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  1. tjl96


    Hello! I have dug this large chunk of what I have been told is a stromatolite. It weighs about 85 lbs and is roughly 16" in any given direction, It has tons of veins of lacey chalcedony structures with lacey patterns of red white and black. All these veins are layered in as druze of red quartz. There appears to be three large white veins running through one end of it. I have other small pieces as well, but this large one is what I'm interested in. Thank you for any help it is very much appreciated!
  2. ptera

    fossil? or geologic?

    Anyone know what this is? It's from Precambrian, Mineral Fork Tillite. The closest I could find is maybe some kind of oolite? Is it possible this is made by some kind of microbial life, or is this just geologic?
  3. Inyo Mono

    Found near Big Pine, CA

    I'm not sure what this is. Sponge? Is it from the Cambrian? https://photos.app.goo.gl/cFq6RVK1SWTBbX2E9
  4. Fissiletag

    Precambrian creature (Eoandromeda?)

    A seller as a precambrian fossil listed as Eoandromeda octobrachiata. Is it this species or is it something else. It comes from guizhou China.
  5. I recently visited the New Walk Museum in Leicester, specifically to see their Ediacaran fossils from Charnwood. Firstly, the famous Charnia masoni type specimen. This was significant as it was one of the first fossils to be described from Precambrian rocks. They had several type specimens, including this Charniodiscus concentricus type specimen. Sorry, this photo came out quite badly, but on the left is the Cyclomedusa cliffi type specimen. This is the Pseudovendia charnwoodensis type specimen As well as a discoid fossil. They also had a large cast of some other fossils of Charnwood, I think this is a more recent addition to their display. This is Auroralumina, a cnidarian and the current oldest known predator. Unfortunately there was no information about this, not even a sign to note it as Auroralumina. Bradgatia. A cast of Charnia masoni. And lastly another disc. Aside from Ediacaran fossils, they also have Mesozoic fossils from Leicestershire and Rutland, but I will save these for another time.
  6. Oxytropidoceras

    Ediacaran Avalon biota

    Below is a wonderful lecture about the Ediacaran Avalon biota. The Ediacaran Avalon biota: New insights from old fossils Alex G. Liu, University of Cambridge, September 16, 2021 This lecture is a part of Virtual Seminars in Precambrian Geology List of Publications Yorus, Paul H.
  7. mr fossil

    Ediacaran fossils from Saudi Arabia

    Hellooooo i traveled 2 and a half hours to a Ediacaran deposit of sandstone and mudstone(600 million years old) near Madinah in Saudi Arabia. I found what I think is wave ripples, is that true? I also found some sort of imprint fossil showing perfect bumps, I don’t think erosion can create a pattern like that since there weren’t any others like it that I saw. if this is a fossil it is definitely the oldest fossil I am ever going to find since it is Precambrian. thank you so much for your time and effort!!!
  8. Three years ago, I went to Peggy’s Cove to look around by the lighthouse and enter the nice shops and houses. At some point, I went around looking at the beautiful rock formations created by the glaciers that once covered Nova Scotia during the Pleistocene. I went to one of the very few erratics in the town, and checked underneath to see if I could find anything. I remember there was a cluster of pebbles and stones that were mostly cylindrical, but there were some fragments and shales there as well, however I am not entirely sure if they are endemic to the Mahone Bay / Halifax area aside from places like Little Tancook Island, which does have marine fossils on the beach cliffs dating around the time of the Late Carboniferous to Early Permian. Either way, I found a rock with a strange pattern on it. It was an oval-shaped marking with lines going up towards the edges of the shape in a diagonal pattern. It is definitely some sort of fossil impression, but I am not entirely sure what it was. I know that there are some marine fossils on the islands in the area that comprise of mostly shells, but this one looked more strange to me. I think it could be some sort of mollusk or brachiopod, like the ones that scoured the Australian seas during the Pre-Cambrian period. I unfortunately don’t have the fossil with me, so I can’t take a picture of it. If anybody thinks they know what this could be based on the description of the fossil and the geological/fossil range the place I found it is in, that would really mean a lot.
  9. Mochaccino

    Guizhou Ediacaran?

    Hello, I see these pieces being sold as apparent precambrian Ediacarans from Guizhou, China. My question is, how does one determine if these are even fossils and biological in origin as opposed to just some random smudge or geological oddity? Is anything known about these sorts of specimens? Thank you.
  10. This was found in glacial till. It contains sedimentary rock from Precambrian through the Ordovician. Size is about 2.5cm / 1inch would love to know if any one has seen something like this? Extra excited if I can get a positive ID! In previous posts I have noted the 3 leaf clover like head in other examples of this fossil. However they are not as clearly preserved. There is a chance this is broken and splitting in 2 or its 2 making babies. I normally see them as a foot ball shape with the club head and no extra "wings" that make it look like a sting ray.
  11. PR0GRAM

    Ediacaran Still Life

    Firstly, I am NOT an artist and will never claim to be one! I always have and will refer to my “art” as doodles. I draw these on my IPhone with my finger… that is by definition a doodle! Secondly, I recently realized that there is very little art for a vast majority of Ediacaran Biota. So, I want to eventually give them all their time to shine, even if it’s just doodles with some artistic liberties. This is just for fun after all. My first is Anfesta. I’m not 100% finished but I wanted to share anyways! Cheers!
  12. I was told this was a type of Protomedusas from Jin Jia . I’m not super well versed in Precambrian biota but I have not been able to find any info about this anywhere. I thought it was a crinoid attachment point at first but that also doesn’t look correct. Any help would be greatly appreciated. The slab is about 2 inches total.
  13. A Huge Black Diamond, Purportedly From Outer Space, Is Now Up for Sale The gem known as the ‘Enigma’ is expected to fetch around $7 million at auction, though experts are skeptical of its cosmic origin Corryn Wetzel, Smithsonian Magazine, January 21, 2022 Sotheby's unveils 555.55-carat black diamond thought to come from outer space Associated Press, January 17, 2022 Out of this world: 555.55-carat black diamond lands in Dubai Associated Press, January 17, 2022 55-sided, 555-carat 'Enigma' black diamond (potentially from space) goes on sale By Harry Baker, Live Science Some papers: Haggerty, S.E., 2017. Carbonado diamonds: A review of properties and origin. Gems & Gemology, 53(2). Garai, J., Haggerty, S.E., Rekhi, S. and Chance, M., 2006. Infrared absorption investigations confirm the extraterrestrial origin of carbonado diamonds. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 653(2), p.L153. PDF of paper Abstract of paper Demény, A., Nagy, G., Bajnóczi, B., Németh, T., Garai, J., Drozd, V. and Hegner, E., 2011. Hydrogen isotope compositions in carbonado diamond: constraints on terrestrial formation. Central European Geology, 54(1-2), pp.51-74. PDF file linked at Academic.edu PDF file at Central European Geology Yours, Paul H.
  14. Cynic

    I want to define fossil

    The fossil was found near the Mukhavets River, Belarus, Brest. Length ~ 6-7cm (~ 2.5 inch) whole piece. If I registered here, I will be impudent: you can recommend a book (100 -200 pages), an introductory course in fossils.
  15. Susan Slater

    New member

    Hi, my name is Sue, no relation to sue the T-Rex at the Chicago Field Museum. I have been collecting fossils and minerals since I was 6 and am now 65! I have a fabulous collection. I came by rocks honestly, my aunt is June Culp Zeitner, the world renowned mineralogist and lapidarian. She died a few years ago. Her museum is in Hill City, SD in Peter Larson’s Museum All Things Prehistoric. She is well published and has traveled the world for specimens. I am interested in the Precambrian era, microfossils and really any kind of fossils. Hope to talk to many of you soon. I just got a new electronic microscope with a camera. I have two children and 4 grandchildren. I live on Lake Erie and find wonderful fossils before the glacial period of course. Have a great day. Sue
  16. Hello everyone, I came across this fossil on one of the auction sites - unfortunately the seller knows nothing about its age or even the country of origin. He sent me the following pictures, which however are not very sharp :(( Nevertheless, does it look like anything Ediacaran to you? The size is 17,5 x 12,5 x 2 cm. The guy says it's shale rock. What do you think? I will appreciate your comments :) Kasia
  17. Hello together, I just got a fossil that I am not sure what to make of. The species ID I got is Nemiana/Beltanelliformis, which I have no reason to doubt so far. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beltanelliformis What has me wondering is the preservation. Most pieces the seller had to offer seem to be imprints or remnants of sediment glued together by biofilms as one would expect for the species, like in the third pic. Containing mica interestingly. The piece in question appears covered in a shiny black layer that reminds me very much of what I once found in a glass bottle of coke that had melted in a campfire, turning its sugary content into coal. In case of the fossil it may be other dark minerals of course, but after reading about organically preserved specimens I dared hope that it may be the actual carbon. What do you think? Thanks J
  18. Hello again Fossil Forum, Last week I posted a few pictures of what I thought might be fossil wood that I found on my property in Southeastern PA (Montgomery County, just over the Philadelphia County line). It seemed that it was possible that my rocks were fossils, but also maybe not... One helpful user suggested that I might polish some of the ends (hopefully crossections) of a few pieces. So below and in the next few replies I will post some pictures of a few pieces, for the polished parts I used a cabbing machine. I live at the bottom of a relatively steep hill and these pieces were all found within about 50ft of each other. If there seems to be some variety, that is in keeping with what I found after consulting several geological maps of my area: my property appears to lie at the precise intersection of precambrian, lower paleozoic, and cambrian regions and includes both sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. If not fossil wood, possibly stromatolites? ...or just more interesting rocks?? For discussion purposes I'll number the pieces and put them in separate replies. Thank you again for any thoughts, information, and opinions!
  19. This is a pretty great discovery! Quote from news article: "Scientists have found in rocks from northern China what may be the oldest fossils of a green plant ever found: tiny seaweed that carpeted areas of the seafloor 1bn years ago and were part of a primordial revolution among life on Earth." https://www.theguardian.com/science/2020/feb/24/tiny-chinese-seaweed-is-oldest-green-plant-fossil-ever-found Abstract from Nature: "Chlorophytes (representing a clade within the Viridiplantae and a sister group of the Streptophyta) probably dominated marine export bioproductivity and played a key role in facilitating ecosystem complexity before the Mesozoic diversification of phototrophic eukaryotes such as diatoms, coccolithophorans and dinoflagellates. Molecular clock and biomarker data indicate that chlorophytes diverged in the Mesoproterozoic or early Neoproterozoic, followed by their subsequent phylogenetic diversification, multicellular evolution and ecological expansion in the late Neoproterozoic and Palaeozoic. This model, however, has not been rigorously tested with palaeontological data because of the scarcity of Proterozoic chlorophyte fossils. Here we report abundant millimetre-sized, multicellular and morphologically differentiated macrofossils from rocks approximately 1,000 million years ago. These fossils are described as Proterocladus antiquus new species and are interpreted as benthic siphonocladalean chlorophytes, suggesting that chlorophytes acquired macroscopic size, multicellularity and cellular differentiation nearly a billion years ago, much earlier than previously thought." https://www.nature.com/articles/s41559-020-1122-9
  20. Fossil that is 715 to 810 million years old turns out to be fungi when chitin found in it. Important finding for early evolution. https://www.vice.com/amp/en_us/article/dyg7x7/a-wild-discovery-about-fungi-just-changed-earths-evolutionary-timeline
  21. Hi. I have heard of Precambrian stromatolites found in the Precambrian rocks of Ontario but I am curious, has there been any reports of Ediacaran or Mistaken Point- like fossils being found in the Canadian Shield of Ontario?
  22. connorp

    Pre/Cambrian Collection

    I have always been quite fascinated with the early stages of development of life on Earth. My interest really picked up when I first discovered the Ediacaran biota, and who can blame me. Those creatures are so enigmatic and fascinating. I was able to pick up a few specimens, but quickly realized that my desire for fossils greatly outweighed the supply and cost of Ediacaran fossils, and I soon discovered the equally fascinating and enigmatic Lower Cambrian Chengjiang biota. I was, and still am, blown away at the quality of preservation of these soft bodied critters. A lot of specimens come very shoddily or incompletely prepared, and while it's been a steep learning curve, I feel that I'm starting to get the hang of prepping them. I've decided to start posting my latest acquisitions as these fossils are too amazing not to share. First up is Cricocosmia jinningensis, a fairly common palaeoscolecid worm from the Chengjiang biota. I have several specimens but this one is the best. It came partially prepped and I am just now satisfied with the result. You can see remnants of the gut preserved as darker regions in the center of the body. Next up is a small hash plate of Bohemiella romingeri brachiopods from the Middle Cambrian of the Czech Republic. Not my usual purchase, but I felt the specimen was too beautiful to pass up.
  23. Sinopaleus

    Grypania spiralis

    Generally accepted to be one of the earliest eukaryotes, these spiral ribbons are also the oldest macroscopic body fossils known to date. The Negaunee Fm. has been dated to 2.11 billion years old, but new studies suggest the unit is 1.87 billion years old. These ribbons are most simply referred to as a form of archaic alga, and existed when increasing oxygen levels caused global rusting of the oceans, also resulting in the extinction of other lifeforms unable to adapt to the then-toxic levels of oxygen.
  24. Controversial fossils suggest life began to move 2.1 billion years ago. New Scientist, February 11, 2019 https://www.newscientist.com/article/2193557-controversial-fossils-suggest-life-began-to-move-2-1-billion-years-ago/ The paper is: Abderrazak El Albani, M. Gabriela Mangano, Luis A. Buatois, Stefan Bengtson, Armelle Riboulleau, Andrey Bekker, Kurt Konhauser, Timothy Lyons, Claire Rollion-Bard, Olabode Bankole, Stellina Gwenaelle Lekele Baghekema, Alain Meunier, Alain Trentesaux, Arnaud Mazurier, Jeremie Aubineau, Claude Laforest, Claude Fontaine, Philippe Recourt, Ernest Chi Fru, Roberto Macchiarelli, Jean Yves Reynaud, François Gauthier-Lafaye, and Donald E. Canfield, 2019, Organism motility in an oxygenated shallow-marine environment 2.1 billion years ago PNAS published ahead of print February 11, 2019 https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1815721116 https://www.pnas.org/content/early/2019/02/05/1815721116 Yours, Paul H.
  25. Oxytropidoceras

    Oldest Known Animals Reported From China

    Exclusive: 600-million-year old blobs are earliest animals ever found Fossils in China suggest that that some of the first animals in existence may have been carnivorous comb jellies similar to some species that still exist today. New Scientist, January 23, 20-19 https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg24132142-700-exclusive-600-million-year-old-blobs-are-earliest-animals-ever-found/?utm_campaign=RSS|NSNS&utm_source=NSNS&utm_medium=RSS&utm_content=news An older article is: https://www.newscientist.com/article/2180053-earliest-known-animal-was-a-half-billion-year-old-underwater-blob/ Unfortunately, it is behind a paywall. It was discussed today on BBC radio. A related article is: Scientists Think Comb Jellies May Have Come Before All Other Animals Sorry, sponges—there’s a new oldest ancestor in town, Smithsonian https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/scientists-think-comb-jellies-may-have-come-all-other-animals-180962858/ https://ocean.si.edu/ocean-life/invertebrates/jellyfish-and-comb-jellies Yours, Paul H.
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