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  1. Gloriouseternalblade

    Does this specimen appear to "be" a fossil?

    I found this on the edge of a very slick, clay seeming, river bed, almost like a turfed out bed -- like it was rubber. It gave the river a very clear floor, down from a few beautiful babbling brook type areas. The river bed that was almost completely barefoot safe, had small holes embedded in the element. Very beautiful it was almost like it was manmade but it wasn't. Because the material, if pressed very hard or if my heel fell into one of the small holes it would have caved in. It was a beautiful work of whatever it was. Anyway I found this in a rock that I had seen multiple splits in and the rock is so fragile and has tiny pieces of sentiment in it almost like I've seen many fossils before. It's very light. Just curious if someone could identify what it is. Or what that material in the river is? It almost looked like lava had hardened there... But I assume it would have been harder rock for sure. =) Thank you.
  2. C Bartho

    Septarian Nodule?

    Hello, new to fossil identification. Found this in a river bed, NW Arkansas. Size is approximately 5" x 7", 2-3” thick. A Lens search suggested Septarian Nodule. Any input is most welcome. Thank you.
  3. J. Stark

    Scallop fossil?

    This was found in a dry river bed inland from the west coast of California. Would appreciate some help IDing it. Could it be a scallop shell fossil? Thanks for the assist.
  4. Grover

    Fossil Identification Request

    I found this object in a dry river bed near Waco, TX, a few years ago, and I have always assumed it was a fossil of some sort (especially since it was found near other verifiable fossils). I once sent some photos to a university paleontologist, but he just cynically dismissed it as a "funny shaped rock." Maybe it is, but there are things about it that don't make sense for a random chunk of rock. The cross-sectional shape is very concentric, and the smooth, regular groove is clearly not the result of random cleavage. Both of these aspects are very clear in the second photo, which was taken along the "axis" of the crude "cylinder" the object seems to have been part of. Moreover, if you look closely, you'll notice that there is a cylindrical "core" of rock that has a different color (and maybe even texture) from the outer portion (almost, dare I say, like fossilized bone marrow -- but I may be letting my imagination run away with me there). Thinking it might be some sort of vertebra or other specialized skeleton component. Anyway, I'd appreciate any insight someone might have about this "funny shaped rock." Thanks.
  5. DuxXLestaT

    I can't identify it, I need help

    Hi, I found these shapes in the rock so I'm not sure if they are concretion or something else.Can someone identify them?
  6. Hello and thank you for looking. I found this rock in a dry river bed in Nayarit state, Mexico, near an ancient petroglyph site next to the river. I always thought it looked like a little frog, but have not been able to figure out what it might be. I really appreciate your help. It's heavier than the common volcanic lava rock from the area.
  7. Hello everyone! I have another odd shaped bone I believe. I found it right above gravel layer on a wash out bank. I’m sure it’s petrified by the weight, but curious what part of the body, or animal? Any input would help! thanks
  8. marcltetreault

    Possible Bone Fragment??

    Please help in possible identification of this piece. It was collected at Big Brook Preserve- Monmouth County, NJ. River bed sifted. Thank you!
  9. marcltetreault

    Possibly Claws ???

    Hi Everyone, still working on finding a true worthwhile Fossil… Here are two pictured but I have maybe 3 or four that look very similar. All have some sort of groove on the underside and what look as if an attachment point. Hopefully this will help the odds. Collected at Big Brook Preserve Monmouth County, NJ. From river bed sifting
  10. marcltetreault

    One more Tooth Ache??

    I’ll try one more tonight while I have the attention of so many helpful people. this was collected also at Colt’s Neck, New Jersey. From a riverbed
  11. slobob

    Please identify

    I am new to this forum. Can someone help with identification of this? Found in Blackhawk County Iowa along a river bed. Thank you in advance.
  12. cory


    3 inch long by 2 inch wide at base.
  13. ZacMan77


    Found this in the river bed of the Sweetwater in Wyoming. Wierd thing about this is that I've seen the same pattern in other rock formations up higher in elevation but in the same area. Those others I speak of don't have the upward "waffle iron" raised texture like this one does. The others are only the pattern, entirely flat with the stone like a drawing would look. I'm stumped ...
  14. This was found on the banks of a river bed around Locust Fork River in Blount County Alabama
  15. Recently I took a trip up to central New Jersey in the US with my sister for our 2nd trip fossil hunting; at a place called “big brook preserve”. As I was sifting through looking at some fossils that I could identify such as shark teeth and fossilized poop with my very basic studying from the Internet and stuff I’ve seen on tv. She calls me over at something she had found while sifting through the dirt in the brook. Thinking that I’d be able to identify it for her I was stumped. it looks like it has characteristics of a fossil from what I think but with my limited knowledge and understanding I keep going back to the idea of “nah it can’t be” And thinking it’s just a cool rock. Either way the water seemed to do a number on this this find eroding it over the years. Also the finds in this brook are usually Cretaceous period specimens and the occasional dinosaur fossil is rare, and reptile fossils are a tiny bit rare too here I think. I have a couple pictures that I took that night when we returned home. I’ll take better lit pictures if these aren’t adequate enough, but the main question I have that’s been bothering me is; is it a rock or a fossil from something once living? Side note the front is slightly smoothed/curved and the back is mostly flat. Please and thank you to anyone willing to help. I’ve also taken the time since then to email 2 local universities for assistance too if that’s even possible.
  16. wellwellwell

    Mako with cusps in the root?

    Hello fine people! I’m not quite sure who gets the credit for finding this tooth, I saw it from the canoe but was just next to my friends hand when I saw it, they won the coin toss, but I guess I still want to make a fuss about it. It’s real pretty and very sharp, like it must have just fallen out of the clay, but I haven’t seen a Mako with cusp like formations in the root. I know there is tremendous diversity in these type of teeth but I’m curious if this is indicative of a specific species variation, or some kind of pathology, or maybe all the others I find are worn off. Just curious if this seems like something that others have noticed perhaps tying this tooth to a specific age. Found on the nottoway in southern Virginia. Thanks for your time!
  17. Youfoundwaldo

    Fossil print or tricked newbie?

    My boyfriend and I were on a hike at a local state park and among the other copious amounts of rocks that I picked up, this one peaked my interest. Part of me thinks it’s just cement but the other part of me is hopeful that it something more fun
  18. Mountain girl

    New from West Virginia

    Greetings from Wild and Wonderful West Virginia! I'm new to this forum. I'm excited to share and learn about my favorite, life-long hobby.
  19. Rodney

    Few Fossils In Chert

    Not sure of identification., but a little nice. South central Georgia, the oldest deposits in this area indicate 35 mya and younger. The longest point across flat scale = 3.75cm Rodney
  20. Travis K.

    Marine Fossil??

    I found a few fossils while on a hunting trip. The fossil Im most curious about is in the first 2 pictures. Any Idea what it might be? Third picture seems like obvious marine fossils.
  21. LoveToLook

    Any ideas on these samples

    Some fossils I have not come across before. Any suggestions?
  22. Becky Benfer

    Clam shell possibly.... only found half

    Am I correct in thinking this was once a clam? And a fossil now? Thanks for your help!
  23. I have found a head of what I believe may be a lizard that likes dr pepper (lol joke!!)? No really, I was wondering if anyone knows what this is? I have no idea if its a fish, lizard, or a monster! I have more pictures, but this is the first time I have ever posted ANYTHING online to a discussion board and I was not able to upload more than two of my pictures at a time. Let me know if you would like to see the other pictures if needed
  24. Bobby Rico

    Ripple marks

    I have had too much time on my hands and have been looking at this forum to much. I started to see fossil every where. I found some ripples bed fossil in the Wirrel in the uk. But can anyone see anything else hear. Thanks you for all your great help as always. Bobby
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