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  1. Kimdenise

    Fossil ? Copper weirdness? Alien?

    Please help! I keep finding something cooler than the previous rock! What is it?
  2. Diana Haugh

    Triangles in Anthracite shale

    Split open shale 6/30/24 Schuylkill County Buck Run Coal mine. Found amid a plethora of fern fossils Odd triangular marking with pyrite sheen. what on earth could it be?
  3. Brevicollis

    Pyritised wood ?

    Hello, my friend found this very interesting piece during fossil hunting at the cliffs of Schönhagen, baltic sea. We think that this is pyritised wood, as there are many pyrite cristals and it shines really golden when held right. It consists of many string like structures and really apears to be wood of some sort. Is pyritised wood rare to find here ? And also, how can you prevent pyrite fossils from crumbling to dust ? I've heard, that they'll disolve eventually, but that this process can be stopped with the right materials. Thanks for any help ! (Sorry for the bad pictures, my phone has a really crappy camera)
  4. Dave J

    Pyrite Coat

    I recently purchased this product from Zoic Palaeotech which is a hydrophobic coating to stop decay in pyrite fossils. I've yet to use it and was wondering if anyone else has used it and had any feedback on how it performs?
  5. Dave J

    Ammonite Species

    I'm currently trying to put some species names to the specimens in my fossil collection. Could you help me out with species names of these ammonites? Please correct me if I'm wrong but I believe them to all be the same species (possibly with the exception of the upper left which seems to be slightly different?) I've included more pictures of this one. Also could you help me out with a rough age of these ammonites and any other info on them? I found these in Lyme Regis, U.K and they are preserved in pyrite. Thank you in advance 😊
  6. I found this on the Jurrasic coast of the U.K some years ago. I have long believed it to be a section of ammonite but I would just like some other opinions as it's unlike other ammonite sections I have found. it is preserved in pyrite. I have tried to show part of the cross section too.
  7. Brevicollis

    Shiny golden rock

    Hello, my little brother found this a couple years ago in a nearby creek. There is something golden and shiny in this rock. I dont know if its pyrite, or real gold tho. And I also dont know, if any of that is even known from northern germany. Any help appreciated ! (the colors might look a bit different in the photos than in real life, but its really golden)
  8. Ararerose

    Gold or Pyrite

  9. Found some pyrite ammonites on Charmouth Beach. They are soaking right now in acetone. Need to get something like Paraloid-B72 or Paraloid B-67 which is unavailable here in US. All I know is that the equivalent needs to be hydrophobic. Any suggestions?
  10. Crusty_Crab

    Pyrite Disease Resources

    Not sure if these resources have been shared before, but this is how professional collection managers deal with pyrite disease/decay/rot. From the LA County Natural History Museum: https://lacmip.github.io/emu/documentation/pyritedecay/ June, 2019 Volume 11 of the Geological Curator is devoted to the subject: https://www.geocurator.org/images/resources/geocurator/vol11/geocurator_11_1.pdf Fenlon and Petrera's paper on page 9 has a good discussion about various coatings which were historically used as well as what the current best practice. It seems the current best practice for museums is storage in low oxygen microenvironments, i.e. storing it in a cardboard box with plastazote foam, putting in an RP System(R) Type K oxygen scavenger, and sealing in Escal (TM) Neo barrier film.
  11. Baking Geologist

    Silurian Dolostone Prep

    I apologize, I am not used to dealing with dolostone of this hardness. The rock of the Niagara Escarpment is serious stuff! What type of equipment besides cold chisels, dental tools and hydrochloric acid should I consider purchasing?
  12. I am fascinated by this taco-like concretion. Is its contents forever bound to the pyrite, left to me only speculation as to what it might be? Or can the matrix be removed to reveal what it contains?
  13. Fenguin1999

    Charmouth Pyrite Ammonites and Extra

    Hello everyone - I am getting into fossil collecting and recently had a trip to Charmouth, UK. I would like to try to ID some of the pyrite ammonite species I found there. I've written what I thought they might be based on information and photos I have found online but I am very much a beginner so I would like some help checking them. I've also included another pyrite fossil which I'm not sure what it is at the end. 35mm long paperclip for scale. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! 1: Both Promicroceras? 2: Not sure - maybe Echioceras? 3: Oxynoticeras? 4: Another Echioceras? 5: No idea - looks like a fragment of something conical with horizontal bands around it which can be sort of seen in the first image - mostly encased in pyrite.
  14. Ptychodus04

    A sad day

    It’s a sad day. Years ago, I collected a microconch and macroconch of Scaphites so. from the Late Cretaceous Arcadia Park Formation in Dallas, TX that were preserved in pyrite. I’ve collected dozens of pyritized ammonites from this particular site and all have been stable. These ammonites appeared to be stable for about 15 years until one day the pyrite decay started. I noticed it a couple days ago and soaked these specimens in iron out to try to stop the decay. Alas, my attempts were unsuccessful and both specimens crumbled to powder. Beware pyrite, even if you think it’s ok…
  15. Hello. I was wondering how to make from sylvania OH Brachiopods with pyrite shine. Because i have some that have pyrite but are covered in matrix and are not sparkling the same way that ones that have been treated with acid. Thanks! Trilobites_are_awesome.
  16. Hi again. My ever dwindling fossil collection, will hopefully survive this ID session. I found most of these in April 23 amongst cliff fall rocks on the beach in Charmouth UK. I found the large grey blobbly one on the right in September same place. There is one that looks like a perfect acorn and some similar. The large browner looking one seems to be made up of nutty nodes. I'm wondering if they are coprolites. I'm sure they were greyer when I found them. Should I coat these with B-72, should I leave them be or am I imagining fossils that are just funny shaped rocks? Thanks, Jes.
  17. Jesamine

    Ammonite, but what kind and why?

    Hi, I'm Jes and this is my first ID post, so hopefully the easiest. I know this is an Ammonite, but I don't know what kind. What features identify it as a certain species? I found it in Charmouth, Dorset, UK in April 2023. It was amongst the debris from a cliff fall on the beach. I believe it is Pyrite with some Calcite in the middle.
  18. ETV27

    Fossil seed from London clay?

    Found this at warden point, Sheppey. Wondering if it was a seed?
  19. Onno

    Petrified wood with pyrite

    Can somebody help me identify? Got this from a friend. Probably found in France. Think it's a nice piece but I want to know if this is petrified wood and is the outer layer pyritised? Thnx.
  20. ydnar


    Please help me identify this find. All by itself in farmers field. Had xrd analysis (X-ray diffraction analysis ) done. Results were text book mudstone composition. Cut off piece with diamond saw. Water was black and it smelled swampy. Trace fossils can be seen.
  21. ydnar


    Please help me identify this find. All by itself in farmers field. Had xrd analysis done. Results were text book mudstone composition. Cut off piece with diamond saw. Water was black and it smelled swampy. Trace fossils can be seen.
  22. ‘Golden’ (phosphate) fossils reveal new secrets; provide clues to Jurassic extinction event by: Eric Henrikson, KXAN News, Nexstar Media Inc., Texas, June 14, 2023 The paywalled paper is: Muscente, A.D., Vinnes, O., Sinha, S., Schiffbauer, J.D., Maxwell, E.E., Schweigert, G. and Martindale, R.C., 2023. What role does anoxia play in exceptional fossil preservation? Lessons from the taphonomy of the Posidonia Shale (Germany). Earth-Science Reviews, p.104323. Yours, Paul H.
  23. I've been recently looking into working with b72 for preserving and strengthening some of the pyrite and coal fossils I have. At the moment, I have a few questions regarding this topic: 1) For DFW folk, do you recommend any stores that sell b72 in the DFW area? For others, do you recommend any reputable online stores that ship it? 2) Should I store acetone in the original container I purchased it in? What is the safest part of the house to keep it? 3) What are any general tips/tricks you wish you knew before you started using b72? Feel free to answer as few of my questions as you'd like. All advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  24. This week-end, during the easter feast with my club we organised our annual exhibition of fossils and minerals. Note the opalised belemnites and the huge Phacops rana africana. Each year we give pride of place to a subject. This time that was the pyrite. It was the occasion for the non-initiated people, and, particularly for the children, to discover the gold of the fools. We make ourselves the sandwiches and cakes, this year, one of our member made special cakes for kids.
  25. BionicNeko

    Shale/mudstone fossil or mineral?

    I am back with another one I cant quite work out! Being quite amateur I am still learning, so apologies if I'm mistaken on rock type etc. This was found on the jurassic coast of the UK, on the beach near Charmouth and is in shale/mudstone so already trying to break apart as you can see. I've been wondering if it's a sponge or root of some kind, or just mineral like pyrite as it has a goldy metallic sheen in some light, although it seems too brittle for that and has got what looks like more calci(?) layers when I look at the ends. Any help from all of you lovely lot would be greatly appreciated! Side note: if it is a fossil is there a good way to preserve these delicate shale ones to avoid the crumbling? I've been looking at the guides but there is so much information I might be tying myself in knots a little
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