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  1. Tidgy's Dad


    Hoooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here we are at last, into Adam's Silurian. Thanks for looking. First up is the Lower Silurian or Llandovery and I begin with a problem. I posted this one incorrectly in Adam's Ordovician as it had got it's label muddled up with an Ordovician Favosites I had that has vanished in the move here, but is being replaced by kind forum member @Herb Anyway, this, I remember now I've found the correct label, is from the greenish Browgill Formation, part of the Stockdale Group from a cutting near Skelgill (Skelghyll) in Cumbria, Northern England. It seems to be a tabulate coral, but I can't find any listed for this location, only mentions of small, rare, rugose corals. It has the star shaped corallites of a Heliolitidid, but seems to be tightly packed together like a Favositidid. A couple of species of Palaeofavosites seem to be close and are a bit star-shaped,, but anyone know any better? @TqB@piranha hmm who else? The coral bit, an external mold, is a maximum of 3.5 cm across and each corallite up to 2 mm.
  2. Mainefossils

    Brachiopod id

    This is another fossil from the Silurian Leighton Fm, Maine. It is an excellently preserved internal and external mold of a brachiopod. It is similar to the Salopina species that I am constantly finding in this formation, but this brachiopod's valve is more strongly curved, instead of almost flat. It also has less numerous striae, and they almost reach the median process. As well as this, the dental plate is thinner and curves inward more strongly, and the ctenophoridium is wider. Any help on its identification would be greatly appreciated. Here are some pictures of it (internal mold on the left, external on the right):
  3. Mainefossils

    Salopina Brachiopod

    I have just finished preparing this nice pair of brachiopods. I am pretty certain that they are of the genus Salopina, but am not totally positive. The genus is marked as one of the most common brachiopods found in the Leighton Fm, as well as being considered a defining characteristic of this formation. Even though they are so common, I really never tire of them. The way these brachiopods were preserved, though, is rather interesting. @DPS Ammonite kindly acquainted me with the fact that these specimens are not internal molds, as I (pretty sillily) first thought. It seems that these brachiopods were preserved as an internal and external mold, and then the internal mold partly imprinted on the external. This would create a fossil that exhibited characteristics of both the internal and external mold. I unfortunately forgot to take a pre-prep photo of the specimens below. The photo was taken with the specimen wet, to provide more contrast. Thanks for reading!
  4. Mainefossils

    Brachiopod ID

    Fossil Forum, I recently found multiple brachiopods that I believe are in the genus Salopina, moved from Orthis, and of the same species. I found them in the Leighton Fm, Maine, which is Silurian. I was wondering if anyone could tell me what the species was, and also if anyone had any literature on this genus. Here are some pictures of them (internal molds are on the left, external on the right):
  5. Mainefossils

    Literature on fossils

    Fossil forum, Good morning. I have been looking for literature on the following for a while now, and have not been successful. I was wondering if anyone already had information on the following, or can direct me to a place where I can look for it myself. Brachiopods, specifically Lingulids (classification and identification) Salopina genus ( classification and identification), this genus was moved from Orthis, for further clarification Rhychonellida (classification and identification, at least to the genus level). Camarotoechia genus (classification and identification); Strophomena genus (classification and identification); Gastropods, specifically Platyceras (classification and identification) Bivalves, specifically Modiolopsis and related genera (classification and identification) Ptychopteria genus (also known as Actinopteria). I am also interested in the fauna of fossil formations in northeastern Maine, specifically the Edmunds, Eastport, and Leighton formations. Thanks in advance!
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