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Found 15 results

  1. AlexamenosWHG

    Are these Trilobites Reedops?

    Hello friends! I feel kinda bad just asking questions and not adding up on any other topic, I'm still learning a lot. Thing is, these two Moroccan trilobites were sold to me as Reedops. I can hardly identify Gerastos tuberculatus meaning these two pals are kinda hard for me. I know macro photos are more a nuisance than helpful most of the time so I'm sorry in advance! Trilobite A: Trilobite B
  2. HI! I think this is Reedops pembertoni. Is this right? Pygidium is looks like Reedops, and eye facet is similar Reedops pembertoni. But I'm not sure..
  3. Tidgy's Dad

    Adam's Early / Lower Devonian

    The Devonian period is known as "The Age of Fish", but could also be known as "The Age of Brachiopods." In the Early / Lower Devonian, brachiopods reached the height of their diversity towards its end in the Emsian. We see the ancestral groups occurring, lingulids, craniids, orthids, protorthids, pentamerids, rhynchonellids and strophomenids, as well as the later successful groups we have seen before such as atrypids, athyrids and orthotetids, plus the rise of spiriferids, spiriferinids and productids and the beginning of the terebratulids. By the end of the Devonian , several of these groups are extinct or severely reduced in importance and brachiopods never quite recover. Also, the Devonian is the last time we see trilobites with such variation, large sizes and numbers and orthocerids too are much more uncommon after the rise of the goniatites. The massive tabulate coral reefs also disappear after the Devonian. Fascinating period and I hope to share some of its wonders with you. Equally, a lot of this is rather new to me, so I would be very grateful for any assistance, corrections or further information on my specimens. Thank you. The Early Devonian epoch is split into three stages, so let's start with the first of those, the Lochkovian, that began about 419 mya and finished roughly 411 mya. I have been sent a nice selection of brachiopods from the Kalkberg Formation, Helderberg Group by the Mighty @Misha, mostly. But the kind gentleperson also sent me this fascinating little bryozoan hash : It is dominated by fenestellids, which is usually the case in the Devonian, but other orders sill occur. These ones, I think, are Fenestella, but there are so many species in the formation that I wont take a guess as to species : Not sure what this one is ;
  4. This reedops from Jebel Oufatene, Morocco. I think it is not bronni, cephalotes, pembertoni. What is this?? Please classify this Reedops... thank you...
  5. I came across a couple of trilobites that have been prepped to the extreme. Except for a ventral "support bar", the matrix has been completely removed. Perhaps Hollardops and Reedops have some unusual characteristic to their skins to withstand the double-sided treatment. Light on the other side of the carapace will shine through at the thinnest sections. Makes for a cool display! Here are the Hollardops pics.
  6. Hello, I am very interested in collecting trilobites and so far I nearly have one from every order (except Agnostia and a questionable Redlichiid), but though I feel I am fairly knowledgable on them overall, I am embarrassed I cannot tell the difference between species such as Phacops, Reedops, Adrisiops, Drotops, Morocops, Austerops, and Chotecops. Species like Hollarops or Morocconites are easy to tell because they have the spines or spikes though their body looks very similar. Usually when I buy trilobites they are labelled but the ones I have gotten as gifts or from rock shops are generally unlabelled. Some are easy to tell due to context (Chotecops are generally preserved in pyrite, Drotops generally being huge,) but Phacops and Reedops?! To me, they look identical, and I've heard the best way to see is counting eye facets, but several of mine have only poorly preserved or partial eyes. I also recently acquired a pair of labelled Adrisiops and I heard that they are referred to as a 'smiley Phacops' but I am not sure where that comes from. I also think the Proetid Gerastos looks quite superficially similar to all of these species, especially when poorly preserved, but I think I can tell that one apart due to it's smaller eyes and different glabella. On top of that, I am very concerned I have some fakes from the time when I was younger and did not know very much about looking for casts or composites and those can have all kinds of crazy things going on that are not in 'real' trilobites. I will try to factor out the suspicious trilobites when comparing my collection. Are there any other context clues or morphology I can look for on these similar species? Comparison photos would be nice to see the visual differences if there are any! Thank you to anyone who helps!
  7. RobFallen

    Reedops Trilobite

    From the album: Robs Fossil Collection

    Reedops Trilobite from the Atlas Mountains, Morocco. Devonian Age, approx. 390 Million Years Trilo size approx 3cm x 2cm
  8. Crankyjob21


    From the album: Cranky’s album of fossils

    A trilobite belonging to the genus Reedops, and was found in the Lhandar formation, in Atchana, Morocco. Also it is dated to the pragian stage of the lower Devonian.
  9. What is the difference between Reedops cephalotes and Reedops maurulus?Looks the same to me.
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