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Found 9 results

  1. Hello to everybody! I'm kinda new here, but before I start I must say I really love this forum! It has really great vibes and you instantly can tell that this is a good and friendly community! So, I am ziggycardon, I live in Belgium, close to the border of the Netherlands and when we start speaking geologically, I live on the same cretaceous sediments as where the first major Mosasaurus discoveries where done! Unfortunatly I have never been on a fossil hunt myself and everything currently in my collection was bought or given to me. But I hope to change that soon, as I am dying to go hunting myself. Maybe the Chalk sediments 3 km from my home would be a good place to start! For the rest, my job, my major hobby and my other main interest besides fossils are living animals. I currently work as the head of terrarium & aquarium in 3 different pet stores and I have quite a collection of reptiles, amphibians, invertebrates and tropic fish myself. In my spare time I often take my own living animals along with my fossils and other educational natural history material to schools so I can teach kids about nature and it's history and hidden mechanics. For the rest are my other hobbies mainly based around movies and televisions as I collect a lot of stuff drom my favorite franchises like "Lord or the Rings" & "The Hobbit", "Game of Thrones, "Pirates of the Caribbean", ... And I also attent a lot of comic cons and other events related to those franchises. But then this topic! In this topic I will show my collection of fossils (and also minerals, stones and meteorites) as it is right now and then I will highlight each group of fossils bit by bit. I am currently starting with a own specialized fossil room, so ofcourse the progress and end result will also be posted here! And ofcourse when something get's added to my collection, I'll show it here as well. Sometimes a photo of my "special" pets or taxidermy specimens might pop up, but this topic will mainly be about the fossil room and my fossil collection. For the rest, if you have any comments or questions about the collection or about me or about anything, feel free to ask! I'd love to reply!
  2. blancostudio

    Fossil trip to Mazonia

    Hello, I am planning a fossil-hunting trip to Mazonia, this will be my first time going, I appreciate any suggestions and advice. Thanks!
  3. Ridingwaves


  4. How Fossils Were Incorporated Into The Cultural Life Of Ancient Africa David Bressan, Forbes, February 22, 2019 https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidbressan/2019/02/22/black-and-toxic-snow-is-falling-from-the-skies-in-siberia/ According to the below paper, people were collecting trilobites even prehistoric times. The paper is: Helm, C.W., Benoit, J., Mayor, A., Cawthra, H.C., Penn-Clarke, C.R. and Rust, R., 2019. Interest in geological and palaeontological curiosities by southern African non-western societies: A review and perspectives for future study. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/330367438_Interest_in_geological_and_palaeontological_curiosities_by_southern_African_non-western_societies_A_review_and_perspectives_for_future_study https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Julien_Benoit Yours, Paul H.
  5. Domino1002

    What is this?

    Hello everyone, my mother find this in a box with many amonits, I don't know if it's even a fossil but for me it looks like a tooth. Is it really a tooth and if it is, from witch animal? Thank you
  6. The Speeding Carno

    What Got You Into Paleontology?

    Hey, There are so many people on this forum, I was wondering how everyone got interested in paleontology! Personally, Jurassic Park got me interested in dinosaurs and the Walking With Trilogy cemented it!
  7. Oxytropidoceras

    Did humans create the Sahara desert?

    Did humans create the Sahara desert? New research challenges the idea that changes in the Earth's orbit triggered Sahara desertification, Frontiers, March 14, 2017 https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/03/170314111320.htm https://blog.frontiersin.org/2017/03/14/did-humans-create-the-sahara-desert/ David K. Wright. Humans as Agents in the Termination of the African Humid Period. Frontiers in Earth Science, 2017; 5 DOI: 10.3389/feart.2017.0000 http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/feart.2017.00004/full https://www.academia.edu/31079511/Humans_as_agents_in_the_termination_of_the_African_Humid_Period._Frontiers_in_Earth_Science_5_4_doi_10.3389_feart.2017.00004_2017_ Yours, Paul H.
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