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  1. Hello, I saw these moroccan Spinosaurus toe bones on auction today and wondered If they are real or not. They look pretty good and real, but before I should bid on them, I better have it confirmed or debunked. @Phos_01 1 2
  2. SawTooth

    Llama phalanx?

    Just got back from Venice (I'll post that report in the next few days, really good trip) and got this nice bone. I'm confident that it's a phalanx, and from Google I believe it belongs to a llama, due to the length compared to other animals like horses or tortoise. Any thoughts?
  3. Shellseeker

    Florida Miocene Horses

    I went out on Saturday, hunting the Peace River. Did not find very much. It was one of those days when my hunting partner, digging 5 feet from me was finding excellent fossils and me , not so much. I was also feeling out of sorts most of the day, and that turned into a stomach virus that I am now mostly over. Add about 150 somewhat bruised small shark teeth, and the hunt was not up to par. There are always gifts from the river... I hardly ever find connected ray teeth in the Peace, This is about 50% of an noncommon find. The big lift for the day is that my friend worked in the Phosphate mines in the 1980s and still connects with old friends who did the same. One has some interesting items and traded some small horse fossils including 20 plus teeth that I got before I started hunting Saturday. I am truly blessed. A few toe fossils A Medial phalanx L 25 x 22 mm Another Medial, L 20 x 16 Both are too large to be a good fit for this L 29 x 15 mm Proximal phalanx.. Big thrill ,, these are my 1st Horse Phalanx at this size... and the quality is crisp because they were never eroded by water... Naturally 3 lower right molars, possibly /likely Nannippus This one has no protostylid , thus N. aztecus APL 14 x width 8 x crown height 27 mm This one has a protostylid and very small APL 15 x width 10 x crown height 25 mm, possibly N. westoni and then this one APL 18 x Width 10 x Crown Height 34 mm. I can not tell if it has a protostylid or not...and will leave to experts to ID tooth positions... I have another 17 teeth needing photos..
  4. Shellseeker

    Small Predator Phalanx

    Out to a location that is 90% marine fossils and 10% mammal. Mammal finds tend to be Late Miocene_ early Pliocene. Most mammal finds are "distressed". Smaller survives better than bigger and I see many fragments like the one below. At this size, almost certainly Tridactyl horse, but species identification impossible. My find of the day is a Tridactyl Horse Incisor. This is actually in great condition although the root area is damaged. On previous hunts, I have found 5 mm incisors of Nannippus aztecus, a very small horse. This likely from a larger cousin. The fossil I am trying to identify looks like a medial phalanx, either raptor or predator. I hope some of our members can differentiate. I will be trying to find a Pleistocene phalanx that looks like this one, regardless of size. This one is 21 mm in length. As always, I appreciate any and all comments. Jack x
  5. Opabinia Blues

    Kem Kem Bone Grab Bag

    Every year at the Denver fossil show it seems like I pick up some unidentified Kem Kem material. This is because for one it’s cheap, but also because it’s kinda fun to investigate this material. Here are eight pieces I picked up as a bulk set. I have some idea about identification on each of these but would love to hear other’s input. In the following pictures I have the top row being archosaur fossils and the bottom row being fish fossils. My guesses: 1. Caudal(?) vertebra centrum. Croc or theropod, but probably croc. 2. Croc dorsal vertebra 3. Croc centrum 4. Theropod pedal phalanx. Specifically, the distal-most phalanx of toe 1 (the “dew claw”). Narrowest ID I think I could guess we would be Ceratosauria indet., should probably be labeled as Theropoda indet. 5. Two fused fish vertebrae. Are these identifiable any more than this? 6. Gar or gar-like vertebra 7. Chondrichthyan fish vertebra. Maybe Onchoptistis numida? Can that determination even be made? 8. A gigantic ganoid scale. Any guesses just based on size? I’m unfamiliar with all the monster fish in this rock unit. Thanks :)
  6. Hello! First time here:) I occasionally check rivers and smaller streams near where i live for interesting rocks and small fossils (crinoids, shells etc.) Today I was rock hunting as usual when I found this large bone fossil in the river. I have little expeirence with animal bones, but it seemed like a phalanx bone. I was wondering if anyone could help me narrow down which species it could belong to (and which bone it really is.) Location: East Lithuania. Bone length: 7.5cm Bone width from 4cm to 5,7cm (the measurements might not be super precise, but it's something!) Please let me know if you need any more details, excited to hear from you all!:)
  7. I.C. Fossils

    Please help ID Canis and Tapiris bones

    I found both of these during the last year between Fort Pierce and Jensen Beach. I was hoping someone could help narrow down what I’ve got here. I think the small one might be a phalanx or caudal vertebrae from a dog. I think the broken one may be about 3/4 of a metapoidal from a tapir. It would be nice to get some feedback from someone about what you think.
  8. Daze

    Theropod phalanx toe bone?

    Just purchased this phalanx toe bone. It was sold as Spinosaurus, however I guess it's impossible to ID it like that. Just want confirmation it's indeed a theropod phalanx toe bone. Location: Taouz, South Morocco Size: 4cm (1.58")
  9. Hey guys! Found this medial Phalanx yesterday - and can’t figure out if it’s cow and thus modern, or bison and thus a fossil. It’s heavier than modern bones I’ve found but I wouldn’t say it’s rock solid/fully mineralized yet. Measures 47mm long by 25mm wide. @Harry Pristis I was looking at your comparison for them and can’t tell any discernible differences, any idea which this may be?
  10. Meganeura

    Peace River Proximal Phalanx

    Hey guys! Found this fossilized proximal phalanx (in stunning condition) today - it’s got a length of 1.2”, or 30.5mm. I was thinking white-tailed deer, but wanted to see if it was anything else!
  11. MeggieKat

    Found in Southern Louisiana

    While riding four wheelers along the creek, my friends found this. To my completely untrained eye it looks like some sort of phalanx, but I have no idea. Several fossils have been found in the area from the pleistocene, pluocene, and miocene epochs. If you have any ideas, let us know!
  12. Shellseeker

    4th (and last) bone

    Another toe bone, this one seems like a phalanx... Pretty large animal. longer than an Equus phalanx. I will go checking tapir.. There is a fair amount of other tapir fossils at this location.
  13. I found this large bone at the Kansas river today. I believe it's permineralized phalanx and it is about 4 inches long. If anyone can help me out I'd be very appreciative. If you need more photos let me know. Thanks in advance (Apologies for not using centimeters, I couldn't find my tape measure so I used a yard stick. )
  14. garyc

    Mammal phalanx

    I think I know what this is, but will hold off until other input is given..... found on the Brazos River in Texas, Pleistocene @Harry Pristis @Lorne Ledger @fossilus
  15. Shellseeker

    Foot bones

    Whenever I get one of these toe bones,, I go thru... it is not horse, it is not deer, it is not... Armadillo toe bones look something like this but not really, and predator phalanx (except for medial) are similar .... 1st photo shows it leans to left, thus a right foot toe bone... A couple of different views. Then a bigger bone that I believe to be 60% of a Calcaneum... Lets see if there is enough to identify:
  16. Brandy Cole

    Giant Sloth Phalanx?

    Since the river has been going down, I've been wanting to go out for a long while to check the newly exposed gravel. Finally got a chance and felt up to it a little while before dark yesterday and found a few things. Sandy gravel matrix with Pleistocene and possible Miocene in southeast Texas. I'm thinking this is a medial phalanx from a giant Sloth. Can anyone confirm?
  17. Shellseeker

    1 ungual, 2 proximals

    This was an interesting day. I do not find many hoof cores, especially with 2 proximal phalanx, one of which seems to "fit" pretty well. The pieces I connected came up in back to back sieves. I wonder a number of things. Is the combined Ungual/Proximal set od toebones, small, average or large when compared to other Equus fossils. Later in the day, another toe bone dropped into my sieve (just before the thunderstorm started). The width of this last phalanx is 19.75 mm. All comments and identifications appreciated. Jack
  18. OssifiedConscript

    Mystery Phalanx with a Hole- Elk?

    Hello all, this bone has given me a fair amount of trouble. Several identification attempts have come up relatively fruitless- my running idea is likely an elk. Again, where I found this cuts through early Miocene exposures up to modern day- this bone is mineralized enough to be late Miocene, but I could be very mistaken. What puzzles me is the hole in the middle, which appears to be an invertebrate burrow? I’m unsure of any invert that would possess the ability or desire to burrow into the severed toe of this animal, as it offers not much at all. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks!
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