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  1. Found these in my construction site. Could these actually be petrified dinosaur heads? Appreciate any insight.
  2. DirtDigger84

    Petrified Wood! But how old?

    100% petrified wood but I’ve never seen anything like it before? Let me know if you have. But how old is this like 15 million or 225 million? That’s what I’m trying to figure out! Please help friends! 74265721447__F5134212-2F69-49C3-A59C-F6865DE97874.MOV
  3. Fitch

    Petrified Wood?

    Found this in Lincoln County, near La Barge, Wy. Is it petrified wood?
  4. From the album: Miscellaneous Fossils

  5. From the album: Miscellaneous Fossils

  6. From the album: Miscellaneous Fossils

  7. Majesstic

    Petrified mushroom

    I think this is a petrified mushroom cap I found it in the kings river above camp 4 1/2. Here are some pics.
  8. Hello, I am trying to find some information about this item or point me to a direction where I might have some idea where to look. It is six inches in length and four inches width, weight is 4 pounds. It is petrified with chert and crusty type sides. My grandchildren are scared of it, but I think it is beautiful and it makes a great doorstop. Thank you.
  9. Conley

    Bone or petrified wood?

    Can anybody tell if this is bone or petrified wood?
  10. JIMMFinsman

    More petrified wood

    Does petrified wood qualify as a fossil? I won't post anymore if not. Found these on this mornings walk.
  11. JIMMFinsman

    Petrified wood from Beach

    Found this little piece during a beach walk in lower Delaware. About the 3rd I've seen like this.
  12. Jlark18


    Found this specimen in a dry riverbed near Holden Utah. There are many circular and oval like depressions throughout. Looks similar to pine cone shape and indentations or stigmaria roots. Any thoughts? Cheers. Appx. 3.5” x 4.5” @ 1.5lb
  13. Jessclusively

    please help with identification

    Hello, any help would be greatly appreciated with the ID of this rock. This is from east tn. Thanks so much!
  14. costaricajc

    Petrified seed?

    I found this at Rio Picagres (northwest from Rodeo) it looks like a perfect bean seed. that river bed contains quartz and we found a geode once. What do you think about this?
  15. Wisconsin Hound

    Petrified wood?

    Hi. I found these in southern Utah and thought they were petrified wood until I read somewhere petrified wood is smooth. Does anyone know what I have?
  16. Hi everyone, first time poster. I found this rock at Blue Beach, Nova Scotia near the water line. At first I thought it was an organic specimen, like perhaps seaweed or roots growing on a rock, but on closer inspection it appears to be mineral. Ive never seen anything like this before. It looks a lot like petrified roots, but I figure thats unlikely. Does anyone know what this is? The last picture is from a magnifying app.
  17. Lori Peterson

    Found object

    I don't know how to use this site so I hope I'm doing this right. I found this flattened and petrified piece on the Missouri River in South Dakota. I'm so curious to know what it might be.
  18. FOS JR

    Petrified Snake

    Can anyone ID this fossil?
  19. brandon tibbetts

    Marine fossil

    Wanting to see if I could get a few opinions ? Thank you guys
  20. You can see the gills ok it and there are other types of fungi atop it. It's truly a magnificent and well preserved specimen and where I found it was in a rock bed of an apartment complex. I also possess a crystilized dragons heart if yall are interested in seeing that.
  21. Discovered May 8, 2023 - Glacier Washington USA Found next to river on bank. Don't have to stretch imagination far to see a human like face within rock. Crossing fingers and hoping BINGO! Please ignore timestamps - Images were shot today withing the last few hours.
  22. jenniferwick3d

    Anyone know what this is?

    My husband works in an underground coal mine and brings me home fossils, etc that he finds. Sometimes, I can identify them, sometimes not. Curious about these ones and a few others.
  23. Tonya 2873

    East Alabama

    I have several of these. Any ideas on what they might be. I have my own idea but would like other feedback
  24. brandon tibbetts


    Wanting to ask if anyone knows what this is? Thank you
  25. brandon tibbetts


    Hi guys anyone recognize these by chance?
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