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  1. aggie1997

    Crustacean/decapod? Texas

    Thanks in advance for your help. Maybe crustacean/decapod? Post Oak Creek, Sherman, Texas, U.S.A.
  2. Hey forum! I had fossil fever sooo bad since I was away in Iceland. First place I wanted to hit up was my favorite place for baby shark teeth- Post Oak up in Sherman! A lot of people swear its over picked but it still remains a favorite & fruitful place of mine close by. Anyways, a LOT has changed since Ive been gone it looks like! I decided to stop by 2 of my favorite spots in POC with a bucket of gravel to take home. The rain is coming in and we now have an areal flood advisory/watch ( I told you guys I both took and brought the rain back with me! ) so I just got my “goodie bag bucket” to sift through at home from my honey spot, for fun I went to the S Travis bridge near the body shop and saw that it was torn apart with traffic cones! Luckily you can still go down there from that bridge on weekends. There was a gentleman there who I saw back in november who was informing me that they plan to add a public parking lot since the creek is so popular! If anyone knows when it will be done feel free to chime in with a date. I wanted to share with the forum in case anyone has plans to come out to Post Oak- I still recommend it as I find a bunch of stuff every time I come out here. Luckily it’s not muddy like Ladonia’s park construction. Post Oak is lots and lots of cretaceous lopha oyster shells+ gravel. ***I will baby shark teeth pics later! I also found a weird fossil bone. Bonus: When we were going home we had to stop by Carl Jr’s (aka Hardees for northerners!) and I saw Jurassic Park vehicles parked outside! So uncanny! Maybe because the restaurant franchise is doing JW3 movie toys in their kid meal promotion. One of the vehicles had an antique auto license plate! Both Texas plates. I know how we giggle at the inaccuracies of Jurassic Park but for someone who grew up with Jurassic Park it was fun to see after a fossil day! I got a kid meal.
  3. Ironhead42

    Post Oak Find...Tooth?

    Found this tiny object sorting Post Oak Creek, TX matrix. Looks like a tooth to me, but not confident in that assessment. Any help? Is it a tooth or just a tooth-shaped rock?
  4. Sherman turning Post Oak Creek into fossil park By Lauren Rangel, KXII Channel 22, July 8, 2022 Yours, Paul H.
  5. TyrannosaurusRex

    Post Oak Vertebra

    I recently collected about 300 pounds of matrix from the Post Oak creek in Sherman Texas, and I’ve since been searching through it when I get the opportunity to. I’ve found quite a few vertebrae, all from fish, but I found one last night that has me scratching my head. It has some matrix that has solidified and will need to be removed, but I thought I could post it beforehand in case anyone had any thoughts regarding the identification!
  6. sharko69

    Goblin or something else

    Found this little tooth this weekend. I’m sure it must be a S. raphiodon but the cusplets come directly out of a broader based blade. Not like the others I usually find. May just be because it is a juvenile?
  7. Let me know when you get tired of me posting but I am so excited about how enthusiastic my son is about our hunts. He has only recently started to enjoy crawling creeks with me and can spend the whole day of time allowed. We have been out the last two weeks and have found quite a few teeth. Have found probably a quart of brokes and a few nice ones. He loves to get an official count after every hunt. Yesterday yielded officially 492 in three and a half hours. Found a couple of quality teeth as well as a P. latissimus that is broken and a heartbreaker. Still on the hunt for a complete one for the collection. Weather has been perfect. We need to enjoy it before the temps rise above unbearable.
  8. sharko69

    Cretaceous Shell

    Found this shell while in the creek this weekend. I have never found a shell like this in all my time in North Texas creeks so this seems out of place. Has matrix stuck to it and inside that matches what is present where I hunt. It is fossil and has some spots that look like calsite or some other crystal. Any ideas?
  9. sharko69

    Finally Interested

    Had a great day with my son yesterday. Started the morning at Lake Ray Roberts for a nature hike with a group looking for animal signs with the local ranger. It was a beautiful morning and finally 70 degrees. Saw tons of great animal signs and of course the kids loved looking for skat. Saw a group of deer which is rare. After the walk I told my son we were going to swing by Post Oak Creek to resupply my matrix bucket. To my surprise, he wanted to stay and look for teeth, and man is he good at spotting them. In between his playing with the other kids he found 31 teeth.(I know because he kept count of every tooth) we helped a few other people find teeth. We met a couple from Tulsa and helped them and donated a few good finds to their collection including a flawless Cretolamna and a Squalicorax in coprolite that was amazing. Wish I had snapped a picture. We found a few good teeth and headed out. My son actually said he was looking forward to going again. Best part of my day. I am attaching some pictures from the trip including my best of the day, a nice P. mortoni and the spoiler, a 1 1/2 inch broken Cretodus that would have easily broken the 2+ inch mark. When I saw he root sticking up I thought it was going to be the trip maker. Thanks for looking.
  10. sharko69

    A Ptychodus first for me

    Found this partial tooth today. Thinking it is Ptychodus decurrens. A first for me.
  11. I found these and Post Oak Creek in Sherman I think their teeth of some sort - or maybe pieces of teeth - there are like little nubs. Thank you.
  12. bone2stone

    And the cigar goes to?

    Cigar tube was just the right size for the mornings finds. Contains 112 teeth and pieces. Post Oak creek, three hours of finding and explaining to "others" how to find. Nice place to do the booty scoot, you sure find some tiny stuff. Screening gets the bigger stuff but allows the tiny stuff to filter through. Contains: Ptychodus whipplei, Cretolamna Appendiculata, Scapanorhynchus Texanus, Squalicorax Kaupi. It will wind up going as a gift. I'll get back with some other recent finds from around my part of local Texas. Jess B.
  13. hotrod13

    Post Oak Creek

    Had a nice haul at POC today. Need help with the bone ID. I'm guessing mammal. Thanks
  14. If anyone is game Sunday morn Oct 2 Post Oak Creek. (Sherman Tex.) Got new screen dying to try them out. Hope to see some of us there. Jess B.
  15. TyrannosaurusRex

    NSR-Post Oak-Mineral Wells

    It has been a while since I posted last. School has been hectic, and I have been out of the country as well. I was blessed with the opportunity a few months ago to go to some of the best hunting areas in Texas, all of them places I had wished to visit for years. My mother was a real sport crawling down to the rivers, avoiding the snakes and leeches... We arrived in Ladonia, and drove by the river to get an idea of what the hunting would be like. We skipped on going to the park, knowing it would be well picked over, particularly since the last month it had been flooded, shifting everything. So I got a map and found a different overpass, and we got out to look. (Just so you know, if you ever plan to go here take LOTS of bug spray, sun screen and water. There are chiggers and mosquitoes and lots of spiders. And it is hot. Very, very hot.) It was a very steep climb down to the river bed it's self, so I would advise taking good boots and a walking stick. It started pretty slow, but we managed to find several giant oysters (Name seems to escape me at the moment!) Stumbled over a small creek that flowed into the main river, and headed down it. The goal was to find some mosasaur related material, but we were not having any luck. And just after we headed back to the car, I looked down to see a huge vertebrae! Not going to lie. I was ecstatic! (And yes, it was a lucky coincidence that I happened to be wearing a Jurassic Park T-shirt, haha) I cleaned it up a bit, and this photo was taken back at our bed and breakfast that we were staying at. Good explanation for the terrible lighting. It was a good start to the trip! The next morning we were up and at it again, early. Got out on the river probably by 8. Found some bits and pieces of a Xiphactinus bone, but no more mosasaur for the rest of the trip. There were some nice ammonites and baculites, and then took the afternoon one of the days to head up to Sherman and get teeth. The teeth are of course abundant, and it was so much fun finding them! We ended up with 70+ teeth before heading back to the car. If you have not been there, it has a steep incline if you choose to go to the small bridge rather than the highway. I filled up a five gallon bucket to take home and sort through. About 60 lbs! It was interesting getting it up the incline. We got back to Ladonia, and searched for fossils again, (My goal was to get a Mosasaur tooth) but were unsuccessful, so turned in for the night. We then headed out the next morning again, and saw several water snakes, They are completely harmless though, but a good reminder of the Cottonmouths that inhabit the same waters. And, the leech was an added but unnecessary bonus haha! And no, I didn't kill it. It wasn't doing anything so i just...took it really far off and put it back in the water. The mosy vert was nice, but I decided to split some of the shale because there are ammonites in it. They are just very fragile. Took a while, but I was picking up a large slab, and it split perfectly, all by itself when I lifted it out of the water. I need to prep it, but since this is a very delicate job I am considering hiring someone who has more experience. The special thing about this fossil is the fact the ammonites beak is preserved. I fell in love with it immediately. (Unfortunately I had my camera in a checked bag going to Africa, and it...doesn't work now. So I had to take these with a phone.) I am going to try to see about getting some better ones, because in these photos it is hard to tell what you are looking at. Continued in next post....
  16. sharko69

    No Idea?

    Found this today in my bucket. It is a tooth but I have no idea what kind it is. Very interesting patern on the enamel. Would love feedback. I am having difficulty getting a good picture.
  17. wfrr

    Post Oak

    Well kiddies I am going to try Post oak creek for the very 1st time tomorrow. My folks moved to Denison recently so when I go see them there are certainly a few spots I can range around to from that launching pad. Anyone else headed there tomorrow? I'll be going there solo. Randy Rogers
  18. sharko69

    Fish Mouthplate?

    Any idea what this is from. Found it today at Post Oak Creek. Looks to be a part of a mouth plate of some sort. Thanks in advance for any help.
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