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  1. Hi, I’m new here! So I recently won an auction for what is easily the most charismatic fossil in my small collection: a nearly complete scapula of an adult hadrosaur (edmontosaurus?) from Hell Creek. (with PNSO corythosaurus for scale) I’ve never had a fossil anywhere near as big or fragile as this one, and I’d like to learn how best to take care of it. It was reassembled and gap-filled/restored with a gray adhesive and a white putty (epoxy?). The putty was concealed with brown acrylic paint. It doesn’t look like there’s any protective coating. (I’ve asked the seller if they can tell me what products were used for prep. They said they’d look into it.) Most of the middle area here is restored. As sold, the scapula was in two pieces. I’m not inclined to try to reconnect them because (1) the fossil is easier to move in two pieces and (2) it looks like they may not connect properly anyway because a piece of the distal blade didn’t fully lock in during reassembly. The break During shipping, a piece of the glenoid and a small chunk of the distal blade re-broke. Glenoid piece with gray adhesive Distal blade piece The preparer covered some areas of natural bone with acrylic paint in an attempt to make the restored areas blend in. I would rather the restorations be visually distinct from natural bone and I hate seeing paint on bone, so I tried removing some of the paint with a Q-tip soaked in isopropyl alcohol. That seems to work well without any harm to the bone, as far as I can tell. Restored areas with smeared paint Finally, although most of the fossil seems reasonably sturdy as restored, the crumbly bits at the end of the distal blade are really spongy and fragile and I think a consolidant and/or coating might be desirable. Crumbly bits and smeared paint I don’t want to attempt anything super complicated, but I’m thinking about doing the following: -Reattach glenoid and distal blade pieces with superglue gel -Consolidate end of distal blade with low-viscosity superglue or Butvar -Using rubbing alcohol and cotton swabs, continue to slowly remove acrylic paint smears until it looks “good enough” -Give the whole thing a protective matte or low-sheen coating (Butvar?) Is any (or all) of the above too risky for a beginner to attempt on a piece like this? Any recommendations, things you would do differently?
  2. Good day. My name is Nicole and am looking for help to find a place in the world who fixes and/or cuts Ammonites in 2 halves. The thing is, I bought my husband, who is a natural science teacher, a beautiful Ammonite Fossil. Only at home I realised someone must have dropped it, because it has a crack on its shell. I don't want to take it back to the shop because apart from the small crack it's beautiful. I would also love to cut it in 2 halves to see the chambers inside. Is there please a place in the world where I can mail the Ammonite, and they can somehow fix and cut it in halves? I am based in Europe but will accept whatever is available. Thanks a ton Nicole
  3. Heres how I prepare Paraloid b-72 for use as an adhesive and consolidant. Generally I use the approximate mixing ratios shown below which have been taken from a paper written by Amy Davidson and Gregory W. Brown called Paraloid b-72: Practical tips for the vertebrate fossil preparator, which can be found here: https://www.academia.edu/1237393/Paraloid_B-72_Practical_Tips_for_the_Vertebrate_Fossil_Preparator Approximate mixing ratios: Paraloid ratios.tiff However, if you want to create a solution of a known weight by volume percentage such as 20% (w/v) theres a trick. Since weight by volume solutions are worked out as the mass of the solid in the final volume of the solution, you need to know the volume of your final solution. For example if you had a 100ml bottle that you want to fill with a 20(w/v) solution of Paraloid what you would do is: 1) fill the bottle with 100ml of liquid. 2) mark on the bottle where the top of the liquid is. 3) weigh out the amount of Paraloid, which in this case would be 20g = (20/100)x(100 mL) as Mass of Paraloid = (Percentage of solution/100)x( final volume of the solution). 4) add the Paraloid to the bottle and fill with the solvent (acetone in this case) up to the 100ml mark. Say you wanted to make 2 litres of a 5% solution of Paraloid. You would follow the above steps replacing the 100ml with 2000ml = 2 litres. The mass of Paraloid would be (5/100)x(2000) = 100g. Note: it is important to keep you units consistent so if your volume is in mL your mass will be in grams. If your volume is in litres your mass will be in kilograms. Another form of concentration is a weight/ weight percentage, which is the percent by mass of the final solution where: Concentration of solution %(w/w) = (mass of solute)/(mass of final solution) This is a bit more complicated as you don't know how much volume of solvent to add or what the final volume would be. This technique is usually used to make big batches of the solution and is probably not all that useful for the weekend warrior. Hope this helps someone.
  4. Can someone recommend a repair for this specimen? It's a 16" Mioplosus I picked up early eighties in Ulrichs Gallery basement. I prepped it and attached it to a 3/4" plywood base but it cracked a few years back. The crack in the bottom left side isn't bad in the pic but it doesn't look great live. I have been trying to match up putty but can't seem to get it right. Any suggestions? Thanks. Mioplosus .pdf
  5. Pixpaleosky

    Repair green river slab

    I broke a large green river slab with fishes. Fortunately there are no small pieces. Which glue do you suggest to make it one piece again ?
  6. With the Keicho now on its way to us, and approved by you, the next item in the lady's wish list is a Megalodon tooth. I have been scrupolously following the discussions here, and beyond the identification of blatant forgeries and manipulations, there seems to be a variety of opinions as to the amount of repair/reconstruction that could be regarded as acceptable, particularly as regards the root. My personal preference is, I would focus attention on the integrity of the blade (enamel, serrated edges), then on size and then on color, and if these aspects are OK I would be be willing to accept a fair amount of root erosion or repair (but not total falsification) - although I'm not completely clear as to whether erosion is preferable to repair, or the other way round. Of course a perfect. very large blade with intact roor would be preferable, but such a combination would push the price beyond my reach. Plase take a look at this West Java thing. It is rather large (13.5cm) and I find it appealing, even though the root looks weird even to me. What would you suggest? Worth pursuing (within reasonable price limits) or to be ignored?
  7. Hello,there I Spinosaurus tooth that has no repair or restor as mentioned in the introduction, with a crack. After receiving it, I found that the crack was continuous and it seemed entirely possible that it was broken. Later, I used acetone to wipe the cracks, and the cracks showed white dentin. After thorough wiping, the teeth did not break (acetone removed the glue). I want to know if this tooth has repaired crack? How can a complete crack appear without breaking? Thank you for any viewpoints.
  8. I'm taking a feather from @Nimravis and starting a thread about repairing Mazon Creek fossils. I use the freeze/thaw method, but I do tap them lightly once in a while. That usually isn't what causes concretions to fall apart. Water creeping into the rock finds all the weak spots and sometimes a concretion basically shatters. Some localities are have hardier concretion than others. I have found that Pit 2, 3, and 4 have great preservation, but Shadow Lakes isn't referred to as Shatter Lakes for nothing. Super glue is nice, but I generally use Elmer's Glue as you can easily dissolve the glue in water and try again. Here is the first installment... a Macroneuropteris scheuchzeri from Pit 3. Collected last year during the construction on IL 129, but opened this year via freeze/thaw. I used Elmer's Glue on this one. Cheers, Rich
  9. Dear Forum, I just joined because I need your help and suggestions how to fix a crack in a fossil bone. The bones were glued together with some sort of Epoxy glue but you still see the crack. Is there any way to "beautify" the break so that you can't see the crack anymore, or at least not as easily? Please see attached file for the crack. Maybe fill up the crack with Epoxy too? Thanks to you all :)
  10. I wish this was a post to celebrate an incredible accomplishment but instead I am extremely scared that through my potential carelessness, the likely greatest find of my life may be forever changed. I just a few days ago on 6/6 found this stingray fossil at American Fossil Quarry in Wyoming just and was able to keep it because it was at that location. I have been on a road trip and have been storing it in a plastic tote bin with bubble wrap and then fish fossils underneath wrapped in paper towel. I took the lid off for a prolonged period to air out the bin and I think this was a grave mistake and let in humidity. The paper towel was all heavily damp and many of the fish fossils had very obvious signs of mold/mildew growth and discoloration. And now I fear the stingray may show some as well. I desperately need advice on repair and preservation asap. I really need help trying to fix this mess as I’m still on the road for another week. It may not be super obvious in the images but it is the areas that appear a grayish color in contrast to the orangeish brown. The last image is the closest picture I took on the day it was found to show any potential change. This was a lifetime find and I will be crushed if I’ve caused irreparable damage. Please help. Any advice in repair and preservation is greatly appreciated. And I’m sorry to all those that see this and are disappointed in the poor handling of this rare piece, I’m more than disappointed in myself if things are what they seem. And if by a miracle the stingray is perfectly fine then any advice on the fish fossils would be great.
  11. Is there a tutorial or a video showing how to repair Megalodon tooth enamel? Is anyone aware of a repair service?
  12. Tales From the Shale

    Tooth Split Repair

    I've got a small horse tooth from the Peace River near Wachula. It's got a big split down the middle and seems to be only getting worse. I submerged it in an unknown higher concentrate of paraloid-b72. Do you guys reckon that will be enough to halt the split? It was a deep split nearly separating it in half. I submerged the tooth for a few minutes in solution to completely saturate the tooth.
  13. Our mammoth tusk fell off its pedestal and broke apart. It’s a complex break, so I don’t feel confident trying to do it myself. Is there a reputable fossil repair shop I can hire to fix it?
  14. Looking to purchase this pair of ammonites from Madagascar but was wondering if they’re really 100% natural or potentially repaired from pieces of different ammonites. I can’t really tell but the back looked questionable!
  15. Good morning all, unfortunately yesterday my Carcharodontosaurus tooth broke in half. It broke when I put the tooth in it´s Riker box and the glass pressed on the tooth. I have not been able to sleep all night. Please, can you tell me which product to use to fill the fracture? See attached photos.
  16. Hi everyone! I just got a 20" mosasaur (Prognathodon?) jaw piece in the mail, and unfortunately it was split into 3 pieces. Fortunately, the breaks are fairly clean, with a few small fragments broken off, and the pieces fit right back together. If anyone has experience with this sort of thing, what kind of glue do you think will work the best, and what application method would you use?
  17. I saw this tooth for sale and it looks like it has restoration on the yellow batches, however seller strongly believes there are no repairs nor restorations, want opinions on whether you think it has restoration.
  18. Tales From the Shale

    Actinoceras Scuff Repair

    I was prepping this Actinoceras out of limestone, and accidentally must have hit the phragmocone a few times too many when removing the matrix. Is there any way to try to minimize or fix the white scuff marks? I used a PA6-GF33 Dremel Engraver. It wasn't touchless( I know I probably should acquire air tools) so I scratched the specimen. It was almost entirely covered save for a tiny sliver. I put alot of hours into it and would like it to look the best I can. Any advice helps. Its from the Carter's Limestone from Nashville. Approx 438 mya Ordovician
  19. Kurvinosaurus

    Any repair or restoration?

    Hello! I was just wondering if this mosasaur tooth looks like it had any repair or restoration done to it. The tip is darker and in some angles it maybe looks repaired. But then it also maybe just looks like different degrees of enamel wear. Thanks for your help! Kevin
  20. Hi! I'm looking for advice. I found this fossil yesterday and like so many others I find it's on an unstable piece and has a major crack through it. I'd hate to coat it with anything as I prefer to keep things natural. Yet I'm also worried that it might just fall apart on its own or from handling. What's my best course of action? Any advice/help is appreciated.
  21. JM260676

    Megalodon repair

    I need some help. So I have a megalodon tooth that I accidentally dropped and the enamel started flaking off. I had applied some super glue and when I added some, it dripped down. I tried washing it off but it left a white crust and I was thinking about using some acetone but I think it might damage the enamel itself. What can I do.
  22. This 2" claw arrived in the mail broken, unfortunately. The seller has offered to either refund me in full or give me a discount if I decide to repair it myself. In this case, what's my best option here? Regarding repair, is there a certain type of paleobond that would work best? I'm worried about the interior because it's basically that Moroccan sandy stuff and it's very unstable. I do currently have PB750 on hand.
  23. The image I attached is a Drotops armatus specimen I just acquired. I recently started collecting trilobites again and eventually would like to get into prepping. The Drotops has all of its spines on that side of it's shell broken off into the still negative of the matrix. Fragments of the body of the shell and part of the head. What would be the best way to repair it to prepare for prep. I don't plan on working on this for a while, until I get more practice in.
  24. Hi i just came aross this claw from kem kem basin . seller claimed to be no repair/restoration Look pretty nice to me . what do you think ? any repair or restoration ? any red frag ? thank in advance ! Gun
  25. Sjfriend

    Latham Shale Slab Repair

    Found on my last trip to the Marble Mountains Latham Shale. I found this when just a little bit was sticking out of the hillside surface. Took me most of a day to extract. As you can see, it didn't as they say "come quietly" I used a couple little tubes of super glue to hold it together as much as possible before extracting it but it still came out in more then a few pieces I spent about a week getting it back together as much as possible (I mean really, who doesn't have some bolts and screws left over when putting their car back together ) I have a lot more advanced prep to look forward to (scribe and abrasion). That will be much further down the road as I'm just getting that set up going and will be a long time before I'm going to be comfortable enough to tackle something like this. Mostly what is found are a few scattered cephalons and a rare complete trilobite once in a while. This slab happens to contain 31 cephalons (from partials, partially buried and complete) and 1 partially buried complete. Plus 1 I have no idea? When I get better photos of that I'll post for ID help. So, the photos follow the order from in-situ find to finished. I finished it as 2 large parts instead of 1 bigger piece. A little extra item in the upper right corner.... my Secret Santa gift waiting for me to open on Christmas Eve Here is the 1 partially buried complete. I think it's an upside down Olenellus clarki This was the most repair by far I've ever had to do. Now, in the distant future I'll start the harder prep to finish it off
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