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  1. Hello, I saw this fully rooted moroccan Spinosaurus tooth for sale today, and wondered if the root is genuine, as most of them are fakes or reconstructed. Its 6,2 cm long, has a good price for wich I wouldnt mind adding it to my collection. The label says everything. @JorisVV, @Phos_01
  2. Hello I didn t even know this hobby was possible and that cheaper fossils exist. I studied how to recognise authentic fossils over the internet but really am not even a beginner. I am really enthused about discovering this but I don t want to believe this fossil is ancient when it s actually made from bath salts and tile glue. I want to know if these specimens are authentic or if they are fake, what part of them is fake if they are not entirely fake. Also, if anyone can recommend some european stores (if it s not allowed to post them here, maybe dm is allowed?) where it is reliable to buy authentic fossils or have a proven record of being trustworthy...:D Link on imgur: https://imgur.com/a/TLIEiiQ Some images suffered from compression, if they are not detailed enough or need more photos please tell me Thanks a lot!
  3. Ok before I get laughed off the forum, I have to state that I purchased this not knowing if it was real but loving it for the aesthetic factor. Been a long time beachcomber/shell collector and as a result have found some sea fossils over the years, like shark's teeth and fossil shells. I do not know anything about ammonites. I bought this at a store that specializes in home décor and often has a mish mash of imported items. I have seen real shells there as well as agate décor items. I basically love anything with a seashell or sea fossil on it, real or not! Began to look at rough fossil ammonites on line and really can't determine how to tell difference. I do not see any holes in this one produced by air bubbles, which was one thing to look for. I smelled it and I get a clay smell. Have done pottery with clay so I know the smell. It measures about 7" x 7" widest part and about 2 5/8" deep. Weighs 5 lbs 15.9 ounces. I know this came wrapped in plastic with an "India" stamp on plastic before they unwrapped to sell. So you ammonite experts have a go at it and tell me what you see! I love to learn!
  4. Hello, I saw some nice looking teeth on an auction today and wondered how many of them are real or have restorations. First are the Isalo IIIb teeth. Undescribed Megalosaurid : 1 2 3 4 Undescribed Ceratosaurid tooth : Archaeodontosaurus tooth : And at last, the Spinosaurus tooth :
  5. Hello, I saw this weird looking moroccan Pterosaur claw on auction today and wondered how much of it is real or not. It looks like if there was something done, but I dont know what or how much. Any help is appreciated !
  6. Hello, I saw this moroccan Spinosaurus claw on auction today and wondered If its real or fake. Its 7,5 cm in length, and I think its real, as I dont see any evidence of it beeing one. It apparently is from the moroccan Kemkem beds. @Phos_01 @JorisVV
  7. Hello, I saw these moroccan Spinosaurus toe bones on auction today and wondered If they are real or not. They look pretty good and real, but before I should bid on them, I better have it confirmed or debunked. @Phos_01 1 2
  8. Hello! I’m looking for some validation on this trilobite. I didn’t see anything that screamed fake but would also like to know for sure. Thank you!
  9. Hi everyone. I am following this auction from a relatively popular seller. Most of their listings seem totally legit to me, based on my limited knowledge on trilobites and replicas. Nonetheless, this one threw me off a little bit. I think it is the aspect of the trilobites that looks too similar to the “casts” that I have learned to recognize. I don’t want to influence your opinion so I will share my specific concerns in a later comment. But I would like to know what you think on the authenticity of these. Some more info provided by the seller: TRILOBITE Foulonia sp.-Location - Ouled Slimane, South Morocco -Age - Lower Ordovician (~479 Million Years) -Size of trilobite - 56x52mm max
  10. Hello, I was scrolling throug some already sold pieces on our favourite online auction site today and came across this completly weird looking mongolian pterosaur. I wondered if its real or not, but I hope it is ! Let me just say, this thing, or a brandnew VW Polo... The head looks carved, the claws look weird, and the ribs look so "stiff", so I have my doubts on it Whats your opinion on this piece ?
  11. Hi can anyone tell if this is real or fake? Information provided about the item: Oviraptor egg. Species name is Citipati. The eggshell is mostly complete - about 80%.
  12. Hello everyone! I found this psittacosaurus leg for sale. It was found in Lianoing, Yixian formation. Is the fossil real? Any help would be appreciated.
  13. Hello, I saw this Compsongnathid claw for sale today and wondered If its real or fake or real but modern. No formation was named, but it has its origin in northeastern China and is about 145 million years old. Does somebody know a Formation which matches the location and age, if yes, which species have been fiund there ? Thanks for any help ! Its one centimeter in lenght
  14. 12.4 pounds in weight. Was given to me a few years ago and have been curious to know if it is the real deal.
  15. Hello, I saw this Spinosaurus tooth on auction today and wondered If there are any signs of repairs on it that might end my decision buying it, if I wont find anything at the Hamburg fossil and mineral convention on Saturday. I quite like this tooth, its big, chunky, got some nice colours, and I love the overall look of it. Its not perfect, there are some small, not glued or repaired cracks that appear to have formed during the fossil forming procces. Sice : 11,2 cm Formation : Kemkem beds, morocco @Phos_01, @North, @FB003, @jpc, @JorisVV
  16. Hello, I saw this rooted moroccan Spinosaurus tooth with root on auction today and wondered how much of it is real. It appears like its real, but was glued back together multiple times pretty badly. Should I avoid it ?
  17. Hello, I saw this Spinosaurus tooth on auction today and wondered If the root on it is real, fake, or composite. Looks definetly weird, if there was a big area filled with plaster or something like that. But like if there was also some pieces of real bone used in it. Avoid, or not avoid, thats the question here...
  18. I bought a ton of ammonites (think they are perisphinctes from Madagascar) from a salesman. He gifted me this small trilobite. Heard it might be a cast due to the small holes you can see. And I've seen this kind of trilobites from reputable sellers in my country so I'm not sure! Any help is appreciated!
  19. Hello, I saw this Discosauriscus pulcherrimus on auction today and wondered if its real, partially reconstructed, or completly fake. If I wont find anything for my collection on a fossil and mineral convention this week, I plan on bidding for it, as one of them is still missing in my collection... The head looks a bit weird, maybe a bit crushed sideways or repaired, as im not seeing the typical growth lines and seperate bones of the skull. Or maybe its just bad preserved I dont know, ribs, chest area look fine to me, but im a bit concerned about the back legs. They look like if they were carved or formed or reconstructed, maybe some good ol grinder preparation was done on them. Let me know what you think about this one, if I should think twice about buyind it, or staying completly away from it. Its apparently from Letovice, Czechia, was found in 1993 according to the label on the back, and is from the permian.
  20. Hello, I saw this turtle fossil on auction today and wondered If its real or not. It looks weird and it was placed in an extra matrix which I only know was used on some pieces from Messel. The turtle is apparently 47 million years old and from western europe and an "Allaeochelys". @oilshale, do you have an idea and opinion on this ? Its 35 cm long and 21 cm wide.
  21. I am new to this website and need help verifying if these teeth are real, i came across these 2 listings on online auction site and they both look real, however both are about [[rice redacted] which seem cheap, have a no return policy, and from what ive seen online auction site does not allow the selling of real lion teeth. Please help me decide if they are real or fake! Second tooth
  22. Hello, I saw this Dragonfly from Solnhofen for sale today and wondered If its real or painted, as it has only two wings (I remember that Dragonflys have normally four and not a set of horns) and it appears to bend with the rock underneath. Its also only one picture to maybe hide some details, so im pretty sure its fake. Sice : 7,5×14 cm @oilshale, @rocket, @Ludwigia
  23. Hello everyone, Im planning to buy this phalange supposedly from brachiosaurus. I asked the seller how it ended up being identified as a brachiosaurus and he said that it's because it was found in a digsite where there was nothing found there beside 2 partial brachiosaurus skeleton. This fossil was found in the morrison formation size= 6 inch wide 6 inch long 5 inch at the tallest point weights around 24 lbs/11kg
  24. Hello, Im really interested in bidding for this Barasaurus besairiei , but before I try this and maybe win a fake or heavily restored and painted one, I wanted to share it here to hear your opinions. Its from the Sankamena formation, 24 cm in lenght.
  25. Hello, I saw this Spinosaurus claw on auction today and wanted to know if its partially real or a complete fabrication. Sice : 5,2 inch It was apparently found in the Kemkem beds, morocco. @Phos_01
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