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  1. Anybody ever seen anything like this? Due to the site it's from could be anything from Cretaceous - Pleistocene. The site is well known for paleocene croc coprolites so my first thought was these were footprints of something in a croc coprolite, but that doesn't quite make sense. Maybe it's a burrow of something in phosphate? Maybe it's an indention of something? Any ideas?
  2. Harry Pristis

    Gomphothere Teeth

    From the album: TEETH & JAWS

    This is a pair of gomphothere (elephant) teeth from the Late Miocene - Early Pliocene Palmetto Fauna. They were recovered from a phosphate mine. The Taxonomy from Hulbert (2001) is: Parvorder PROBOSCIDEA . . . . . . . . . . Superfamily ELEPHANTOIDEA . . . . . . . . Family GOMPHOTHERIIDAE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Subfamily GOMPHOTHERIINAE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Tribe GOMPHOTHERIINI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gomphotherium simplicidens (Osborn, 1923)

    © Harry Pristis 2009

  3. Othniel C. Marsh

    Return of the dyrosaurid tooth

    Below is the tooth of a dyrosaurid, some of which you may recognise from this thread here. I was originally under the impression that dyrosaurid teeth, like many crocodile teeth, were (unfortunately) non-diagnostic, but it appears that @Anomotodon was able to compile a list of dyrosaurid crocodiles known from the phosphates of the Ouled Abdoun Basin, and the morphology of their teeth, so I wondered if it might be possible to identify mine. Given the fact that my tooth has two carinae, and "medial/lingual curvature with a convex labial" (@pachy-pleuro-whatnot-odon's word, not mine) and no striations, I personally believe this tooth to be that of a Chenanisuchus, but I'm no expert on the matter. Thanks in advance for any guidance Othniel
  4. I am learning the differences between rocks, phosphate and fossils. All are abundant on the beach here. This piece has thrown me. There are areas that look bone like. Other areas not so much. The two holes and sheen on parts of the item made me not automatically dismiss it. However it is very worn. Any special ways you use to distinguish between rocks and fossils in a situation like this. I’m learning and both success and mistakes teach me something. Thanks!
  5. Othniel C. Marsh

    Shark Teeth

    I have (finally) got around to going through my Moroccan phosphate shark teeth. I've attempted to identify them but I am still not particularly confident at identifying fossils so I thought I'd run it by the experts first. All the teeth are (supposed to be) from the Eocene, save 4 which is (supposed to be) from the Cretaceous. I attempted to label the images with my proposed identifications but there wasn't enough space for all of them so I'll list them all here: 1. Ginglymostomatid (Nebrius?) 2-3. Hemipristis? 4. Unsure 5. Pristid/Sawfish (Pristis?) 6. Otodontid (Cretalamna?) 7-10. Odontaspidid The lighting is also quite poor on these images as the enamel on the teeth is very reflective and they show up as amorphous white blobs if it's too bright as my phone camera is by no means the best. Thanks in advance for any proposed ID's Othniel
  6. Othniel C. Marsh

    Ray tooth plates

    Below are three ray tooth plates, all of which are supposed to be from the Ypresian of the Ouled Abdoun Basin in Morocco. It may well be the case that ray tooth plates can't be identified to a genus or species level, but I thought it was worth an attempt. Thanks in advance for any proposed ID's Othniel
  7. bockryan

    Prognathodon sp.

    From the album: Fossil Collection: DC Area and Beyond

    Prognathodon sp. Oulad Abdoun Basin, Morocco Phosphate Deposits Late Cretaceous
  8. ‘Golden’ (phosphate) fossils reveal new secrets; provide clues to Jurassic extinction event by: Eric Henrikson, KXAN News, Nexstar Media Inc., Texas, June 14, 2023 The paywalled paper is: Muscente, A.D., Vinnes, O., Sinha, S., Schiffbauer, J.D., Maxwell, E.E., Schweigert, G. and Martindale, R.C., 2023. What role does anoxia play in exceptional fossil preservation? Lessons from the taphonomy of the Posidonia Shale (Germany). Earth-Science Reviews, p.104323. Yours, Paul H.
  9. Ciao a tutti! Potete aiutarmi per favore a identificare i denti di questo squalo? Provengono da Ypresian del bacino di Ouled Abdoun. Dimensione circa 1 cm. Hi everyone! Can you please help me identify this shark's teeth? They come from Ypresian in the Ouled Abdoun basin. Size about 1cm.
  10. Harry Pristis

    Whale Tympanic Bulla?

    I have a probable whale tympanic bulla that I can't identify. It was among the bits and pieces of South Florida phosphate mine (Miocene) fossils in my storage. It had some adherent matrix, including pebbles and even a tiny shark tooth, which I have removed. (The matrix interfered with measurement with caliper.) Anyone here recognize this bit of bone? @Boesse
  11. Notidanodon

    Moroccan mosasaur teeth

    Hi guys I have these 3 similiar mosasaur teeth that I was wondering if it was possible to identify, are they prognathodon thanks! 1. 2. 3.
  12. I know next to nothing about radioactivity-- enough to know licking fossils is inadvisable, although I'll admit that wasn't terribly disappointing news. What I'm wondering is whether specimens not radioactive enough to endanger a person are capable of damaging other specimens. Is there a need to segregate displays here, or am I just confused about the mechanics of this? My specific reason for asking is that at the moment I'm planning for my current favorite mineral specimen (which I am babying forever), an almandine garnet from Broken Hill, New South Wales, Australia, to share a small shelf area with a tooth from the phosphate deposits in Oulad Abdoun Basin, Morocco and a few dinosaur bone pieces from the Hell Creek Formation of Montana (one from Dawson County) and Lance Creek Formation of Niobrara County, Wyoming. The shelf is not enclosed, by the way. Thanks for your help!
  13. So let me preface this by saying I'm a hypochondriac. A hypochondriac who loves fossils. To my dismay a few months back I discovered that some fossils can be slightly hot and despite assurances from the lovely people here that my pterosaur (Alcione Elainus) radius from the phosphate beds in Morocco was almost certainly safe, I bought a cheap Geiger counter to do a completely unscientific experiment to test some of my fossils for radioactivity. These are all measured in microsieverts/hour: Normal background for where I live: Range after 1 hour: 0.10-0.17 Average: 0.11 Bag of No-sodium salt: Range: 0.15-0.21 Average: 0.18 Alcione Elainus radius from phosphate beds in Morocco: Range: 0.18-0.35 Average: 0.26 Partial oreodont skull from Nebraska: Range: 0.14-0.16 Average: 0.15 Partial mastodon tooth from Florida: Range: 0.13-0.17 Average: 0.14 Partial carcharodontosaurus tooth Kem Kem, Morocco: 0.12-0.15 Average: 0.13 So it looks like the phosphate bed fossil is somewhat radioactive but nothing overly dramatic if I'm reading that correctly? Anyway, I plan on testing my other fossils and adding to this list out of curiosity!
  14. Wondering if anyone is planning to attend this years fossil festival in Aurora, NC Memorial weekend or if anyone who has attended previously has any recommendations/advice? I've spoken to the director and know the basics, just looking for any insight a first timer should be aware of.
  15. Praefectus

    REMPC M0004

    From the album: Prae's Mosasaurs

    Carinodens belgicus. The corn-kernel toothed mosasaur.
  16. Praefectus

    Carinodens belgicus

    Identified as Carinodens belgicus based on occlusal aspect ratio (labiolingual/mesiodistal <2.2).
  17. I had just bought this shark tooth online and was looking at some otodus shark tooth real or fake posts when i realized the root of this tooth is covered with sediments or maybe plaster?Can anyone help me take a look and see if its composited?
  18. Hey guys These are my first founding in a phosphate mine near to where i live in morocco. this is my first post and am new to the Jurassic world.
  19. Brett Breakin' Rocks

    Descent into the Pit - Savannah, GA

    Hello Everyone, I had the honor of being invited by @markmg to a trip down into essentially ... a big hole in the ground. Woo Hoo !! A rather large gravel/sand pit that is being mined to 50-60ft ? We were not quite sure but hopefully at least as deep as the dredging that happens on the river. You know .. a play date ! .. haha Well, having just rained out my river trip on Friday I came prepared to slog through some mud. Let's just say it was lucky we didn't have a The Princess Bride (1987) moment because the water made the sand and mud a bit soft in some spots. The open pit has to be constantly pumped out or it would fill up with water and you'd have a nice deep pond ... not so good for a gravel business. Mark had been down in the pit on several occasions and asked that I join him and see if I couldn't help him find anything ... Mark was being brutally teased having previously come out and found - ON THE RAMP- a partial meg tooth. Well, we didn't find any mega-sharks down in the pit, but after exploring for about 90 minutes, the first small hints of the phosphate pebbles we were looking for started showing up. They were washing out of a layer sitting just above an impermeable formation of red compacted clay with shell impressions. Unfortunately the preservation was poor. And very crumbly .. I'm assuming these first finds had been sitting out too long and they were returning to the ground. They were encrusted with precipitated minerals and were delicate. The first hints that maaaaaybe this wasn't a dry hole ?? Some of the encrusted bone that didn't crumble to dust ....
  20. twilloo1

    Hello from Ft Myers

    My family was given fossils from one of the Phosphate mines in Polk county many years ago and I just kind of inherited them. I know not much about them just the history of who when and where they came from.
  21. Haravex

    Phosphate mine dinosaur tooth?

    I was offered this tooth it has serrations but it looks more mosasaur shaped. Any input is appreciated @LordTrilobite you have a decent amount of experience in dealing with mosasaur material correct?
  22. Macrophyseter

    DKNC-001 Carcharocles auriculatus (Togo)

    From the album: Elasmobranchs

    TFF DKNC-001 Tooth height is 2-3/8 inches (≈6 cm)

    © David Kn.

  23. Hi all, I have an ammonite specimen from Folkestone, UK that is locked in a phosphate nodule. Is there any way for it to be removed? Thanks, Jay
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