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Found 21 results

  1. I found this in N.E. Oklahoma. The general area has a history of producing Mastodon, giant ground sloth, etc… But this doesn’t look like anything I have come across previously. -Appears to have some bits of enamel. - The piece that’s attached to the “tooth” has small holes on the top and bottom which looks a lot like “spongy bone”. Wondering if this could be a fragment of jaw bone. -The “tooth” is curved. Has a very defined front edge and the back edge is also well defined but looks to have worn down serrations. 🤷🏻. And there is also a less defined line in one side. I am sorry if I didn’t use the correct language to describe what I am looking at. Can anyone help me ID?
  2. hello, anyone can help me to identify this fossil? are this one is real fossil/ not? i think the fang is fake, but the skull is real or not? please your answer is very meaningfull to me thanjyou so much
  3. I'm in the process of buying this saber tooth tiger skull (AMPHIMACHAIRODUS) . No restoration has been done and it was found in Gansu, China (will edit with the exact location when I'm able to, website is down). I would greatly appreciate any insight about this fossil, any potential red flags, etc. This will be my first fossil purchase so I want to make sure I'm smart about it. Thanks so much for reading!
  4. I'm interested in this skull, the price seems interesting to me, but I wanted to ask about it's authenticity over here. Seller states it's originating from China, has around 3% restoration and is genus Amphimachairodus. No further info on when this was found or imported into the EU. Any insight is greatly appreciated, thanks!
  5. Pliosaur


    Added this new beautiful tooth to my collection: Smilodon indet. (likely Fatalis) Left Upper P4 Molar Pleistocene Epoch, Florida Height 4.2cm Length 3cm Look at the massive size of this cat molar!
  6. Pliosaur

    Smilodon Fatalis Molar, Florida

    Hello! Would like some opinions on whether this is a Smilodon m1 molar? The fossil was found in Florida and I have attached some pictures below I’ve also attached pictures of potential tooth locations on Smilodon skulls, highlighted in red circles From what I’ve heard canid teeth have a more broad surface whereas felid is much more angled and sharp since cats use them for cutting while dogs use their teeth mainly for crushing (dire wolf)
  7. Hi this is posted online. I was hoping to get input on its authenticity. How can you tell new material and composite for older material? Stated it is from Hippareon layer Gansu province Would this be considered a good better or best specimen? Are the sabers all original? Thanks for the help! On a sperate note there are a few on a local auction house that come from China, Taiwan and Korea. Are these commonly fakes?
  8. Hello! I would like to know if this is a Smilodon lower canine? Measures 2 1/2" and found at Devil's Den Spring in Williston, Florida (Site known for many ice age fauna fossils) Below I have attached some high quality photos Thanks in advance!
  9. Pliosaur

    Smilodon fatalis tooth?

    Is this a Smilodon fatalis saber toothed cat incisor tooth? Supposedly found in northern Florida river or could this be a black bear canine? attached pictures Thanks in advance!
  10. Mahnmut


    From the album: Skeleton models

    Plio-Pleistocene of Europe modified Smilodon skeleton from Geoworld

    © Jan Frost

  11. Kiros

    Nimravid! But which one?

    Hi guys! Recently I got in a trade this nimravid mandible from the white river formation in Shannon County. Now I want to ask your help to determine the genus, if possible. Being incomplete and missing all the teeth it's quite difficult but it has a quite elongate mandible flange and by the number of the alveoli it had three teeth. I think it can be Hoplophoneus, what do you think about it?
  12. Hi everyone, these days I was thinking about sabertoothed animals (I know I'm a bit crazy). I was thinking about the difference in the canine of different animals, I know the difference in the sabertooth of machairodontinae, smilodontinae and metailurinae. I also know that thylacosmilus has triangular shaped canines. But what about barbourofelids and nimravids, are there difference that permits to distinguish their canines with felids sabertooth? Thank you to anyone who can enlight me
  13. This looks to have some small spots of fill, but do any of you see something more? Also hard to tell if the horn was put into the left eye socket to make it look like a fascinating death fossil versus really found like that. thanks
  14. Hi there I've always wanted a sabertooth skull, and for the past year i see many coming the same seller among other fossils from our favorite auction site. They never really explain how much of the skull, eggs, pssitacosaurus, is authentic and not responded to messages. Do you recommend these products? Thanks!
  15. Mostly I'm just curious, I want to buy one one day but I dont know how to tell a fake form the real thing.. I thought it would look more like real bone but the main characteristics of real bone seem to be gone.. Restoration to lower jaw. From reading another thread here, I get the sense the "fakes" are REALLY REALLY good. If so is there a place to get one that is this good and doesn't cost as much (and is sold as a fake/reproduction)? Thank you
  16. I was wondering if the saber tooth can be found in real bone or would it be only in rock ? It seems they existed 11,000 years ago so that means they could be real bone and not just rock? Thank you
  17. sseth

    Pogonodon platycopis

    This is an amazing Pogonodon platycopis skull from the John Day Formation in Oregon. These are some of the most rare of the Nimravidae, as well as some of the oldest. See also Eaton 1922, Fremd et al. 1994, Macdonald 1970, Matthew 1910, Scott and Jepsen 1936 and Thorpe 1920
  18. The photos are from a trip in 2005, but the exhibits (as far as I know) are still in place at the museum. Bishop Planetarium & South Florida Museum, in Bradenton, FL. Smilodon skeleton cast Mastodon skeleton Mammoth bones found during construction in Bradenton in 2005. Mammoth tusk Life-sized diorama of 2 ancient Florida hunters & a bison <continued...>
  19. I just thought I would share the Journey of my two most recent Saber Toothed Pseudo-Cats (Nimravidae). The first is Hoplophoneus. I got this cat and most people would not even recognize it, but I knew it had potential. Here are the origional pics I took before undergoing the restoration process.
  20. ordisway

    Wood Or Sabertooth Tooth

    I picked this up from a street vendor in SLP Mexico, I thought the piece was petrified wood but he said it was a sabertooth tiger tooth. it weighs a little under 5oz. Thanks so much for any help.
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