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  1. selenite star

    Possible Captorhinus Fossil?

    I found this 152mm x 101mm x 25mm piece of what appears to be a limestone fossil. Other minerals found nearby were chert and loads of limestone. Found in Wyoming on Medicine Mountain on the side of the road where there is plenty of rock fall every year. Scales/scutes range from 6.35mm in oval length to 19.05mm, all scales/scutes are about 6.35mm in width and apart from each other. The closest scale/scute pattern I have seen on the internet is the Captorhinus lizard, very well preserved in a cave. Anyone have any ideas? I appreciate you all!
  2. Some pix from my June 2024 trip to the great quarry near Kemmerer Wyoming. Tried to identify the fossils as best I could but happy to hear any amendments to these. Included a nice pic of a partial fish with a clear view of the scales. The alleged Priscacara is not the best fossil but it is BIG. Got lots more smaller stuff, but mostly partials as well.
  3. This fossil looking thing is very weird. It seems as if it has white scales on it, and squares all over it. Even weirder is this stair case looking thing on the other side, probably by corrosion. But it looks like it has a cubic lattice structure but I don’t know. This was found in the USA, it was found in Michigan.
  4. Hi, Another ID help question, I wasn't sure if these might be fish scales or plant fossils or something else. These are from Missouri, not sure of the age or more precise location unfortunately.
  5. Semore Farrigamo

    Help with an ID

    Found on a buddies ranch in south western Utah. I’ve been slowly chipping away the sandstone matrix around it revealing smells of sulfur and low tide lol first I thought shells, however, the more i prep the more I’m revealing the scale sections are of one piece… 50 lbs or so. 18” long 12” wide and 7-10” thick. Any insight Is appreciated. I’m new here and have some others i need help with also. Thanks again!
  6. SharkySarah

    Devonian fish finds

    Looking for some experts on these attached images. These are just ones I can’t figure out. Scale in metric. I had a successful hunt at the end of 2023. Soon I’ll be adding a photo album of this and some of my other finds from various locations. Overall, I found Ageleodus pectinatus teeth, Hyneria lindae teeth and scales, Megalichthys mullisoni scales, Langlieria radiatus scales, Holoptychius sp. scale, acanthodian fish spine, Phyllolepis rossimontina armor, Turrisaspis elektor armor, and plant leaves and stems. EDIT: Location - Clinton County, PA.
  7. Hopefully the flash on the photos is okay, it was the only way I was able to actually capture the detail of the teeny tiny fossils in this rock. If anyone can help me identify what creature/plant that's found itself trapped in this rock for eternity, I'd be extremely grateful! I found this today in one of our fields, I'm from the south east of the UK so we have lots of chalk cliffs nearby. When I first got this home I thought it was insect eggs, then realised they didn't budge at all and were rock solid. Once I washed it in warm water I began noticing other even smaller areas of potential fossil. They all looked somewhat scale like, but I've never found anything this detailed before so haven't a clue where to begin with researching it. For context, the clearest scale pattern in the first zoomed in photo is no bigger than 5mm. They are minute, but so detailed. To the left of main scale pattern is another dotted sort of fossil, which is even smaller and I have a hard time seeing it with my own eyes. The darker photo is another potential fossil on the back of the rock. I asked some family members and they've all said it looks like a chunk of Sussex marble which often contain lots of shell and water creatures. But this scale like pattern was definitely different to others I've seen. Thank in advance to anyone who can lend some knowledge! Daisy
  8. Please help! Did I find some Dinosaurs? Here are pictures
  9. Hi, I'm prepping green river fish fossil scraps. When I get down to skin/scale tissue it becomes softer and oilier. I'm using a pinvise and on areas like these and the usual gentle scraping has little effect. I'm not sure how to approach this material without damaging it. I'd love some input on how to proceed. Also, it seems like oil begins to permeate and darken partially scraped areas over several hours ie: backbone. Is there a special way to store the pieces in between prep sessions? Thanks in advance- K
  10. Found this at the weekend on Charmouth beach, the black flakes look like scales or possibly bone. We looked at hundreds of bits that morning but nothing else like this, any ideas?
  11. Mikeydoeswork

    Is this an imprint of a tree, fish, or??

    Found this in a large creek bed in Dolly Sods WV in the mountains. 8-12 pound stone or so, made a good hiking companion lol. Anyway, looks like it could be an imprint of an extinct tree or a garfish or something but it doesn’t make sense to me that the lines are impressed and the diamond formations are raised, which would make me thing some type of tree or something. Thoughts??
  12. I came across this for sale, not a fossil vendor so no information on it. Looks to be about 10cm across. I can make our scales, eye sockets, faint limbs - almost like a little Lizard / Thorny Devil. Any thoughts?
  13. lcirak

    Fish Fossil?

    I got this fossil slab at a yard sale and it looks to be of 2 fish. On the back it says “Anigbbia?” Sp. as if it’s not spelled correctly and then “55,000,000 yrs old Any information on this fossil would be appreciated. Thank you!
  14. Hello! Thank you all for taking the time to read this and (hopefully!) help me identify a very interesting find from Saskatoon! I was on a fossil hunting trip to a local exposure of Pleistocene glacial lake sediments in Saskatoon, and I took home a few samples of it to review later. While looking through one piece (the material is silt but breaks like a rock and is somewhat laminated), I saw this very strange shape. Attached are a few images, some simply in situ, others through a microscope. My apologies if the image quality is not ideal, I do not currently have any better equipment. There are a few images with my fingernail in frame to give you a sense of scale; this thing is very small. It is a kind of dome shape adorned with concentric rings of linked “nodes.” When looking at it, I knew it couldn’t be a pebble or partially buried rock. The thing it reminded me the most of was a Ptychodus tooth or other fish tooth plate, but the “dome” the nodes sit upon is penetrated open in one spot and is hollow. While I suppose this doesn’t rule tooth out, it does make me doubt that possibility. In addition, the nodes appear to resemble fish scales, especially ganoid scales, as some are rhomboidal in shape and all have the glassy coating those scales tend to have. There is also what appears to be a bone fragment near the dome. This is where my own suggestions end, I have no other ideas as to what this weird thing might be! Simple confirmation of the nodes as fish scales would probably satisfy me, but identification of them as ganoid would be even better. Please let me know if I can provide any extra clarification! Thank you!
  15. I found this amazing fossil and I've just been so interested in it! I think it might be an aquatic reptile of which I can't remember the name of but it was found in a watery rocky sewer area near where I reside. I noticed it looked like an animal and took it home. I've washed it and took these pictures and really would love it if someone could help me identify it. Thanks
  16. Hi people! I'm a PhD student studying a Duckmantian fossil forest in North Wales. I have found these phosphatic fish/shark? teeth and scales I need an ID on. I suspect they are Adamantina Foliacea (Cuny and Stemmerik 2018) but that is a marine shark and this sequence is almost certainly completely freshwater and thought to be an upland swamp. I'm currently doing isotope work on the nodules and plant fossils and that appears to be confirming this is a completely freshwater system. Anyone have any ideas? You'll have to click on the images again once you've opened them to zoom in! Sorry for the poor quality! Thanks, Tom
  17. In this post I am going to show you a couple examples of fish related fossils that are found at Mazon Creek. Many of these are my finds and many are from my fossil mentor. The pics are zoomed up, I apologize for that, but I mounted my fossils (pairs) on white cardboard, so I do not want to pull them off and have to reattach them. First up is a lamprey - Mayomyzon pieckoensis. This lamprey was collected at Pit 11. Next up are a 3 examples of the Jawless fish- Gilpichthys greenei . These fish were found at Pit 11. Now I do not know if these names are still acceptable, but when I first started they were. These fish were found at Pit 11. Acanthodes marshi Acanthodes beecheri Here is a nice paleoniscoid that was found at Pit 11 and was ID’d by Dr. Dave Bardack, I believe the correct name is - Elonichthys peltigerus. This is a Rhabdoderma exiguum - Coelacanth. This fossil was found at Pit 4, in the area that I always called “Across From Pit 4”-(AFP4). Here is another nice Coelacanth- Rhabdoderma exiguum with a little coprolite. This piece was found at Pit 11 and I acquired it last year in a collection that I purchased. Here is another example- Now here is an odd one, it is called a Pipiscius zangerli. Many older collectors called it the “Push me- Pull me fish”. This second pic shows what should be the mouth. Now I know they are not classifying these as larval lungfish as they did when I first started, but I wanted to show a couple anyways. Here is Esconichthys apopyris. The first example shows multiple individuals. The next 3 are individuals. With this example you can see why collectors call them “ Ghosts”. This next piece was identified by Dr. Bardack as a fish head, but unknown species. This was found at Pit 11. This next piece I had brought with me to one of the Mazon Creek Open Houses at Northeastern and showed it to Dr. Bardack. He identified this as Acanthodian fish scales. This piece was found at Pit 11. Here are a few nice fish scales found at Pit 4 (AFP4). Here is a piece that I have identified as an Orthacanthus sp. tooth. This piece was found at Pit 4 (AFP4). Here are a couple Palaeoxyris. These pieces were found at Pit 4 (AFP4). Now these next pieces, all found at Pit 11, are described as either fish or amphibian eggs cases, either way they are very cool fossils. Mazonomaya helmichnus. This last piece is a spiral shark coprolite, not my best example, but one that I just came across. I also could not locate my Vertebrate Fossil of the Month find to post. Again these are some examples, I hope you enjoy them.
  18. Chummus

    Purchased Fish

    A local rocks, minerals, and fossils store recently went under some renovations and increased in size by quite a lot. However, according to the employees, lots of the fossil identification/location information was somehow lost during the remodeling, and so they were selling off many of their fossils for cheap to clear room for new inventory. Plus there was a good sale on fossils going on. As the title states, I purchased this fish because I thought it looked interesting, but I was wondering if anyone here had any idea of what it might be. Secondly, are there any guides for identifying fossil fish that would be relatively easy for a beginner to read? There were a lot of other unidentified fish there I would have bought, if I had some general idea of what they were. But I'm super new to this and I don't really know where to look for information. A good majority of the fish that still were labeled said they were from the Green River Formation, if that helps at all. Ruler is in inches. Thanks in advance for the help!
  19. Found in a roadside cut on Goat Island, just north of Manitoulin Island's swing bridge. A layer of hexagonal "scales" overlaying a branched structure. What is this? I have no idea what I'm looking at! Also the top corner has a small ribbed structure which seems to be separate from the rest. If someone has an ID for this as well, that'd be amazing!
  20. AndyT

    Scales, arm and a claw.

    Hi Guys, First of all, I'm not a fossil hunter, so forgive my vagueness. I stumbled across this about fifteen years ago whilst exploring an abandoned quarry in the North East of the UK. I can't remember exactly where it was, as I was only 15 at the time and had quite a poor sense of direction! It's quite interesting as it seems to have scales, and arm and a claw. Let me know what you guys think!
  21. I collected this fossil many years ago as a kid, from a very rocky creek bed in Gorman, Texas. North Central Texas. No idea as to the geological age of the area. The "scales" have a slightly curved face that rises from the center to the sides, but not front and back. They also seem to be leaned on top of another similar to how normal scales are, all pointing the same direction. Almost looks as though the back side of the specimen has bone fragments visible? To my untrained eye, this what I assumed. From my own research, so far I assume it could be from a fish, similar to Lepidote? I'm an amature, so I'm really not sure. Any help identifying would be very appreciated!
  22. Fossildude19

    Holoptychius sp. Scales

    From the album: Fossildude's Upper Devonian Fish Fossils

    Lobe fin fish scales. Catskill Formation. Rte. 15 Road Cut Cogan's Station PA. Upper Devonian .
  23. TravelingTinman

    Possible fossil found?

    I found what I believe to be a fossil the other day in the Fox River. I can only dream corner of whatever I might have found, but it appears to be scales or skin? How should I proceed to expose the rest without damaging what might be under the rest of this layer. This is unlike any other fossil I have found.
  24. jpblood

    Reptile Skin Fossil?

    Hi all! I have this fossil (at least I'm fairly certain it's a fossil lol) that I've had for a very long time now but I haven't been able to figure out what it is. It came into my possession through some weird means, long story short a classmate of mine from first grade found it out in the middle of our elementary school field (this was about 12-13 years ago) and gave it to me because I was known as the "dinosaur kid". Because it was just sitting in the middle of a grassy field I suspect that it was moved from its original location, possibly by a kid or a construction worker when the school was built, but the general location was most likely Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. To me it looks like reptile skin or scales of some sort, but I'm by no means an expert so I'd like some other opinions. I also plan to get it checked out by a museum sometime (hopefully) soon but I'm not exactly sure how long that will take so I decided to post it here. The "scales" are raised are there are black, squiggly lines going across some parts of it that sort of resemble veins (yes I know veins don't really fossilize and that it's probably just part of the rock, that's just what it looks like to me so that's how I'll refer to them). The "veins" are also raised slightly from the surface of the rock. I've included some close up shots of both the scale-like features and the vein-like features (the "veins" are sort of hard to see in the photo, they're more pronounced in real life), as well as a shot of the back of the rock and a shot taken from an angle so you can sort of see the texture. Thanks for your help!
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