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  1. mokojin

    Rugose? Rudist? CA ID

    Found in San Benito county, CA in the creek beds. We have found clams, sand dollars, barnacles, oysters, scallops, cone shells, and even a whale bone, but this has had us stumped for a year. My first thought was a rugose coral, but after learning about rudists, I am considering that.
  2. rickeclectic

    Weird Rudist Diceras

    Found this a couple of years ago in some road construction in central Texas. Kept chipping away around it as I thought it was a couple of large rudists, but it turned out to be one weird one! Only one I've seen. About the size of a Softball. The rudist part is very hard stuff (and so is the surrounding matrix). Anybody else seen any of these?
  3. Lone Hunter

    agatized coral - Texas rule?

    I want to call this coral but doesn't look like any I've seen from Texas, maybe it's the size and being agatized that I don't recognize it. Tabulate coral or rudist maybe? Found in mostly Cretateous Eagle Ford creek.
  4. Rockwood

    Rudist ?

    Found in Joshua, TX. It measures about 1.5 x 2 cm. Maybe not big enough to call odd or strange looking. Does it fit the Texas rule to be called a rudist though ?
  5. TSCannon

    Central Texas - Rudist ID?

    Hi all - I found this in a creek in Central Texas. Looks like a rudist to me. There’s a good amount of detail visible on it, so I was wondering if anyone might be able to ID it down to genus (or species)? Thanks so much!
  6. FranzBernhard


    From the album: Hippurites colliciatus Woodward, 1855 from St. Bartholomä, Styria, Austria

    East of Kalchberg, point 25, collected 08/12/2018. Incomplete specimen, shell heavily bored by clionid sponges.
  7. aboyd03

    Help id’ing a fossil

    Hey all! Looking for assistance Identifying this fossil. Found in west Texas, Brewster county. Appreciate any suggestions!
  8. I don't remember where i found it but i guess it's from the only place i have ever find fossils (rudist fragments and echinoids). These come from Phthiotis, Greece. I know nothing about fossils so i need your help. This rock has a intense smell just like the other fossils i mentioned. However i don't know if this means that this is a fossil too or that it's just the way the rocks smell at the place where i found it. Could it be also a rudist? The only reason i'm not sure is that the rudist fragments i have found has this wavy shape at their top just like this rudist image As you can see the inside is a bit red so i'm also thinking that this could just be an old iron pipe but it also looks like a "normal" rock.
  9. Rockwood

    Texas rule ?

    This was found as a clast in what I believe to be undisturbed marl in the bank of the creek which runs between the defunct Arlington Archosaur site and the rail road track at the south end of Euless Maine St.. Other clasts of coalified wood were fairly common there. Do I get to declare this rudist debris ? Using, well, you know, the rule.
  10. Hello, sure I can not beat the lovely pics, scenery and fossils posted recently by @RuMert, but I also had a nice fossil encounter two days ago (10/02/2021). After prospecting for Pb-Zn-Ba with friends from Lower Austria in the area of Peggau, I decided to visit Römaskogel in Kainach again (just 20 km away), especially to take home a big rudist specimen still waiting there. Arriving there, I decided to check out the surroundings of two recently (some weeks ago) found Vaccinites (quite a distance away from the already known occurrences), on the way to that specimen. Just 50 m away from the car, still far above of the two earlier found specimens, I encountered the first rudist, freely lying on the forest floor. And the next near it, and the next and so on. In total, about 20 specimens were just lying around in the forest in an area of a few 100 m2. And I did not search hard, because most time I tried to find the exposure with these rudists. A step ledge was promising, showing some overgrown exposures of conglomerate. Well, at the northern edge of this ledge, I really found an "outcrop" with rudists, but it could also be a block. I don´t know yet. Anyways, further detailed prospecting is urgently needed ("The Never Ending Story" ). This is the first rudist site in the northern Kainach Gosau with scattered and freely visible rudists not related to forest road construction. The fossil site shown here belongs to the "Upper Rudist Zone" with conglomeratic host rock of the lower Afling-formation (upper Santonian - lower Campanian). All rudists found so far are Vaccinites sp. Map showing fossiliferous zones of the northern Kainach Gosau. The site presented here is the northeastern extension of the dark blue "Hangende Rudisten-Zone". First rudist encounter of that day, near the home of a badger. The pen has a total length of 13.7 cm, the red part is 3.9 cm long, and all rudists are photographed in-situ, unless mentioned otherwise: Just a meter or so away, the second rudist near a root (pen!): And the next one, a slender, nearly complete one, some shell is missing, though: And the next one nearby, not very obvious (below the red x), but its a short fragment of a Vaccinites: The next one near a big root. Not well visible on the larger pics, but this was a real surprise, see last pic... Ups, turned out to be a large, nearly complete Vaccinites, nearly 20 cm long. The opposite site is a little bit crushed, but that´s ok, nobody is perfect . And so on and so on... This is the supposed outcrop as found (below the red x), very tiny (as everything in Austria ), and a loose rudist specimen near the pen. You can imagine something like a ledge in that area, if you like : "Outcrop" a little bit cleaned: Loose specimen in detail, a fragment of a big Vaccinites: "Outcrop" in detail: "Outcrop" after excavation. Its a pseudocolony of several Vaccinites, already broken into 4 pieces. Haven´t explored the "scenery" behind that pieces yet. Maybe its part of a larger outcrop, probably not: And last, something geological. Here and there you can find quite big boulders mostly made of fossil-free limestone or dolostone in the northern Kainach Gosau. This is a dolostone boulder of at least one cubic meter in size. Its a giant clast within the conglomerates and probably of paleozoic age: Hope you enjoyed a litte bit, thanks for looking. I am still very surprised and somewhat excited by that find, the first area with naturally free lying rudists of the northern Kainach Gosau. You never know whats behind the next tree, even in such a supposed fossil-poor area like the Kainach Gosau. Prospecting is everything ! Franz Bernhard
  11. Hey ya'll Some finds from a last Sunday. The tooth was found buried in gravel, and was the one result from 2 hours combing a single gravel bar. The day before, that same spot, was extremely productive, funnily enough. That's just how it goes The mammal tooth is small, and may very well be modern, but teeth from various Pleistocene fauna have been found around here that were still white. Just thought it was worth checking. Also, the I'm thinking the rudist piece might be Durania austinensis, based on an ID I got on a similar, larger rudist piece before. Thought this little tidbit was a keeper because of its great colors. Found on the Ozan formation of Austin.
  12. Hello, I would like to ask if someone is able and would like to look up the derivation/meaning of the name of the rudist genus "Vaccinites". It was introduced by Fischer (1887) in this work: It could mean something like "cow horn" (Vacca = cow). But I am not sure and can not find something really definitive with google. Thank you very much for your help! Franz Bernhard
  13. Hello, several weeks ago, I presented a rudist recovery "operation" from the Afling-formation of the Gosau-group of Kainach (Upper Cretaceous): Well, the same day I have discovered the rudist zone featured above, I have also discovered a rudist zone about 100-200 m stratigraphically deeper. It is confined to an about 1 m thick, very dark limestone bed rich in various rudist and echinoid remains. The limestone belongs to the Geistthal-formation, considering the limestone is still located within the sequence with some red clastic rocks, suggesting strong terrestrial influence in some layers. The limestone can be traced for at least 500 m along strike; at the footwall, it develops gradually from a conglomerate, in the hangingwall it is sharply overlain by fine-grained sandstone to siltstone. Here is a schematic map of the area, including also the Trochactaeon-bearing zone. In this post, I am dealing here with the "Liegende Rudisten-Zone". 59 = Geistthal-formation; 54 = Afling-formation, squares are 2x2 km. The fossils stick firmly to the limestone. But there are some impure zones (sandy-silty) within the limestone, where, with the help of some weathering, some fossils largely free of matrix can be found. Two zones of this kind are known at the moment, a natural outcrop in the forest and an outcrop at a forest road, which will be presented here. Approaching the outcrop (well, that pic was taken after the dig...): The outcrop was completely overgrown at the beginning, and this was the third day of working at this outcrop. You can see the worked area and the area prepared for today. The red x are markers placed above wooden marker sticks and about 1 m apart from each other. The soft zone between the hard limestone beds is visible. Sorry for the rather poor pics, my scrappy camera had a hard time dealing with that kind of lighting (clear sky and full shadow). Detail of the area to be worked today, still with vegetation: Vegetation cleared, first rudist found, a fragmentary Vaccinites, below the left red x. The pen is 13.7 cm long. Work in progress, "two" Vaccinites discovered. Only after some time I recognized, that this is a bouquet: Work practically finished, another Vaccinites discovered (4963). Turned out to be one of the nicest so far: Beside these Vaccinites, a few Plagioptychus aguilloni were also found in that area. But what to do with the rudist bouquet? Leaving in the outcrop or recover? I decided to recover, because it was already a little bit loose and already broken in several parts. And a one of a kind find until now. Here is the recovery, P.a. denotes a Plagioptychus aguilloni, numbers indicate individual Vaccinites specimens: The recovery ended in 8 fragments. I numbered them to help reassembling them together. This bouquet appears to be in live position, but this can also be by pure chance. Maybe closer examination with give some hints. That´s the outcrops after the work of this day, with the position of the specimens featured above indicated and before their recovery: If you are interested in the other days at this outcrop, have a look at this: 05/22/2021 (link to my homepage, in German, pdf, ca. 2.9 MB) 05/30/2021 (link to my homepage, in German, pdf, ca. 5.8 MB) From this few meters of outcrop, I have recovered ca. 10-15 Vaccinites, 5-10 Plagioptychus aguilloni and several radiolitid rudist until now. A great surprise was one large Trochactaeon snail intermixed with all the rudists (see link to 05/30/2021 above). I don´t take all fossils with me, about half of them I am leaving at the outcrop, so only approximate numbers. In the pavement of the forest road below the outcrop, I have also dug out about 15 Vaccinites specimens. Then there is the outcrop within the forest, which yielded also at least a dozen Vaccinites, still with a lot of potential. And all the other outcrops of the rudists limestone that I have not checked out in detail yet for loose rudists. Also still a lot of potential there and still a lot to do.... Hope, you enjoyed ! Franz Bernhard
  14. Hello! Having discovered some new rudist occurrences in the lower part of the upper Santonian - lower Campanian clastic-marine Afling-formation at Römaskogel hill near Kainach, western Styria, Austria, about 6 weeks ago. Here I would like to present a very specific visit to one of these sites at 05/15/2021. It was aimed to recover some more parts of already known rudists from the outcrop at site #30. Here we go! Approaching Römaskogel, the hill in the middle. Its 1006 m high, the snowy mountain in the background is the Gleinalpe mountain, nearly 2000 m high: Already near Römaskogel hill, again the hill in the middle. These meadows are much steeper than they appear in the pic: Location of the rudist outcrop along a forest road: Rudist outcrop, scale is 1x1 m. The rudist-bearing zone is about 80 cm thick and tips gently towards south to southeast. Individual conglomeratic rudist-bearing beds are separated by layers of siltstone. The whole extensions of the rudist-bearing zone seems to be at least about 300 m, with about 5 outcrops and indications known until now. This is the best outcrop discovered so far. Right part of the rudist outcrop. At the lower end of the scale, the next pic. The digging spot of this day is to the left of the pen: Rudists ("Vaccinites Rö1") in conglomerate in the outcrop, diameter is about 5 cm: The digging site as left at 05/06/2021 and found again a week later at 05/15/2021. I had already recovered two parts of #4901 and one part of #4910. The soft siltstone in the footwall of the rudist bed clearly facilitated the recovery of the remaining parts from the relatively hard conglomerate. The pen is 13.7 cm long: Intermediate stage of recovery. The rudists are orientated parallel to the bedding plane. They are flattened, the two big ones lying with the flat side on the bedding plane. The smaller one is orientated "on edge" to the bedding plane: Here is a primitive, highly schematic and out-of-scale sketch of the situation. #4901 and #4910 are also oriented antiparallel: Dig site after removing all the rudists. #4901 yielded two more fragment (total of 4), with the very last tip still remaining in the outcrop. #4910 yielded also two more fragments (total of 3, completely recovered). #4914 recovered in two fragments: Right part of the rudist outcrop after recovery of these three rudists. Notice the difference to the start of the recovery : Here is the complete specimen #4910. It consists of 4 fragments, that were already naturally broken. Uppermost part was found 05/01/2021, next part was found 05/08/2021, lower most parts are from 05/15/2021. The rudist is strongly flattened (about 1:2), as most of the specimens from this bed, and about 21 cm long. I don´t know the species yet, working name is "Vaccinites Rö2". (Remember, nothing was known in that area until about 6 weeks ago.) The shell has a flame-like structure, which can be nicely seen in the naturally weathered transverse section. These structure corresponds to the fine longitudinal striation of the shell. Otherwise, the rudist is smooth without any ribs. In the cross section, the P-pillars are barely visible to the right, the L-pillar is not visible: Not much time was put into this recovery, most of the day was spent prospecting an area nearby. "Discovered" a freshly widened forest road (actually as wide as a good highway!) which perfectly exposes the mostly alluvial and reddish Geistthal-formation and the following clastic-marine Afling-formation for some 100 m thickness. Not much was found, but its a very, very impressive section. Here is my prospecting area (Römaskogel is in the lower left corner) and route (in blue) of that day. Red R indicate the last (highest) reddish beds: Still a lot to walk and observe during my next trip, especially to the east of the already explored area.... You never know what you will find. For example, #45 and #46 are small Trochactaeon indications. But these will be followed up next spring, when the green has gone again. Or not at all . I only made one pic during prospecting, that of a thin (1-2 cm) seam of subbituminous coal withing silt-claystone, located between conglomerate beds (#47). Such occurrences are well-known in that area: So, that was quite a typical day in the field for me: Some collecting at known sites, but more prospecting for new sites! Thanks for looking and your interest! Franz Bernhard
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