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Found 13 results

  1. JD1969

    Shellfish fossil?

    Found this one in northern AZ. Couldn't find anything that resembles this online. Anyone have an idea?
  2. Brevicollis

    Carbonian shellfish

    I have a slab with carbonian shellfish in my collection . I want to know If freshwater clams from the carbonian are rare or not. Maybe someone knows Maybe someone can also identify them. They we're found in North-Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
  3. gbno_guobin

    Need help with fossil identification

    Shellfish, ... but what kind? Guizhou Province, China. Ordovician period. They are from Suiyang County, Zunyi City, Guizhou Province, China I think they should be some shellfish, but I would like to get more information about them. Thanks!
  4. Hello, I'm new to here and I have a few questions about something I found at least 15 years ago. I found it in middle America, if memory serves, in a rock garden outside of a building somewhere. It seems to be sediment of the inside of an oyster or a mussel? I don't have an eye for this. In any case, I've taken a few photos of it showing it's shape and size. There is mother of pearl still stuck to it as well as what I believe to be it's old muscle or flesh of some kind that's been fossilized, excuse me if my terminology isn't correct. It's pinkish(colorblind) and is fibrous and what I believe might be a small amethyst stuck in the sediment. My questions are, what is it and if it's possible that there's something in the sediment. Like a pearl or something. I'd rather not break it open in case there isn't anything. I figured that people who are more interested and more knowledgeable than I am could know something about it or lead me to someone who might. Thank you and I appreciate your time! :)
  5. June P

    Is this a shellfish fossil?

    I think I’ve posted before in the wrong area…hoping this is reaching y’all: found this in Bexar County San Antonio, Texas in my neighborhood which is new construction. In this area I’ve found a lot of petrified trees and other types of possible water creatures. I’ll attach those pics since I may have posted them in the wrong discussion area.. this looks like a shell of some sort and has beautiful little crystals in the ‘valleys’ of the sunburst pattern..
  6. These are mysterious to me...presumably younger than the local Ordovician rock. I don't know if they are perhaps Devonian. Unfamiliar. The original source was under the QEW highway in Oakville, Ontario. I was lucky to discover the same type of rocks used for a promenade in front of some luxury residences. There are corals, brachiopods, bivalves, trilobites, and various colony creatures. Little Freddy the parrotlet advised on photography issues.
  7. msomma12

    Yorktown Formation ID

    Two species from the Yorktown Formation along the James River in Virginia that I cannot identify. One a coral (if not genus name, family?) and the other what I presume to be part of a bivalve. Both are very common yet I cannot find them in any references. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  8. outoffnow3


    A friend found this at a construction site in North Port Florida. I thought maybe coral but not sure. They have found shark's teeth in the same area.
  9. Greetings, TFF crew. I seriously doubt that there's any great mystery to what this fossil is, but since it's my first self-liberated fossil, I decided to post. I'd go out on a limb and say that it's some type of miocene scallop. I was driving through a local canyon, not far from the now forbidden zone in Old Topanga, when I spotted a decent sized piece of sandstone between the road and the crumbling hillside. I had my GF go out and grab it while I kept it safe with other cars. We could see what looked like the wavy edges of a scallop at the outside of the sandstone. There are still a few more in evidence. I was fairly careful, but perhaps not careful enough in retrospect, and didn't have a thin "liberating" tool, so I used the only cold-chisel I have. I tapped around, maybe 4mm from the subject's edge, and it split. I then used a little pick to clean out most of the sandstone. Unfortunately, some fossil material came off with a piece of the shell, but it's mostly intact. Surely I could have done a bit better, and will the next time. I'm still rather jazzed to have my first stone produce some "color". There's also a little dark piece that caught my eye. It's probably 10mm in length. It's probably some sort of quartz fragment, but then again maybe it's some sort of coprolite. Poop springs eternal, right? (Sorry) Cheers all.
  10. MarkTurch

    Lake Erie fossil

    First time finding a fossil as my two sons and me were walking along Lake Erie, east of Cleveland. I don’t have any ideas on what it is officially called and how old it is. Any info would be awesome! Thank you!
  11. brireine

    Crayfish fossil?

    Found in Guernsey, Wyoming area. Shake rock. About 1 inch long. If you notice, in the rock within the fossil has small line imprints. Assuming a crayfish, but is incomplete. Also on the same chunk of rock, a small (not even a centimeter) fossil that appears to have rings. Possible shell? Rock has tiny fragments of same red fossil scattered on it.
  12. Found near Eagle Pass just lying on the ground. According to maps, this region is upper cretaceous. This is a construction site, so the layers may be mixed. The upper layers are hard sandstone, middle are soft sandstone and beach sand, lower layers are mixed hard and soft shale and grey clay. I don't know which layer this specimen came from. The specimen appears to be in two halves. The photos show the specimen as I found it and with the halves separated. Some shell material is visible around the inner concretion. The closest modern equivalent to my eye would be an oyster. It's about the right size and shape and has the rough outer shell texture. But it's in such bad condition, it's hard to tell. Ground level above layers.
  13. I found out about the Kinney Brick Quarry here on the fossil forum and decided to go check it out. From a paper I found on the internet I got a map showing where it is and dove over first thing this morning. When I arrived I stopped up high and was looking around when Bill saundered up and warned me no to hang out under ths cliffs ans the big boulders fall all the time and I could be killed. He suggested I come down to the shelf they have uncovered ad meet his associates. I did and I was blown away. This is a commercial operation and they are taking the heavy duty approach to excavating a very large area for the fossils. I asked if I could just go through the tailings but by the end of the day I was all in and helping out as a volunteer in return for the stuff they don't need or want. This is a wonderful operation and they have already made some significant finds.. Two insects were found while I was there. One came out of the tailings pile. These guys are real professionals and I will learn a lot from them. I will probably only go there when one of them is there and will always ask when I find anything new if it is something they want. Attached are a few pictures Here is the shelf.
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