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  1. The horse flies were UNREAL today at the usual Potomac spot this morning. No matter how many times I re-applied bug spray, I would get swarmed by them minutes later. But that didn’t stop me from getting a good 3 hours out of the beach. I had it nearly all to myself, it had been far too long. I was worried for a while because of some dark clouds, rough swells and thunder for the first hour, but things held tough, and I came away with a great haul! It started out slow, couple sand tigers here and there as one would expect from the Aquia, tons of tinnies, tons of ray plates, but it really picked up towards the end. With the guidance of another butterfly, I was able to find a nice complete Otodus, as well as the HEARTBREAKER of 1/3rd of a chunky Otodus in the last minutes of my hunt. I also found some turtle shell frags, a tiny vert, and 2 shreds of croc teeth. Seeing that broke-todus rolling in the waves was such a rush of good and bad emotions, what an awesome find, but what could have been! It likely would be my largest Otodus in my collection. Great GREAT day regardless. I’ll happily take the smaller one as a compromise. One day I will hit on the elusive 2 inch Ottie!
  2. Atoothsatooth42

    Last Minute Quick Potomac Trip

    Last second trips are always a nice surprise. Got to spend a solid 1.5 hours at the trusty Potomac spot. Always a great time! Nothing too crazy, a half a croc tooth, about 40% of a complete ray plate, and a couple very nice sand tigers. I was very pleased with the one in the first 3 images, as someone had JUST walked by it only minutes before I got to it. Lucky me! The pressure was on, as half of the blade was covered and made it suspenseful. I prayed to the fossil gods and sure enough, a nice complete 1.5 incher! Great day!
  3. Atoothsatooth42

    Possible jaw bone?

    Hello! I recently found this interesting looking fossil in VA on the Potomac River in Westmoreland County. I think that’s the Calvert formation. It’s approximately an inch and a quarter in length. I suspect it could be some kind of jaw bone? Croc? Fish? I have it a bend test and I did snap a piece off, possibly regrettably. Let me know what you think!
  4. Atoothsatooth42

    Buzzer Beater Otodus Obliquus!

    I’m back on the hunt on the Potomac, after another fantastic, hot and humid day. I’ve really been trying to take advantage of the recent rains, fingers crossed for more! The usual suspects were present today on the beach, but quite a few of them being large! I wish I had gotten a good insitu shot of the unexpected large chunker of a sand tiger, but just one corner of its root was sticking out of the sand. And as any experienced fossil hunter understands, you take a chance at anything that looks suspicious, pick it up, and 2/10 times it’s something, and that time it was! It was hot, but teeth were showing up at a good pace, a very good day to say the least, but I still had an itch for that Otodus that I’m always after. And just as I’m at the point where I’m telling myself, “Just one more gravel bar, just up to this next tree, there has to be an Otodus and if not, I swear I’ll leave!” Sure enough, this fantastic specimen showed itself at the last second, just before that tree. A real buzzer beater, a last second Otodus, and a nice one at that. After the impromptu photo session with it, I finally ended my 2.5 hour hunt in the sun. While we are here, I had a question for anyone about the object in the last photo between the cool blue rock, and the turtle shell fragment. What might this be? It has a very peculiar pattern and texture. It almost looks like a tire track. It’s unlike anything I’ve seen at this site. Any thoughts? Thanks!
  5. Atoothsatooth42

    HOT and dry day on the Potomac

    WOW has it been hot in the DMV. No real weather patterns have been through the area in what feels like forever, things are dry, dusty, and uncomfortably hot. So what do I do? Look for fossils! I came to the beach with the understanding that I may not find much, considering there has likely been next to no movement in the material along the beaches besides the tides. But to say that I am pleasantly surprised is an understatement! It was a great day, despite the hot sun beating down on me. I spent a little more than 3 hours out searching, some highs and some lows, at certain times I’d hit a stretch of beach and find literally nothing, and other times there was a nice collection of fossilized items for me to grab. They came in groups. I found the nice little busted Otodus fairly early peeking out at me, some nice sand tigers mixed in, baked a light color from sitting out in the sun for so long. Among the numerous ray plates and tiny teeth, I managed to find 3 Otodus (I think? The tiny ones are either Otodus or Cretolamna, they are hard to tell apart sometimes), 2 Croc teeth (I guess 1.5 again 🙄), and my second, and largest complete sting ray mouth plate! I wish I had taken an insitu shot of it, but I was in shock seeing it poking out of the dry desert like sand, I had to grab it! All in all, a pretty darn successful day considering the poor weather patterns over the last 2-3 weeks, and the sun burn! Looking forward to the next one!
  6. Not sure of this iD. brachychampsa? Alligator? Mosasaur? Section of a near circular form; bony grain on outside, smooth on inside. Mineralized. Found on Potomac River in Virginia near Colonial Beach. any ideas? Thank you so kindly in advance.
  7. Found near Colonial Beach, on Potomac River along with several shark’s teeth. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance.
  8. KSBasque

    Fossils. Potomac River, Virginia

    Any idea what these “comb like” fossils are? Found them near Colonial Beach, Virginia. thank you so kindly in advance!
  9. Atoothsatooth42

    A Return to the Aquia Formation!

    Back to what I know well! Kind of an up and down day. More people at the spot than I’d want, but beggars can’t be choosers 🤷🏻‍♂️. It was a beautiful day for fossil hunting. Great gravel bars today, but not much fossil action and next to no sea glass in comparison. This area hasn’t seen much influential weather over the last few weeks, so I couldn’t be expecting much. Its been pretty dry lately. I cant help but get my hopes up though! A couple nice sand tigers, quite a few ray plates and such. Felt like a somewhat meh day, after the highlight being a pretty cool wrasse fish mouth plate. That is, until I found these croc teeth in about a 20 minute span towards the end of the trip! Awesome! Well… more like 1.5 croc teeth, but you get the picture! These croc teeth and the wrasse fish mouth plate are truly some quality finds on a bit of a roller coaster of a day. Looking forward to some more warm and sunny hunts like this one in the future.
  10. Found this interesting tooth walking along the potomac. I believe it is an Otodus Obliquus but the double cusplets give me pause as I have not seen them on example O. Obliquus teeth. Tooth is about 1" in size and is unfortunately missing cusplets on the left side as pictured
  11. Hello, my friends, and a jolly warm welcome to one and all. Many moons ago, my friend, the exceedingly kind and generous Brett @Elmo sent me nearly 6 lbs of micromatrix from the Purse State Park in Maryland, USA. The tiny fossils found in this gravel are from the Piscataway Member of the Aquia Formation which is Late Palaeocene in age and about 60 million years old, give or take. I have been trying to sort through a little every day and am about two-thirds of the way through and have found lots and lots of goodies. Now, this is well out of my comfort zone as there is not a brachiopod to be seen, but lots of teethies from sharks, rays, skates, and bony fish. I have no idea what I am doing at all, and so Brett, who is also seeking some IDs, and I decided it might be useful and fun to start a thread to show off our finds, hopefully get some help with identification, encourage others to post their own finds and have a fun time, really. I don't have any Palaeocene material at all, except a couple of larger sharks' teeth from this location. So, please feel free to comment, just watch and enjoy or tell me off for my obviously stupid attempts at ID. I'll start this off with a really beautiful tooth that I think might be Delpitoscyllium africanum. On second thoughts, perhaps Ginglymostoma cf. subafricanum is a better fit? Because of the multiple side cusps.
  12. Atoothsatooth42

    Back on the Potomac once again!

    Hello! Reporting again with another successful Paleocene epoch hunt! Got there quite early in the morning and had the whole beach to myself for 3 hours, pays to get up early! The tide was great, amazing fossil beds all up and down the beach, I couldn’t keep myself from vacuuming up every interesting fossil insight! The usual collection of sand tigers, ray plates and turrittela, with some nice sea glass scattered around, as well as what was a bread crumb trail to my find of the day. I found the corner of an Otodus first, my initial thought was, “Well, at least I’m not getting skunked by the otodus gods today!” Followed by the tiny otodus, always a fun find. I was getting warmer until, finally, laying out beautifully in the shadows of the cliffs, was this awesome, great quality Otodus. Grinning from ear to ear, I felt that my day was made from that point on. I found it early in the hunt, so it felt like it was going to be a great Otodus day. Alas, it was simply just a great day instead. No complaints in the slightest! Fossil hunting for me is like therapy, every fossil is a dopamine bump. From a cool shell, to a blade-less shark tooth root. But when you find that tooth that you were hoping for, your week is always made.
  13. J.D.

    Coprolite and Maybe Scute

    Hey folks! What we have here - subject to your thoughts - seems to be a piece of coprolite and maybe a scute from a gator or croc. The latter is the one I am most unsure about… any thoughts? Found in the waters of the Potomac near Fossil Beach, Westmoreland State Park (Virginia).
  14. NovaRunner

    Potomac River fossil

    I found this in Charles County, Maryland along the Potomac River along with the typical ray plates and shark's teeth. Any thoughts?
  15. Atoothsatooth42

    Late morning on the Potomac

    Hey TFF! First post! Not making my appearance with a bang, but had a decent quick trip to the Potomac, about an hour and 15 minutes. Nice handful of sea glass, decent amounts of ray plates and turritella. A few solid sand tigers. And what I believe to be a small, busted otodus in the palm of my hand. I usually always come away with at least one small complete otodus, so when I don’t, it makes a great day fossil hunting turn into merely a very good day 🤷🏻‍♂️. Let me know what you think!
  16. I’ve been wanting to post this trip on here for a while, so today is the day! Pretty awesome one, showed up to the beach at the scheduled low tide only to see turbulent water up to the top of the beach due to incoming weather patterns. Gave it a chance anyway and very happy I did! Found my first Otodus (along with a busted blade of one), my hunting partner found the smaller one on the right in the second picture on the same day. Also found my first complete ray dental plate. Great day for firsts!
  17. BobV

    Pygmy White Shark

    Found this on Potomac yesterday in Charles County. Is this a Pygmy White Shark?
  18. shark57

    Paleocene Aquia Formation Otodus obliquus

    From the album: Fossils

    This is the first Otodus I ever found. It is from the Aquia Formation along the Potomac River and measures 1.15 inches. Only the root was sticking out of the indurated matrix and it took several hours of chiseling with a sharp screwdriver to reveal the crown.
  19. I found this tooth on the Potomac River (Douglas Point, MD). The crown seems to wide for a Sand Tiger. Anyone know what it is?
  20. J.D.

    Skull or joint piece

    Found this one in the water near Fossil Beach at Westmoreland State Park. Very smooth on one side. Any suggestions? Is it a skull piece or maybe a joint piece?
  21. Largemouth Bass

    Mini mako or benedeni?

    Location: Northern Neck region, Calvert fm. on the Potomac River This little 0.5" tooth has confused me for a long time now. Torn between mako, tiny lower hastalis, or benedeni which I'm now leaning towards.
  22. cck

    Miocene distal phalanx?

    Greetings! I’ve been trying to identify a little bone found in float at a Miocene exposure in Virginia… self guided research leads me to believe it is a distal phalanx from some creature, but that could be wrong, and I haven’t been able to pin down a match …it could even be reptile? I’d appreciate any pointers or suggestions… And if more pics or details are needed, I’ll supply. Thanks!
  23. Hi! I went on my first fossil hunt yesterday! Found two cool shells, some pretty quartz, a few rocks but no fossils. Here are my finds! I was wondering what i should look for when hunting along and in the potomac! Was hard to find stuff when I wasn’t sure what to look for haha! ^^ im 16 so I cant go often but im going to be begging my parents to take me again soon because i found pottery too! (Its not old but i find it interesting ^^)
  24. cck

    Angler fish

    Agree? Any additional thoughts?
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