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  1. Hello! Here is another find from my Muncie Creek phosphate nodules Age: Pennsylvanian Location: Missouri Formation: Iola I am certain this is a small crustacean part but I am unsure of what body part it is. Shrimp and misc carapaces have been found in these nodules before. Hopefully there is enough left for a decent id.
  2. Samurai

    Shrimp Tail

    From the album: Missouri Crustaceans

    Found in the Muncie Creek Phosphate concretions/nodules Sadly this one was not a perfect split
  3. Samurai

    Shrimp Tail #2

    From the album: Missouri Crustaceans

    Found in the Muncie Creek Phosphate concretions/nodules
  4. Had some help with the ID on these. Apparently they are fossilized Ghost Shrimp burrows. Probably Eocene period based on the Matilija Formation Sandston but possibly Miocene. Also some Turritella shells too. Specifically in the Rattlesnake Canyon tributary of Matilija Canyon in the Los Padres Mountains of Southern California. TTT
  5. austinh

    Mazon Creek Shrimp?

    This isn't the most well preserved fossil, but the indentations resemble a shrimp to me with the front pointing to the left and the tail curling under on the right. Am I seeing things or is anyone able to positively id this? Thanks.
  6. Hi guys, I got this for my younger brother for his birthday and wanted some help identifying if possible before I give it to him. It's from the Sannine Formation in Hjoula, Lebanon. There is a slight build up of slate on its antennal blade which might make it difficult or impossible to identify. Thanks to everyone
  7. After yesterday’s (4/23/24) hunt I decided to go back today after work. Let me tell you all, it did not disappoint! In total I found ~36 fossil decapods. 23 crabs, 12 shrimp, and “1” lobster. This brings my total cont from today and yesterday to ~49 decapod fossils. Also to note is the scale of the cutting mat in the background, every square is 1/2 inch for scale In regards to the “one” lobster it is in two pieces that might or might not belong to each other, they were found in close proximity to one another and have similar mineralization color and the size of the tail section could fit a lobster of this size. This specimen looks most like Linuparus grimmeri, I have two other examples of this species form much higher in the Britton shale, one found by me and one by my father, another note on this specimen is the size of the mandibles on the under side. Next up on the list is the best preserved and looking shrimp fossil of the day, I don’t have an ID on these guys yet, if anyone has any ideas please let me know. In all the only thing missing is the tail fan, it still has its head, tail, and even some leges and its two claws/pincers intact, in order shown is the top, bottom, left, and right sides. Now for more crabs, a good number of crabs found on this hunt had bits and pieces of their underside, legs, and claws here are the nice ones. Crab with imprints of the claws and partial legs. Another crab in similar shape but with a little more of the legs on the underside. Another crab with a portion of the underside of the crab carapace showing. Here is the largest crab found in the past two days, and with a good portion of the underside still preserved and in ok shape! Now here is something I was not expecting at all today, a small sharks tooth, not something I’ve never found but it is now the oldest I have collected. To round everything out I also coveted a small Inoceramid clam half that was in good condition for the sight, as well as some larger Baculites for the strata that I know of, and a set of two Gastropoda and two clams. This will provost be the last hint for the week, we have some rain forecasted for the end of the week and the weekend so here’s to some good erosion.
  8. From the album: Cretaceous

    Protocallianassa morton Ghost Shrimp Claw 1/2 inch long Upper Cretaceous Wenonah Formation Mattawan Group Ramanessin Brook Holmdel, N.J.
  9. jwlrygi

    New member and fossil ID needed.

    New to group and fossil hunting in general. Went to NJ beaches a week ago with my wife for our 16th wedding anniversary. We walked 4 beaches in 1 day. *(I do not recommend Atlantic city. Just got a bunch of negative energy on their boardwalk walking past the casinos. ) we collected several "cool" looking minerals and whatever we thought was unique. As I was looking at a few of these things in bright natural sunlight I started seeing patterns in the crystal looking ocean rocks. I shined a bright flashlight on it at different angles and it became more and more clear that it might be a fossil. Crill or Shrimp of some sort . As you look around the stone it crystallized looking like some type of ocean dweller. Tell me what you think. I seriously am a newbie and fascinated with fossils and crystals. Hope the video is good enough. You can see the shrimp type of fossil crystallized like that. I may be dead wrong. But nonetheless it's fun finding them and finding out. Thank you for the forum. I'm happy to learn what I can. 20231029_224511.mp4
  10. MSCL

    Shrimp ID?

    I'm going through cataloging some old miscellaneous stuff in my collection, and came across this. It was purchased at a show c. 2003 and labeled "Shrimp" on a sticker by the dealer, with no other information. Anyone have any thoughts on what it is, where it's from, and how old it is?
  11. Every once in a great while one gets lucky with a find. This one is difficult to photograph, but what follows got me pretty excited. Not in any of the books or guides I have found so far. Played with lighting a bit to make the features somewhat more visible.
  12. Tom16

    Mazon Creek Fossil ID Help

    Hello, I opened/cleaned off some nodules I had collected recently and I am unsure if they are fossils or just formations of how the rock separated. Thank you in advance for your time. Also, if anyone has any recommendations on fossil books, that would be appreciated. 1) I am not sure if my eyes are lying to me or not but I see what could be a shrimp. I see the formation of a shrimp body. Also what appear to be two eyes and a nose. Again, maybe I am just seeing what I want to see. 2) Not really sure what this could be. I did not think it was anything at first but then I opened another nodule (3) and saw the same formation. Possible bivalve? 3) Same as 2
  13. Misha

    Peachocaris strongi

    From the album: Misha's Carboniferous

    Peachocaris strongi Crustacean Mid Pennsylvanian Francis Creek Shale Mazon Creek Lagerstätte Illinois
  14. Bobby Rico

    Show us your shrimps

    Show us your shrimp fossil. A silly little thread or It could be shrimply fun. A birthday gift of MrsR this stunning and rare Carboniferous Muirhouse / Granton Fossilised Shrimp Bed, Edinburgh, Scotland. Gorgeous example that has some exceptional Crangopsis specimens preserved upon it. Lower Carboniferous, some 359 to 323 million years ago. I think it is worthwhile posting on the forum it a beauty. cheers Bobby
  15. Hello all, With the start of this month I have gotten back to doing some fossil prep. I am still very much learning but I am happy with how this one turned out. It's a Callianopsis clalamenis nodule from the Pysht formation of Washington State which I found this past January that preserves two sets of feeding and defensive claws as well as some disarticulated shell material. This prep was fun and I am excited to try another shrimp, they are a welcome break from working with very hard pyrite nodules from Yorkshire. Before prep: After about half an hour with the scribe, the first two claws are showing: After about an hour and a half: Finished. . . for now, until I smooth the matrix: I hope you enjoyed, Benton
  16. It was my birthday this week and MrsR got me this stunning and rare Carboniferous Muirhouse / Granton Fossilised Shrimp Bed, Edinburgh, Scotland. Gorgeous example that has some exceptional Crangnopsis specimens preserved upon it. Lower Carboniferous, some 359 to 323 million years ago. I think it worthwhile posting on the forum it a beauty. Thanks for looking.
  17. Greetings, friends. I have some very exciting news on a personal front: My first ever museum donation is this Mazon Creek Belotelsonid, which is going to the Indiana State Museum! Using advice from elsewhere on TFF, I reached out to their team a couple of days ago to ask if they might want it and surely enough they did!
  18. Katherinez

    Corolla NC Shrimp?

    Corolla NC beach. I danced and jumped for joy, no regrets. Shrimp? Age? Anything you can figure out? I am blown away, as we get crab pieces, coral and sea Robin skull plates .. but nothing like this in 30 years.
  19. CStewart

    Shrimp Tail (?) Eagle Ford

    From the album: Texas Finds

    Scientific Name: Unknown Found: North Central Texas Date Found: Spring 2014 Formation: Alluvium Qt / Eagle Ford Size: 2" - 3"
  20. Could these be compression fossils of Paleozoic invertebrates (such as someone of the strange shrimp-like creatures)? Crane Hill, AL Carboniferous Thanks for looking.
  21. Hiya! First time posting so please forgive me if I’m doing something incorrectly. I’ve recently gotten into fossils after previously collecting different minerals. I would like verification for two fossils before I go ahead and purchase them.
  22. expatspain

    Two unknown subjects

    I will start with an apology. I have no info on these. They were given to me by a client of ours, the only info he could pass on was that his father had them when he returned from the far east, and even that is sketchy as he didn't know when that was. I will post them separately so as not to confuse. This first looks to me shrimplike, but I don't even know the correct orientation
  23. I bought this piece online and it just looks too good to be true, especially for the price.
  24. Fishinfossil

    Big Brook NJ Huge Lobster Claw or ???

    Sifting Big Brook today and this came up from a deep dig. It has the look of a Lobster claw or Shrimp claw, which are usually only half inch in length or so. This specimen is roughly 3 inches long and about 1-3/4 in diameter at thickest and 1-inch at thinnest point. Its actually pretty heavy. There's noticeable ridges on each side near the edge and looks like little nubs almost like on lobster claws. Cretaceous era fossils normally in the stream. What could it be?
  25. TheRocksWillShoutHisGlory


    From the album: Mazon creek assortment

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