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Found 14 results

  1. Othniel C. Marsh

    Riker Boxes in the UK

    Hallo I am looking to start transferring some of my fossils into Riker boxes. However, it appears they are hard to come by in the UK and the shipping from the US and EU is much too high. From what I can gather the principal source of Riker boxes in the UK is a website called "Just In Case" but this website appears to no longer exist as it doesn't show up when searched for and any direct links lead to a server timeout. Would any of you be able to recommend a UK site for Rikers?
  2. I have searched the site and had a read of a few threads regarding Riker boxes in the UK dating back to 2017. I have dealt with Just in case for a few years now and they have decided to call it a day since the increase in shipping costs recently. They might start up again if the costs come down. So this leaves me a problem as I sell all my fossil teeth etc in Riker boxes, I bought all his remaining stock but that wont last long! Did anyone in the UK have any luck with finding a supplier? I might end up going down the import route, if so I will have an ask around on here to see if I can get sizes that would be helpful to UK people on here and see if it might be viable to help everyone out at cost price. I have spoken to Riker direct and they pointed me to their online site for overseas but on their online it comes out to roughly £9 for a small one (120, 4x3 inches)which is stupidly high, so I will see what I can work out!
  3. ThePhysicist

    Modern species shark tooth display

    From the album: Sharks

    I ran out of room in the other display, so I split the collection into extinct/extant species. I probably still need another riker! For scale, the big great white tooth is about 2 1/4" slant height. In red are species that are endangered or critically endangered. The only teeth I regret having are the modern Makos, I had gotten them for comparative reasons (both are anterior, left is upper, right is lower). The fossil Mako is actually an I. desori (a big one!), but I included it since it's so morphologically similar to the extant species, and a few people would say they're synonymous. Species included (obviously will grow): Alopias superscilliousus Alopias cf. vulpinus Sphyrna zygaena Sphyrna mokarran Carcharhinus obscurus Carcharhinus plumbeus Carcharhinus brachyurus Carcharhinus falciformis Carcharhinus leucas Carcharodon carcharias Carcharias taurus Galeocerdo cuvier Isurus oxyrhinchus Lamna nasus Negaprion brevirostris Rhincodon cf. typus
  4. hokietech96

    My 1st Riker Display

    I had to post my first riker display that made for my collection. It’s amazing to think, a little over a year ago I was throwing the teeth I collected in to a glass jar. Thanks to everyone at TFF, I have come a long way in my addiction. A couple teeth came from @Praefectus and the rest I purchased over the COVID months. I was extremely fortunate to have won a contest that Doren (Caldigger) was running. The prize is the first tooth top left.
  5. I never had a need for Riker flexible display case's, & still could do without. Though 1 item may look nicer in the display case, let alone save time or prevent the dust cleaning of it. I have a modern day nautilus shell cut into 3 - middle section cut out = left side, middle, right side. So I can display all at once the outside shell, the inner middle, and the insides up against the outer shell. Since the shell is fragile, glass is out of the question. I've did a quick search & I have not found any rectangle display cases that offer plastic film vs glass & be viewed from both sides. Which also the glass versions don't look like you're able to look at the item from both sides, they have a backing or ? or I may be wrong I don't know. Though I would like to be able to just flip if want to, to see both sides of the shells. Now the size I would need, maybe more for the extra distance from item to edging of case ? 13" width x 6" height x 1.25" thick If I can't find something like that I may need to do separated into 3 case's which are not as nice. If so 4.5" width x 6" height x 1.25" thick Any ideas, does someone make a item this size in flexible display ?
  6. LiamL

    Display Boxes

    I'm looking at getting some riker type boxes to display some of my smaller fossils. I've looked for the riker boxes online but shipping to England is expensive. As i've never had one before would this alternative do the trick? If not would love if someone could point me in the right direction. Thanks Liam
  7. Wolf89

    Rikers display

    How do I keep shark teeth pressed up to the glass of a Riker case? They all fall all over the place, when I pick it up
  8. Miocene_Mason

    Brownies riker

    I could be doing other things, but it’s the first weekday off school, and I wanted to do something Fossil related. So, I took some of the my favorite self-collected brownies teeth and put them into a riker. The riker originally held a composite Carcharodontosaurus, which meant a lot of empty space, so I moved it into storage until I can get a better case for it. So what do you guys think? key: Top row-Hemis, including a patho, a white one, and a lighting struck one middle group: Cows, all Bluntnose sevengill (Notorynchus Primigenus/cepedianus) , including my symphyseal. bottom left: Carcharodon hastilis teeth bottome right: Fragalodons last picture is one inch scale.
  9. Today I went to fossil fest, and while there I bought three huge meg chunkers(to try and repair) and these new free floating boxes. What do you guys think? I bought a boatload of them, and have reorganized my fossil collection(much to my wife’s nagging). Ps, I never said that!
  10. thelivingdead531

    UK Riker case

    Does anyone know of a good site for Riker cases located in the UK, besides Just In Case? They are not only pricey, but mostly sold out every time I visit their site. Thanks!
  11. Hi, I keep most of my shark teeth in riker cases, I love the way they look and the protection they provide. My larger megs don't fit into the cases I use so I need a bigger case. Does anyone have a suggestion on what dimensions I should be looking at to house larger megs? I'd like to display a few in each case. thanks, russ
  12. A little off topic, but very excited about my equus hoof find. Now need to find a case for it to keep it safe. It's 3 1/2" x 3 5/8" x 2 1/4" high. Riker doesn't make a box that deep. Any ideas?. Right now just wrapped in bubble. Thank you.
  13. -Andy-

    Ammonite Set

    From the album: Ammonites & Ammolites

    112 - 99.5 mya,, Mahajangar/Tulear, Madagascar, Kept in a 12" x 8" x 0.75" riker mount
  14. Thanks to several members here who helped me to fill in several missing pieces, I have completed my ammonite and egg shell set boxes. (Base egg shell set was gotten off Indiana 9, I added two more species in) Enjoy! Gonna start on my amber collection next.
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