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Found 14 results

  1. Jerrychang

    physogaleus contortus identifying

    Recently bought some physogaleus contortus teeth fossils, then I noticed that some of them have some serrated serrations but some of them don’t. I wonder if this is natural or if I misidentified it?
  2. jikohr

    Micro Stone City shark teeth

    Hi everyone, I'm trying to id some very small shark teeth for an independent research paper I'm writing and am a little unsure on my ids. I took some photos of some typical specimens and was hoping to get some feedback. The scale bar is mm. I put what I think the species is with each group of photos. Any feedback and tips for differentiating these species would be greatly appreciated.
  3. From the Calvert Marine Museum Fossil Club Facebook page, our shark people may enjoy this next twist in the debate: ”Associated shark teeth from the whale collected in 2008. During the excavation a number of teeth were uncovered around the ribs. All of these teeth are from a tiger shark. The upper and lower positions are a proposed possibility. However, those of you who follow the ever confusing world of shark tooth identification, you’ll notice the “upper” teeth are ones identified as Galeocerdo aduncus and the “lower” teeth are ones identified as Physogaleus contortus. The fact that there are near symmetrical proportions of teeth between the two tooth types/shaped lead me to consider the possibility that these are from a single individual rather than two different species or sharks.” *John Nance, CMM paleo collections manager adds: “I’ve been working on prepping the whale some more and uncovered an additional 10 teeth, culminating in this dentition. Since they weren’t articulated there was concern about making a definitive conclusion. Dr. Kent does discuss 3 morphotypes in his chapter on the tiger sharks.”
  4. Hi everyone, yesterday I recieved a lot of shark teeth, 20 of which came from the Egem Clay, Tielt Formation, Egem, Belgium that date back to the Ypresian, Eocene. The teeth are very small sized so I tried a macro lens to take pictures (I apologize for the not always clear images), and I believe most belong to Physogaleus secundus. But I wanted to share my thoughts on the ID's of the teeth and see what your imput would be as I am not an expect on Eocene shark teeth. Tooth 1: Physogaleus secundus Tooth 2: Physogaleus secundus Tooth 3: Physogaleus secundus Tooth 4 Physogaleus secundus Tooth 5: Physogaleus secundus Tooth 6: Physogaleus secundus or Galeocerdo? Tooth 7: Physogaleus secundus Tooth 8: Physogaleus secundus Tooth 9: Physogaleus secundus Tooth 10: Physogaleus secundus Tooth 11: Abdounia minutissima or Scyliorhinus sp.? Tooth 12: Physogaleus secundus Tooth 13: Physogaleus secundus Tooth 14: Physogaleus secundus Tooth 15: Physogaleus secundus Tooth 16: Physogaleus secundus Tooth 17: Physogaleus secundus? Not sure, looks a little different in morphology then the rest. Tooth 18: Physogaleus secundus Thank you in advance!
  5. Ludwigia

    Physogaleus contortus (Gibbes 1849)

    From the album: Pisces

    18mm. Burdigalian Miocene OMM Formation Found near the Lake of Constance
  6. Praefectus

    Tiger Shark Display

    I had some time to organize my tiger shark tooth collection. I started collecting them around two years ago with the goal of creating an evolutionary set. At this point, I think the collection is almost complete. It contains teeth from Galeocerdo and Physogaleus. I think I have all the major species, there are just a few localities that I'm missing (The north american G. eaglesomi is being troublesome to find). I put the nicer teeth into a riker display and made some labels for them. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.
  7. It was only a couple of days ago that I gleefully exhibited my very first find of a Notorhynchus primigenius symphyseal and now, believe it or not, on my very next trip today I just found not only my very first N. primigenius lateral, but also my very first Physogaleus contortus tooth, or at least I'm pretty well sure that that's what it is. I've made some shots of that one from various angles in the hopes that someone here can either confirm it for me or tell me otherwise. Lots of very firsts for me at this Miocene site only a bike ride away from my home! 22mm. 20mm.
  8. Ludwigia

    Physogaleus contortus (Gibbes 1849)

    From the album: Pisces

    20mm. Burdigalian OMM-Formation Miocene Found at Billafingen, B-W.
  9. Brett Breakin' Rocks

    Summerville June 23 2017

    From the album: Summerville, SC Fossil Hunts

    Hemipristis serra Galeocerdo aduncus Physogaleus contortus Sphyrna sp.

    © Matthew Brett Rutland

  10. HoppeHunting

    Smooth Tiger

    Hey all, This isn't so much a Fossil ID as it is a question. Can Tiger Shark teeth have smooth cutting edges if they're worn down enough? If so, then this tooth would certainly attest to that. I'm fairly certain that it came from the jaws of Physogaleus contortus (technically not a Tiger, but I call it one anyway). The strange thing is that it almost entirely lacks a defining feature of Tiger Shark teeth: serrations! The only evidence of a serrated edge are on the distal shoulder, but even there they are incredibly worn down. On the blade of the crown itself, the cutting edge is perfectly smooth, like a Hammerhead tooth. My question here is not if teeth can be worn down, because I know this. Some are so worn that they become unidentifiable! My question, rather, is why is the rest of this tooth hardly worn down at all while the serrations are doing a disappearing act? Do serrations on fossilized sharks teeth erode faster than the rest of the tooth? Thanks in advance for any help.
  11. HoppeHunting

    Serious Serrations

    Just thought I'd share some cool pictures I took with my macro lens, getting up close and personal with the knife-like serrations of a few teeth that I've found on my trips. Enjoy!
  12. Hey Folks, Got this tooth in the spoils pile at the Aurora Fossil museum. I think it is a Physogaleus contortus symphyseal tooth, looking for confirmation or alternatives. It is 1/2 inch on slant. Thanks, Tony PS @MarcoSr, @siteseer, @sixgill pete, @Al Dente
  13. Anomotodon

    Female Physogaleus

    From the album: Eocene vertebrates of Ukraine

    A - female anterior B, C - female laterals
  14. Ludwigia

    Physogaleus contortus (Gibbes 1849)

    From the album: Pisces

    aka Galeocerdo contortus. 17mm. Tiger Shark. From the Miocene at Calvert Cliffs, MD. Recieved on a trade with Fossil Hound.
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