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  1. Being a person who focuses on Dinosaurs found this simplified Mammal family tree illustration very interesting. John does state that multituberclate lineage is missing. Hey we are on that tree at least for now. Posted by the John Hawks
  2. Clam fossils help scientists find errors in evolutionary tree calculations by Louise Lerner, University of Chicago, PhysOrg, Decemebr 2, 2021 Tha paywalled paper is: Nicholas M. A. Crouch et al, Calibrating phylogenies assuming bifurcation or budding alters inferred macroevolutionary dynamics in a densely sampled phylogeny of bivalve families, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (2021). DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2021.2178 Yours, Paul H.
  3. When it comes to evolutionary lineages that tend to be represented by flow charts, would it be viable to also represent/reorganize them into hypothetical cladograms? Considering that flow charts continue to be used for certain lineages (i.e. Lamnidae), I am feeling the possibility that there might be something that makes the interpretation of such charts incompatible with cladograms. For example, below are evolutionary lineages for Isurus and Carcharodon per Heim (1996) and Canevet & Lebrun (2018) (left and right respectively) that I translated into possible cladograms. If this is a viable thing to do, I'm also curious about how anacladogenesis can be represented.
  4. Taxonomic debate over extinct lamniformes remains a big thing, but I've noticed that it seems like there hasn't been any studies that use modern phylogenetic techniques (i.e. maximum parsimony) to resolve issues with extinct taxa (i.e. Carcharodon, Isurus, Macrorhizodus, Otodus). Is there a reason for this absence, or perhaps I simply have not come across one that already exists? I suppose it's possible that dental characteristics alone as character codes for a phylogenetic matrix may not be viable...
  5. Bicknell, R.D. and Pates, S., 2020. Pictorial atlas of fossil and extant horseshoe crabs, with focus on Xiphosurida. Frontiers in Earth Science, 8, p.1-60. PDF of above paper from Researchgate Other recent papers (PDF files) about Xiphosurida. Bicknell, R.D., Naugolnykh, S.V. and Brougham, T., 2020. A reappraisal of Paleozoic horseshoe crabs from Russia and Ukraine. The Science of Nature, 107(5), pp.1-17. Bicknell, R.D. and Smith, P.M., 2020. Patesia n. gen., a new Late Devonian stem xiphosurid genus. Palaeoworld. Bicknell, R.D., Hecker, A. and Heyng, A.M., 2021. New horseshoe crab fossil from Germany demonstrates post-Triassic extinction of Austrolimulidae. Geological Magazine, pp.1-11. Lamsdell, J.C., 2020. The phylogeny and systematics of Xiphosura. PeerJ, 8, p.e10431. Open Access Rudkin, D.M. and Young, G.A., 2009. Horseshoe crabs– an ancient ancestry revealed. In Biology and conservation of horseshoe crabs (pp. 25-44). Springer, Boston, MA Yours, Paul H.
  6. Hello together, I am looking for papers about the relation between modern amphibians and stem tetrapods (this time not for model building purposes but for an academic paper I write on amphibians as model organisms ( I have the medical topics covered but wanted to include a bit of palaeontology). Also, is there any hint in the fossil record on limb regeneration like some modern amphibia can do? Thanks, J
  7. Fossils key to fulfilling Darwin's 160-year-old prediction December 12, 2018, University of Salford https://phys.org/news/2018-12-fossils-key-fulfilling-darwin-year-old.html The paper is: Beck R.M.D., and Baillie C. 2018. Improvements in the fossil record may largely resolve current conflicts between morphological and molecular estimates of mammal phylogeny. Proc. R. Soc. B. 285: 20181632. https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2018/07/20/373191 https://www.biorxiv.org/content/biorxiv/early/2018/07/20/373191.full.pdf https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/full/10.1098/rspb.2018.1632 Yours, Paul H.
  8. lore apple

    Hi, I'm Lore From Mexico.

    HI everyone. I'm new on this site and I hope to learn a lot in here. I'm currently working on the description of some Otariids specimens from the Almeja Formation of Cedros Island, Baja California, Mexico. Sometimes I have a lot of questions regarding anatomy. I find hard to know what some terms are referring to or even to identify some bones. That's the main reason I joined this forum. I'm such an amateur in this field but If I can help anybody I will pleasantly do. Thanks.
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