Hi everyone! As I have mentioned several times, being a 3D artist I am trying to move into the field of paleoart. Recently I have started modeling Ceratosaurus nasicornis in 3D, and I really want to make it as accurate and plausible as possible. Here is what I have got so far: a basic model done in 3ds Max. After this I am planning to take it to ZBrush and add more muscle definition, sking wrinkles, scales and other fine details. At this stage this is just the base and I would like to share it with you guys in order to receive some feedback from those who know their dinosaur anatomy. Did I get the shape and overall structure right? Constructive criticism is more then welcome, pretty much this is what I am asking for here. 1. Mesh 2. Body 3. Perspective 4. Back 5. Top view 6. Head close-up
  24. Australian Paleontology

    Personal Paleo Reconstructions

    Hey, everyone! These are some of my paleo reconstructions I've done recently, and I thought I may as well share them here. Btw if you want to use them, the top to are both under CC BY-SA 4.0, so theres that. Enjoy! Firstly here we have a skeletal reconstruction of Eomurruna yurrgensis, a small procolophonid from the Early Triassic, Arcadia Formation of Queensland, Australia
  25. Following with the recent recognition of Mary Anning the Royal Mint has announced a commemorative coin collection in her name. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-dorset-56182579 As part of the Royal Mint's "Tales of the Earth" series this follows dinosaur coins they minted last year. https://www.royalmint.com/our-coins/events/the-dinosauria-collection/ I find it really interesting how they're also tying in education on British paleontology and paleontologists. The new coins will also feature AR to discuss more about the specific fossils. A little fancy for me but I'm sure the educational information will accompany the Royal Mint website like they did in the Dinosauria Collection. Maybe some nice invertebrate fossils will appear on Tales of the Earth coins in the future.
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