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  1. Atoothsatooth42

    Pygmy White Tooth on the Potomac!

    The surprise of the year has happened for me this past Sunday. I FINALLY nailed the elusive Pygmy White or Palaeocarcharodon! I knew immediately what I was looking at as soon as I saw it too. I never expected to ever really find one, so to see it in the first 20 minutes of my hunt was surreal to say the least! It is in excellent condition too, super sharp serrations, great color, but for what ever reason, it’s missing the corner like I have seen in so many other trip reports online featuring a Pygmy. Regardless, it will become one of my most cherished finds. Decent day in the hot humid sun overall. Quite a few Sandy’s, a couple little otodus, a blue piece of sea glass, all great stuff. I’m really trying my best to take more insitu shots, they really are the most appealing of any trip report. Cant wait to get back out there!
  2. Atoothsatooth42

    HOT and dry day on the Potomac

    WOW has it been hot in the DMV. No real weather patterns have been through the area in what feels like forever, things are dry, dusty, and uncomfortably hot. So what do I do? Look for fossils! I came to the beach with the understanding that I may not find much, considering there has likely been next to no movement in the material along the beaches besides the tides. But to say that I am pleasantly surprised is an understatement! It was a great day, despite the hot sun beating down on me. I spent a little more than 3 hours out searching, some highs and some lows, at certain times I’d hit a stretch of beach and find literally nothing, and other times there was a nice collection of fossilized items for me to grab. They came in groups. I found the nice little busted Otodus fairly early peeking out at me, some nice sand tigers mixed in, baked a light color from sitting out in the sun for so long. Among the numerous ray plates and tiny teeth, I managed to find 3 Otodus (I think? The tiny ones are either Otodus or Cretolamna, they are hard to tell apart sometimes), 2 Croc teeth (I guess 1.5 again 🙄), and my second, and largest complete sting ray mouth plate! I wish I had taken an insitu shot of it, but I was in shock seeing it poking out of the dry desert like sand, I had to grab it! All in all, a pretty darn successful day considering the poor weather patterns over the last 2-3 weeks, and the sun burn! Looking forward to the next one!
  3. Hello, my friends, and a jolly warm welcome to one and all. Many moons ago, my friend, the exceedingly kind and generous Brett @Elmo sent me nearly 6 lbs of micromatrix from the Purse State Park in Maryland, USA. The tiny fossils found in this gravel are from the Piscataway Member of the Aquia Formation which is Late Palaeocene in age and about 60 million years old, give or take. I have been trying to sort through a little every day and am about two-thirds of the way through and have found lots and lots of goodies. Now, this is well out of my comfort zone as there is not a brachiopod to be seen, but lots of teethies from sharks, rays, skates, and bony fish. I have no idea what I am doing at all, and so Brett, who is also seeking some IDs, and I decided it might be useful and fun to start a thread to show off our finds, hopefully get some help with identification, encourage others to post their own finds and have a fun time, really. I don't have any Palaeocene material at all, except a couple of larger sharks' teeth from this location. So, please feel free to comment, just watch and enjoy or tell me off for my obviously stupid attempts at ID. I'll start this off with a really beautiful tooth that I think might be Delpitoscyllium africanum. On second thoughts, perhaps Ginglymostoma cf. subafricanum is a better fit? Because of the multiple side cusps.
  4. Atoothsatooth42

    Back on the Potomac once again!

    Hello! Reporting again with another successful Paleocene epoch hunt! Got there quite early in the morning and had the whole beach to myself for 3 hours, pays to get up early! The tide was great, amazing fossil beds all up and down the beach, I couldn’t keep myself from vacuuming up every interesting fossil insight! The usual collection of sand tigers, ray plates and turrittela, with some nice sea glass scattered around, as well as what was a bread crumb trail to my find of the day. I found the corner of an Otodus first, my initial thought was, “Well, at least I’m not getting skunked by the otodus gods today!” Followed by the tiny otodus, always a fun find. I was getting warmer until, finally, laying out beautifully in the shadows of the cliffs, was this awesome, great quality Otodus. Grinning from ear to ear, I felt that my day was made from that point on. I found it early in the hunt, so it felt like it was going to be a great Otodus day. Alas, it was simply just a great day instead. No complaints in the slightest! Fossil hunting for me is like therapy, every fossil is a dopamine bump. From a cool shell, to a blade-less shark tooth root. But when you find that tooth that you were hoping for, your week is always made.
  5. Hello all. I have this one shark tooth from the London clay and I’m really stuck on its identity. I’ve already ruled out Striatolamia due to the lack of lingual folding and shape of the cusplets. The only two options I have are Hypotodus verticalis and Glueckmanotodus heinzelini, but it has features of both and also has features that both do not present. It’s from the London Clay formation at Walton-on-the-Naze, UK. The age is early Eocene (Ypresian). Any help would be appreciated.
  6. I’ve been wanting to post this trip on here for a while, so today is the day! Pretty awesome one, showed up to the beach at the scheduled low tide only to see turbulent water up to the top of the beach due to incoming weather patterns. Gave it a chance anyway and very happy I did! Found my first Otodus (along with a busted blade of one), my hunting partner found the smaller one on the right in the second picture on the same day. Also found my first complete ray dental plate. Great day for firsts!
  7. Some winter! Lots of rain, then wind, followed by highs near 80 F, lows in the mid 40s. Beaches were over run (but I saw no cow sharks when (crudely) IDing teeth. Spring fed creek is icy cold water, but trees are coming alive and soon will be sucking up that water. Lots of fossil bone bits (and beach glass) and three cow shark teeth (two standard bottom laterals, with a top tooth between them). The usual sand tiger, smaller ones dug up, and a few tiger shark, and some small gray shark and a mako or two. Nothing special but a storm coming tonight, may help with beach teeth.
  8. Unfortunately my cow shark spot failed me in several trips (only one lower lateral) in three trips plus a few to the beach.. Odd four or five small tiger sharks in the same number of hunts. A friend found a nice 2" yellow mako while hunting near me on a beach; I get broken or midget teeth. Most gray/ requiem teeth from the beach; not as obvious as sand tiger teeth, and with warm weather has been busy out there, all adult collectors (maybe I need to learn computer games?) If nothing, I am pig-headedly persistent and will find more cowshark teeth, even if not the odd ones I'm seeking (each broken one looks to be a "would have been" special tooth. i get a broken small mako and a few tiny ones. Typical
  9. Four trips, two digging, two walking the beach. One cow shark trip was good, the other nothing (?) Beach trips cold and windy, but lots of gray/ requiem and one ugly rootless almost enamel-less mako (about 1 1/4" or 3 cm, the biggest.). Small hemi, angel, and tiger contributing to the little teeth. Four cow shark. Nothing special, or big, but no one else out (the sane people stayed home).
  10. Four trips, most stuff from beach (a lot of digging for three cow shark). I don't find many skate scutes, found 1 1/2. The usual sand tiger (our most common and easily seen even by kids) and a bunch of triangular ones from the beach, plus a small dark mako.
  11. SawTooth

    September 24, 2023

    Yesterday evening we went out to a spot we haven't visited in a while, it started out extremely slow, until we hit on one spot that held a possible whale tooth (link to ID thread at bottom) and from there we started pulling out a lot more teeth, here's what we found, enjoy! nice hastalis, probably 1 1/2 inches great white with some great colors fish jaw Whale tooth?
  12. SawTooth

    Creek trip 3/19/23

    I had a short trip down to a nearby creek yesterday, and though I was only there for about an hour and a half, it had to be one of my best (creek) trips this year! We retrieved our first complete meg from this creek along with two beautiful great whites.We got some very nice sand tiger teeth. We got a nice little horse tooth. And what gets me most excited is my first piece of ivory.Heres all of the days finds.
  13. Found these in a creek in south east Alabama over a year ago, I was looking at them and noticed these look a bit different from the normal sand tiger teeth, any ideas? Thanks!(sorry I see the pictures don't look great, I'm in a bit of a rush)
  14. Great day! Took a break from chasing weird lower cow shark lateral teeth, and went to my usual (old) spots. Not only did I get ~50 teeth, I stumbled across a Cow Shark Symphysial (!, only my third ever) and a cow shark upper tooth. The biggest tooth (root) is only 0.9" or 2.3 cm; i think it is a mako (?). The one that looks like a typical mako has serrations, so I don't know what it is (?) Found one of the biggest drum teeth I've seen, and four angel shark teeth (most broken). Plenty of sand tiger teeth, just like the old days! Fun to be out, beautiful weather for late February. Getting more tolerant of global warming.
  15. TheCreekendWarrior

    Summerville/Greens Mill Run side trip

    Better late than never right?! I'm finally getting around to sharing my finds from a recent trip up the east coast for work, with a few pitstops along the way! The first two images were from an all day hunt in a creek in Summerville, with Folly Beach Fossils! The third image are my spoils from a solo half a day in GMR... Right by elm street park, because the water was way too high to go further down stream from there, and I didn't have much time! What a great time finding a couple of new species and making a few more friends along the way! I cannot wait to get back up there and hunt again!!!
  16. hemipristis


    I found this “sand tiger” tooth in the Miocene Pungo River strata within the Lee Creek mine (Aurora, North Carolina). It does not resemble any other lamniform teeth that I have from the mine, but it does remind me of Brachycarcharias lerechei, an Eocene species. I was thinking it might be reworked. The tooth is 26mm in length, with “wrinkles” on the lingual face @MarcoSr @Al Dente Thoughts?
  17. Some of the stuff from recent trips. I have had a great year for cowshark teeth @Fin Lover ! One particular spot has produced the best, some even intact. My "usual" finds are sand tiger teeth; most of these, except the biggest, have sharp cusps. And another spot produced mako/ great white teeth. (Some glitches with my scanner; not the image I had edited(?)) May append another later. Weather has been great, cool in the morning, warm with low humidity in the afternoons. Finally getting some rain (too late for my garden) and washing out some teeth and other stuff. Fishing has been good, but the catch poor here (lots of small speckled trout; would think it would bode well for next year, but there seems no connection.)
  18. First time fossil hunting and I brought back the teeth, bone and miscellaneous finds dug up from a spot along the South Carolina coast. I would love some help identifying the bigger ones, or anything that is noteworthy. I'm especially eager to get the right ID on Group B. Here are my guesses, but I am very new to this... Group B: 1-3, 7 and 8: Snaggletooth shark? 4: Megalodon (top left broken) 5: Sand tiger? 6: No idea. The curve seems to be part of the tooth shape, not a result of chipping. I can post a close-up of it or the other side. Group A: Baby Shark Teeth 2, 7: Baby sand tiger? 6: Not sure why this one has a copper color to it (my friend I went with found this interesting) 10, 15: Extinct baby great white? 12, 13: Tiger shark? 16: Similar shape to B6, but smaller Group C: Miscellaneous 1&2: Possibly fossilized coconut shell? 3: I'm not sure if this shell is a fossil or just old 4: Semi-transparent with black grains inside - hard to photograph. Maybe nothing interesting. 5. Probably nothing. Tooth shaped but maybe just bone. Group D: Fossilized bone fragments. Anything distinguishable? Thanks so much for taking a look!
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