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  1. Shellseeker

    Something unique

    In the Peace River at any time, lighting can strike. By that I mean, it may be an average or below average fossil hunt in terms of quality or quantity, the next sieve brings a fossil that I do not recognize, have never seen previously, Today was exactly like that.... I have suggested that this is a Sloth Toebone.. I found a proximal phalanx of M.jeffersoni a few years back . It seems similar but much larger. I am thinking distal phalanx of a much smaller sloth, BUT I need help here.. Any sloth expertise, please chime in. Jack
  2. Onesoulsinging

    Please help me id

    I am a true novice in this area and would appreciate any help you could provide identifying this fossil. I found it on a fossil hunt in the Peace River in Florida. I was told by the guide it was most likely a piece of ivory.
  3. Shellseeker

    Peace River hunting 7/13/24

    It has been 11 days since I last went hunting. Hunting partner chose a spot that we had not visited in 5 years, It used to have Megalodons and Hemipristis , colorful like Bone Valley mines. I wondered if they were still there. I found an Equus tooth just before I reached this mostly Miocene Location... The Hemis were still there. Unfortunately broken A look at everything I found, Not a lot of variety. Sting Ray teeth, shark teeth, Those worm like (seashells??) transformed to Silica... Here is one up close. But then I find a clump together also, I find modern versions of these called Worm Shells, but modern ones are smooth lacking the horizontal banding. Possibly @MikeR can add illumination... especially on approximate age. The other odd one is this broken Vertebra: I wondered 2 things: Is this indicative of a missing epiphysis? and could I connect this Vert to Dugong? Have not completed the 2nd task. Jack
  4. Conniec

    Found in Peace River Florida

    Found in peace river and at first I though is was a steinkern but now I’m not sure. The flat side is very smooth Any ideas ?
  5. Conniec

    Possibly a deer tooth piece?

    Found in the Peace River, Florida - believed to be piece of maybe front deer tooth but could be wrong. Thank you
  6. Conniec

    Unknown incisor

    Found 6/29/24 Peace River. Thank you in advance (first time posting) it did crack on the way home so I glued it a little
  7. Shellseeker

    Peace River 6.26.2024

    Went Hunting today on the Peace River. The Zolfo USGS water depth gauge is at 4.5 feet. The Peace River is hunt_able at any depth under 6 feet, meaning that heavy rains have had little effect on river depth. I had an interesting day of constant finds. about 250 small shark teeth not pictured below... A number of larger Tigers and a number of larger Hemipristis, including these 2 that measure approx 1.5 inches Also, upper left in the group photo, 2 Glyptodont Osteoderms, 1 small Armadillo Osteoderm, a horse tooth, most of a Beaver molar, 2 gator teeth and what might be a Camelid fibula.. for me these are VERY rare. This one not in great shape. My best Camelid fibula: Now for the ID... I actually found two of these , but the other is in the pile of 250 small shark teeth. I'll dig it out tomorrow. All comments and suggestions appreciated..
  8. Shellseeker

    Chasing the prize

    Great day hunting. My friend found a section of Baleen whale ear bone that he gave me because he knows I like whale. I return the favor in Megs. His find of the day was a light blue hand blown pickle bottle about 6.5 inches from the 1880s. Very pretty , I should have taken a photo.. This location was basically in the middle of nowhere and I wonder who was having a Picnic there 140 years ago. Another treasure from the Peace. Here is what I kept... 1st location we hunted in heavily Marine based Miocene. Found this whale tooth about 9 am so this was a great hunt right away. I was ecstatic !!! Harry has a couple but this is my 1st ever of this type. Similar teeth have come from Shark Tooth Hill, Chile, Italy. I'll try to track down a name. I also found what I think is part of a Whale Skull, and that is my Fossil ID request.. It is from a very large mammal and in this spot , most likely whale and then I started thinking not rib, not jaw, not even vert.. Process of elimination .. What do you think? Other finds: The coral looks like that from the Tampa Limestone, now called the Tampa Member of the Arcadia Formation. Probably either Stylophora silecensis or Acropora tamapaensis. MikeR, 2023 We moved down stream a little and now in the normal Peace River MioPleistocene fauna. All in all, One of those special days.. River depth up a foot , no issues... currents a little faster. Really HOT, mid 90s humidity, Having not hunted in over a week, and just beyond a cold/flu, I was bushed... We left early. Lots of smiles
  9. Hello everyone, I have gotten really into meg diving this last year to the point where I am driving down to Venice from Orlando twice a month to dive for teeth. I have started to look into getting black water diving and I am not really sure where to start. Does anyone have any rivers that are good for black water diving? I have heard talk that people do it in the Peace river and the St. Marys and I didn't know if that is where most people go or if there are other rivers people dive that hold a good amount of teeth. I don't want to sound like the guy who is asking for your super secret spots but I'm just trying to find out where I should start to get into this. If anyone does black water diving and ever needs someone to go with I would be very interested in going with you and I would certainly throw in for gas money. I also have my own boat so we cold take it out also if that is an issue you have. Thank you for any information you can give me, Parker
  10. Hello All, Found these two hiding in the bin of sharks teeth. After some looking I believe at least one to be a possible raccoon toe nail but I can’t find anything that gives a length range/average. Which means it could be skunk if it’s too small Or possibly a fox if it’s too big. The second is the longer of the two. I’m not convinced it’s not the tip of a Hemi Serra lower but the delaminating root pulls back just like the obvious toe nail. So again?? If you recognize anything or happen to have the above taxon hanging out with you at work ‘cough,cough 😉’ @ClearLake Thanks!! Jp shorter ( light brown rear section) 12mm - length of toe nail section. 28mm - total length Longer 15mm - length of nail section 32mm - total.
  11. Hi Just got back from the peace river near arcadia. Looking for some help in identifying the fang, claw, and larger teeth. Looks like a beaver tooth and either a mammoth or mastodon? Thanks for any help! Sifter
  12. Shellseeker

    Some Peace River finds

    I was traveling to Connecticut to visit family and friends just prior to Christmas and returned 11pm on the 22nd, but did get out on the 24th. My fossil buddy and I found some oddities, so I need some help here. #1 A tooth ?? #2 Tilly?? #3 A dermal denticle but which ray? #4 Fish vert 2 inches in diameter #5 Marine Mammal Thanks for all comments and guesses Jack
  13. Shellseeker

    Earbone 12/21/2012

    Stayed home today. Had a bunch of chores. One chore is to significantly reduce the bags of fossils in my home. Company is coming. My habit over the past 14 years is to return from hunting, grab the top 10 or so finds and dump the rest into a ziploc bag sometimes labeled with date and location. There is some (not much) good stuff in those bags. In 2012 , I was keeping anything not easily identifiable as a rock. It definitely LOOKED like a rock to me in 2012, but the texture seemed strange so I kept it and dropped it into a ziploc for 12 years. Having been on TFF for 13 years, I now think it is possibly a small dugongid earbone and hope that my friend @Plantguy has an opinion since he has experience with this type of fossil.. But, do not leave it just to Chris... If you believe that it is just another rock... say so !!! Thanks for all views. Jack
  14. Shellseeker

    Peace River 05/20/2024

    I returned yesterday to the same spot we hunted last Thursday. The shallow water limits access to many of our other spots. I like hunting deeper water 4-5 feet is excellent. Mostly small shark teeth but I can enjoy them also.. A worn lower Hemi, Quite a few Tiger sharks.. including this symphyseal ? Bulls/Dusky are common most spots but this was the only one I recalled Then this unusual Armadillo Osteoderm. As first , it was hard for me to see how it connected to the rest of the carapace. But I guess there is an edge on the right photo here. This is a pretty unusual shape. Among the fragments, a Fish Vertebra that I believe I have seen before but need a little time to track down... and finally, I had hunted the same spot last Thursday and found a very strange bone.. I asked for a Fossil ID but no responses yet, and yesterday this very similar bone (on the right). On Thursday's, I temporarily thought Axis Vert fragment but I am unsure that the texture of the bone is marine mammal. I will post additional photos on the 05/16/2024 Fossil ID Thread. https://www.thefossilforum.com/topic/141849-peace-river-05162024/#comment-1493215 All comments and suggestions appreciated. Jack
  15. MrsP

    Hello everyone

    Hi I'm new and just wanted to say I'm so happy to have joined and see that others love the history of florida.my husband and I are on our way to hunt the Peace River in Arcadia Florida..I'll show off my funds if any when we're done.
  16. MrsP

    Please help

    We found this yesterday I believe it is a tooth of some kind does anyone know what it might have come from?
  17. Shellseeker

    Peace River 05/11/2024

    An exciting day. I always enjoy hunting. It makes me feel good. Must be why I do it so often. Unusual day. We have a 1st timer with us. All of us found something but not too much of something. I donated a few smaller shark teeth (Hemipristis upper and lower, G. cuvier, and a Lemon shark tooth), Steve added a P. contortus and a Bull Shark tooth). That was a nice consolation prize, but our 1st timer was after a Meg. Also unusual , we had captured the interest of a 7 foot Alligator. We were likely digging in his/her favorite hole. The Alligator would watch us from the opposite bank for an hour, then swim directly toward one of our shovels sticking in the River bed, take a sharp left turn upstream and away from us. Did this 3-4 times about once every 90 minutes returning each time to the opposite river bank and sinking to the river bed. The last sequence started about 1PM going upstream and returning about 75 minutes later, but this time the Alligator settled into the hole Steve was digging. We decided to leave at that point. I found 2 items of note. A Pachyarmatherium leiseyi (a small Armadillo) osteoderm. These are pretty rare and I prize them. My 1st one I found back in 2014... The other for Identification is a Bone... The measurements 10.3 Length x 8.6 Height x 5.0 Width cm. At first I thought this was an Axis Vertebra of a dugong. I found one of those recently... it is not. I am no longer sure it is an Axis Vert of any fauna. I have not previously seen this type of a protrusion with a hole on one side. Obviously seeking help... Does it remind you of any bone you have seen? Thanks Jack
  18. Shellseeker

    Peace River 05/05/2024

    Amazingly out hunting today. Why amazing ? My pretty constant hunting partner told me over and over that he could not go hunting again before Tuesday. He called about 7 pm last night. Fortunately for me, he can resist anything except temptation! We were going back to a location where we had previously found small colorful shark teeth. I have frequently said that finding 200+ small shark teeth should be possible on lots of locations on the Peace River. We generally hunt 5-6 hours, and I can process about 6 sieves an hour. That means I need to average 6-7 teeth per sieve in order to find 200 small teeth. I did not reach that number today because I was finding only 3-4 small shark teeth per sieve. A couple of Meg frags upper left... The bigger complete teeth tended to be Hemis, Tigers, Lemons... Generally, I find little teeth while waiting for something bigger, more impressive.. Sometimes ... more impressive does not always turn out to be "impressive". That is a process from a dugong vert at upper right. There are some Mammoth and Equus tooth fragments, the nub of a deer antler, a number of seashells transformed to Silica, two Alligator teeth (Big and Little). Here is Bigger... and a fragment of a Dolphin jaw... Just based on small size, this is likely from a small river Dolphin. Looks like there are alveoli for 5-6 teeth... I frequently imagine going to the Phosphate mines and finding one with teeth still attached. That would be something... Finally, I like to show the "oddballs".. Sometimes I find Shrimp burrows... They come in all shapes and sizes... This one is not very long.. In my 2nd photo above, I show some shells that have been transformed to silica versions... Here is an example where the inside of a shrimp is transformed. How does that happen. Does anyone have examples of an entire shrimp burrow has been transformed ? Below is some exciting finds where a Barnacle has been transformed to Silica... but a shrimp burrow...? Barnacles... another Enjoy... Jack
  19. Peace river finds. My boys are dying to find out what their treasures are! thank you for helping! :)
  20. My friend Dave is a snowbird == returns to a northern State 1st week of May. He is anxious for a few last hunting days until November. We were out today to a spot that has numerous small shark teeth and occasional interesting finds. I forgot to bring a sieve... For the 1st 3 hours, doing 10 sieves an hour. I pretty much was getting skunked. Relatively few shark teeth and 1 occasional. I do like little dolphin teeth. I think I'll be able to ID this one... Then things picked up.... Twice as many small shark teeth, and more than a few occasional. That's an Equus Earbone middle right. and about 1/2 of a sloth carpal upper left... But there is one find on this layout that I am REALLY pleased to have if it turns out to be what I think it is... I even like it if it does not turn out to be a Peccary premolar. APL 23 x W 17 x CH 32 mm This one made my trip. Enjoy
  21. Shellseeker

    PeaceRiver 05/01/2024

    Itching to go hunting today. For various reasons, normal hunting companions were not available. Decided to go to a place on the Peace River that is easy access, have not been there in a while , and mostly produces small colorful shark teeth from the Miocene and little else. I did find the colorful teeth, not as many or as pristine as previously. Note the silicified shell, urchin spines, and ray teeth. Add in silicified bone and a couple of times in the past , that is 100% of what I found. Very little mixing with Pleistocene fauna in this spot. A couple of years back I found a 2 inch blue Meg here hunting with my son and grandson.. The location carries good memories. A couple of gator teeth, a colorful Thresher, a mangled horse tooth... colorful, interesting fossils.. In my 2nd last sieve, I found what seems to be a Whale Vert. Maybe dugong. Will look at both.. But this is a Fossil ID thread... for a toe bone... Excited to find it.. Maybe a Pleistocene mammal fossil did float in here.. This toe bone "seems" familiar , I hope some one can match it to a mammal..
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