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  1. RocksAndFossilsHunter

    What tooth is this?

    Found this in Indiana, but it came from a quarry. Anyone know what type of tooth it is?
  2. Hi, I am new to this forum and am excited to participate in many future discussions! I am not new to the fossil hunting hobby and has been participating in it for many years. But I mostly collect fossils in Utah. I recently gotten a grad gift to go up to Kemmerer Wy to dig in one of the quarries up there. I am very excited! But there is a slight problem though, there are so many quarries to choose from! There is a few that look really promising like American, Fossil Safari, or Ulrich. But I can't seem to make up my mind. I am planning to look for fossils all day or take their full day package. So I was wondering if you guys could help me. Which quarry would you recommend and why? Also do you have any tips when going up to any of these quarries looking for fossils? I hope this makes sense. I would appreciate any advice.
  3. Who do I call/email to get permission to go on the Mulbring Quarry site please inbox me with info who I can contact if any one knows. I’m only home in Newcastle for a week and would love to check this site out while I’m here thank you
  4. 10jwashford

    Anyone able to ID please? Thanks

    Hi, At Trefil quarry, Wales, I found these. They were found very close to one another. This site was a carboniferous coral reef. If anyone can ID, or point me in the right direction, it'd be much appreciated. Thanks!
  5. This is not about the identification of a fossil (it's an Asineopps squamifrons) but about the identification of a quarry unknown to me. I received two Asineops squamifrons from a friend, unfortunately without a location (he received it as a gift, the fish themselves are not very well prepped). What irritates me is that the rock doesn't look like Green River Formation at all - at least not like the rocks I have encountered in the quarries around Kemmerer. The rock is relatively fine-grained and very dark, almost black, and probably has a high organic content. The two Asineops in it also look almost charred. I've only dug once at Lake Gosiute sites (Currant Creek Ranch), but I don't know of any dark rock like this from there either. And it doesn't look like Farson either. I am at a bit of a loss. Can anyone give me a hint as to where this slab could be from?
  6. American paleontology hobbyist here, seeking wisdom from those of you outside the USA regarding amateur paleontology culture elsewhere. Call me crazy. I'm seeking your stories to use in a planned talk in a session advocating for amateur/hobbyist contributions to paleontology, at the North American Paleontological Convention in June. Which stories? Well, the ones that offer better ways that amateur/hobbyist paleontology can interface with professionals, academics, corporations, and governments. I want to hear about the ways in which differences in cultural or historical or legal framework in different countries have led to different/better relationships with amateur/hobbyist paleontology than we have in the USA. For example: How do municipalities, corporations, and universities regard their role in actively or passively facilitating access/opportunity/education for amateurs/hobbyists? How do states and universities regard hobbyist societies as knowledgeable partners in which to invest trust when it comes to approving outcrop access, amateur grants, etc.? What is the funding mechanism for efforts to keep fossil exposures fresh at designated fossil parks? Is there an amateur paleontology stewardship certification offered by the state, by the municipality, by the national society, by the local museum or university, or by individual quarries that lends meaningful weight when it comes to approving outcrop access, amateur grants, etc.? If you have some interesting answers—especially anecdotal answers—to these and related questions, I'd love to catch up with you for 20 minutes to discuss. Your responses are what will open up possibilities for fossil collectors here in the USA and elsewhere. Let's talk. To start the conversation, send me a DM. Or if you prefer to just leave your thoughts below, that's fine too. Thanks.
  7. Brazos Aaron

    Texas Tooth. Fish?

    Hi everyone. I'm looking to see if this tooth can be ID'd. Found in the limestone quarry where I work in Bosque County, Texas. It eroded out from a cut through Kiamichi and Duck Creek formations. Also found were several pycnodont and shark teeth. Size is 6mm.
  8. Hi there. I found this on a field trip to a private quarry in Midlothian , TX (just south of Dallas). It was in limestone / shale in the ATCO formation, where there’s lots of shark teeth and fish bones. I’m pretty sure it’s been compressed as most of the shark spines I’ve seen are much more round and this is pretty oval shaped. Does anyone have any guesses as to species? Thanks in advance!
  9. trilobites_are_awesome

    Pseudodechenella nodosa

    From the album: My trilobites

    A Pseudodechenella nodosa. From Rockport quarry MI. Self collected.
  10. trilobites_are_awesome

    Trilobite pygidium from Rockport quarry Alpena.

    I went to Rockport quarry in Michigan several times this year. And found this trilobite. A friend says it looks like Crassiproetus but i am not sure.... Thanks! In advance
  11. Me and the hubs are lucky enough to have gotten on the upcoming tour of the Thornton Quarry this Saturday!! Has anyone ever been? Any good tips or ideas! Thanks!
  12. minnbuckeye

    Maclurites Galore!!

    On Sunday, I took my once a year opportunity to get permission to enter a quarry that exposes the Galena, Ordovician rock of NE Iowa. The gentleman that owns the quarry enjoys the beer that I use as bargaining chips and it worked again!! As I approached the quarry, it became apparent that a new area was stripped of topsoil, leaving a flat bed of Stewartville Formation exposed for me to wander across. This formation is famous for the gastropod, Maclurites, which many local fossil hunters cherish such as @Bev, and it didn't disappoint. This was the easiest collecting I had done in awhile, just wandering across the exposed rock picking up it's treasures. Luck was with me last Sunday, in that this ledge was to be blasted the next day and ground into gravel! A few other gastropods were found as well as an occasional cephalopod. But the predominant fossil was that of the Maclurite. Here are just some of the loose ones found. I personally have a attraction to fossils left in matrix.
  13. Does anyone know how/where to get permission into mulbring quarry, NSW and if possible any contact information?
  14. SharkySarah

    Niagara Falls Rock Quarry

    Has anyone been to the Niagara Stone quarry (LaFarge)? I have permission to go collect there and am not sure what to expect as of genera and tools that would be useful. Feel free to PM me.
  15. I went fossil hunting at Tillywhandland quarry on Turin hill, Scotland today and found a complete Mesacanthus mitchelli fossil. It is probably the best one I have found yet. Both the head and tail are present. The head is so well preserved you can see both the gill rakers and eye socket.
  16. Shuo Wang

    About Vilpovitsy quarry

    Vilpovitsy quarry in St.Petersburg region of Russia is known for its trilobite fossils. Does anyone know what the coordinate (latitude and longitude) of Vilpovitsy quarry is?
  17. Germany is one of the top fossil-hunting destinations in Europe, having plenty of easy-to-access, highly productive localities that are visited every day by experienced collectors and families alike. The Swabian Jura (or Swabian Alb) region (southwestern Germany, near Stuttgart) has a highly significant geological heritage, which is part of the network of the UNESCO Global Geoparks since 2015. The most popular destination within the park is the area around the village of Holzmaden. In the early 20th century, several quarries dotted the area. Nowadays, the mining operations have almost completely ceased, but one or two of them can still be accessed, for instance the ‘Schieferbruch Ralf Kromer’ quarry, located in the neighboring village of Ohmden. By paying a 4 euros daily ticket, you can access the place (in our case even with the car) and collect fossils. You may keep everything you find, except for the highly unlikely case when you find something that is of scientific interest. The rock which is exploited is a finely laminated limestone, called Posidonia Shale. It has a dark colour, due to the high amount of organic matter and mineral oil. These rocks are Toarcian (Lower Jurassic, around 180 million years ago) in age. At the time a sea extended over the area, which was affected by a monsoon climate. During summer months, water stratification led to the bottom waters and sea floor being oxygen-free. As a result, bacteria and scavengers were absent: organic matter was very slowly decomposed and, if it was quickly covered by sediment washed in, it had a high chance of being preserved, turning with time into fossils. The taphonomic conditions explained above account for the often exceptional preservation of Holzmaden fossils. Several complete specimens of ichthyosaurs, plesiosaurs, thalattosuchians (so-called sea crocodiles) and fish are known. Flying reptiles and dinosaurs are extremely rare. Molluscs (bivalves, ammonites) and crinoids are very abundant, whereas arthropods and echinoderms are rare. _______________________________________ I visited the Swabian Alb Geopark in August 2022 with a friend (@Marcosaur) , stopping at the Kromer quarry for two days. Here follows a brief account of my experience: The Kromer quarry yields a very high number of ammonites, ranging in size from a few millimeters to 40 cm or even more. Brachiopods and bivalves are less common. Crinoids and fish are not preserved in the layers exposed in this quarry; disarticulated reptile bones (chiefly vertebrae) and teeth can be occasionally found and if you are extremely lucky, you may even find articulated specimens. First, here is a panoramic view of the quarry from near the entrance. The fossil-rich layers are best exposed at the opposite end, but, not knowing this, my friend and I began excavating in a different location. Soon, however, we realized that and we moved to a better site. At this point, things improved quickly. We could work on larger limestone surfaces, which split more easily, so that we could prevent the fossils from breaking. Here you can see a panoramic of the quarry from above: View of our definitive excavation site; most of the large slabs lying on the ground were packed with fossils: Ammonites were extremely abundant and they made up more than 90% of the fossils that we found. They are always flattened and pyritized, thus being golden yellow in colour. When you split a rock, you get part and counterpart. Three genera are predominant in the Kromer quarry: Dactylioceras, Lytoceras and Harpoceras. The former attains small to medium size, whereas the other two are represented by large specimens. A slab could preserve countless Dactylioceras shells on its surface, making the slab itself almost completely yellow and shining, a delight to behold! We recovered two or three Harpoceras specimens, 20 to 25 cm in size. We didn’t find any Lytoceras, only fragments; however, other people working next to us did find some and they were massive, more than 30 cm in size! Here you can see several Dactylioceras specimens: And here a massive slab, fully covered by countless Dactylioceras! Bivalves and brachiopods are usually not pyritized and dark in colour, thus being less easy to spot on the slab surface. We recovered only a handful of them, but they were quite well preserved. Unfortunately, we didn’t find any vertebrate fossil and, as far as we know, neither did any other people working during the two days that we were there. If they had, the news would have spread pretty quickly! The limestone is quite hard and it often doesn’t break along a line. The thicker the rock, the easier it can be split in flat surfaces, revealing part and counterpart of the fossil specimens. When working with large slabs, a crowbar is essential. It was by lifting such a heavy slab that we saw before our eyes a complete Harpoceras: it was our best find and we committed not to break it, by carving out a slab that we could then lift and put aside. Soon we exposed another specimen right next to it. Here you can see how that looked: Two other Harpoceras ammonites: Another Harpoceras, this time a counterpart: To sum up, this two-days trip in the Kromer quarry was highly succesfull and rewarding, despite a slow start in the first day and the hot temperatures. The trunk of the car was fully loaded by the end of the second day! I highly suggest to anyone visiting southern Germany to stop at this place, you won't be disappointed. Besides, you can then visit the impressive UrweltMuseum Hauff in Holzmaden, where many wonderful fossils are on display. I will upload a post about my visit to the museum soon. Last thing, my friend and I recorded a short video (in two parts) at the quarry, where we kept track of our progress and finds. The dialogues are in Italian only, but I guess that you could let the fossils speak for themselves! Here it is - Part 1: - Part 2: If you want further information, here are two useful links: - Website of the quarry: http://www.schieferbruch-kromer.de/ - Overview of the Posidonia shale: http://www.holzmaden.com/Holzmaden_fossils_informations.html Thank you for the attention, Italo40
  18. Mortaljam

    Possible Sea Scorpion?

    This fossil was found in a quarry up in the Bruce peninsula area near lions h ead by a friend of my dads, just curious if its possibly a sea scorpion. Thanks in advance for any info.
  19. Chichixix

    Another Quarry Find

    Found another cool piece at work today- is it anything special? It came out of a load of rubble from the Milton Quarry, in Milton, Ontario.
  20. Had a good time with my club yesterday when down at Batesford Quarry and got a nice haul for a first time down there. Not to many larger shark teeth in the piles but there were millions of regular fossils (mostly spines) but always a welcome sight to behold either way
  21. Jlorenzen

    Any ideas on this find?

    My brother works at a rock quarry in Eastern Iowa and recently uncovered this fossil in limestone at a depth of 200 feet! It does appear to be hollow. This is a very heavy piece of limestone sitting against the tailgate of a truck for scale. Any input would be appreciated. Thank you!!
  22. sweeneyb

    NC Quarry Access?

    I haven’t been active on here in years and caught the hunting bug again after moving back to NC. I used to hunt the Castle Hayne and Belgrade Quarry in NC when they had it open to hunters. Does anyone know if they still allow hunters or are the quarries in NC closed now?
  23. RuMert

    Ammonite quarry

    Hi all! This is a small trip report from a quarry by the town of Mikhaylov, Ryzan Oblast, situated in 200 km from Moscow. The place is very well known among the public interested in fossils, especially ammonite collectors. There are 4 quarries in a tight group, operated by different companies. Mikhaylov quarry is the most famous of them. The experience is very similar to that of other Callovian - Oxfordian quarries (in my previous reports), but ammonites suddenly take the place of gastropods! Pretty exciting, isn't it? Unfortunately there are not many spoil piles as Jurassic overburden is also used in production and taken to the plant. Another difference is that the site is overwhelmingly Callovian with little Oxfordian part. The ammonites are pyritized. What we see is usually the center of big specimens and small ones, large complete ammonites are preserved as imprints. We had prominent paleontologists in our group and the permission to visit most of the quarry. This trip took place in summer.
  24. I was lucky enough to be invited on a hunt to a southeastern North Carolina quarry for yesterday. This quarry contains exposures of the Eocene Castle Hayne formation and the Cretaceous PeeDee formation. The quarry had not been hunted at all since late April / early may, so with all of the rain we have had over the summer and from the recent Hurricane, I wa pumped to get in there. It was a small group of people, only 8 of us, but all experienced quarry hunters. After arriving and filling out all the necessary paperwork we headed to the first area around 8:30. This area was a small section in an old part of the quarry that contained a small but very good section of Eocene material. We decided to stay there until 11 and then move to another area. Well the finds here were awesome. Several very rare varieties of echinoids were found by several of us along with the usual common ones. Bivalves, gastropod molds and brachiopods were also found. There were also a few nice nautaloids found. But, no teeth. However with the amount and variety of other things that was fine with all of us. No one left to head to the second area unhappy. We arrives at the second area around 11:30 and headed straight to an exposure of PeeDee sand. For those of you who remember the posts a few years ago about the "Big Hole" by FossilFoilist, this is the exact same type of exposure. Echinoids and oysters galore. Many of us left from there and continued hunting Cretaceous piles, while others went in search of Eocene material. It was really a fantastic day. One of my best ever at this quarry, and I'm sure a few of the others also. Some of the items found ( sorry I dont have pictures of the others finds) were, Eocene echinoids ...... Echinolampas appendiculatta, Rhyncholampas carolinensis, rare Eupatagus wilsoni, rare Linthia hanoverensis, rare Agassizia inflata, very uncommon Maretia subrostrata, uncommon Linthia wilmingtonensis, Eurhodia rugosa ideali and depressa and a very nice Coelopleurus carolinensis. On the Cretaceous side I would guess there were over 100 Hardouinia mortonis found along with over 30 of the rare Hardouinia kellumi also. There were also a few Hardouinia mortonis emmonsi found, this is a subspecies of the H. mortonis with a higher dome, looks more conical. But the truly best finds of the day were 3 complete and one partial Phymotaxis tournoueri with attached spines. There was also an amazing Enchodus ferox tooth found, it was over 3" and an amazing and extra large Squalicorax pristodontus. lso C. auriculatus but none in great shape. All of my cleaned finds finds on my drying table.
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