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  1. southern creek walker


  2. southern creek walker


  3. I found this while working in my yard last summer. However, I am 99% sure that it came from gravel that I had brought in from a quarry in Indiana. It just showed up while I was moving some of the gravel around. It was clean (no dirt on it), appears to have a fingernail, and the top joint appears to have been smashed as indicated by a bulge on the side which is surrounded by a darker color which I believe is blood/blood blister...similar to what would happen if you smashed your finger with a hammer. Any thoughts? I have contacted a few people about this, but have had no luck obtaining any good information. Thanks!
  4. ChrisSarahRox

    Highway cut through find

    This one marks a very profound moment in my life. While out carnelian hunting 3 years ago on a dirt road heading out to the "Gray Ranch" , there had been plans at the time to pave but funding was never granted. The work had already begun and parts of the road had already been graded and widened. Among the roadside rubble was this curious looking "driftwood" so naturally I had to investigate. It was barely visible as only 5 or 6 inches was above the rubble pile. To my absolute amazement this log was no longer a log but a solid rock. I said it marked a profound moment because the following day I learned of my stage 4 Cygnus melanomas so it has been almost impossible to look at until now. For the record, I have won this round with cancer and will remain cautiously optimistic for the foreseeable future. As for my find, it's very cool to say the least. It weighs easily over 100 lbs. And has an overall length of 26inces and a 24 inch circumference at it's widest. I no longer see it as a bad omen or anything unfortunate for me simply for one reason,...I still live to write these words. Hope this forum will help me discover it's origins. Thank you.
  5. christinatron

    Snake, lizard, or dinosaur?

    Hi! I'm Christine and I'm new to the group! How is everyone? & What type of species is this? I know it's a reptilian genome, but I cannot identify exactly what species it is. It may be extinct. It reminds me of the Komodo dragon but that's not it... It seems like a snake, but it has flare on the bottom of the mouth. I cannot place it. I believe it's extinct. I cannot find it anywhere online. I found it in Sparta NC, in my own backyard with hundreds of others . Mostly petrified snake heads and other flying fish-snakes/ fish eels, and snake heads, etc that are long extinct. Anyone know? I've also got petrified gold found all over with pyrite and quarts, but I also have petrified fingers (10 found) that some are in perfect form and mostly turned to gold .... So as to describe the area... it was all found on my Mountain in the Blue Ridge in NE North Carolina. Any guesses? pan widgepan widget
  6. From the album: Lando’s Fossil Collection

    Petrified lignite collected from the Cretaceous Tar Heel formation of the Cape Fear River, NC.

    © Lando_Cal_4tw

  7. This is not a joke, I'm not trying to get attention, I want people to know the truth so that they can form their OWN conclusions based on scientific fact. What I'm presenting has not been tampered with as to fool you. I have kept it minimal. If you are really interested then you must see it in person. I'm near Reserve, NM. FACT: A HEART CAN BE CRYSTALLIZED. FIRST IMAGES - Illustration of heart filled (taken from youtube video "heart anatomy"), then heart emptying, then heart empty). Notice the shape of the heart when emptied. I bet a lot of you didn't know that. I didn't either. The crystal is heavy for it's size. It is about 8.5 inches from top to bottom. 5.5 inches wide. 4.5 inches depth. I just washed it with water and then coated it in mineral oil. Anatomically correct crystal (amethyst) heart. What is amethyst made of? Fe3... Where is Fe3 found? In blood? Yep. The bottom of the heart is a it should be... the base is where it broke from the diaphragmatic surface and you can see the attachments. I'm could go on and on but I'm just gonna post this and see what happens. Unfortunately the wildfire nearby is obstructing my main interest in obtaining photographs of... something big. Watch for my next post of Mayan (not really sure, meso-american then?) Crystallized artwork
  8. Oxytropidoceras

    Fossil Wood Petrification and mineralogy

    Mustoe, G.E., 2015. Late Tertiary petrified wood from Nevada, USA: Evidence of multiple silicification pathways. Geosciences, 5(4), pp.286-309. https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3263/5/4/286 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/282851612_Late_Tertiary_Petrified_Wood_from_Nevada_USA_Evidence_of_Multiple_Silicification_Pathways https://sciprofiles.com/profile/112497 https://www.researchgate.net/profile/George_Mustoe Mustoe, G. and Acosta, M., 2016. Origin of petrified wood color. Geosciences, 6(2), no.25. https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3263/6/2/25 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/302497324_Origin_of_Petrified_Wood_Color Mustoe, G.E., 2017. Wood petrifaction: A new view of permineralization and replacement. Geosciences, 7(4), no.119. https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3263/7/4/119/htm https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/4ff7/8f7c6899c4459c4f33e4d51c040f6374685d.pdf https://www.researchgate.net/publication/321170639_Wood_Petrifaction_A_New_View_of_Permineralization_and_Replacement Mustoe, G.E., 2018. Mineralogy of non-silicified fossil wood. Geosciences, 8(3), no.85. https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3263/8/3/85/htm https://www.researchgate.net/publication/323540027_Mineralogy_of_Non-Silicified_Fossil_Wood Mustoe, George E. "Non-mineralized fossil wood." Geosciences (8) no.223. https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3263/8/6/223 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/325827782_Non-mineralized_Fossil_Wood Luczaj, J.A., Leavitt, S.W., Csank, A.Z., Panyushkina, I.P. and Wright, W.E., 2018. Comment on “Non-Mineralized Fossil Wood” by George E. Mustoe (Geosciences, 2018). Geosciences, 8(12), no.462. https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3263/8/12/462/htm Mustoe, G.E., Viney, M. and Mills, J., 2019. Mineralogy of Eocene fossil wood from the “Blue Forest” locality, southwestern Wyoming, United States. Geosciences, 9(1), no.35. https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3263/9/1/35 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/330292211_Mineralogy_of_Eocene_Fossil_Wood_from_the_Blue_Forest_Locality_Southwestern_Wyoming_United_States Mustoe, G.E., 2015. Geologic History of Eocene Stonerose Fossil Beds, Republic, Washington, USA. Geosciences, 5(3), pp.243-263. https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3263/5/3/243 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/279786883_Geologic_History_of_Eocene_Stonerose_Fossil_Beds_Republic_Washington_USA Yours, Paul H.
  9. Someone on a facebook thread brought up something I'm not familiar with. Yeah...add it to the list. LOL If I understood it right they said some Cretaceous Period bone and wood has been found that has not undergone any physical change. The material was on the North Slope in Alaska so I wondered if it had anything to do with deposition in permafrost. They said it is not that uncommon but I don't recall coming across this in any textbooks or descriptions of preservation methods. Does anyone know of any other places where this has occurred or how it would be possible for anything organic to last that long without any alteration? This is someone who has published papers on paleontology so I would like to assume it's right. If so I need to include it in my fossil talks for kids because preservation methods is a big part of the talks and I like to get it right. Is this so common there aren't any descriptions or discussion of it?
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