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  1. I feel it seems off but it is currently at a good price, and I thought I may as well check.
  2. southern creek walker


  3. Found these in my construction site. Could these actually be petrified dinosaur heads? Appreciate any insight.
  4. southern creek walker

    Skull perminerilized

  5. My amature guess is Hadrosaurus foulkii egg just shy of hatching. But really no clue. There appears to be mummified/fossilized soft tissue too. I stoped working on it to prevent any further loss of potential scientific data. My son and I almost tossed this thinking it was just another horn coral! (See last photo)
  6. Hi I am interested in this skull but unsure how to determine if it's real. If it is or is not how can you tell?
  7. Titan

    Tiny Enchodus Skull?

    My Mom (being the totally awesome Mom that she is) took me on a fossil hunting trip when I was thirteen (way back in 2003) out in the Smokey Hill Chalk of Kansas with a group of students. We got to dig on a private ranch and I found this specimen splitting a layer of the chalk. I learned really quickly to follow an older gentleman that was one of the organizers of the trip and he'd tell me about the layers we were digging in and of past finds which I found very interesting. When he found a string of fish vertebra sticking out of the chalk I asked if I could dig into the hill beside him. He said yes and a few minutes later I'd found this (and he had an entire two foot fish tail) It's about 4.5 cm long and I think it's a tiny enchodus skull but I'd love some feedback on what y'all think it is? 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: Thanks, - James
  8. Hey everyone! Recently I found this skull section, and after some research I am pretty sure it's bear. Due to size, I have determined that it is too big for black bear, so I determined that it was brown bear. That is, until I realized quite a few predators look similar... and now I'm not 100% sure on my Brown bear id. I'm hoping some of y'all can either confirm that it is brown bear- or if it is something else possibly. Thank you so much in advance! Found in 'Glacial' deposits of E Kansas Measurements are in cm/mm And here's why I hesitated on labeling it as brown bear: (not suggesting in any way that these are possible id's) Mandrill skull: American Mountain Lion:
  9. Johnpurteeiii

    Recently acquired skull

    I recently picked this skull up at a gem show. I cannot remember what its name is. I have very little info about it. other than it came from a large private collection from an older gentleman who collected his whole life. And it was harvested in the Texas badlands by him. I know it’s not much information but I’m hoping yall can help me identify it.
  10. ranlain39

    Fossil id

    I've used my AI on my phone several times and it says this is a dino fossil possible petrified. It also says on some that it could be from a t-rex. I was wrong about the rock type. It's agatized. As well as the other pic I posted. We've found lots of blue oil shale, churt , and quartz. Maybe someone could help me identify the several pieces I've found. The area has sink holes and cave systems. Recently as a month ago they found oil bout 3 miles from the he location. VID_20240602_200508962.mp4
  11. Cool rocks

    Bison or Bovine

    Can anyone advise as to whether this skull belonged to a bison or a bovine?
  12. This is my first time on a fossil forum. My home is in NOVA, which has two creeks full of fossils. I am hoping that the group can assist with identifying the two fossils I found recently. One resembles a bird skull with a crystal formation, and the other fossil resembles a jawbone with teeth (possibly human). Thanks in advance for your feedback!
  13. Hi All! First post. I've been trying to ID these specimens from an archaeological site for a while now. I'm pretty sure they're fish bone - maybe a skull element? I found someone else had posted a very similar specimen on here in 2019, and was told sea robin/Tilly bone. But mine can't be Tilly bones, I'm pretty sure, as there's lots, and they're all the same. They're also coming out of deposits with not that many other fish bones - some, for sure, but these seem to be popping up a lot (at least 10 so far), and I've looked at a lot of archaeological samples in my time and haven't seen these before. There's some variation in size - apologies for the lack of scale but they range from 1.5 to 3 cm or so. I'd appreciate any help!
  14. Are these parts of the Pachycephalosaurus skull rare in the Hell Creek Formation? Is it rarer than a Tyrannosaurus fossil? What dinosaur is the least common in the Hell Creek Formation?
  15. Chetco71

    Is it bone?

  16. gnamm13

    Identify what this is

    Have tried getting this identified online a couple times but didn't. It is heavy and was told is quartz, 18 lbs. Has full set of teeth and can see where backbone was connected.
  17. Slow Walker

    skull ID?

    Found a poorly fossilized complete skull in Pierre shale in western SD. Looks like mosasaur or alligator shaped. Can anyone help me ID the species type? The teeth are from the front of mouth. EDIT: The skull is 2ft long. Teeth are 1in long. The skull was in a jacket that I mostly removed along with most of the shale. What you see is the fossil. Since it is poorly fossilized I don't think there is any ID features from the skull other than teeth.
  18. Fenguin1999

    Marine reptile bone from Charmouth, UK

    Hello everyone, I found this piece of bone yesterday at charmouth, I have been told it is a bone from the back of the skull of an Ichthyosaur, however I not which bone specifically. After some research online my best guess would be the supraoccipital, however I could be way out as I am still new to this, so any further information would be great! Thanks! Paper is 5mm grid paper Left Front Right Back Top Under FullSizeRender.MOV
  19. C2fossils

    Ocodelius Virginianus (Deer) Cheek teeth

    From the album: Vertebrates

    White tail deer Cheek teeth with bone found on kaw river
  20. JurassicJosh


    Found this is Southern California. Pretty interesting and cool find, but I definitely want to get some feedback and opinions on it.
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